PCM Credit UnionUnion is a strong financial cooperative PCM Credit is a strong financial cooperative PCM PCMCredit CreditUnion Unionisisaastrong strongfinancial financialcooperative cooperative that goes and beyond by providing member-owners that above goes above and beyond by providing member-owners thatgoes goesabove aboveand andbeyond beyondby byproviding providingmember-owners member-owners that benefits and advantages over other financial institutions. benefits and advantages over other financial institutions. benefits benefitsand andadvantages advantagesover overother otherfinancial financialinstitutions. institutions. makes PCMCU different? WhatWhat makes PCMCU different? What Whatmakes makesPCMCU PCMCUdifferent? different? Lastwas yeara was a testament our uniqueness andability the ability to stay ast year testament to ourtouniqueness and the to stay Last Last year year was was atestament testament to toour our uniqueness uniqueness andCaring the theability abilityto tostay stay to our Vision. Asname our name states, we“People are and “People Caring rue totrue our Vision. Asaour states, we are true to our Vision. As our name states, we are “People Caring true to our Vision. As our name states, we are “People Caring it really More”More” and it and really shows.shows. More”and andititreally reallyshows. shows. More” 2013extraordinary was extraordinary for many reasons, one being 013 was for many reasons, one being that itthat wasit was 2013 was extraordinary formany many reasons, onebeing being thatititFusion was was for one was the2013 firstever timeextraordinary everPCMCU that PCMCU gavereasons, away a brand newthat Ford he first time that gave away a brand new Ford Fusion the first time ever that PCMCU gave away a brand new Ford Fusion the first time ever that PCMCU gave away a brand new Ford Fusion Hybrid. Thisthe was the single biggest giveaway in PCMCU history, ybrid. This was single biggest giveaway in PCMCU history, and and Hybrid. This was the single biggest giveaway in PCMCU history, and Hybrid. This was the single biggest giveaway in PCMCU history, it made history! Thereasoning key reasoning behind this amazing give-awayand made history! The key behind this amazing give away made history! The keyof reasoning behindthis this amazing giveaway away ititmade history! The key reasoning behind amazing give was to improve our means communication with our members, was to improve our means of communication with our members, was to improve our meansof ofcommunication communication with our members, was improve our means with our members, byto sharing their updated email, homeemail, address and cell or landnd byand their willingness to share their updated home address and by their willingness to share their updated email, home address and by their willingness to share their updated email, home address line phone numbers, members were then entered into this very nd cell and or landline phone numbers, members were then entered and cell or landline phone numbers, members were then entered cell or landline phone numbers, members were then entered special giveaway! So all in So all everyone who participated in this nto this very special giveaway! all inSo allall everyone who who intothis this very special giveaway! So all inand alleveryone everyone who were into very special giveaway! in all promotion, was a winner. Dave Brempell his wife Wanda articipated in this promotion, was a winner. Dave Brempell and and participated inthis this promotion, wasunion winner. Dave Brempell and promotion, was aawinner. Dave Brempell theparticipated winners of in the car, but the andcredit our membership is wife Wanda were the winners of credit the car, butcar, the union his wife Wanda were the winners of the car, but the credit union his wife Wanda were the winners of the but the credit union willmembership also reap the benefits of improved communications. nd our will alsowill reap thereap benefits of improved andour ourmembership membership will also reap thebenefits benefits ofimproved improved and also the of ommunications. PCMCU’s Rewards Credit Card was also introduced in 2013. communications. communications. ThisRewards was another amazing firstalso for introduced PCM, as thisinnew card program CMCU’s Credit Card was 2013. PCMCU’s PCMCU’sRewards Rewards Credit Credit Card Cardwas wasalso alsointroduced introduced in in2013. 