PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING PUBLIC MEETING MARCH 4, 2014 FAIRBANKS NORTH STAR BOROUGH PLANNING COMMISSION MONA LISA DREXLER ASSEMBLY CHAMBERS AT THE BOROUGH ADMINISTRATIVE CENTER 809 PIONEER ROAD, FAIRBANKS, ALASKA AGENDA 7:00 p.m. March 4, 2014 A. ROLL CALL B. MESSAGES 1. Chairperson’s Comments 2. Communications to the Planning Commission 3. Citizen’s Comments – limited to three (3) minutes a) Agenda items not scheduled for public hearing b) Items other than those appearing on the agenda 4. Disclosure & Statement of Conflict C. *MINUTES 1. Minutes from February 4, 2014 PC Meeting D. APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Consent Agenda passes all routine items indicated by asterisk (*) on agenda. Consent Agenda items are not considered separately unless any Planning Commission member or citizen so requests. In the event of such request, the item is returned to the general agenda. E. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS F. PUBLIC HEARING HP2014-004 A request by the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities – Northern Region for local planning authority approval of the Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Project. This project is proposing to construct six foot (6’) paved shoulders to both sides of the road. In addition, the east end of Plack Road, near the Nelson Road intersection, will be slightly shifted to the north by seven feet (7’) to better align Plack Road with the intersection and the Plack road extension. This project is anticipated to require right-of-way acquisition. G. UNFINISHED BUSINESS H. COMMISSIONER’S COMMENTS Commissioner Activity Reports 1. FMATS 2. Other I. ADJOURNMENT 1 MINUTES FEBRUARY 4, 2014 FAIRBANKS NORTH STAR BOROUGH PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES February 4, 2014 A regular meeting of the Fairbanks North Star Borough Planning Commission was held in the Assembly Chambers, Borough Administration Center, 809 Pioneer Road, Fairbanks, Alaska. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by David Pruhs, Vice-Chair. MEMBERS PRESENT: David Pruhs Jerry McBeath Dave Lanning Marna Sanford Tim Sovde Chris Guinn MEMBERS ABSENT: Greg Bringhurst OTHERS PRESENT: Bernardo Hernandez, Director of Community Planning Jae Hill, Deputy Director of Community Planning Jill Dolan, Asst. Borough Attorney Cristina Haworth, Planner II Mary Bork, Admin. Asst. I A. ROLL CALL B. MESSAGES 1. Chairperson’s Comments: Mr. Pruhs announced that he had a new found appreciation for Mr. Hernandez and Mr. McBeath in regard to what they do for FMATS. He welcomed Mr. Guinn to the Planning Commission. 2. Communications to the Planning Commission Mr. Hernandez welcomed Mr. Guinn to the Planning Commission. Mr. Hernandez announced that Mr. Johnston had to leave the state due to personal reasons and that another commissioner would be joining the commission. Mr. Hernandez thanked the commissioners who offered testimony to the FMATS Policy Committee. He asked the commissioners for their input on receiving the meeting packet online in order to reduce costs. Mr. Pruhs said that the packet could be sent as a pdf and the commissioners could print it out. Mr. Lanning said that he wasn’t sure if all of the commissioners had the capacity to print the packet out. Ms. Sanford was in favor of receiving her copy as a pdf. Mr. Sovde noted that when the packet was very large, the packet was more userfriendly. Mr. Hernandez reminded the commissioners to utilize their borough emails. Planning Commission Minutes February 4, 2014 Page 2 of 4 Ms. Bork reminded the commissioners that the APOC was due March 15, 2014. Mr. Pruhs announced that he would be attending the FMATS meeting on February 5 in Mr. McBeath’s stead. Mr. Hill said that the commissioners could have their borough emails forwarded to their smart phones through the exchange server. 3. Citizens’ Comments – limited to three (3) minutes a. Agenda items not scheduled for public hearing. None b. Items other than those appearing on the agenda. None 4. Disclosure & Statement of Conflict None C. *MINUTES Ms. Bork noted an error which was pointed out by Mr. McBeath on page 11 of the minutes. The maker of the motion was Mr. Pruhs, not Mr. McBeath D. APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Consent Agenda passes all routine items indicated by asterisk (*) on agenda. Consent Agenda items are not considered separately unless any Planning Commission member or citizen so requests. In the event of such request, the item is returned to the general agenda. Mr. Hernandez announced that CU2014-007 was taken in error; the request did