Career Services Center Academic Linkages/Credit Options for Interns and Co-ops DEPARTMENT NUMBER OF CREDITS COURSE MGMT 399: Administrative Sciences Internship Administrative and Managerial Sciences 3 ECAC 399: Accounting Internship PREREQUISITES DEPARTMENTAL CONTACT / WEBSITE Intern/co-op position must have a business or management component, MGMT 210 and Junior standing. Intern/co-op position must have accounting component, completion of ECON 121 and ECON 122 or concurrent enrollment in ECON 301 Carolyn Seamen Course Description: Syllabus: Jeanne St. Martin Open to all faculty. 6 AFST 490: Community Internship Project AFST 377, Consent of Instructor Aging Services 3-6 AGNG 460: Internship in Management of Aging Services AGNG 462: Internship in Aging Studies AGNG 463: Internship in Aging Studies 15 credits in either MAgS core or elective courses and at least a 2.5 GPA American Studies 1-3 AMST 404: Internship Ancient Studies 1-6 ANCS 397: Internships in Ancient Studies Anthropology 1-3 ANTH 399/499: Independent Study 2-3 BIOL 396: Undergraduate Teaching Assistantship Selection by BIOL faculty Phillip Sokolove1 1-3 BIOL 398:Co-op/Internship in the Biological Sciences 45 total credits earned, including BIOL 100, 100L, and 9 upper-level Biology credits completed. Kevin Omland2 1-3 CHEM 299: Training in Experimental Chemistry Africana Studies Biological Sciences Chemistry 1 Six credits of AMST courses, Consent of Instructor Consent of Instructor You must complete a minimum of 9 credits of Anthropology courses each with a minimum grade of "C". Work must be Chemical, not Biological, in nature. Jeffrey Ash Open to all faculty. Open to all faculty. Open to all faculty. Paul Smith No permission slip necessary. These students (BIO 100 TAs) can be enrolled in PRAC 96 or 98 – it is their choice. If they elect PRAC 98, they only need to do the tabs in UMBCworks – their work with Dr. Sokolove satisfies all other requirements. 2 Students should forward a scanned version of the Permission slip as well as the information requested at to request permission for the course. Career Services Center Academic Linkages/Credit Options for Interns and Co-ops (continued) DEPARTMENT Computer Science/Computer Engineering NUMBER OF CREDITS 1-3 COURSE PREREQUISITES CMSC 498: Independent Study in Computer Science for CMSC Interns and Co-op Students Consult the department Web page on CMSC 498 for more information. Students must sign a contract stating that they understand the requirements for credit and submit technical learning objectives. Students must complete a placement registration form (PRAC) obtained at the Career Center. CMSC 696: Independent Study for Intern and Co-op Students Consent of Instructor Open to all faculty. ECON 311 and ECON 312, Consent of Instructor Senior standing and consent of program coordinator. ENGL 100 or 391 with a grade of “C” or better, junior standing, recommendation of instructor, declared writing minor. 3.0 GPA ENGL 380, 382 or 383 with a grade of “C” or better and permission of instructor. Upper-division status, at least a cumulative 3.0 GPA and consent of instructor. Doug Lamdin Economics/Financial Economics 1-3 ECON 313: Economics Internship Education 1-3 EDUC 490: Individual Projects in Education ENGL 395: Writing Internship English 1-4 ENGL 398: Journalism Internship ENGL 495: Internship Entrepreneurship Geography and Environmental Systems 3 ENTR 300: Internship 3 GES 482: Cartographic Internship 3 GES 483: GIS Internship 3 GES 497: Research Internship 3 GES 498: Geography and Environmental Systems Internship Student must be minoring in entrepreneurship GES 483 or consent of instructor. Department Consent Reserved for on-campus research with GES faculty Formal application and acceptance by department. Off-campus sites. DEPARTMENTAL CONTACT / WEBSITE Peng Yun Education Program Coordinator Mary Hickernell Chris Corbett Piotr Gwiazda, Sally Shivnan, Chris Corbett George