2013. offers 5% cash back rewards on all purchases, up to $50 each his is another amazing first forfirst PCM, asPCM, this new card program This Thisisisanother anotheramazing amazing firstfor for PCM, as asthis this new new card cardprogram program month. Plus, with a great low rate and added benefits, including ffers 5%offers cash5% back rewards on all purchases, up to $50 each offers 5% cash backrewards rewards onall allpurchases, purchases, upto to$50 $50each each cash back on up free Benefits membership, members can realize the savings month. Plus, with aPlus great ratelow and added including month. Plus, withlow great low rate andbenefits, addedbenefits, benefits, including month. Plus, with aagreat rate and added including they deserve as a Rewards accountholder. ee Benefits Plus membership, members can realize the savings freeBenefits Benefits Plusmembership, membership, members canrealize realize thesavings savings free Plus members can the hey deserve as a Rewards accountholder. theydeserve deserve asour Rewards accountholder. they as aaRewards accountholder. Although serving members is #1, we also strive to support our community through involvement in awareness and service projects. Although serving ourmembers members #1,we we alsoto strive tosupport support our serving our isisalso #1, also strive to lthoughAlthough serving our members is #1, we strive support our our Examples of this would be the college scholarship program we offer, community through involvement inawareness awareness andservice service projects. community involvement in and projects. ommunity throughthrough involvement in awareness and service projects. the over 150 charitable organizations we support, our eco-friendly Examples ofthis thisbe would bethe thecollege collegescholarship scholarship program weoffer, offer, Examples of would be program we xamples of this would the college scholarship program we offer, facility and most recently the Ashwaubenon High School field turf the over 150charitable charitable organizations wesupport, support, oureco-friendly eco-friendly 150 organizations we our he overthe 150over charitable organizations we support, our eco-friendly project, in which PCMCU committed $100,000. This project will facility and mostrecently recently theAshwaubenon Ashwaubenon HighSchool School fieldturf turf facility and most the High field acilityprovide and most recently the High School field turf forinin the youth of Ashwaubenon thiscommitted community as well asThis the community project, project, which which PCMCU PCMCU committed $100,000. $100,000. This project project will will roject, in which for PCMCU committed $100,000. This project will asprovide aprovide whole many years to come. for forthe the youth of ofthis this community community aswell wellcommunity as asthe thecommunity community rovide for the youth ofyouth this community as well as as the asais awhole whole for many years toand come. as for many to come. That the PCMCU difference, we enjoy sharing it with YOU! s a whole for many years toyears come. That thePCMCU PCMCUdifference, difference, andwe wesharing enjoysharing sharing itwith withYOU! YOU! That isisthe enjoy hat is the PCMCU difference, and weand enjoy it with itYOU! Our “People Caring More” Our“People “People CaringMore” More” Our Caring Our “People Caring More” philosophy ensures philosophy ensures philosophy ensures philosophy ensures gain personal member-owners member-owners gain member-owners gainpersonal personal member-owners gain personal financial success. financialsuccess. financial financial success.success. We’re Investing in You… We’re We’reInvesting Investingin inYou… You… We’re Investing You… GrowinginTogether! Growing GrowingTogether! Together! Growing Together! JerryJerry Kuschel, Chair Rhonda Richards, Director Kuschel, Chair Rhonda Richards, Director Jerry Jerry Kuschel, Kuschel, Chair Chair Rhonda Rhonda Richards, Richards, Director Director Jim Jim Zittlow, ViceVice Chair Karchinski, Director Zittlow, Chair Arlene Arlene Karchinski, Director JimZittlow, Zittlow, ViceChair Chair Kwaterski, ArleneKarchinski, Karchinski, Director Jim Vice Arlene Director Marlis Klimek, Secretary Director Marlis Klimek, SecretaryMike Mike Kwaterski, Director MarlisKlimek, Klimek,Secretary Secretary Mike MikeKwaterski, Kwaterski,Director Director Marlis Frazier, Treasurer LarryLarry Frazier, Treasurer LarryFrazier, Frazier,Treasurer Treasurer Larry Wollin, President DanDan Wollin, President DanWollin, Wollin,President President Dan Cathy Becks, Executive President Cathy Becks, Executive ViceVice President CathyBecks, Becks,Executive ExecutiveVice VicePresident President Cathy McMullen, President of Lending MikeMike McMullen, ViceVice President of Lending MikeMcMullen, McMullen,Vice VicePresident Presidentof ofLending Lending Mike Nackers, President of Operations Kay Kay Nackers, ViceVice President of Operations KayNackers, Nackers,Vice VicePresident Presidentof ofOperations Operations Kay Runge, President of Member Services KimKim Runge, ViceVice President of Member Services KimRunge, Runge,Vice VicePresident Presidentof ofMember MemberServices Services Kim Lesley Enz, Assistant Vice President Lesley Enz, Assistant Vice President LesleyEnz, Enz,Assistant AssistantVice VicePresident President Lesley Richardson, Marketing Director Sue Sue Richardson, Marketing Director SueRichardson, Richardson,Marketing MarketingDirector Director Sue Nicole Russell, Member Service Supervisor Nicole Russell, Member