MEADE COUNTY MESSENGEK WEDKES JOLLY'S Thursday, Friday and Saturday j( A Congress of Spring Merchandise—New Clothing, New Dress Goods, New Shoes, New Hats, New Underwear, New Furnishings, New Carpets, New Matting. In fact, everything that honk- go light as to never will please the eye and grace the person, with a touch upon the pocket irritate. You'd perhaps call us boastful ivere we to tell ijou the whole anlf. must trath about this wonderful aggregation But we woulcTnt Tie. For it Ts the completes! honest vevity is.,?iot vanity. comprehensive collection of goods Irvingtha has ever had. Plain, Scissors will fash-and activity reign—for Easter is at hand. Come and see^ as You'll be welcome u-hether you bay or —.-J&SL * Hardware. Groceries. Shoes. Tnirniture. *\bars b i g deal s o a p . A complete and good line of 1 g a l oil s t o v e s a t cost. j 4 c a n s corn A m e s buggies from §39 tosHO ; 1 b o x o a t meal E l e c t r i c Wield Fencing W*re ' i 22 lb white b e a n s . . L _. a l s o Galvanized Mest Poul- b l b s o d a . . . . . . . . z r r r t r y F e n c e . Roofing Iron, B e s t L a r d Rousfh Lumber. [Best M e a t Notions. Dry Goods. New'and p r e t t y p a t t e r n s in Calicoes 54, 5 | a n d 6c. .lie V a l , laces a n d i n s e r t i o n s a t G i n g h a m s from 7£c t o . -_'4c 4c, 5c, 64c, 94c, 12c, t t f c , Hoosier Cotton 5±c'. . 9c C l a r k ' s t h r e a d 4fc a spool. 15c 18e a n d 2 l | c p e r yd. . 98c Tors. Laces a n d i n s e r t i o n s a t Different,.shades_of MiJhjair A t .He 4y c . 2fc. 44c, Tc. Stic,""lT£c, 124c lfHc and 14c yd. Hope Bleach 7^c. 10fc Oriental laces a n d insertions C a r p e t W a r p 21 fe and 2 3 | c . .—at iffje p e r yd e x t r a nice Outing Clothe new p a t t e r n s Sc quality. — — t o 134c.——— Medallions for S h i r t W a i s t s White Waist goods a n d S k i r t A complete line of " P e t e r s Iron beds c o m p l e t e . . . . .-§9 *9 at4Ac, 5£c, H e , 124c, 164c goods also s u i t i n g s from 19c : O aa k W Waasshhssttaannddss Diamond B r a n d " Shoes i n ' O •• 4 - ° to^74cy and jSe-eacfr. l a d i e s ' and i l e n . s low c u t s C h a i r s from 5;>c to- 31.98 India L i n e n s , b l a c k a n d white Ladies Stylish B e l t s Children's and Misses' low M a t t i n g s new and p r e t t y p a t 9c t o 35c, 4:>c «a«h.^' t e r n s from 174 t o 33Jc cuts. , Shirt Waist Frontings extra Ladies tine h a n d k e r e h e i f s nice a t 67^c yd. 13c t o 67c each. L a d i e s S h i r t H Waist P a t t e r n s Ladies Long S i l k a n d Room! .More Stock! Move Eff'ovt! With More a t 4Hc, ftr4er$LlT:, $1-97 a n d 1 'p an Krftpsin'g~JtTT EeUW WfeT $2.76 each w h i t e a t $1.09 t o $1.98 per S h e a r L i n e n L a w n s a t 56c yd pair. extra quality. Ladies Stylish Collars 19c P e r s i a n L a w n s a t 24^c yd. 37 Ac. French L a w n s a t 24c t o 43c. Cut These P r i c e s — Bring Us Your Produce— Bring T h e m With 4 R V I N G T 0 N , KY \ - ~ " spfcr . . _.)C R. M. JOLLY --M- m W. L. Archer speut Sunday witn his family near here. Mrs. Clara Lewis teaches music here on Tuesday of each week. Mr. and Mrs A. 0 . Crouch and little son, Harold, were in Louisville days ago. — •* Jim Shaeklett visited Joe Mr and Mrs. Tom Martin, of Louis- day. Karl Robv was in Brandenburg FriMr, and Mrs. Werdie Banger and ville, were the guests of Mrs. Louisiana B o y Norton spent Sunday with his 1 day. little