OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 300 East Main Street Sun Prairie, WI 53590-2227 Phone (608) 837-2511 Fax (608) 825-6879 Public Notice of the City of Sun Prairie, pursuant to Section 19.84, Wisconsin Statutes, is hereby given to the public and to the news media, that the following meeting will be held: PARKS, RECREATION AND FORESTRY COMMISSION DATE: Wednesday, April 2, 2014 TIME: 4:30 PM MEETING LOCATION: 15T FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM, WESTSIDE COMMUNITY SERVICE BUILDING 2598 WEST MAIN STREET, SUN PRAIRIE, WISCONSIN 53590 To consider the following : 1. 4:30 pm Call to Order and Roll Call 2. Approval of minutes from February 4, 2014 3. Citizen Appearances 4. NEW BUSINESS: a) Welcome to Chad Shelton, Recreation Programs Coordinator b) Ironwood Estates Development Parkland Discussion 5. STAFF REPORTS: a) Recreation & Aquatics (Stephens) b) Parks/Forestry (Igl) c) Commission Chairperson (Bailey) UNFINISHED BUSINESS: a) Update on Leadership Sun Prairie bike map kiosk proposal b) Update on Shelter Reservation Policy 6. REFERRALS: a) Adjournment Posted: March 28, 2014 Posted: Sun Prairie City Hall 300 East Main Street Sun Prairie Public Library 1350 Linnerud Drive Sun Prairie Utilities 125 West Main Street Commission Members: Barb Bailey Dr. Tim Culver – School District Christopher Regenauer Father Mike Tess Nancy Harms Mike Denu District 3 Alder Al Hoffman NOTE: Anticipated length of this meeting is 1 hour,15 minutes NOTE: Please note that, upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of disabled individuals through appropriate aids and services. For additional information or to request this service, contact the City Clerk's Office, 300 East Main Street, Sun Prairie WI 53590 (608) 837-2511 It is possible that members of and a possible quorum of members of other governmental bodies of the municipality may be in attendance at the above stated meeting to gather information; no action will be taken by any governmental body at the above stated meeting other than the governmental body specifically referred to above in this notice. PARKS, RECREATION AND FORESTRY COMMISSION SUN PRAIRIE, WISCONSIN 53590 February 5, 2014 Commission Chairperson Barb Bailey called the meeting of the Parks, Recreation and Forestry Commission to order at 4:30 p.m. The meeting was held in the 1st Floor Conference Room of the Westside Community Service Building, 2598 West Main Street, Sun Prairie, Wisconsin 53590 Committee members present: Barb Bailey, Nancy Harms, Chris Regenauer, District 3 Alder Al Hoffman, Dr. Tim Culver, Mike Denu, Father Mike Tess Committee members absent: None Staff present: Jana Stephens, Recreation Director; Lee Igl, Interim Public Works Director; Deb Dreyer, Recreation Department Secretary CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Commission Chairperson Barb Bailey officially called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES Minutes were reviewed and approved. 1. CITIZEN APPEARANCES Tim Semmann and Mary Kay Weston 2. NEW BUSINESS a) Heat and Humidity Policy – Jana Stephens explained that there was no written policy for program management when the heat and humidity were excessive. Included in the meeting agenda packet was a proposed Heat and Humidity Policy, similar to policies that other municipal parks and recreation departments use. After some discussion Nancy Harms made a motion to accept the policy with the modification to allow discretion to be given for Aquatics programs. Dr. Culver seconded the motion. Motion carried. b) Shelter Reservation Policy – Jana Stephens explained that currently people can only reserve a shelter for the current summer. If a person comes in on June 1, 2014 the farthest out they could reserve a shelter would be September 28, 2014. She put forth the proposal that people be allowed to rent a shelter 12 months in advance, for example on June 1, 2014 someone could come in to the Recreation Department and reserve a shelter for June 1, 2015. She explained that the proposed policy would be good for the customers as they could plan ahead and would not have to stand in line on the first day that reservations are accepted to get the date they need. It would also be good for the staff as the lines can get long on the first day of reservations. It was suggested that the policy be changed to 13 months in advance so if it were a recurring event, such as a family reunion, it could be announced at this year’s event that it was already reserved for the next year. After much discussion, Dr. Culver made a motion to change the policy to allow reservations a minimum of 12 months in advance, with the potential for 13 months if the Recreation Department staff decided it was logistically feasible. Father Tess seconded the motion. Motion carried. c) Bike Trail Kiosks – Leadership Sun Prairie representatives Tim Semmann and Mary Kay Weston explained that each Leadership Sun Prairie class does a project every year. This year they would like to raise money to purchase materials and build three 7x4 foot kiosks for bike maps and locate them in Sheehan, Carriage Hills Estates and Orfan Parks. Instead of actual maps they are proposing a computerized chip that bikers can scan with their cell phones. The Industrial Arts class at the High School would possibly do the building and they would be installed either with the help of Public Works, or entirely by Public Works. The City would be responsible for maintenance of the kiosks. Lee Igl mentioned that it would be easier to install if they are built onsite. Al Hoffman queried if there was a demand for these kiosks. Mary Kay Weston explained that Committee members did a mini survey and there is interest in having these kiosks. Lee Igl stated that the bike trails are very disconnected and it would be good for bikers to have a map to know where to catch the next leg of the trail. The following items were discussed: Should there be LED lighting? Lee Igl said he would not be in favor of due to maintenance issues. Should there be sponsorships solicited? Consensus was that it is not recommended on the map or on a plaque. It was mentioned that we could give recognition in other ways. Chris Regenauer made a motion to give Sun Prairie Leadership conditional approval to continue with the project and report back to the Commission on progress. Nancy Harms seconded the motion. In further discussion Al Hoffman asked if this is something that should go through council for approval. Jana Stephens will investigate and report to the Commission. Motion carried. d) Citizen Request- A citizen has requested permission to install a bat house in Wyndham Hills Park, 10 feet from his back yard. He is willing to install and maintain the 17-20 foot high bat house. After discussion Dr. Tim Culver made a motion to deny the request. Nancy Harms seconded the motion. Motion carried. 3. STAFF REPORTS PARKS/FORESTRY: Lee Igl reported the following information: a) Larry Herman, Director of Public Works, has retired. City Council approved replacing the position as is. Lee Igl has been named Interim Director of Public Works. b) Madison has discovered Emerald Ash Borer on High Crossing Rd. in the trees at Home Depot and Pizzaria Unos. City of Madison is removing all trees under 10” in diameter and treating all trees over 10” in diameter. City of Sun Prairie is starting to remove 60 trees. For replanting we are steering away from Maple trees as they are projected to be the next issue. He is hoping to soon have a tree adoption program in place. c) A contracted survey was conducted to determine Park ADA compliance. The results are in and a 5 year plan has been established. d) This has been the best year ever for ice rinks. e) Betty Sellinheim is the new Public Works Secretary and will be in charge of the Blooming Sun Prairie program. There are 3 returnees already. RECREATION DEPARTMENT: Jana Stephens distributed a handout and the reported the following highlights from the handout: a) The Recreation Department is hiring seasonal help in a variety of areas. Tiffany Momanyi, Recreation Program Coordinator has left and her full time position was posted on Friday, st January 31 . There are currently 18 applicants after 4 days. Family Aquatic Center staffing looks good. The Manager is returning. We do have the Piranhas Head Coach position available. b) The Recreation Department is hoping to collaborate with the Community Schools program to offer a ½ day summer camp program at Westside Elementary School. The YMCA/Community st Schools program has applied for a 21 Century Learning Center grant to get funding for this program. CHAIRPERSON: Barb Bailey reported the following: a) Barb Bailey has been to 2 Planning Commission meetings so far. She reported that they have been discussing building code variances in the City. b) Recommends that meetings be planned for 1.25 hours instead of 1 hour. 4. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Barb Bailey reminded everyone to advocate for the Parks and Recreation Department. Dr. Tim Culver made a motion to adjourn. Al Hoffman seconded motion. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 5:47 pm. I hereby certify that the foregoing was action of the Parks, Recreation & Forestry Commission on February 5, 2014. ______________________________________ Barb Bailey, Chairperson ______________________________________ Debra Dreyer, Recorder Pedestrian Easement Approximate PUD Boundary Neighborhood Association Outlot Duplex Residential Stormwater Management AreaDedicated to the Public Single-Family Residential KEY
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