Service Supervisor Nicole NicoleRussell, Russell, Member Member Service Service Supervisor Supervisor Jordan Barnum, Member Service Rep. Jordan Barnum, Member Service Rep. JordanBarnum, Barnum,Member MemberService ServiceRep. Rep. Jordan Cook, Member Service NikkiNikki Cook, Member Service Rep.Rep.Rep. Nikki Cook,Member Member Service Rep. Nikki Cook, Service Quickly view your investments, mortgage Quickly view your investments, mortgage Brittney Dessart, Member Service Rep. Quickly Quickly view view your yourinvestments, investments, mortgage mortgage Brittney Dessart, Member Service Rep. Brittney Dessart, Member Service Rep. Brittney Dessart, Member Service Rep. balance, as well as credit card and all other balance, as wellas aswell credit card alland other Amanda Jacquart, Member Service Rep. balance, as well ascredit creditand card and allother other balance, as card all AmandaAmanda Jacquart, Member ServiceService Rep. Rep. personal account balances and transactions Amanda Jacquart, Member Service Rep. personal Jacquart, Member account balances and transactions personal account balances and transactions personal account balances and transactions Beth Krueger, Member Service Rep. in one place, regardless of where you have Beth Krueger, Member ServiceService Rep. Rep. Beth Member BethKrueger, Krueger, Member Service Rep. in one in place, regardless of where you have inone oneplace, place,regardless regardless where youhave have ofofwhere you Patti Pasono, Branch Member Service Rep. the accounts. You can add most accounts Patti Pasono, Branch Branch Member ServiceService Rep. Rep. You can add most accounts Patti PattiPasono, Pasono, BranchMember Member Service Rep. the accounts. theaccounts. accounts. You Youcan canadd addmost mostaccounts accounts the that you already access online and gain an Terri Sot, Member Service Rep. that youthat already accessaccess onlineonline and gain Terri Sot, Member ServiceService Rep. Rep. that youalready already access online andan gainan an you and gain Terri Sot,Member Member Service Rep. Terri Sot, easy and fast way to watch “the big picture”. Victoria Tiegs, Member Service Rep. easy and fast way to watch “the big picture”. easy and fast way to watch “the big picture”. easy and fast way to watch “the big picture”. VictoriaVictoria Tiegs, Member Service Rep. VictoriaTiegs, Tiegs,Member MemberService ServiceRep. Rep. Courtney VanderLeest, Member Service Rep. Be sure to also check out Courtney VanderLeest, Member ServiceService Rep. Rep. Courtney VanderLeest, Member Service Rep. Courtney VanderLeest, Member Be sure alsototocheck out out Betosure sure alsocheck check out Be also these recently enhanced services … Denise Burns, Member Service Specialist theserecently recently enhanced services these enhanced services these recently enhanced services … …… DeniseMember Burns,Member Member Service Specialist Denise Burns, Specialist Denise Burns, ServiceService Specialist Laura Rosendaul, Imaging Specialist Online Real-Time Debit Card Access LauraRosendaul, Rosendaul, Imaging Specialist Laura Specialist Laura Rosendaul, ImagingImaging Specialist Online OnlineReal-Time Real-Time Debit DebitAccess Card CardAccess Access Online Real-Time Debit Card Jackie Lawyer, Financial Officer Smart Option Student Loan JackieLawyer, Lawyer, Financial Counselor Jackie Financial Counselor Jackie Lawyer, Financial Counselor Option Smart SmartOption Option Student Student Loan Smart Student Loan Loan And, more affordable personal loan terms Chelsea Godin, Loan Officer And, And,affordable more moreaffordable affordable personal personal loan loanterms terms Chelsea Godin, LoanOfficer Officer Godin, Loan And,more personal loan terms ChelseaChelsea Godin, Loan Officer Cheri Kimps, Loan Officer CheriLoan Kimps, LoanOfficer Officer Cheri Kimps, Loan Cheri Kimps, Officer Ginger Kohlbeck, Loan Officer GingerKohlbeck, Kohlbeck, LoanOfficer Officer Ginger Loan Ginger Kohlbeck, Loan Officer Kelly Schumacher, Loan Officer KellySchumacher, Schumacher, LoanOfficer Officer Kelly Loan facebook.com/pcmcreditunion Kelly Schumacher, Loan Officer facebook.com/pcmcreditunion facebook.com/pcmcreditunion Joe Wollin, Loan Officer facebook.com/pcmcreditunion Visit us online at www.pcmcu.com Joe Wollin, Loan Officer Joe Wollin, Loan Officer Joe Wollin, Loan Officer Visit us at Visit usonline online atwww.pcmcu.com www.pcmcu.com Visit us online at www.pcmcu.com Heather Pluger, Loan Servicing Specialist Heather Pluger, LoanServicing Servicing Specialist Loan Specialist HeatherHeather Pluger, Pluger, Loan Servicing Specialist Main Office: Lisa Smet, Loan Procedures Coordinator Main MainOffice: Office: Lisa Smet, LoanProcedures Procedures Coordinator Lisa Smet, Loan Coordinator Main 601Office: Willard Drive, Lisa Smet, Loan Procedures Coordinator 601 601Willard Willard Drive, Drive, Annette VanLangendon, Loan Servicing Specialist601Green Drive, Bay, WI 54304 AnnetteVanLangendon, VanLangendon,Loan