• .' .. - . :'«. ,»• „ ^. • ' JAMESTOWN (W.Y.) POST.JOUBN$L--Tu««<kxY Evening, Jmse M. 1154 — _ MayvHIe Holds - f And •<%raer . OyA. WardVMr. end Mrs., Want Findley Lake; June Ward, Mr. and Mrs* Grant Late; Garaktine L. and MM. Edwin Holthouse, Clymer; Karen M. Warnshouse, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Oymer; Roger, H. St Bonavenrure • Man Delivers Annual Address -J. Wig. Mr. and Mrs, Cornelius Wig, Qymer; Kathleen E. Wright, and Mrs. Sibley Wright CHyLeonard Yaiko. Mr. and Mrs. WalterYaikp, Corner; and J. Rus-oudt7Mr. and Mrs* Oif- SttYVTLLfi «•» Leo E. Keehan, Jr., St. Bona venture University, Olean, delivered the addresa at the! 81st annual Cbmmencfafeit exer~T, Uoto» a t y . , of Mayville Central School * w evening. Presentation Eighth Grade Promotion Ce cates was made byPetersen, supervising principal, and diplomas* to the graduates were awarded *by A. C. Newton, president of the Board of Education. er BkMle YORK The valedictory was presented chairman of the tic by Alyce VanAtterf and the saluconvention ^wpwigh tatory, by Dorothy Higgs. The n> has announced plans to make this vocation was given by Rev. Claude CLYMER HONOR STUDENTS AND OFFICERS—Officers and honor stu- year's New York State Demoorati c Groters, pastor of the Mayville convention "a model prototype of MAYVILLE SENIOR HONORS AND OFFICERS—Honor students and officers Evangelical United B r e t h r e n dents of the Senior Class at Clymer Central School pictured above (left to rigtot) political utatveatiuus end of the Senior Class at Mayville Central School shown above (left to right) are/ Church, and the benediction, by are, seated, Gloria Ott, secretary; Karen Warnshouse, valedictorian; and Mary- modern democracy ftfaction." Merlin Hall, president, seated; and standing, Frances Stacey, treasurer; Alyce Rev. Lionel Savers, pastor'of the arm Johnson, salutatorian; standing, Elaine Kooman, treasurer; Leonard Yaiko, H a r t f i e l d Evangelical United vice president* and Kenneth Wiggers, president. The convention be held Sept —Post-Journal Staffoto 21-22 at'the 165 thwill VanAtter, valedictorian and vice president; and Dorothy; Higgs, salutatorlan Brethren Church. Musical numbers regiment armory and secretary. * -*fe»t-Journal Staffoto were provided by the Mayville here to nominate candidates for Central School Band, governor and other statewide ofV Rev. Paul C. Duran, pastor of Faculty assistants were Arthur fices. Campbell, E. Clyde Snyder, Mrs. Duke said that the convention the Mayville Baptist Church, gave Beverly Edwards, and J. Woodrow could be seen by 10 million resithe Baccalaureate sermon at servdents of Metropolitan New York Sayre, director. ices Sunday evening. Also particitelevision time the conpating in the services were Rev. Commencement awards: includ- through vention committee is arranging. J. D. Furlong, rector of Episcopal ed: DeKalb Agriculture award", He also said special invitations will Church, ^invocation; Rev. P. V. CLYMER — Dr. Millie C. Almy, Benjamin J. Hoffman, the benedic- Ralph Holthouse; American Agribe extended to United Nations deleBeck, pastor of the Mayville Luth- assistant professor of Child Devel- tion. culturist award, Ralph Holthouse; gates to attend the convention seseran Church, scripture reading and opment Bausch Lomb science award. at Teachers College, Col- Musical number were provided Leonard and prayer; and Rev. J. H. Templeton, umbia University, Yaiko; Olive Lodge, F. & sions as spectators. New York City, by the Qymer Central School Band pastor of the Mayville- Methodist and a graduate of Oymer Central under the direction of Dewey Rie- A.M., English award, K a r e n "New York," Duke said, 'Utters Church, benediction. Musical