Karabatis Joseph School Joseph School Open to all faculty. Eugene (Sandy) Parker Career Services Center Academic Linkages/Credit Options for Interns and Co-ops (continued) DEPARTMENT NUMBER OF CREDITS COURSE 5 HAPP 495: HAPP Internship Health Science & Policy History 1-3 HAPP 499: Independent Study 3 HIST 391: Internship in History HIST 790: Internship/Practicum in Historical Studies 3-6 Honors College 3 HONR 410: Honors Internship Interdisciplinary Studies 1-4 INDS 410: Internships Information Systems 1-3 IS 399: Co-op/Internship in Information Systems 1-4 MATH 496/STAT 496: Internship Practicum Math/Statistics Mechanical Engineering 1-3 ENME 489: Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering PREREQUISITES DEPARTMENTAL CONTACT / WEBSITE Open only to HAPP program majors. Senior status, HAPP 496 Open only to HAPP majors. Department Consent. Luis Pinet Peralta Formal application and acceptance by department. Open to all faculty. Andrew Nolan (Shady Grove contact) Students must be members of the Honors College. Junior Standing, Registered Students with INDS Students must complete a placement registration form (PRAC) obtained at the Career Center. Must have 2.5 GPA A student should first discuss the nature of the intended internship with faculty and obtain permission to enroll. Copies of the permission should be forwarded to Department Undergraduate Committee and Department Chair for record. At the conclusion of the internship and under faculty direction the student will write a report summarizing the mathematical concepts and techniques used in the internship. Copies of the report should be forwarded to Department Undergraduate Committee and Department Chair for record. Junior Standing, 3.0 minimum GPA Jodi Kelber-Kaye Stephen Freeland Sreedevi Sampath Mathhias Gobbert All Math/Stat faculty can oversee credit Open to all faculty. Career Services Center Academic Linkages/Credit Options for Interns and Co-ops (continued) DEPARTMENT Media and Communication Studies Modern Languages and Linguistics Music Political Science NUMBER OF CREDITS COURSE 3 MCS 404: Media and Communication Studies Internship 1-6 3 3 1-4 MLL 430: Internship in Modern Languages and Linguistics MLL 790: Internship/Practicum in Intercultural Communication MUSC 418: Music Technology Internship POLI 401: Independent Study POLI 403: Research Internship POLI 428: Legislative Internship POLI 438: Legal Internship PREREQUISITES Consent of Instructor Request for permission to register must be in writing and must specify the number of credits sought. MUSC 319 Formal Application and acceptance by the instructor/department POLI458: Administrative Internship Physics Psychology 1-4 PHYS 450: Special Topics 1-3 PSYC 397: Research Experience in Psychology PSYC 398: Applied Psychology Internship PSYC 399: Cooperative Education in Psychology SOCY 396: Community Service and Learning Internship Sociology 3 SOCY 399: Independent Study Sara Poggio Sara Poggio, John Stolle-McAllister Alan Wonneberger 401 & 403 - Open to all faculty. 428, 438 & 458 - Students should contact the dept. to participate in one of their political science intern programs. Open to all faculty. PSYC 100 Junior/senior standing Students must be placed in a Shriver Center servicelearning program. Open to all faculty. Diane Alonso (Shady Grove contact) Open to all faculty. Nine credits in sociology. Carolyn Tice and 1-3 SOWK 499: Independent Study Visual and Performing Arts Kacie Glenn Open to all majors no matter how many MCS credits they have. Can be repeated, but only with a different internship. Required for graduation. Sunil Dasgupta (Shady Grove contact) SOWK 200: Social Work/Social Action Social Work DEPARTMENTAL CONTACT / WEBSITE 1-6 ART 494: Internship Graphic Design students must complete GD IV Katie Leiser (Shady Grove contact) Students must see faculty within their specific concentration.
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