not meet the definition of a mobile home. A mobile home must be eight feet (8’) in width and 32 feet (32’) in length and the trailer that was being considered was smaller than that dimension, therefore, the request did not meet the parameters for conditional use in that particular area. Mr. Hernandez reported speaking with the applicant and told him that there would be a refund and apologized for the error; he suggested removing item CU2014-007 from the agenda. MOTION: To approve agenda and consent agenda by removing public hearing item CU2014-007 and to include the minutes of previous meeting as corrected by Mr. Lanning, seconded by Mr. McBeath. ROLL CALL Six (6) in Favor: Mr. McBeath, Mr. Sovde, Mr. Lanning, Mr. Guinn, Ms. Sanford, Mr. Pruhs Zero (0) Opposed: MOTION APPROVED Planning Commission Minutes February 4, 2014 Page 3 of 4 E. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS None F. PUBLIC HEARING CU2014-007 A request by David F. Jones for conditional use approval to permanently install a mobile home, measuring approximately 200 square feet as a single-family residence in the Rural Estate-4 (RE-4) zone. The property is described as Lot 06, Block 04 of Murphy Subdivision. (Located at 1566 Teslin Trail, at the corner of Williston Way and Teslin Trail.) G. NEW BUSINESS 1. Election of Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the Planning Commission. Nominations Opened for Chairperson MOTION: To nominate Mr. Pruhs to Chairperson by Mr. Sovde, seconded by Ms. Sanford. Nominations Closed for Chairperson MOTION: To declare the election of the Chairperson by acclamation by Mr. McBeath, seconded by Mr. Sovde. Nominations Opened for Vice-Chairperson MOTION: To nominate Ms. Sanford to Vice-Chairperson by Mr. McBeath, seconded by Mr. Sovde. Nominations Closed for Vice-Chairperson MOTION: To declare the election of the Vice-Chairperson by acclamation by Mr. McBeath, seconded by Mr. Sovde. H. UNFINISHED BUSINESS NONE I. COMMISSIONER’S COMMENTS 1. FMATS Mr. McBeath reported that the FMATS Policy Committee voted against removing Planning Commission approval on highway projects. He commented that it had been bothersome to sit on the FMATS Technical Committee and see the substantial lack of understanding of what the Planning Commission does and that it was unanimously against the work that it does. He added that it was an indication that the commission should project an image of being expeditious when making reviews. He reported that Planning Commission Minutes February 4, 2014 Page 4 of 4 there was a long discussion about College Road corridor that would be discussed again on the next agenda. 2. Other Commission Comments Mr. Lanning reported that the denied appeal for the Elbasan Acres plat that had been further appealed to the Superior Court had been settled: the borough agreed to not develop Elbasan Acres and the plat was removed. Mr. Pruhs said the hearing and testimony for this item had been lengthy and it was his opinion that the request did not make economic sense. Mr. Lanning said that he suspected that this was why the borough did not resist it more. J. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:28 p.m. STAFF REPORT HP2014-004 Dept. Of Community Planning Fairbanks North Star Borough P.O. Box 71267 Fairbanks, AK 99707 Public Hearing Notice For: HP 2014-004 Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Project PARHA M-MCCORMICK RD DAWSON RD HOLLOWELL RD REPP RD PLACK RD BA DG ER RD E_ 2 RI CH HURST RD AR DS O N HW Y IO S IS M AK _R O D OL UT E_ 2 RIC HA FIFTH AVE RD FIFTH AVE SO NH NPHS BLVD WY E EIGHTH AVE N RD NEWBY RD UT DAWSON RD _R O NELSON RD AK Legend Project Location SA IN T NI CH Major Roads OL AS 0 DR 0.2 CONIFER DR 0.4 Ü 0.8 Miles LYLE AVE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY PLANNING STAFF REPORT HP2014 – 004 TO: Fairbanks North Star Borough Planning Commission RE: HP2014 – 004 Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION A request by the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities – Northern Region for local planning authority approval of the Plack Road Bicycle/Pedestrian Facility project. This project is proposing to construct six foot (6’) paved shoulders on both sides of the roadway. II. BACKGROUND A. Applicant: State of Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities 2301 Peger Road Fairbanks, AK 99701 B. Location: Plack Road (From Badger Road to Nelson Road) C. Right-of-Way Existing DOT&PF right-of-way, and right-of-way acquisition expected on 26 parcels. D. Current Zoning: General Use (GU-1), Rural Residential (RR), Light Industrial (LI), and Rural Agricultural (RA-5) E. Comprehensive Plan: Perimeter Area and Preferred Residential Area F. FEMA Flood Hazard: A portion of the project area is located within FEMA Flood Zone A and will require a FNSB Title 15 Flood Plain Permit. III. ANALYSIS Current Conditions Plack Road is a two-lane collector type roadway, approximately 3.7 miles in length, which collects traffic from various local type roadways and distributes them onto Badger Road. The character of Plack Road changes west of Nelson Road, as the pavement ends, and the maintenance responsibilities change from the Alaska State DOT&PF to the Moose Meadows Service Area. There is also a significant drop in Average Daily Traffic (ADT) at this point. In 2007, the pavement on Plack Road was resurfaced and is currently in good condition, according to DOT&PF pavement reports. Plack Road was constructed along a section line easement and the current right-of-way widths vary from 86 feet to 100 feet. The existing surface of Plack Road is 24 feet wide comprised of two (2) 12-foot travel lanes with no shoulders, or other features that would constitute a bicycle and pedestrian facility. The speed limit on Plack Road is posted at 40 miles per hour (MPH) along the entire route and there are no street lights located along Plack Road. HP2014 – 004 March 4, 2014 Page 2 of 7 A summary of the ADT counts over the most recent four (4) years is displayed in Table A. Table A: Average Daily Traffic (ADT) Counts on Plack Road at Ermine* Year Traffic Volume (ADT) 2009 2010 2011 2012 2,785 2,980 2,930 2,940 *Source: Alaska DOT&PF Northern Region Annual Traffic Volume Report 2009 – 2011, 2010 – 2012 An informal dirt pathway has developed along the drainage ditch and utility easements in areas of Plack Road and appears to be used by ATV and snow machines. This pathway appears to be very crude or non-existent in areas and is not formally maintained. Photos of the existing conditions along Plack Road area available in Figure 1 – Figure 4. Figure 1 Figure 3 Figure 2 Figure 4 HP2014 – 004 March 4, 2014 Page 3 of 7 Zoning/Land Use The properties located along Plack Road encompass the following zoning designations: General Use (GU-1) Rural Residential (RR) Light Industrial (LI) Rural Agricultural (RA-5) The majority of the parcels along Plack Road are zoned General Use (GU-1) and have developed residentially. There are also a few small businesses and institutional uses along Plack Road, including an airstrip. A zoning map of the Plack Road area is available in Attachment A. There is a large amount of land accessible from Plack Road that could be further subdivided or vacant land that could be developed. FNSB Community Planning Staff beleives that the traffic volumes along this road will continue to increase as additional land is developed. The DOT&PF estimates that the Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volumes will increase by 2% per year. Proposed Improvements The project scope that the Alaska DOT&PF developed the project under was “to construct a bicycle and pedestrian facility along Plack Road from Badger Road to Nelson Road”. The preferred alternative that this project is proposing is to widen the road prism by adding six foot (6’) wide shoulders to each side of the roadway, from Badger Road to Nelson Road. The two (2) travel lanes are proposed to remain at a width of 12 feet. In addition, the side slope of the road prism will be altered from approximately a 2:1 slope to a 4:1 slope to meet current design standards. Other improvements will include clearing, culvert and drainage improvements, approach improvements, signing and striping, mailbox location upgrades, and the existing plate pipe arch at the Chena Slough will be replaced or improved to accommodate a wider pavement structure. Overhead utilities are currently located along Plack Road and will be relocated as necessary to accommodate the additional width of the proposed road prism. The east end of Plack Road, near the Nelson Road intersection, will be slightly shifted, north, by seven feet (7’), to better align with the intersection of Plack Road and Plack Road Extension. This realignment will begin at the Parham - McCormick Road intersection, approximately 2,650 feet before the intersection at Nelson Road. The proposed typical section of Plack Road and the associated bicycle and pedestrian facility is available in Figure 5 of this report. Figure 5: Proposed Plack Road Typical Section** **Source: Alaska DOT&PF Northern Region Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Design Study Report. HP2014 – 004 March 4, 2014 Page 4 of 7 Maintenance Plack Road is owned and maintained by DOT&PF and the