selec- School, Class of 1932, delivered mersma. Warnshouse; Reader's D i g e s t the finest communication facilities tions were provided by Gloria the award, Karen Warnshouse; and in the world to stage such a meetCommencement address at her Rev. Benjamin J. Hoffman gave the Sweatman, organist, and the May- alma Scholarship, Leadership and ing so that the greatest possible mater here Monday evening. the Baccalaureate sermon, "The Service Third Graduation awards. Sandoa Goggin; number of voters may see issues ville Central School Chorus. Presentation of diplomas to the Great Essential", at services SunCommencement awards were: Eighth Grade graduates was made day in me Abbe Reformed Church. Dale Arnink, Geraldine Warner, clarified and leaders chosen•« .** Program Is Held Valedictorian trophy, Alyce Van- by Hubert W. Brown, principal, Also participating in the service Boyd Doxtader, Kenneth Wiggers, Attendance of college and high Atter; Class of 1944, Commercial and to the High School graduates, were Rev. Alvin Rhodes, and Rev. William Hair, Phyllis TeWinkle, school groups is being arranged. In Spacious Gym award. Dorothy Higgs; Class of by Raymond W. Wassink, presi- Leo Hansen. Musical selections Karen Warnshouse, Judith Camp, Mrs. Anna M. Rosenberg, termer Federal Manpower Commis1945, all-around Senior, Betty Stac- dent of the Board of Education. were provided by Mrs. Mabel and Maryann Johnson. 'NORTH EAST—Fourteen memsioner, is serving as co-chairman ey; Class of 1946, three highest The Commencement awards were Schruers, organist, and the Cen- Members of the Senior Class and bers of the Senior- Class at St. with Duke, former ambassador to freshmen, Earlene R i n g 1 e b e n, Gregorys High School received also presented by Mr. Brown. tral School Chorus under the di- their parents are: El Salvador. Frances Parker, and Carol Hollistheir diplomas at the School's third The valedictory, "Success or rection of Mrs. Luciel Roraback. DeForest B. Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. Vice chairmen are James A. ter; Qass of 1952, English award, Failure", annual Commencement exercises was given by Karen Theme of the Class Night pro- Robert Bliss, R.D. 3, North East; Ifcy, former state and natienal ] Nancy Sandburg; Class of 1953, Warnshouse. held in the new gymnasium. E. Loye Donel- gram, held June 11, was "Drag- Donald Lee Camper, Mr. and ocratic chairmen; Paul E. leadership, scholarship, and school son gave the Rev. invocation, and Rev. net", with action taking place in Mrs. Lester Camper, Oymer; Inez patrick, former state chairman; As Rev. Joseph Coughlin, CSs. citizenship, Cleone Menz; Garden the "Dyke Dairy Bar". DeForest R., acting pastor of St. Gregory's Club award, Norma Thayer and LucilleCarter, Carter.Qymer; Mr. and Mrs. EdG. Miller, Richard C Pat Bliss the part of Joe Fri- ward Church, pointed out in his reCharlene A. Edward terson, Phelps Phelps and Mrs. James Israelson; American Leg- Rose M. Harrington, Mr. and Mrs day; played Bruce Johnson, as Frank marks, these graduates were the ion, William L. Travis Post, Amer- Claude Harrington, Bloomer Road, Smith; and Leonard Yaiko, the Cochran, Mr. and Mr . Everal Franklin D. Roosevelt • first to have the distinction of a Cochran, North Clymer; Shirley Thomas H. Quinn, president of ican History, Esther Mather; Ma- Mayville; Neil J. Hayward, Mr. complete parochial education, Ann Damon, Mr. and Mrs. Walter the Jnter-Coenty Title Guaranty sonic award for English, Esther and Mrs. Thurston Hayward, De- villain. since previous graduating classes Mather: and Lions Club award, wittville; Dorothy L. Higgs, Mr. Senior Class members participa- DeShazer, ;R.D. 2, Clymer; Sandra and Mortgage