Permanent Trade Facilitation Commmittee

Willingdon Island, Kochi - 682 009
Tel: 0484-2668068/2668390. PBX:0484-2666861 to 6864. Fax: 0484-2668468.
tritriw CIRCULAR. No. 16 / 2014
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Sub: Permanent Trade Facilitation Committee - Minutes of the 109 thmeeting
held on 12.11.2014- Reg.
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12.11.2014 m-t Trio 3:30 4-4 iltarr3s
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The 109th meeting of the Permanent Trade Facilitation Committee was held at 3:30 PM on
12.11.2014 in the Conference Hall of Custom House, Cochin. Dr. K.N. Raghavan, Commissioner
of Customs chaired the meeting. The following officers of Customs were present:
Shri. Y C S Swamy, Jt. Commissioner
Shri. V.Pazhaniyandi, Dy. Commissioner
Smt. S. Sreemathi, Asst. Commissioner
Shri. Jimmy Joseph,Asst. Commissioner
Smt. B Umadevi,Asst. Commissioner
Shri. S S Meena,Asst. Commissioner
Shri. Mohammed Rafic M.,Asst. Commissioner
Shri. Prasanth K C S, Supdt. of Customs
Shri. Bhuvanachandran, ScientisCD:. NIC.
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The Trade and other Govt. Organizations related to trade were represented by
Shri. Raj Vinod P., Cochin Port Trust
Shri. Abraham Philip, Cochin Customs Brokers Association
Shri. M B Nanda Kumar, Cochin Customs Brokers Association
Shri. S V Thampy, FSSAI
Shri. D V C Rao, Plant Quarantine Station, Kochi
Shri. Milu Mathew, Plant Quarantine Station, Kochi
Shri. R Sekhar, CONCOR India Ltd
Shri. George P K, CONCOR India Ltd
Shri. Raj Kumar Gupta, Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Shri. V.Veeraraghav, CFS-Gateway Distriparks( Kerala ) Ltd.
Shri. N N Menon, Export Promotion Council for EOUs & SEZ Units
Shri. Prakash Iyer, Cochin Steamer Agents Association
Shri. Bharath Asher, Cochin Steamer Agents Association
Shri. Jayaprakash Naiken, Cochin Steamer Agents Association
Shri. Josemon M.D., CI CFS, KSIE, Kalamassery
Shri. Rajendran P.P., CFS, Falcon, Kalamassery
Shri. Jacob John, CFS, Falcon, Kalamassery
Shri. Vinodh Immanuel, CFS,MIV Logistics.
Shri. Sunil Joseph, CFS.MIV Logistics.
Shri. P S Selvaraj, Consolidator's Association of India
Shri. Ashley Antony, Consolidator's Association of India
Shri. Rajeev M C, Federation of Indian Export Organisations
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The Commissioner welcomed the members
108th meeting of PTFC ( hereinafter referred to as to the meeting and read out the minutes of the
`previous meeting' ) held on 30.09.2014.
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Action taken on Points covered in the 108 th PTFC meeting held on 30.09.2014
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Pt No: I raised by Consolidators Association of India, (vide mail dated 06.05.2014)
In the previous meeting, the Chair assured that Trade Facility No: 22 / 2014, partially
amending Trade Facility No: 24 / 2014 is being issued.
The Chair informed that Trade Facility No: 22 / 2014 on revised 'Norms far levy of
charges by Console agents / Freight Forwarders' has been issued on 10.10.2014.
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Await (cra Ilea. 26.08.2014)
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Point raised by Cochin Steamer Agents' Association- Auction of un-cleared Unaccompanied Baggage Cargo held up at Cochin Port. (vide letter dated 26.08.2014)
In the previous meeting, the Chair stated that Port has allotted the Lock Fast Shed in
Q-6 shed for auction proceedings. But the given space can hold only one lot at a time. However,
lot has already been moved in to the space and inventorisation for auction has commenced. If
'the Port can spare more secured space with lock and key, efforts can be put from the side of
Customs for auctioning more lots at a time. Sri.RajVinod, representing Cochin Port Trust
informed that they will spare more space to facilitate early clearance of the un-cleared UB.
The Chair informed that, a week before the Port has allotted OFS-6 and shifting of
de-stuffed lots to OFS-6 has commenced He mentioned that even ? .1 a definite lime frame for
clearing the backlog cannot be arrived at, the disposal process can be hastened considerably
with the current space availability
The Chair then briefed the gathering on the following developments.
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Assumption of charge by S/Shri/Smt. Jimmi Joseph, B Umadevi, S S Meena &
Mohammed Italic M, Asst. Commissioners.