son were the guests of their par- Palmer Sunday. mother. tV " A. C, Crouch, who had the misfortune ents. Mr. and Mr*. Frauk Craycroft. Mrs. Lena Hamilton went to Brandento lose a tine cow recently, has just purWalter Bruner and Ed "Wright were Sun day burg Saturday. f*~' ' __ chased a fine Jersey from Cr=C. Stith. in -Ixnuggilte task week „ —- — Miss LiUie Board returned to her We were sorry to hear of the death of We were so shocked to learn of the Mr. and Mrsr^iUce Simpson attended home near Brandenburg Tuesday, after death of Mrs. Rena Anderson, and ex- Whit Lancaster. services at Hill Grove-Sunday, spending a few davs with her sister, tend sympathy to the bereaved ones. Mr. Stamwell has taken Xip his' abode Fred Stith'was the guest c-(hi9 broth- Mrs Norton. J. D Lancaster, of Fort Worth, Tex- with J. R ; tchie. er,. Dr. S. H.'Stith. Friday night. I -Misa Rachel Howard, Jot -Louisville, as, arrived Friday to see his wife and ^Mrs Bnartl returnttl home frt^m MuF" Mrs. Bernice M a c k l e t t was=ibe guest who has been the jgufst of her cousin. little soft, who will probably accompany of Mrs. R. 6 Dowell Saturday. Mrs. Bruuer, of this place,- returned him to his western home on his return. draugh Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W m . Tindall aTe visitMessrs, Baskett and McAutiffe were; home Monday". Business seftus good. Our merchants ing his father, J. M. Tindall. lore, Saturday shipping stocky Mrs. Dr. Shaeklett and little son, are all busy and times are certainly Mrs [Durbin is Misses Xavier and Mae Roby were Messrs. Coleman & Smith, of Doe Run John. have returned from a pleasant growing better, and as after the storm Mrs. John Dowell. Jbe calm, so may prosperity fol- home Saturday and Sunday. MUis.'Idst a valnableliOTse Saturday. hrwit to Mrs. BeHe Sliaokiett and daugh^ . Mis? Clara w in the wake of adversity. Rob Roby's horse was hitched to~ Z. T. Cox and family visited Iris ters of Louisville. Mr, and Mrs. A~*M. Guedry have just same old post Sunday' afternoon Thurruan Dowell Mr. and Mrs. Forest Gilliland and brother Sam.Cox, of Sample, Sunday. received a letter from their son, Bea. Will Funk, of Louisville, carue down Mr. and Mrs. Tom Durbin have a new Mrs. Lillie Bruner and son, Gus Blant children, ol Cloverport, came up Friday) stating that bis salary has been raised baby boy a t their home. Saturday to see the "home folks."' to attend the burtal of Mrs. Joe Gilli were pleasant callers in Ekron Saturland, who died in Cloverport on Frida to I2.T00 a year. H«> travels for Messrs Hon. O. W. n Richardson came home Misg Fannie Bunger visited Miss day. Fels and Rubel. wholesale dry goods morning, from Lexington Saturday. Mrs, Fres Richardson was the guest merchants of Paducab. His many C a i W S B e n i of Hill w o v e , last week. Prospects for a fine fruit crop are Allen Jantzen spent Tuesday night Mesdames Martha and Beatrice Tuell friends will be glad to learn of his finan of her cousin, Mrs. C. C. Stith, Saturported, -and unless there be visited Mr;? Lnura Burt'h Wedno>day^ with his aunt, Letha Dowell. cial success day. change in the temperture Meade count We are requested fo announce that Misses Willa and Estolla Ritchie en4{ Mr. and Mrs. E L. Smith ^vere in Rev. Bruner and seyeral others at- will again be blessed with an abundan S Bousib, of Indianapolis, the repre- tertained a crowd of young folks