a+1ggMq 7112111ff 3117R OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF CUSTOMS *JiTe.”' 71WCUSTOM HOUSE :chligiCOCHIN- 682009 Tel: 0484-2668068/2668390. PBX:0484-2666861 to 6864. Fax: 0484-2668468. trittff CIRCULAR NO. 07 / 2014 ftnr: Rtw fimsra efirM. - Sh own 27.03.2014 *1 31rea t3W air cm led thiftai - Subject: Public Grievance Committee — Minutes of the meeting held on 27.03.2014 — Reg. ********* ch 51-+Tqa• RTIPTIW tw-Aciai r a +1J - 1cr-0-1 01 act, ard-atw 4. 27.03.2014 ZIT4 3.3044 4.11J-07.1 ?, a,l f ai (Mao, AckiiT-cF 3171;t7 4-3-W r 31tzrard1 *11 A Public Grievance Committee meeting was held at the Conference Hall of the Custom House, Cochin at 3.30 P.M. on 27.03.2014. Dr. K. N. Raghavan, Commissioner of Customs chaired the meeting. diizr Zr 34-4- 11a aftwrft 31iit217 The following officers of Customs were present: 1. Smt. Elsi Thomas, Addl. Commissioner 2. Shri. Y C S Swamy, Jt. Commissioner 3. Shri B. Loknatha Reddy, Asst. Commissioner 4. Shri. Amit Sharma, Asst. Commissiner 5. Shri K.C.S. Prasanth, Supdt. of Customs 6. Shri George Joseph, Appraiser of Customs 7. Shri. S N SudhirBabu, Supdt. of Customs fwd oew-Mcb fl 3cfit21F The Trade was represented by: 1. Shri. Anil Kumar D, Cochin Port Trust. 2. Shri. Pradeep V.S, Cochin Customs Brokers Association 3. Shri. George Xavier, Cochin Customs Brokers Association 4. Shri. Bharat Asher, Cochin Steamer Agents Association 5. Shri. Clinton Choweller, Cochin Steamer Agents Association 6. Shri Antony Kottaram, Kerala chamber of Commerce 7. Shri. Abraham Philip, Indian Chamber of Commerce 8. Shri N N Menon, Export Promotion Council for EOUs & SEZ Units 319-47r A- Tr* raidict 14,441 3147 31.12.2013 4e4i 3icznF chsch iW14-1-cc The Commissioner welcomed the members to the meeting and read out the minutes of the last meeting held on 31.12.2013. Thf4a- ifleilz.ff ceitei 4*Er caw 3fitsr c RT artftra - L 31"arkT oRCr it 5614111 The Chair took up the following fresh point forwarded in advance by Cochin Customs Broker's Association. Trf 0-A" 41-41 mf3cus ill: trfi a1 tffau 71 3ft-t-Tti ETA chi air-4- t tl **A ai-dra 26.01.2014 qTTA ti6 311* *t TrIar 3itffrefer 31" 3ifita-TW gl* aft Difficulties faced at ICTT: At night time, the Custom Officials are refusing to chidloncil t perform their duties and asking to come with documents in the morning. Also, Superintendent was not present at ICTT during 26.01.2014 till evening. YEW e 'her/ Se&f 311471" . 00? rdlen 71747 31W7Traf Reid/ detki gt rev t 3a J At tifinit/ relT rftff 01,4 ceiriu # 3VET Szrr # ri1th thin RW. et Tit at aaT 7 ,T# MWrir 37-Mwrft2Ti Ezi7R- 3fEw 4,6/ f aszr zil" a 41 31a=T 3TV 3n Ft 45)R- # ZIT $74-R- u/P4 yitiwite fiw, rack., 4),Hiqr eiSrf Red ag11104 31Rr at cm or, tawire 43roni The Chair stated that strict instructions have been issued to ensure round the clock functioning of the Customs facility at ICTT He requested the trade to bring up any specific issue of inordinate delay caused from the side of Custom Officials immediately to the superiors, at least within a few days, if not possible on the same day. The chair stated that he himself or any other superior officers in the Customs House can be contacted over phone or email, if any such issue crops up in the future. The contact details of all the senior officials are available in the Custom House Website. yid o$4-1 u-4-471-1- ftr rief if 04Trge- aftzki- Och th-Erorr r 311i 46* * 3 61.) 12,4111 As no other point came up for discussion, the Chair wound up the meeting while thanking the members for attending the same. *r C111119 71.0 tt *-4-4Trr www.cochincustoms.nic.in a1 tiThci arcrin- I trni 0,- 4a chle Tow 0- at q11-cr OA] fth—er aftc.9. Rfid at. 0484-2667040 zif d't [email protected] Trinm- F1 *r ar tit Ach TIMM. tr 33-trA- 2 The date for next meeting of the PGC will be intimated through the Custom House website www.cochincustoms.nic.in . Points for discussion, if any may be forwarded at the earliest. Clarifications may be had at the telephone no. 2667040 or by email ccucochingumail.com Sd/(3t- ttresaticin Dr. K.N. RAGHAVAN) 311,7 . COMMISSIONER F.No. S65/07/2014 CCU Cus Pt I mem- Dated: 28.03.2014 Himz u ci Attested // (kiftwo K.C.S. P SANTH ) iftgres- 3reftew 01440 SUPDT. OF CUSTOMS (CCU) traT *To 1. The President Cochin Custom Brokers Association, I,G. Road, W/Island, Cochin-682 009. 2. The President Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Indian Chamber Road,Cochin- 682 002. 3. The President Kerala Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Chamber Corner, ShanmughamRoad,Cochin — 682 031. 4. The Development Commissioner Cochin Special Economic Zone Kakkanad, Cochin — 682 037. 5. The President, Cochin Steamer Agents Association, "Maritime House", I.G.Road, W/Island, Cochin-3. 6. The Regional Director Export Promotion Council for EOUs and SEZs CSEZ Administrative Building CSEZ P.O., Kochi — 37. 7. The President KeralaState Small Industries Association rd Floor, VeekayTowers Beerankunju Road, Kochi — 682 018. 8. The Air Cargo Agents Association of India, C/o CargomarPvt. Ltd., BBTCBuilding, Subramanian Road, W/Island, Cochin 682 003 9. The Emirates Shipping Agencies (India) Pvt. Ltd., 1 St Floor, `I-IINA HOUSE', KPK Menon Road, W/Island, Cochin — 682 003. vfairger Copy to: 1. 2. 3. The Chief Commissioner of Customs, Kerala Zone, Cochin. All D.Cs / A.Cs Supdt. ( EDI ) — to be uploaded in the Custom House website. 3
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