Co. hers, will serve had obtained parj of their elemenJean Goggin, Mr. and Mrs. Ar- as treasurer. Ruth Tanner. and Mrs. Roy Higgs, Dewittville; ting in the program were; tary education in other systems. thur Goggin, Qymer; Beulah E. Orchestra, Irving Legters, direct_ — The Senior Class presented the Nancy L. Hoadley,. Mrs. Frances The Class of 1954 had begun kinHaslett, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wakor, Maryann Johnson, Burdette Clark, Bemus Point; Coralyn L, annual Class Night exercises May dergarten at St Gregory's, an4 R.D. 3, North East; Lois Ann Jury Uses Dictionary, 28 in the school auditorium. The Hunt, Mrs. Lee Ltoyd Hunt, 63 VanderSchaff, R u s s e l l Lictus, ley, completed the cycle of elemenHatch, Mr, and Mrs. Ivan Hatch, Lois Hatch and Barbara LaCross; program Included: Welcome, Nan- Morris Street, Mayville; Neal R tary and secondary education. R.D. 4, Corry; Ralph J. Holthouse, Conviction Appealed cy Hoadley; Class History, Karen Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Barbara LaCross, vocal solo; Kar- Mrs. Ruth Qymer; PeRev. John G. Barry, C.Ss.R., Buxton, Kay Scriven, and Jacque- Johnson, Mayville; Joan Long, M r . ^ W ™ h « 2 « ' ^ a l sold; Bur- ter Sidney Holthouse, Howard, Mrs. Thyra RICHMOND, Vs. W-Four Rldi. professor at St Mary's College, dette VahderSchaaff, vocal solo; line Casler; Grumbler's Address. and Mrs. Clifford E. Long, DeHoward, Findley Lake; Bruce Al- monders, convicted in Federal DisRussell Young, master of cerewas the commencement speaker. Sue Mounts Class Poem, Louise wittville; Louise K. Mallery, Mr lan Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. David trict Court here last week on liqCharles Triana, president of the Mallery; Class Prophecy, Betty and Mrs. Harold 3. Mallery, De- monies; Kenneth Wiggers, photog- McClimans, Sr., Clymer; Maryann uor violation charges, have asked rapher; Shirley Damon, assistant Student Council, and of the Senior Stacey, Joanne Barton, and Shir- wittville; Esther A. Mather, Mr. for a new trial—on grounds the Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Waiter photographer;Engaged Girl's Class, gave the welcome address, ley Raynor; Giftorian, Charles and Mrs. Marvin Mather, May- Chorus, Emogene TeWinkle, San- Johnson, Findley Lake; Elaine B. jury used a dictionary without auin which he expressed the honor Davison, Harold Hanson, and De- ville; Cleone M. Menz, Mr. and dra Goggin, Inez Carter, Barbara Kooman, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth thorization. the class felt in graduating from one Menz; Senior Advice, Merlin Mrs. Jesse H. Menz, 80 Valley LaCross, June Ward, and Audrey Kooman, Clymer; Barbara J. La- In separate* motions for m new their own gymnasium. Until pres« Hall, president; Junior Advice, Street, Mayville; Sue L. Mount, Smith; Girls D a n c e , Audrey Cross, Mr. and Mrs. Walter La- trial yesterday, the four^Bseft^lhent facilities were available, comVerna Mae Steward, president; Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Mount, 53 Elm Smith, Beulah Haslett and Carol Cross, "Qymerr Irving E. Legters, man. Stewart E. Remand; Junius mencement exercises had been Class Will, Marilyn Thayer, Anna Street, Mayville: Anna C. Parker, Spence; Boy's Quartet, Ralph Holt- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Legters, Qy- Garlick end Thomas P. Milesheld at St. Mary's College AuditorParker, Joan Long, and Coralyn Mr. and Mrs. Grant Parker, De- house, Roger White. Irving Leg- mer; C, Russell. Lictus, Mr. and charged ,the jury tmit'comvioted ium. Musical selections were proHunt; and Presentation of Colors," wittville; David W. Parker, Mr. ters and Everett wiggers; Piano Mrs. Claud