May 14 - David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA

Members Present:
Dr. Daphne Calmes
Stephanie Cham, MSIII
Dr. Wendy Coates
Dr. Tom Drake (co-chair)
Dr. Ronald Edelstein
Dr. Esteban Dell’Angelica
Dr. Iljie Fitzgerald
Dr. Ed Ha
Dr. Lee Miller
Dr. Mark Noah (co-chair)
Rikke Ogawa (ex-oficio)
MacLean Sellars, MSI
Maya Smolarek, MSII
Dr. Carl Stevens (ex-oficio)
James Weinberger, MSI
Dr. LuAnn Wilkerson
Dr. Clarence Braddock
Joyce Fried
Dr. Gary Holland
Dr. Chris O’Neal
Dr. Robert Oye
Laura Pescatore
Margaret Govea
Zachary Terrell
Time Called to Order: 4:38PM
Time Adjourned: 6:27PM
Review & Approval of December
Minutes – Dr. Mark Noah
Dr. Noah asked MEC members to review the April minutes and send revisions to
Zachary by the end of the week. Past MEC meeting minutes are posted on the
Minutes were approved.
New Appointments
Class of 2017 Student Reps: MacLean Sellars & James Weinburger
Class of 2016 Student Reps: Michael Klein, Maya Smolarek, & Michelle
Academic Medicine College Chair: Gerald Lipshutz (Surgery) who is a
clinician active in research.
Academic Medicine College Co-Chair: Dr. Alison Moore from the
Division of Geriatrics in the Department of Medicine. She has been
active in research with medical students nationally.
Ultrasound Curriculum Task Force
Dr. Braddock appointed Dr. Carl Stevens and Dr. Randy Steadman to
head a taskforce exploring ultrasound curriculum in other medical
schools. The taskforce will propose a four-year ultrasound curriculum
for DGSOM in the next 30 days for review for budget implications by
Dr. Braddock. The MEC co-chairs asked that the recommendation then
be presented to the MEC.
Currently, DGSOM has ultrasound curricula in the first year anatomy
lab. There are opportunities to use ultrasound in the Ob/Gyn, Medicine,
and Surgery clerkships, and Emergency Medicine and ICU electives.
Cost of equipment is the biggest challenge but portable machines are
somewhat affordable.
The taskforce will also recommend how to monitor and assess the
resulting ultrasound curriculum.
Open Access Textbooks Initiative– Rikke Ogawa, Biomedical Library
2013 Graduation Questionnaire – Dr.
LuAnn Wilkerson
To help students incur less debt, the biomedical library is working to
leverage the resources the library is already purchasing for the benefit of
the students.
Students would have access whether on or off campus.
We need to educate the HB&D block chairs of this change. The
librarians can teach the faculty how to use the new e-book format.
Dr. Wilkerson reported on the AAMC Graduation Questionnaire (GQ) results for
the Class of 2013 (75% response rate) compared to national means.
The basic science content is evaluated on clear objectives, integration, aligned
examinations, clinical relevance, preparation for clerkships, and inclusion in
clinical experiences. (% Strongly Agree & Agree)
o We are at or above the national mean on all items.
o Objectives being aligned with exams if 5% higher than the national.
o Students’ comments suggest the need for more clinical relevance and
biochemistry content.
o Novices may have trouble making the connection to clinical content
in the HB&D years so Block Chairs should help make it clearer.
o We should see improvements in this area next year as we have added
more clinical vignettes in the HB&D block assessments and exams.
o For the past two years, students have been getting a keyword report
on their Block exam performance based on Step 1 content topics.
This should help the students see the relevance.
Preparation for clerkships is rated in terms of major basic science content
areas. (% Excellent & Good)
o Biochemistry has the lowest rating and is well below the national
o Immunology and genetics are rated lower than the national mean.
o Are these ratings reflective of the actual curriculum or how students
are preparing for Step 1?
o We should consider adding biochemistry content to year 2 and
Recommended actions:
1. Form a consortium and pool our
data for comparison.
2. Organize focus groups with the
class of 2014 with an outside
facilitator. Participants will be
selected randomly and the groups
will meet the week of graduation
(last week of May).
explore its application during clerkships.
o The MEC recently appointed a Biochemistry thread chair whose
work in organizing and strengthening biochemistry should be
reflected in the GQ responses for the Class of 2018.
Students report on volunteer or elective activities during medical school.
o Free Clinic experience with an underserved population: 80%
o Research with a faculty mentor: over 95%
o Between 50 and 75% report experiences with cultural competence,
health disparities, use of an interpreter, and health education.
o In the narrative comments, several students commented on the lack
of help in finding mentors. Only STTP has this policy. Other
summer research programs help students find mentors.
o Will this change when the grading system takes effect? With our
current Pass/Fail system, students sometimes look for research
opportunities to distinguish themselves for residency.
