- 43 Expert: Le Contre-Amiral Herman SALZA, Commandant des Forces navales Forces. Secretaire - Commander of the Naval Secretary: M. J. KODAR, Secretaire de la Delegation permanente aupres de la Societe des Nations - Secretary of the Permanent Delegation accredited to the League of Nations. (7, avenue Gaspard-Vallette.) - iTHIOPIE 44-- ABYSSINIA - Son Excellence le comte LAGARDE, DUC D'ENTOTTO, Ministre plenipotentiaire, Repr6sentant diplomatique de S. M. l'Empereur d'Ethiopie aupres de la Soci6t6 des Nations,?Haut Conseiller - Minister Plenipotentiary, Diplomatic Representative of H.M. the Emperor of Abyssinia accredited to the League of Nations, High Counsellor. (Hotel de Russie.) Son Excellence le badjeronde ZELLEKA AGUEDEOU. Envoy6 extraordinaire et Ministre plenipotentiaire i Paris et a Londres - Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary in Paris and London. (H6tel de Russie.) Ato TASFAE TAGAGUE, Charg6 d'Affaires a Paris (H6Itel de Russie.) - Charg6 d'Affaires in Paris. - 45 FINLANDE - FINLAND Son Excellence le baron A. S. YRJ6-KOSKINEN, Ministre des Affaires etrangeres (President de la Delegation) - Minister for Foreign Affairs (President of the Delegation). (H6tel Beau-Rivage.) Son Excellence le Docteur Rafael W. ERICH, Envoye extraordinaire et Ministre plenipotentiaire &Stockholm, ancien President du Conseil (Vice-President de la Delegation) Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at (Vice-President of the Stockholm, former Prime Minister Delegation). (H6tel La Residence.) Son Excellence le Docteur Rudolf HOLSTI, Envoye extraordinaire et Ministre plenipotentiaire i Berne, Delegue permanent aupres de la Societe des Nations, ancien Ministre des Affaires etrangeres - Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at Berne, Permanent Delegate accredited to the League of Nations, former Minister for Foreign Affairs. (I4, rue Charles-Bonnet.) M. K. R. SWENTORZETSKI, Depute - Member of the Chamber of Deputies. Rivage.) DdlRgue's adjoints - (H6tel Beau- Assistant Delegates: Le Colonel I. A. E. MARTOLA, Chef de division h l'Etat-major general de l'Armee - Chief of Division of the General Staff of the Army. (H6tel Beau-Rivage.) Le Docteur K. E. P. HIITONEN, Chef du Bureau de la Soci6te des Nations au Ministere des Affaires 6trangeres - Head of the League of Nations Office at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. (H6tel Beau-Rivage.) - 46 Experts: Pour les Questions militaires For Military Questions: Le General-Major Karl Lennart OESCH, Chef de l'Etat-major de l'armee finlandaise - Chief of the General Staff of the Finnish Army. (H6tel Beau-Rivage.) Pour les Questions budgetaires Questions: For Budgetary Le Colonel Oiva Oskar OLENIUS, Secr6taire g6n6ral du Ministere de la D6fense nationale Secretary-General of the Ministry for National Defence. Pour les Questions navales - For Naval Questions: Le Contre-Amiral en retraite G. VON SCHOULTZ, Ancien Commandant en chef de la flotte finlandaise Commander-in-Chief of the Finnish Navy. - Former Pour les questions aeriennes - For Air Questions: Le Lieutenant-Colonel Viljo Voldemar REKOLA, Chef de l'Etat-major des forces a6riennes Staff of the Air Force. Secretaire general - Chief of the General Secretary-General: M. Evald GYLLENBOGEL, Conseiller de Legation a la Delegation permanente aupres de la Societe des Nations - Counsellor of Legation at the Permanent Delegation accredited to the League of Nations. (I4 , rue Charles-Bonnet.) Secretaires- Secretaries: M. Paul HJELT, Secretaire de Legation a la Delegation permanente aupres de ia Societe des Nations - Secretary of Legation at the Permanent Delegation accredited to the League of Nations. (H6tel BeauRivage.) Wlle Aina FORSMAN, Secr6taire-Archiviste - Clerk. (H6tel Beau-Rivage.) - 47 - FRANCE Son Excellence M. Andre TARDIEU, Depute, Ministre de la Guerre, ancien Delegue de la France a la Conference navale de Londres (President de la Dedlgation) Member of the Chamber of Deputies, former French Delegate at the London Naval Conference (President of the Delegation). (H6tel des Bergues.) Son Excellence M. PAUL-BONCOUR, Senateur, ancien Delegue de la France a la Commission preparatoire (Vice-President de la Delegation) - Senator, former French Delegate on the Preparatory Commission (Vice-President of the Delegation). (H6tel des Bergues.) M. Jean FABRY, Depute, President de la Commission de l'armee de la Chambre des Deputes - Member of the Chamber of Deputies, President of the Military Committee of the Chamber of Deputies. (Ht6tel des Bergues.) M. Charles DUMONT, Senateur, Ministre de la Marine (H6tel des Bergues.) Senator, Minister of Marine. M. J.