Lictus, Qymer; Gloria them was.permitted to see a, dicvided by Marie Muscarella and A David Parker and Frances Stacey. and Mrs. Grant Parker, Dewitt. Duet, Carol Spence ana Mary- Gay Ott, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Ott, tionary during its deliberations CLASS OFFICERS AT ST. GREGORY'S— Officef**:u. Mrs. Lawrence J. Sedelmeyer. Class of 1954 at St. Gregory's High School, North- Eastp are . Musical numbers were provided ville; Mildred Parment, Mr. and ann Johnson; Waitresses, Charleen Findley Lake; Clarence E. Ray- without permission of the court or Class officers include Charles Charles president, upper left; Joaeph Cancilla, vice, by Gloria Sweatman, organist; and Mrs. Kenneth Parment, Mayville; Cochran, Gloria Ott, and Jean mond, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ray- defense counsel Triana, president; Joseph Cancti- president,Triana, David E. Paulus, Mr. and M B . Ward, cigarette girl; Pianist, Ger- mond, R.D. 2, Corry; Bernard J. Judge Sterling Hutehesoo was upper right; Anne Concilia, secretary^ lower, left; Esther Mather, flutist. la. vice president; Rose Anne Con- and Lorraine Frontino, Rose Herman Paulus, Mayville: Ronald aldine Warner; Customers, BernOfficers of the Class of 1954 are treasurer, lower right. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Sau- told soon after the guilty verdict cilia, secretary; and Lorraine Merlin Hall, president; Alyce Van- Raynor, Mr. and Mrs. Max Ray- ard Sauers, Roger White, Donald Sauers, ers, Qymer; M. Smith, was rendered that the jurors need Frontino, treasurer. Atter, vice president: Dorothy nor, Mayville; Shirley M. Raynor, Camper, Peter Howard, and Clar- Mr. and Mrs. Audrey Ralph N. Smith. the dictionary to learn the definiVery Rev. John J. GuMven, tained for four years, Rose Anne Sam Concilia, 23 Center Street; Higgs, secretary; and Frances Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Raynor, ence Raymond. Clymer; Carol E. Spence, Mr. and tion of "conspiracy.*' •'; •CSs.R.. rector of St. Mary's Col- Concilia; Veterans of Foreign Wars James Conti, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stacey, treasurer. Mayville; Eldon D. Scriven, Mr. lege, presented the Commence- award to the two boys with the Conti, 52 Eagle Street; Lorraine "Not Finished—Just Begun" is and Mrs. Dewayne Scriven, Dewitt ment awards, assisted by Rev. highest general average for four Frontino, Mrs. Jenpy^Frontino, 107 the class motto; the sweet pea, ville; Kay Scriven, Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Vail. C.Ss.R. Prizes years, Charles Triana and Joseph Wall Street; Robert Geracl, Mr. the class flower; and lavender and Merle Scriven, 32 West Chautauincluded: The Lawrence Sherrange Chriest; Veterans of Foreign Wars and Mrs. Robert Geraci, 55 Bank white, the class colors. qua Street, Mayville; Charles Memorial award, presented annual- Auxiliary award for leadership po- Street; Emily McCready, Mr. and Seniors at Mayville Central Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Smith, ly to the student having main- tentialities, Carl Rizzo; American Mrs. John McCready, 90 South School and their parents are: Jo- Dewittville; Betty J. Stacey. Mrs tained the highest general ave- Legion award for effort in scholasStreet; Marie Muscar- anne E. Barton, LeRoy Barton, Emmett Burgess, 35 Valley Street, rage throughout the four years of tic endeavor for four years, Jo- Washington ella, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Muscar- 1110 Prendergast Avenue, James- Mayville; Frances L. Stacey, Mrs. high school, Anne Louise Sedel- seph Chriest; American Legion town; Karen L. Buxton, Mr. and Emmet Burgess, 35 Valley Street. meyer; the Redemptorist