diasd,s ngct a6o$ dsFSt rJorldod: 2or,a, : i The Karnataka Minodties Development Corporation Ltd. (A Govemment of lGmataka Undertaking) 'Vishv€swar4D". Ceffia', | 2th Floor, l"laln Tower, Dr. B.R Ambodkar Veedl, Bangalore - 560 00 | . Teleghone; 2\88f782,286472O ?ax:228p4/20 E-Mail: [email protected] website: www.kmdc.in oTl CAT \ / 014, Bangalore deted 17,01.2014, the Karnattka Minorities Devdopment Corporarlon Ltd,, (KMDC) has enter€d Into a Memorandum ol Understandlng (MOU) with lGmataka E{aminacion AJthority, Bangalore. Accordingly, applicdioos as per the prercribed format issued under KEA Brochure, are Invited from the candldates belonging to rcligious minorltja! vlz., Muslim, Christian, Jain, Buddhlst, Sikh and Parsi communities who arc appcarirg for Common Entrance Test (CFD which will be conducted by Kameka E)@mination Authoriq/ (KEA) for \arious Professional Courses, for sanction of eduajon loan fi.om the Corpordion under lts 'Arivu' (Educ*lon Loan) S<ieme as p*the f* prescribed by th€ KEAy'Govemment of lGmataka. As per Goremrnent Order No. MWD/o3/MDC ! The Guidelines are as Under Application Form from Website No. . mentioned in th€ Applkatlon Forms. The candidate should be a resident of Karnataka either by birth or domiciled in Kamatala for the last I 0 Years. . The annual income of the Darents of the candidates should be less than P6,4.50 Lakhs per ! annum. . ! I The Education Loan will be pre-sanctioned to the candidates who are apPearing for Common Entrance Test (CET) and subsequently, attending Counselling for selection of seat for Professional course . . I . the academic year 20 | 4- | 5. The loan will be pr€-sanctioned to the candiddes a5 Der I in CET G radation. The loan will not be sanctioned to the candidates who do not qualify as perCET norms. The candidate should submit an'Under&kind that in case of surrender of seat or cancellation thereby causing a vacancy after availinS loan from KMDC, prt After fillir€ the Application Form, the Candldate can keep one Xerox copy of Applicalion for hlvher rsferenc€. The orlglnal Application Form under 'Arlvu' (Edu€dion L,oan) Scheme along with Xerox coPy of Income & Cart€ Cenifrcate (for 2//2U38 and Categor/- | ) and Xerox copy of CET Mmlssion Tick6t, must b€ $rbmitt€d to the conc€rned District Ollice of KMDC and obtain 'AcknowledSement', without fail. The addresses ofth€ District Offic€s arq a\railable in theWebsite of KMDC. The candidate €n select any Seat through KEA. The candidate should submit d|€ Application Form along with Xerox Copy of Income & Caste Certiftcate and X€rox Copy of CET Admission Tick€t to .ll such District Office of KMDC and obtain The loan iunount alonS with the Service ChaEes of 296 shall be repaid to KHDC as per the norms AcknowledgenEnt. The candid& n€ed not submit the Dermnd Draft/any F* to KEA" The KEA will i$'ue Admisslon Ordei forfeited KEAto KMDC. of 'Arlvu' (Education Loan) Schame. . Th€ candidate6 and hls,lhor par€nts are advised to sigrEture ift"riabv in the Application Form. as by he/she shall r€mit the emire amount . www.kndc.k r.nlc.ln and flll-up all the columns Last Date 3 for submitting applicatons would be t.05.20 t4. lmportant Instructions to the Candidates . The candidates should collect the Application Form either from CET Brochur€ or down further infonnation/clarification, contact Cell No.94,t8 f 53979/ 9448ll2j991 or Phone No.080 For any load the 22861226 or 22W99 or concerned Dicrict Manage6. Education loan upto Rs- | 0-(x, hkhs under Nationel Minoritier Development and Finance Corporation lo/o (one percent) r.te of achem€, available ^t and condition! of NMDFc. intere5t subiect to terms (Mohammed Saleem, KCS) ' lAanoging Dnedor oo o ''@t''u KIDC i \# ,,1 THE KARNATAKA MI NORITIES DEVELOPM ENT CORPORATION UTD. BANGALORE - 1 (A Government of Karnataka Undertaking) APPLICATION FOR LOAN UNDER ARIVU SCHEME (EDUCATIONAL) Pre-Sanctioned Loan for Candidates who appeared for K.E.A. Counselling for the year 2014-15 CET APPLICATION NO.: 1. NAMEOFTHESTUDENT: 2. NAME OF FATHER / HUSBAND / GUARDIAN 3, SEX: : FEMALE. E DD MONTH 4. AGE & DATE OF BIRTH 5. PLACE OF BIRTH :Village 6. RELIGION 7. MARITAL STATUS : (Tick Mark) : Yrs Tn : Married : Un Married Widow Divorce 8. ADDRESS PRESENTADDRESS tr T tr T PERMANENT ADDRESS MOHALLA/ WARD / BLOCK PLACE PIN CODE TALUK DISTRICT 9. YEAR COURSE FOR WHICH LOAN IS SOUGHT: 1 ENGINEERING 2 MBBS 3 BDS 4 AUYS ANY OTHER COURSE 10 Occupation of the Parents i) : Father: ii) Mother: iii) Guardian : 11. Any other other availed lf yes, furnish the information : DECLARATION declare that the above information furnished by me is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Further declare that i will repay the loan amount along with interest as per schedule. Date Place : We solemnly declare that 1. 2. Signature of Loanee (Student) : : My family income does not exceed Rs. 4,50,000/- per annum. Neither I nor any of my family members have availed any kind of loan from KMDC or from anv other financial institutions. 3. 4' The loan amount along with the service charges of 2% will be repaid by us as per ARIVU Scheme. I undertake that incase of surrender of seat or cancellation thereby causing a vacancy after availing loan from KMDC, I remit entire amount forfeited bv CET to the KMDC. Signature of Parent / Guardian NOTE 1. This loan application form is available in web site www.kmdc.kar.nic.in download, filled & submit along with other documents required by KEA. 2. Filled application form should be sent only to, Managing Director, The Karnataka Minorities Development Corporation Limited, "Vishveswarayya Gentre", 12th Floor, Main Tower, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Veedi, Bangafore'560 001. Phone : (o) 080 -22864782, Fax : 080 -22864720. E-mait : [email protected], Web site : www.kmdc.kar.nic.in.
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