LoanServicing ServicingSpecialist Specialist Willard Annette GreenBay, Bay,WI WI 54304 54304 Annette VanLangendon, Loan Servicing Specialist GreenGreen Bay, WI 54304 Cindy Mendoya, Loan Specialist (920) 499-2831 CindyMendoya, Mendoya,Loan LoanServicing ServicingSpecialist Specialist Cindy (920)499-2831 499-2831 (920) Cindy Mendoya, Loan Servicing Specialist (920) 499-2831 Branch Office: Sarah Counard, Accounting Supervisor Branch Office: Branch Office: Sarah Counard, Accounting Supervisor Sarah Counard, Accounting Supervisor Branch Office: 3500 Packerland Drive Sarah Counard, Accounting Supervisor 3500 3500 Packerland Packerland Drive Drive LisaLisa Blemke, Senior Accounting Specialist 3500 Packerland Drive DePere, WI 54115 LisaBlemke, Blemke,Senior SeniorAccounting AccountingSpecialist Specialist DePere, Pere,WI WI 54115 54115 De LisaSara Blemke, Senior Accounting Specialist Ameriprise De (Exclusive Pere, WIto54115 Jo Hicks, Accounting Specialist (Exclusive (Exclusive totoAmeriprise Ameriprise Sara JoHicks, Hicks, Accounting Specialist Sara Jo Accounting Specialist Auto & to Home Employees) (Exclusive Ameriprise SaraSamantha Jo Hicks, Accounting SpecialistSpecialist Auto&& HomeEmployees) Employees) Auto Home Terrien, Accounting Auto & Home Employees) SamanthaTerrien, Terrien,Accounting AccountingSpecialist Specialist Samantha Member NCUA. Membership Eligibility Required. Samantha Terrien, Accounting Specialist Member MemberNCUA. NCUA.Membership MembershipEligibility EligibilityRequired. Required. Member NCUA. Membership Eligibility Required. 2013 2013 Annual Annual Annual Annual Report Report Report Report Statement of Financial Condition We know PCM Credit Union does not exist just to take deposits and make loans. That is WHAT we do. We also don’t exist just to give lower fees and better prices. That is HOW we do it. It is an honor to present to you our 56th Annual Report, as 2013 was another great year for members and their credit union. The advantages of being a PCM Credit Union member created the following financial highlights: What makes PCM different? We can say it's our not-for-profit status, or that we’re cooperatively owned and democratically controlled. But it is much more than that. It is because we make our work a higher purpose. We exist to serve. It’s what separates us from banks and our members trust us because of it. It’s the WHY that leads us to a higher purpose, not what we do or how we do it. A 304 net increase in membership to 8,665 A record 2,316 loans made, 401 more than last year A record $63,392,782 in loans disbursed, over $5,000,000 more than last year Loan losses decreased to .15%, its lowest level since 2007 Loan delinquency decreased to .42%, its lowest level since 2006 A record before rebate net income of $2,292,615 A record 14.20% reserve to asset ratio, a key factor in determining financial soundness. Rebates of $397,269 were distributed, a great example of the uniqueness of our cooperative business model that puts you at the top in order of importance. This is the third year in a row that a rebate was done, and the 7th since 2004. The total given back since then is $2,599,500! We can demonstrate the PCM difference in many ways. The car giveaway, community outreach, member rebates, return of member ranking, top financial strength grades, no late fees, Rewards savings account paying 7.50%, Rewards MasterCard paying 5% cash back and employee longevity can be listed for starters. For the whole story, along with exciting new offerings being developed in 2014, visit our website at www.pcmcu.com to learn more. The beauty of PCM Credit Union is that it does not make any difference where you are on the economic ladder. We have the products and people to help you get to the next rung. When PCM Credit Union lives by a higher purpose, the winners are the employees who can achieve professional success, the community from our involvement and investment in the future, the credit union itself, and most importantly, the members. They realize the exceptional rewards of ownership and know they have an indispensable partner in achieving their financial goals. Good things that will make life better will happen at PCM Credit Union. All of the above highlights demonstrate the economic health of our membership and that the credit union is very strong, and getting better. Schneider Community Credit Union recently purchased our old building at 781 Willard Drive. We wish them the best of luck in their new location. Sincerely, On behalf of the Board, I want to thank our staff for their dedication, and together we thank you all for your support and the opportunity to serve you. All of these highlights, and future improvements headed your way, prove PCMCU is your best choice. Best wishes for a happy and healthy 2014! Dan Wollin, President Respectfully, Jerry Kuschel, Chairperson As of December 31st
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