Fathers Auxiliary Americanism award, ella, R.D. 1; Carl Rizzo, Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Buxton, 28 Academy Mayville: Ruth L. Tanner, Mr. and award. Rose Anne Concilia; the Marie Muscarella; Mercyhurst Col- Mrs. Cosimo Rizzo, 68% Clinton Street, Mayville; Jacqueline D. Mrs. Alfred Tanner, Bloomer Benedictine Sisters award, given lege, Erie, a four year partial Street; Anne Louise Sedelmeyer, Casler, Mr. and Mrs. Julian T. Road, Mayville; Marilyn Thayer, each year to the student showing scholarship for academic achieve- Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Sedelmeyer. Casler, Mayville; Charles Davison. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Thayer, Deexcellence in understanding the ment, Anne Louise Sedelmeyer; R.D. 4; Charles Triana, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Merle Davison, 63 wittville; Alyce J. VanAtter, Mr. principles of Christian Doctrine, Arch-Bishop Gannon Scholarship Mrs. Charles Triana, 41 Bank Elm Street, Mayville; Merlin D. and Mrs. Wait VanAtter, 34 East Emily McCready; the Holy Name for academic interest and initia Street; and Jack Helffrich, Mr. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hall, Chautauqua Street, Mayville; and and Mrs. Regis Helffrich, 5 Well- Dewittville; Harold J. Hanson, Albert L. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Society award, to Jhe two students . ington Street. who show special evidences of &ve'a wCharles Triana; Don Gaglia Mrs. Allison Hanson, Mayville; Arlie W. Wilson, Sr., Dewittville. leadership and cooperation-in par-."?, a ™ f o r sportsmanship in ish activities, Joseph Cancilla for girls' athletics, Emily McCready; leadership, and Marie Muscarella, and the Lewis J. Shioleno Athletic for cooperation; St. Gregory's award, presented annually to the Auxiliary awards to the two stud- senior boy for scholastic achieveents who show outstanding school ment, athletic endeavor, and moral spirit in attitudes and high ideals, leadership, Charles Triana. ^ ^ Barbara Chambers, for worthy at- Members of the graduating class titudes, and Lorraine Frontino, for and their parents are: Joseph Canhigh ideals; Anthony Palermo Me- cilia, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Canmorial award for excellence »in cilia, 60 Wall Street; Barbara English. Ann Louise Sedelmeyer; Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. John Jay's Flower Shop award for us- Chambers, 35 South Mill- Street; ing artistic abilities in behalf of John Chimera, Mr. and Mrs. Salparish activities, Emily McCready; vatore Chimera, 147 West Main Business Women's Club award to, Street? Joseph Chriest Mr. and the commercial student with the Mrs. Lee Chriest, 19 West Street; highest academic average main- Rose Anne Concilia, Mr. and Mrs. Democrats Plan si Prototyp State Convention St. Gregory's High School Graduates 14 Speaks to Seniors -~» We Wish To Extendi Our Sincere Congratulations And Best Wishes 1 To The ' CLASS of 1954 * - * . We join with the food folks of this community in extending wholehearted congratu-. lations to you all. May you find success and happiness in whatever fields you choose. You art on the threshold of • new adventure We are glad to join in the scores of well wishes for the personal success of each one of you! . . . May you find i happiness and success! » ) . ~ • - - uW STOWN . . . « • • . • • •1 « - > . " ' . . - ';-- t f> t,v> \h - • -r- i • . • - •* -• ; t N e w /oik *-* - • f - We tjeriiUft is* fitting ehUdrtn's shots prop**** PHONE 51*4 109 NORTH MAIN STRICT . — , .* ••- • 5 - • u • • mm • / M Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com
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