APPROVED MINUTES BOARD OF RECREATION AND PARKS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING November 19, 2014 CALL TO ORDER Santa Ana Senior Center 424 West Third Street Santa Ana, CA 92701 5:42 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Brian J. Leal ROLL CALL BOARD OF RECREATION AND PARKS MEMBERS/STUDENT REPS PRESENT Matthew Cruz, Kenneth Nguyen, Wendy Tobiska, Elizabeth Michel, Brian J Leal STAFF PRESENT: Gerardo Mouet, Executive Director Ron Ono, Administrative Services Manager Jeannie Jurado, Community Services Manager PRESENTATIONS EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH AWARD – DECEMBER 2014 Monique Ramirez was present to accept this award. SPECIAL SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY AWARD The Thespian Society was present to accept this award. M. Vallejo and J. Tapia arrived at 5:47pm CONSENT CALENDAR Recommended Action: Approve recommendations on the following Consent Calendar items. MOTION: K. Nguyen SECOND: M. Vallejo VOTE: AYES: Nguyen, Tobiska, Michel, Tapia, Cruz, Leal, Vallejo (7) NOES: None (0) ABSENT: (at voting) Carranza (1) 1. MINUTES Approve Minutes of Regular Meeting held on October 22, 2014. 2. ABSENCES Excused absence: Carranza (1) ** END OF CONSENT CALENDAR ** Board of Recreation and Parks Minutes of November 19, 2014 Meeting Page 1 of 5 APPROVED MINUTES BUSINESS CALENDAR NEW BUSINESS 1. SANTA ANA PARKS FOUNDATION Gerardo Mouet – Executive Director • Informed the board regarding the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for the Exercise Area at Memorial Park. • Mentioned to the board, the Exercise Park is the fourth park that has opened in the City of Santa Ana. • Informed the board of past experience the city has encountered in producing events. The City Attorney’s office suggested a Foundation should be created. • Explained the foundation would be a non-profit organization that would accept donations and sponsorship money for events. The foundation would pay for costs associated with events in a transparent and accountable way. • Informed the board he has received approval from the City Manager to research the possibility of implementing the foundation. • Mentioned a meeting will be scheduled in January with the City Attorney to further discuss the possibility of the foundation. • Suggested the name of the foundation be Santa Ana Parks Foundation. • Informed the board possible representation of members may consist of Santa Ana Unified School District, members from the Board of Parks and Recreation. Representation can also include the Rancho Community College District, Chamber of Commerce, and whoever holds the position of Executive Director for Parks & Recreation. • Mentioned to the board, the foundation will provide an opportunity to bring in more resources to the community in the areas of special events, and Parks & Recreation. Wendy Tobiska – Board member of the Board of Recreation and Parks • Inquired if FOSAZ is a non-profit organization. Gerardo Mouet – Executive Director Informed the board they are however, they are not a foundation with the city. The type of foundation being discussed would be established by the city. • Matthew Cruz – Board member of the Board of Recreation and Parks • Inquired if the foundation would be the fiscal leader for special events. Gerardo Mouet – Executive Director • Informed the board the foundation will not be the fiscal leader, the foundation will be a branch to assist with the events. Assistance would come in the following capacity; support with paying entertainers in a rapid and timely manner. Board of Recreation and Parks Minutes of November 19, 2014 Meeting Page 2 of 5 APPROVED MINUTES Kenneth Nguyen – Board member of the Board of Recreation and Parks • Informed the board there are 26 different non-profit tags. • Mentioned to the board, this foundation should seek a 501(c)4 status. • Informed the board the process to get an approval can take up to a year, possibly more. • Discussed with the board the name of the Foundation. Gerardo Mouet – Executive Director Mentioned to the board, the mission and vision of the Foundation and its purpose. Informed the board talent was lost due to the red tape encountered in trying to secure entertainers for special events. The foundation will assist in securing the talent by moving paper work faster. This year, Maribel Guardia was lost as a talent due to not having a rapid paperwork approval. The