Student rate their preparedness for residency in 4 areas: clinical skills,
communication skills, evidence-based practice, and care for patients unlike
themselves. (% Strongly Agree & Agree)
o Clinical Skills: 85%
o Other 3 readiness areas: 90%
Fourth year components are rated at or much higher than the national means:
o Guidance in selection of electives: 65% (same as national)
o Elective time: 82%
o Value in preparing for residency: 85%
o Importance of the final year: 85%
Students indicate expected career intentions.
o Full Time University Faculty 40% (compared to 35% nationally)
o Full Time Non Academic Clinical Practice: 30%
Average amount of medical school debt of those with debt ($122,000) is low
compared to the national average of $161,000.
The mean “Overall satisfaction with the quality of my medical education” at
DGSOM is 4.2 compared to the national mean of 4.4.
o In 2013, the percent of Strongly Agree & Agree is 87.3 (compared to
89.2 nationally). In 2009 this was a90% (compared to 86.6
o Nationally, the trend has shifted to more satisfaction, but DGSOM
has shifted lower.
• Discussion:
o Overall satisfaction decline is of concern. Possible causes were
suggested: match results, setting students’ expectations too high,
issues with Step 1 vs curriculum.
Ophthalmology Clinical Requirement
for Year 2 - Dr. Gary Holland
Ophthalmology has five afternoon sessions scheduled throughout the second year
curriculum. In past years, they tried to schedule clinical experiences for a class of
over 160 students over a 2 week period. This proved logistically difficult and
some students had poor experiences.
In 2013-14 academic year, Dr. Holland piloted an optional ophthalmology clinical
visit for second year students. Students could select from a list of dates spanning
the second year. By using only two sites (the West LA VA and Jules Stein), he
was able to monitor quality. Those students who took advantage of this
opportunity valued the experience and suggested that it be required.
Ophthalmology is offered as a Surgery subspecialty in third year but it is in high
demand so they cannot accommodate all the students who request it.
Clinical Immersion Week Presentation
– Drs. Robert Oye and LuAnn
Considerations raised in discussion:
• What are our Ophthalmology graduation competencies?
• What is the best ways for students to become competent: clinical sessions,
labs, simulation…?
• What are the Ophthalmology objectives of each Block and in anatomy?
• Should we add an ophthalmology exam in HB&D?
Dr. Oye and Dr. Wilkerson presented objectives, activities and assessment plans
for the proposed Clinical Immersion Week for the incoming class of 2018. The
experience is scheduled October 6 – 10, 2014, between blocks 1 and 2. Dr. Oye is
working with Dr. Michael Lazarus, Dr. Magdalena Ptaszny, and Dr. Carl Stevens
to plan, schedule, and implement the activities. The request from the Clinical
Skills planning team is to make participation a requirement.
Link basic pathologic mechanisms to clinical conditions observed in both
inpatient and ambulatory settings.
Describe irregular heart sounds commonly heard during the cardiac exam.
Identify specific ways to improve skills in making a meaningful connection to the
patient and eliciting the patient’s chief complaint.
Reflect on the team-based nature of health care delivery.
Demonstrate basic Heart Saver procedures.
Motion: Dr. Noah moved to require
an Ophthalmology clinical visit during
the second year. This will take the
place of one of the currently required
afternoon ophthalmology sessions.
The motion passed.
Motion: Dr. Drake moved to approve
a required Clinical Immersion course
for one year. Dr. Calmes seconded the
The motion passed and will be
forwarded to the FEC.
Lecture on the health care delivery systems and the ACA – Stevens
Lecture on Ethics and Professionalism in medicine – Hynds
Shadowing for 2 to 3 hours in an ambulatory setting preferably linked to the
preceptorship that begins in January.
Shadowing for 2 to 3 hours with an inpatient team.
Cardiac exam with heart sounds workshop using the Harvey simulator.
Formative OSCE with immediate feedback from the SP and checklist
Heart Saver certification
HIPAA online certification
Reflective essay on a patient’s experience with a health care delivery team
Multiple-choice exam (10-20 items)
Several additional objectives and activities were suggested:
• Add Electronic Health Record concept to the week
• Use electronic Blaufuss pads when teaching heart sounds.
• Add real patients with pathology to the course.
• If approved by MEC, the motion needs FEC approval.
Update from Drew – Drs. Daphne
Calmes and Ronald Edelstein
The ribbon cutting ceremony for the Martin Luther King Jr. Outpatient Center
is May 28, 2014.
This year MLK took five students for 1st year preceptorship.
2014 is the 30th anniversary of the first Drew/UCLA Medical Education
Program graduating class.