The Chair introduced the gathering Smt B Umadevi, S/Shri. Jimmi Joseph, S S Meena
& Mohammed Rafic M, Asst. Commissioners, present in the meeting, who have recently taken
over official responsibilities in the Custom House as Asst. Commissioners of Customs in charge
of EDI/Systems/Exports, Docics/CFIS PAD, Postal Appraising Department &
Administration/Establishment respectively. He stated that with the present postings, the shortage
of officers in the senior level has been resolved
Shri.N N Menon representing Export Promotion Council for EOUs & SEZ Units
enquired whether the vacancies existing in the cadre of Specified Officers for SEZs will also be
filled up.
The Chair informed that consequent to the recent deployment of Asst. Commissioners
following the cadre review, the Chief Commissioner has already designated Specified Officers at
Thiruvananthapuram, Cochin and Calicut. Further promotions from the cadre of Appraising
Officers are also expected shortly, which will ease out all the shortage in the cadre of Asst
The Chair then took up fresh points raised by members for discussion
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Fresh points raised by members
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Points raised by Cochin
Customs Broker's Association vide letter dated 07.11.2014.
I. RUFF firal
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Difficulties faced in case of re-print of Shipping Bills
If in a situation our members want to take re-print of a Shipping Bill at a point other than Custom
House, they have to come all the way to W/ Island to get permission from the concerned Asst.
Commissioner and go back to the place where the first print was taken. This causes enormous
delay and there are instances where the containers were shutout from the scheduled vessel. An
alternate solution may be implemented to avoid such difficulties for re-print.
The Chair stated that it is understood that the reprint of Shipping bills are presently
being carried out smoothly through telephonic communication between Supdt / AO posted to
ICTT & Asst Commissioner stationed at Custom House. However, now an Asst. Commissioner
has been posted with specific charge of Docks & CFSs. He will be stationed at GDKL CFS
near to ICTT This deployment will resolve the issue.
He further stated that any mode of saving the Shipping Bills and generating prints later
is not recommended as it involves an aspect of security lapse and is prone to misuse.
2. an ithtillm
Vessel Amendment
In case of any vessel amendment. the same has to be taken to the Asst commissioner. This creates
a lot of time delay.
The Chair informed that an Asst. Commissioner has been posted with specific charge of
Docks & CPS's. He will be stationed at GDKL CFS near ICTT This deployment will take care of
the issue.
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Undue delay in Drawback.
The Chair stated that, Drawback claims are being settled in a timely manner and there is
no delay in disbursal of Drawback amount. In the case of any specific instance of delay, the
relevant details, especially Shipping Bill No: may be brought up for resolving the same.
The Chair also clarified that old cases ie. claims lodged befbre the year 2014, held up
owing to queries may not he clubbed with the current pendency PV.r. t old cases, a special drive
is launched to settle the claims. In this connection, the Custom House has issued Public Notice
No: 25/2014 seeking parties to come up with replies to queries for settling the claims. The Public
Notice is made available in the Custom House website. Those cases will he taken up and cleared
during the period Jan - March 2015. The Chair further requested the members to give wide
publicity through their own channels to the P/N so that it reaches all concerned importers.
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Implementation of En-bloc movement
Since the implementation of En Bloc movement, the import expenses have gone up
considerably. There are instances where the importers are diverting their cargo to the
neighboring ports.
Shri. Abraham Philip, representing Cochin Customs Broker's Association requested for a lenient
view to be taken in this respect.
The Chair explained that, the procedure adopted by the Custom House is similar to the
procedure followed / in place in all other Indian ports. The erstwhile practice of allowing direct
clearance was a stop-gap trade facilitation measure adopted when ICTT Vallarpadom started
functioning, as there was a shortage in the number of CISs within in the jurisdiction of the
Custom House. As that situation has changed the Custom House decided to implement the
practice followed all over the country.
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Point raised by The Cashew Export Promotion Council of India & Federation of
Indian Export Organisations vide letters dated 07.11.2014 & 10.11.2014 respectively
t7t2F 07.11.2014 AT 10.11.2014
Practical difficulties faced by cashew processor exporters due to implementation of
Customs procedure that all the import containers of raw cashew should be routed through CFSs
for examination and clearance.
The Chair explained that the issue has already been discussed under the point on
implementation of En-bloc movement' raised by Cochin Customs Broker's Association.
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Point raised by Cochin Customs Broker's Association, on issues faced from Sales tax
authorities for container movements from CFSs to ICTT for export.
Shri. Abraham Philip, representing Cochin Customs Broker's Association stated that
containers proceeding from CFSs to ICTT after customs examination and sealing, are being
intercepted by Sales Tax authorities seeking Form 8FA ( Sales Tax related document to be
carried for transporting of goods from manufacturing premises to sales / export point.) He added
that in the cases of House stuffed containers proceeding directly to ICTT, the particular
documentation is done.