foundation will help in making those changes. • • 2. SUPPLEMENTAL AGENCY BUDGET REQUESTS FOR FY 15-16 Frank Arroyo – Senior Management Analyst • Informed the board regarding the chain of command of the department when it comes to supplemental budget requests within the four divisions. • Mentioned to the board in the next couple of months deadlines will be created for each division. Thereafter departmental budgets will be created, to be submitted to the budget office and City Council. • Informed the board Administration Division will be asking for additional funds in the areas of landscaping and utilities. • Mentioned to the board, the Zoo will request a one-time appropriation for a new Zoo Master Plan and funding for marketing. • Informed to the board, the Recreation Division will inquire appropriation for city events. • Mentioned the Library Division will request a one-time appropriation for a study on the Library Park. • Informed the board rough draft numbers will be developed in January. 3. POLICE AND PARK RANGER PROGRAM Jeannie Jurado – Community Services Manager Gerardo Mouet – Executive Director • Informed the board, the Park Ranger program uses retired Police Officers who are members of the CalPers Retirement System. The current system has changed and has developed issues on the ability to retain Park Rangers who are retired to be long term personnel. • Mentioned to the board the Police Department will oversee the program. Jeannie Jurado – Community Services Manager • Mentioned to the board, the Santa Ana Police Department will oversee the program, which will provide more resources. • Informed the board the current Park Rangers are part-time and can only work 960 hours for the year, due to retirement limitations. Board of Recreation and Parks Minutes of November 19, 2014 Meeting Page 3 of 5 APPROVED MINUTES • Mentioned to the board, the Chief of Police will have a full-time staff to monitor the program. Kenneth Nguyen – Board member of the Board of Recreation and Parks • Mentioned to the board more policing is needed, as evident by the Park Ranger report attached to the agenda. Gerardo Mouet – Executive Director • Informed the board, on October 27, 2014 the PREY Council Committee was informed at a public meeting regarding the upcoming changes. UPCOMING EVENTS Events Calendar for November and December were distributed and reviewed. Gerardo Mouet – Executive Director • Mentioned the board will go dark in December and reconvene in January. Jeannie Jurado – Community Services Manager • Informed the board on the upcoming Plaza Navideña scheduled for Saturday December 13, 2014 at Plaza Santa Ana. STATUS/UPDATES 1. PENDING ITEMS /ACTION ITEMS FOR FUTURE MEETINGS - NONE COMMENTS PUBLIC COMMENTS-NONE STAFF COMMENTS G. Mouet • Mentioned to the board an update will be provided at a later time regarding the foundation and the budget. • Informed the board the Library’s acquisition of an award. • Mentioned to the board, the Parks and Recreation Agency no longer has the responsibility for the Arts & Culture Commission. The responsibility has now shifted to the Community Development Agency. J. Jurado • Invited the board to visit Memorial Park exercise area. BOARD COMMENTS Maricela Vallejo • Inquired about renovation at the Dan Young Soccer Complex in regards to field #4. • Asked to have an update on the Pacific Electric Park at the next meeting. Board of Recreation and Parks Minutes of November 19, 2014 Meeting Page 4 of 5 APPROVED MINUTES Gerardo Mouet • Mentioned City Council has approved the renovation at a cost of $600,000. Wendy Tobiska • Inquired about the lighting schedule at Willard Intermediate. Elizabeth Michel • Inquired the hours the public can use the track at Willard. Gerardo Mouet • Mentioned to the board, the usage time will be sent out to the board by e-mail. MOTION TO ADJOURN: MOTION: K. Nguyen SECOND: B. Leal VOTE: AYES: Nguyen, Tobiska, Michel, Tapia, Cruz, Vallejo, Leal (7) NOES: None (0) ABSENT: (at voting) Carranza (1) NEXT MEETING Wednesday, January 28, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. at Centennial/Reservation Administration Office 3006 Centennial Road Santa Ana, California 92704. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 6:44 P.M. _________________________________ Bill Sandoval, Recording Secretary Board of Recreation and Parks Minutes of November 19, 2014 Meeting Page 5 of 5
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