roadway and attached bicycle and pedestrian facility will continue to be owned and maintained by DOT&PF after the completion of this project. Transit There are no transit routes along Plack Road. The FNSB School District does provide bus service to North Pole High and Middle School and Badger Elementary School with multiple bus stop locations along Plack Road. Public Meetings / Public Comments There were two public open houses held by the Alaska DOT&PF on June 10, 2010 and May 24, 2011. In addition, Representative Tammie Wilson held a meeting on June 29, 2011 in which property owners along Plack Road were notified and invited to attend. In the initial DOT&PF meeting, the four options that were presented for a bicycle and pedestrian facility were: a twoway separated pathway, a two-way pathway adjoined to the roadway, widened shoulders on each side of the roadway, and a no build option. The written public comments received at all three of these meetings (2 hosted by Alaska DOT&PF, 1 hosted by Rep. Wilson) are available in Attachment B of this report. A summary of the comments and concerns included the following: Current lack of and need for a bicycle and pedestrian facilities Concern over right-of-way acquisition ATV and snow machine use Current vehicle speeds and potential to increase vehicle speeds The majority of the comments received by the Alaska DOT&PF (60 of 88) appear to be in favor of some type of bicycle and pedestrian facility along Plack Road. Throughout the project development process, the Alaska DOT&PF has maintained and updated a project website. Cost The estimated cost for this project is as follows: Phase 2: Design Phase 3: Right-of-Way Phase 7: Utility relocation Phase 4: Construction Total Cost of Project (pre-ICAP) $ 902,000 $ 885,234 $ 500,000 $3,000,000 $4,787,234 This project is funded through federal CTP funds the FMATS Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and a 2012 state GO Bond. Right-of-Way This project is expected to require partial right-of-way acquisition from 26 parcels along the Plack Road corridor. The specific parcels that are expected to be involved in partial right-of-way acquisition are delineated in the right-of-way maps in Attachment C. The expected partial right-of-way acquisitions vary in depth, but range between 32 feet and 17 feet in depth from the current property lines. The majority of right-of-way acquisitions (21 of 27) HP2014 – 004 March 4, 2014 Page 5 of 7 are expected to be 17 feet. With the proposed right-of-way acquisition, the vast majority of the Plack Road corridor will be brought to a 100’ right-of-way width. The realignment of Plack Road to the north as it approaches Nelson Road will also minimize right-of-way acquisition on individual private property owners, as the property directly to the north is owned by the State of Alaska. Due to the expected right-of-way acquisitions, FNSB Staff estimated that 15 lots will fall below the minimum lot size, thus requiring DOT&PF to apply for lot size variances on these parcels. There are not expected to be any setback variances requested for this project because all parcels indicated in DOT&PF right-of-way map for expected right-of-way acquisition are zoned General Use (GU-1), requiring no setbacks. In addition to the expected right-of-way acquisition, temporary construction permits/easements are expected for some of the driveway upgrades. Staff Analysis The area of Plack Road falls within the “Perimeter Area” and “Preferred Residential Area” designation in the FNSB Comprehensive Plan. The “Perimeter Area” is defined as “Area generally within a 10 to 20 minute travel time of urban destinations, and which contains primarily residential use; variable densities are encouraged providing they are compatible with the surrounding community, sensitive to natural systems and have adequate water and sewer facilities.” The “Preferred Residential Area” is defined as “Land determined to be more suitable than other lands for development because it is generally; a) on slopes of 20% or less, b) not designated wetlands, c) has a lower probability of containing detrimental permafrost conditions.” With the majority of the Plack Road area suitable for development, as falling in the “Perimeter Area” and “Preferred Residential Area” of the FNSB Regional Comprehensive Plan, there has been an increase in development and traffic of all modes in the area. The FNSB Comprehensive Plan designations are available in Attachment D of this report. From the 2000 Decennial Census to the 2010 Decennial Census, the area around the City of North Pole and Badger Road were some of the fastest growing