-L. DUMESNIL, Depute, Ministre de l'Air, ancien Delegu6 de la France a la Conference navale de Londres - Member of the Chamber of Deputies, Air Minister, former French Delegate at the London Naval Conference. (H6tel des Bergues.) M. Paul REYNAUD, Depute, Ministre des Colonies - Member of the Chamber of Deputies, Minister for the Colonies. (H6tel des Bergues.) M. GIGNOUX, Depute, Sous-Secr6taire d'Etat a la Presidence du Conseil et i l'Economie nationale - Member of the Chamber of Deputies, Under-Secretary of State in the Prime Minister's Department and for National Economy. (Hotel des Bergues.) -48Delegues adjoints - Assistant Delegates: M. Rene MASSIGLI, Ministre plenipotentiaire, ancien Delegue de la France iL la Commission preparatoire et i la Conference navale de Londres Minister Plenipotentiary, former French Delegate on the Preparatory Commission and at the London Naval Conference. (H6tel des Bergues.) M. MOYSSET, Directeur du Cabinet civil du Ministre de la Guerre, ancien Delegue de la France i la Conference navale de Londres Director of the Civilian Office of the Minister for War, former Frech Delegate at the London Naval Conference. (Hotel des Bergues.) M. Louis AUBERT, Charge de mission i la Presidence du Conseil, Secretariat de la Defense nationale - Attached to the Prime Minister's Department, Secretariat for National Defence. Conseillers - Advisers: Le General GAMELIN, Chef d'Etat-major general de l'armee Staff of the Army. Chief of the General Le Vice-Amiral DURAND-VIEL, Chef d'Etat-major general de la marine Staff of the Navy. Chief of the General Le General HERGAULT, Chef d'Etat-major general de Forces aeriennes General Staff of the Air Forces. Chief of the Le General PELTIER, Directeur des Services militaires au Ministere des Colonies - Director of the Military Department at the Ministry for the Colonies. Le General REQUIN, Chef de Cabinet militaire du Ministre de la Guerre "Chef de Cabinet " of the Minister for War. Military 49 Le Contre-Amiral LABORDE, de l'Etat-major general de la Marine Navy. General Staff of the M. BASDEVANT, Jurisconsulte du Ministere des Affaires etrangeres Adviser at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Experts et Secretaires i. Legal Experts and Secretaries: Pour la Presidence du Conseil et le Ministere des Afaires etrangeres - For the Presidency of the Council and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs: M. AME-LEROY, Consul g6n6ral de France a Geneve - Consul-General of France at Geneva. M. Paul MANTOUX, Ancien Directeur de la Section politique au Secr6tariat de la Societ6 des Nations - Former Director of the Political Section at the Secretariat of the League of Nations. Secretariatgeneral de la Ddlegation of the Delegation: General Secretariat M. JACOMET, Contr6leur g6n6ral de l'Arm6e, ancien Pr6sident du Comite des Experts budg6taires de la Soci6t6 des Nations - Comptroller of the Army, former Chairman of the Committee of Budgetary Experts of the League of Nations. Le Capitaine de vaisseau DELEUZE, Repr6sentant naval frangais a la Commission consultative permanente pour les questions militaires, navales et a6riennes French Naval Representative on the Permanent Advisory Commission for Military, Naval and Air Questions. - 50 Le Colonel MOUCHARD, Repr6sentant a6ronautique frangais a la Commission consultative permanente pour les questions militaires, navales et a6riennes French Air Representative on the Permanent Advisory Commission for Military, Naval and Air Questions. Le Lieutenant-Colonel LUCIEN, du Secr6tariat de la D6fense nationale - Secretariat for National Defence. Le Commandant STEHLE, du Secr6tariat de la D6fense nationale - Secretariat for National Defence. M. Jean PAUL-BONCOUR, Secr6taire d'Ambassade, Secr6taire g6n6ral de la Delegation Secretary of Embassy, Secretary-General of the Delegation. Le Capitaine VAUTRIN, de l'Etat-major de l'Arm6e, d6tach6 au Service fran9ais de la Soci6t6 des Nations - General Staff, attached to the French League of Nations Office. M. Francois SEYDOUX, Secr6taire d'Ambassade, du Service frangais de la Soci6et des Nations - Secretary of Embassy, Member of the French League of Nations Office. Service de Presse - Press Bureau: M. AUBERT, D6elgu6 adjoint - Assistant Delegate. M. BRIERE, Secr6taire d'Ambassade, du Service frangais de la Soci6te des Nations, d6tach6 au Secr6tariat de la D6fense nationale Secretary of Embassy, Member of the French League of Nations Office, attached to the Secretariat for National