Shri. N N Menon, representing Export Promotion Council for EOUs
& SEZ Units made
a suggestion of conducting Familiarisation/ Orientation programme on Customs documentation
and procedures to the field staff of Sales Tax Department, which will help enlightening them on
such issues. He requested the Trade organisations or Customs Brokers Association to organize
the same.
The Chair stated that Custom House can support the programme with faculty.
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Since no other points came up for discussion, the Chair declared the meeting closed.
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The Chair stated that a draft minutes will be forwarded by e-mail to the members and
will be
finalized only after hearing from the participants on the correctness of the same.
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The date for next meeting of the Permanent Trade Facilitation Committee will be
intimated through the Custom House website .
Points for discussion, if
any, may be sent at the earliest. Enquiries if any may be made at the telephone number 04842667040 or by email at
(31. *.tra.719-4-4
S.No.S65/11/2012 — CCU Cus.
ita Dated : 20.11.2014
* * tr4f
3riftam (41411)
srna- To:
Chief Commissioner of Customs, Kerala Zone, Cochin.
Commissioner of Customs, Cochin
JCs/ All D.Cs & A.Cs /All Appraisers / Supdt (G) / Preventive / ICTT / CFSs
edegfet Copy to:
The Traffic Manager,
Cochin Port Trust, Cochin-9
The Manager, Falcon Container
Freight StationKalamassery
The President
Kerala Chamber of Commerce & Industry,
Chamber Corner, Shanmugham Road,
Cochin - 682 031.
The Commercial Manager
The India Gateway Terminal Pvt. Ltd.
Office of the Joint Director General of Foreign
Trade, Cochin- 682 011.
The Manager,
Officer-In-Charge, Port Health Organisation,
W/Island, Cochin- 682 009.
Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry.
Indian Chamber Road, Mattancherry, Cochin -2
The Chief Environmentalist and Scientist,
Kerala State Pollution Control Board,
Gandhi Nagar, Cochin -682 020.
The President
Cochin Steamer Agents' Association,
W/Island, Cochin- 682 003.
The Dy. Director (Marketing),
Spices Board, N.H. By pass, P.B. No.2277,
Palarivattom P.O, Kochi- 682 025.
The Joint Director,
Indian Bank, W/Island,Cochin .
The Assistant Director (WLP),
Wild Life Sub-Regional office, C-3,
Ground floor, KendriyaBhavan,
Opp. CSEZ, Kakkanad- 682 037.
7 6.
The President,
The Officer-in-Charge,
Plant Protection Quarantine Office,
W/Island, Cochin - 682 003
The Branch Manager,
S.B.1., CPT Branch, W/Island, Cochin-9
The President,
The Cochin Custom House Agents Association,
1.G.Road, W/Island, Cochin- 682 009.
The Manager,
Gateway Distriparks (Kerala) Ltd.,
Container Freight Station,
Vallarpadom,Emakualm - 682 504
The Cotton Textiles Export Promotion Council,
Engineering Centre, 5 ih Floor, 9 Mathew Road,
Mumbai - 400 004.
The Authorised Officer, FSSAI, Southern
Regional Office, Marine Buildings, North End,
W / Island, Cochin.
Exim Forum, Kerala Chamber House,
Shanmugham Road, Emakulam.
MIV Logistics, Container Freight Station,
Indian Bank, W.1sland Branch. Cochin-3
The Managing Director, CFS, Asian terminal,
W/Island, Cochin-2,
The Development Commissioner
Special Economic Zone,
Kakkanad, Cochin- 682 037
The Dy. Director. (I/L)
Export Inspection Agency,
Manoharffidg, Cochin -11
The Chairman,
MPED A, Panampilly Nagar.
Export Promotion Council for EOUs & SEZ
Units, CSEZ AdmnBldg, G. Floor,
CSEZ P.O., Kochi -37
Cochin Chamber of Commerce and Industry,
M/s. Aspinwall& Co. Ltd.,
W/Island, Cochin- 682 003.
Seafood Exporters Association of India,
W/Island, Cochin-3
Cochin International Container Freight Station,
KSIE, Kalamassery.
Consolidator's Association of India,
Cochin Chapter, Cochin
National Association of CFSs,
Kerala Chapter. Cochin.
All India Spice Exporter's Forum, Cochin.
CONCOR India Ltd, Cochin.
The Development Officer (Export Marketing)
Coir Board, M.G.Road, Cochin —16
Federation of Indian Export Organisations
Kerala Chapter.
The Manager, CF S, KSWC,
Pettah, Poonithura, Cochin —17.
Tea Board, Cochin
Rubber Board, Cochin.