geographic areas in the FNSB. Census Tract 15, which contains Plack Road, grew in population by approximately 30% from 2000 to 2010 and with many large and vacant lots remaining in the Plack Road area, it is expected that this residential growth will continue in the future. The 2000 – 2010 growth rates of the North Pole area are available in Figure 6. HP2014 – 004 March 4, 2014 Page 6 of 7 Figure 6: 2000 – 2010 Population Growth By Census Track in North Pole Area*** ***Source: U.S. Census Bureau 2000 and 2010 Decennial Census According to design standards presented by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), in the Fourth Edition of the Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities, the highest traffic volume that bicycles should share lanes with vehicles is 1,000 vehicles per day. While it may have been acceptable for bicycles and pedestrians to share travel lane with vehicles in the early 1990’s when traffic volumes on Plack Road were below 1000 vehicles per day, it is now undesirable for bicycle and pedestrians to share a travel lane with vehicles on Plack Road. The Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian project is consistent with Goal 1, Strategy 1, Action C (Integrate pedestrian-friendly sidewalks and bike trails along newly-developed roads or as enhancements during road maintenance) and Goal 1, Strategy 3 (Make the borough more pedestrian-friendly in urban and suburban areas and safer in rural and remote areas) of the Transportation and Infrastructure section of the FNSB Regional Comprehensive Plan. Staff supports the current design of adding six foot (6’) wide shoulders to both sides of Plack Road to act as a bicycle and pedestrian facility. Six foot (6’) wide shoulders are supported in current design standards as both an acceptable facility for bicycles and pedestrians. In addition, staff feels that the design of the selected preferred alternative, along with efforts to minimize right-of-way acquisition, will have the least impact on adjacent private property owners of any of the options presented. The realignment of the roadway as it approaches Nelson Road will also decrease the amount of right-of-way acquisition required for this project. Attachment A: Plack Road Area Zoning Map CHENA SLOUGH OR SF-5 D RO UT E_ 2 GC CHENA SLOUGH RR RE-2 PARHAM-MCCORMICK RD DUNDEE LOOP E RD YELLOWSTONE RD Legend CHENA SLOUGH GE RR DR AK _ BA D FINE LL AIRWAY DR OR RR/GWP NELSON RD RR BLACKSTO N Project Location Major Roads Ü RR/GWP FNSB Dept. of Community Planning March 4, 2014 kds HURST RD RR PARHAM-MCCORMICK RD GU-1 VOYAGER ST CHENA SLOUGH FLIGHT ST LI GU-1 RE-4/GWP RR/GWP RR/MHS/GWP ONYX RD DR PLACK RD GU-1/GWP TOPS ST NET VICTORIA CIR DAWSON RD RE-2 RR/GWP DAWSON RD GA R DRUM AVE RR MISSION R D CHENA SLOUGH ARLENE DR RR W ATHENA CIR BLACKBURN WAY HOLLOWELL RD BEAR AVE RR WHISPERING PINES ST BONA ST REPP RD RR/GWP 0 0.175 0.35 0.7 Miles RE-2/MHS/GWP RE-2/GWP Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments PLACK ROAD BIKE/PEDESTRIAN FACILITY Project STP 0002(21 4ltZT 249 OPEN HOUSE-PUBLIC MEETING JUNE 10,2O1O We welcome written input and ideas from the public. Thank you for taking the time to be involved. COMMENTS: Ua.* cr-.- Rr; br"ke- ,'=ofl- f ia.jt - ' h AomD€.ta- a a'ar N /ov. f.. s .fc)i)r- at t , -7 ,/ ke- tLz p.>tilG/e c/ot*f ;ZU ho.., or /p.opos"./ +L- l.r;, 7 /4;,^k p,**linq ;* AL\ *LC ;Je o{ ?/ack t-n,,-/J 4< eqsies? re 6u)re. tt e /eas * or*o,*n-* oC cAo**- -J /or..J 47/ /rz-/Q'c , d|i/." u-i.h-*.t e7w;j/'+/0.+, Ze . is 2/o'Lt" .^./ )' s o{ a F.db le ,.*- //.*^, A.--klt c,.-.r "n-* s i*.*Ji o,^, . f 4a^e- f/.,;, ^.qi ec/ u; t/ Aope,* t^t;l'L /i /?/e re<i t*a^ce o-J p; a) ,^_J "to^{n"^} D,,.*;n'l 7 iu u4er*".J fl,e,. a ue tre; . E.MAIL ADDRESS: Jo f o.*! \ tcorus; ", Q frusfT'jt' o n6 n+ i + io."^eo.-e hc,.s , /4e- .r'^-J ^4q fa.r,,*t lr' hr>t.r..o; lT F,*(l L, co,?\ 1'oD 3,17-ttas . 3lrDD lTcl or oooc! Bo[*, MAILING ADDRESS uuorr? ADDRESS.J{JvUD Forfurtherinformation,@ ail: [email protected]. To correspond by text telephone (TDD), please call (907) 45l-2363. (If you need more space please use back side of sheet.) + Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments cu^.fi n*r! {-o.* fl-4- f-o*t f,*ppor* l4,l s,iu-f . 7f /; Ke, r% 6.Jrt *o )5 ,v a* r*,au|t-Un T poJd (o^;;4"n"cl {-.LW oeeur*,.'r-r,i*v. Z( vdu- Aouz / &^y oqc-s U Uor h'o^-5 o* n fZup"*{* //v "b ,!de- p/eate f-./ fre. ?b co/./. Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments From: To: Subject: Date: Barney, Steven W (DOT) Berggren, Michael J (DOT); Martin, Kerri L (DOT) FW: Plack Road Bike and Pedestrian Facility Friday, June 24, 2011 9:13:45 AM fyi -----Original Message----From: Kathy Ruppert [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2011 3:06 PM To: Barney, Steven W (DOT) Subject: Plack Road Bike and Pedestrian Facility Steve, First, thanks for the public informational meetings held in North Pole regarding the Plack Road "bike path". As a resident of Airway Subdivision - Voyage Street, I am very pleased to know accommodations are being planned to create a safe environment for pedestrians, cyclists, and vehicle drivers on this very busy and well used roadway. It is my opinion that in this economic climate the only feasible plan is the six-foot addition to the shoulders, rather than the very nice paths on Hurst and on Badger Road. As a resident of a private, long term established (30+years) airstrip, I do have some concerns regarding conflicts between aircraft and users of the bike path. 1) Plack Road is the end of the airstrip used for aircraft run-up prior to take off. It is necessary to use that end of the runway due to prevailing winds and the OPS published by Airway, Inc. and FAA. At the moment with the current easement and bushes, vehicles are protected as they pass by on the road. With the proposed path the easement would come right up to the fence separating the airfield from the road, and the path itself would be in a closer than comfortable distance to pedestrians and bike riders. Injuries from rocks and other potential natural debris flying into path users from prop wash is a concern. 2) Kids will be kids. A second concern is that kids could be intrigued enough by the proximity to aircraft in motion, either on run-up or upon landing, to create a hazard to themselves and to the pilots. Currently bushes and no established access discourage this risky behavior. Possible solutions: 1) A permanent, vision and debris blocking fence could be added as a part of the cost and construction of the path, to ensure public safety. 2) The path could be located on only one side of Plack for a block before and a block after the airfield. 3) Signs may also be added to the roadway on Plack indicating 'Caution : Low Flying Aircraft' Thank you for the opportunity to express my concerns, and those of my husband, Tom. as well. We can be reached at 490-4710 or [email protected] Kathy Ruppert Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments From: To: Subject: Date: Jeanne Olson Martin, Kerri L (DOT) Re: Plack road notice Friday, May 20, 2011 10:25:45 PM thanks for the information. I will try the link that you have posted. I tried the one in the dnm notice but now it is obvious that there was a typo (missing hyphen). I had emailed the engineer about the unusable link but never heard back from him. So, good that you are doing some mroe pr on your end now. A couple of signs about the meeting have appeared on plack road. They are homemade i think. People are wanting to know about this. A friend said she also heard a psa on the radio today, too. just saying... thanks jeanne olson citizen Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Public Comments Attachment B: Plack Road 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Facility Expected Right-of-Way Acquisition Attachment C: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Expected Right-of-Way Acquisition Attachment C: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Expected Right-of-Way Acquisition Attachment C: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Expected Right-of-Way Acquisition Attachment C: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Expected Right-of-Way Acquisition Attachment C: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Expected Right-of-Way Acquisition Attachment C: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Expected Right-of-Way Acquisition Attachment C: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Expected Right-of-Way Acquisition Attachment C: Plack Road Bike/Pedestrian Facility Expected Right-of-Way Acquisition Attachment D: Plack Road Area Comprehensive Plan Map Designations DR CHENA SLOUGH AK _ RO UT E_ 2 CHENA SLOUGH LONG CIR ARAPAHO DR PARHAM-MCCORMICK RD DUNDEE LOOP HURST RD 0 Project Location Major Roads Ü NELSON RD YELLOWSTONE RD Legend MISSION R D FINE LL E RD PARHAM-MCCORMICK RD CHENA SLOUGH AIRWAY DR BLACKSTO N ONYX RD AIRWAY DR TOPS ST CHENA SLOUGH VOYAGER ST RD FLIGHT ST ER NEWBY RD DR G PLACK RD DAWSON RD NET VICTORIA CIR ARLENE DR GA R DRUM AVE W ATHENA CIR HOLLOWELL RD CHENA SLOUGH BA D DAWSON RD BEAR AVE WHISPERING PINES ST BONA ST REPP RD FNSB Dept. of Community Planning March 4, 2014 kds 0.175 0.35 0.7 Miles
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