Sun- Brandenburg one day last week. tended the Minister's Meeting at Hill of fruit ative of the State Prohibition com- day. Misses Lillie and Violet NefT Grove. , . Emmett Bratcher will teach our spring Several from here attended the Dia^ Sunday with their" sister, Mrs. Misses Nannie Hicks and Ruth Smith 'school, which began Monday, and as he mittee, will address the; people at this place shortly The exact oate is not Sat- Dowell, were here Saturday ' enroute to Hill is one of Meade county's most efficient known bnr fart her notice will be given trift Board meeting at Hill Grove l urday. ' Jim Gsbome and Goo. Neff Grjve. instructors, we anticipate a most suc- as soon as same is ascertained. God Mr. and Mr-. H. B Wright entertain supper with Mr. and Mrs. Owen Dowell •Misses Virginia-Richardson and Mrs. cessful term. speed this work, should be on every lip *»d Mr. and Mr^. VV,U Gundiff and Mr Saturday. J. P. Shaeklett were in jSrandenburg GeorgeBryanfhas opened a meat shop and in every heart: iT We extend congratulations to Mr. and and Mr-. LIT Nail Sunday. Friday. in the store room belonging to Mrs. Mrs John Dowell upon the arrival of Graver Frymim's barber shop has Mattie Wrather, and the people of Ekron • • • • • • • • » • • • • » • • » » • » • • » • • • boys. quite a unique sign, the workmanship of and vicinity can find choice meats at tty H o m e W e d d i n g . r. and Mrs. Thurman Dowell J. T. Sykes. reasonable prices. •tty home wedding was solcsa daughter. Ruth, visited Mrs. Jim Mrs. Alice Lydanne, of Irviogton, has Jack Sykes has erected a neat little borne Sunday^ it the lii.tuc of the bride&parj W e n"the guest of Mrs. MaryCarricoand repair streps near his residence, where 1 e extend TTur sympathy To'~MT • » » • • • » » • • » » • • • » • • • • • • • • » • 1 MrK M Smith, of Well yon will find him always on hands ready Mrs. O. C. Stith. Mrs. Herbert Brown in the loss of iast Wi«dnesday at 3 o'clock p. Frank Downs haa moved to hit farm Mrs. B T). Mattlngty, who has been o repair anything from a threshing ma ;hc i-ontracting parties were Miss infant babe. Seymour Hunt made his usual call Misses Fannie Board and Li in Louisville for spring goods, also en- chine down to a piano. H.-11.- Hmtth and Gny T JTrent nh™vTsItiWlLJMisses Lucille Riql Mrs. B. I t Mattinglv chaperoned a Sunday joyed seeing Ben Hnr Rev C. K. S*ott was the officiating ,-and-Mulls- Hoard Saturday.. h*vy o f - v n w U d * * lloWiddin S u n d a y . B w -8 B o w l e 1a .pent g M n i i y n l g b ^ a t TfPT Mrs Jamea g a o n a d y sn'U<rtiwx--tfrr" nuptial -kmot nmrr afternoon, aomgontheeas-t bound tram " - P - ™ ? ™ * * : ^-~—_ -_ Mrs. G. W Smith and sun, Enseal, gneets at their home, near here, tho uncing the ceremony which united of Missouri, and Mrs. E L. Redman, Mr. and Mrs Kasey came up to and returning on the west bound. A have not learned their names; s=of these <>gtimable young peo of Colorado, *|»nt a few days with J4rs. her parents, Saturday oily time was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs W. M. Frymirehavertf e wedding was a quiet one E L. Smith last week. Nellie Board visited Lucile Richard Mr. and Mrs. Will Hale, mother and son, of Gaston, lass week. turned from Louisville, where they have itnessAl only by the immediate rela Mr and Mrs G W. Richard->n ensister who moved from Cloverport to been purchasing their spring stock. tives of thXhride and groom, and a few tertained to dinner Sunday the follow Miss Fannie Banger is the intimate friends. Will Funk, who haa a position in Lou- Rev. Brunei's farm near^Brandenburg, ( arrie and Lizzie Allen. ing: Mr and Mrs. Charlie Ande The br idf is c^ne of Meade's most pbp- Mr. and Mrs. Gus A. Richardson, Dock Miller and B. B. shack Lett were isville came down Saturday for a visit last week were the gnesta of Rev. and Mrs. Bruner on their arrival ular g a l s , and a lady of many jjEftcea of HI Kraadonhaag Monday. and Mrs o V. Richardson and children Elsie Hickerson, of Kansas who has Miss Inez Dowell was the guest of nund and person, who is capable of and John Rod Shaeklett, Mm. Mary Carrico will leave in a few filling the home she will adorn with been visiting relatives near here for Pearle Dowell Saturday night. for»Chattanooga, Tend., for a visit J some time left Saturday for Indianapolis happiness and will prove to be truly a Thurman Miller spent Sunday to tht-husband ni, wbohasf'been iKel'W " l W > 111***"*"'* .**"• E d Marshall, with the MiMiaii 8aaakls«ta, she has ehown t^ honor with her hand. Mrs Nellie Kendall, of Webster, atMr. and Mrs. Sparrell^ Casey,|brfore reti . The groonijs a mm of Dr. and Mrs. J. I will sell to the highest and best bidder on has returned to her home near Rosetta \ W e understand that Dr J. F . Shaek- tended church at Hill Grove Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dock Miller and chil- P. Trent, and by those who know him, Miss Gertrude Allen came down from lett and family will move into the cotdren spent Sauday with B. B, Shaeklett be is considered one of the substantial tage now occupied by Wallace Railly Long Branch Friday and remained over and coming young men'of the county, and family. .On the old Henry Cain farm l ^ t a H e s •< and Mr. and Mrs Ben Shaeklett, the Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Mary who will make his mark as a worthy Month of ituston on theOld State ttnad 4 Mr. and Mrs. Mace Simpson were the Doctor's parents will move where the Barr. guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. K ShOtnote son of honorable parents. The con- bead of pi u les, '2 rasrm, 2 mUcfe Cowa3 ywa*G. C Stith and wife will leave in a Doctor now lives. gratulations on the happy event are ling calve*, 99 head" of hogs, rt head of Honday. Mrs 8 . J Brown returned from Clovf e w ft* *i for Maxville, this county, shej-p, and W iantb*. About 400 bnslssl numerous, and this paper Mrs. Nettie Hilf and baby spent Banerport on Wednesday last, and is now in where %'M. Stith will go into the saloon wagon bnggXti *«4 purchasing her spring stock day wlth^ her pafefiti, Mr and M m ts and kltchiJl furnilace RaHly will move into Mrs. j of miUmery, and will have a o opening Tenns snade known day of sale Sherlock's cittage nx? Mrs. .Sheriock ; of her hmadsome stoet on Sa»orday n e i t , - • l l k s i JhamSm Hlek* also Fred Slith to LouiMvillt TuesMd dauffht^mi will oewnpy C. O, 8*ith'sis» the old tsUaMe ttaod.wbaw; choice came h o m e eatarday and attended IVI a » * *i UUl Grove Sanday £, goods m* tow«« price* wisfl GARREH HAPPENINGS A Week in Ekron. «P*rf^ft* X HiLL GROVE ITEMS. \ SATURDAY, APRIL %% ; . - • ; . • r J'- J* itfli***"*^. Tj* S"-.:•' 4, 1908. * , "•'.'• v* t»*Sp.~ ' Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
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