Defence. - 51 - 2. Pour le Ministere de la Guerre - For the Ministry for War: Le Commandant ALOMBERT-GOGET, General Staff. de l'Etat-major de l'Arm6e - Le Commandant ARTHAUT, de l'Etat-major de l'Arm6e - M. General Staff. ROUSSILLON, Chef adjoint du Cabinet civil du Ministre de la Guerre - Assistant " Chel du Cabinet " (civil) of the Minister for War. 3. Pour le Ministere de la Marine - For the Ministry of Marine: Le Capitaine de vaisseau DECOUX, de l'Etat-major g6enral de la Marine Navy. General Staff of the Le Capitaine de corvette LEMONNIER, de l'Etat-major de la Marine - General Staff of the Navy. Le Lieutenant de vaisseau MOURRAL, de l'Etat-major de la Marine - General Staff of the Navy. 4. Pour le Ministere de l'Air - Forthe Air Ministry: Le Colonel MOUCHARD, Directeur des Forces a6riennes de terre au Ministere de l'Air Director of the Military Air Forces of the Air Ministry. - Le Lieutenant de vaisseau AMET, de l'Etat-major des Forces a6riennes Air Forces. General Staff of the Le Capitaine ALAMICHEL, de 1'Etat-major des Forces aeriennes Air Forces. General Staff of the - 52 5. Pourle Ministere des Colonies - For the Ministry for the Colonies: M. PALEWSKI, Chef adjoint du Cabinet du Ministre des Colonies - Assistant " Chef du Cabinet" to the Minister for the Colonies. 53 GRACE - GREECE Son Excellence M. A. MICHALAKOPOULOS, Ancien President du Conseil, Ministre des Affaires 6trangbres Former Prime Minister, Minister for Foreign Affairs. (H6tel des Bergues.) Son Excellence M. Nicolas POLITIS 1, Ancien Ministre des Affaires 6trangeres, Envoye extraordinaire et Ministre plenipotentiaire a Paris - Former Minister for Foreign Affairs, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary in Paris. (H6tel Beau-Rivage.) Le General de division A. MAZARAKIS AINIAN, Ancien Ministre de la Guerre, Inspecteur g6n6ral des Ecoles militaires - Former Minister for War, Inspector-General of the Military Schools. (H6tel des Bergues.) Supple'ant - Substitute: M. R. RAPHAJL, Del6gu6 permanent aupres de la Soci6te des Nations nent Delegate accredited to the League of Nations. Alfred-Vincent.) Experts - Perma(2, rue Experts: Le Capitaine de fregate S. MATESSIS, Attach6 naval pres les Legations a Londres et a Paris - Naval Attach6 at the Legations in London and Paris. (H6tel des Bergues.) 1 Sauf pendant le s6jour de M. Michalakopoulos B Gengve, M. Politis assumera les fonctions de Chef de la D616gation - Except during the stay of M. Michalakopoulos at Geneva, M. Politis will be Head of the Delegation. - 54 - M. B. P. PAPADAKIS, Chef du Cabinet du Ministre des Affaires 6trang6res, Chef de la Section de la Soci6t6 des Nations au Minist6re des Affaires 6tran-eres - "Chef du Cabinet " to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Head of the League of Nations Section at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. (Hotel des Bergues.) Le Commandant d'aviation J. DIMAKIS. (H6tel des Bergues.) M. A. CONTOUMAS, Membre de la d6elgation permanente aupr6s de la Societe des Nations - Member of the Permanent Delegation accredited to the League of Nations. (2, rue Alfred-Vincent.) M. P. PPIINELIS, Membre de la d6elgation permanente aupr6s de la Soci6t6 des Nations - Member of the Permanent Delegation accredited to the League of Nations. (2, rue Alfred-Vincent.) Secretaire - Secretary: M. Jean PAPAYANNIS, Secr6taire de la delegation permanente aupres de la Soci6t6 des Nations - Secretary of the Permanent Delegation accredited to the League of Nations. (2, rue Alfred-Vincent.) - 55 -- GUATEMALA Son Excellence M. Jose MATOS, Ancien Ministre des Affaires etrangeres, Delegue permanent aupres de la Societe des Nations - Former Minister for Foreign Affairs, Permanent Delegate accredited to the League of Nations. (Hotel Richemond.) M. Guillermo MATOS PACHECO, Ancien Representant du Guatemala en France - Former Guatemalan Representative in France. (IH6tel Richemond.) -56- HAITI Son Excellence M. Constantin MAYARD, Envoy6 extraordinaire et Ministre plenipotentiaire i Paris Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary in Paris. (H6tel Victoria.) ROYAUME DU HEDJAZ ET NEJD KINGDOM OF HEJAZ AND NEJD His Excellency Sheikh Hafiz WAHBA, Envoye extraordinaire et Ministre plenipotentiaire i Londres Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary in London. (H6tel La R6sidence.) Conseiller - Adviser: M. E. DUSSAC. (Hotel La Residence.) HONDURAS Le Docteur Miguel PAZ BARAHONA, Ancien President de la Republique. the Republic. Former President of - 57 HONGRIE - HUNGARY Le Comte Albert APPONYI, Ancien Ministre - Former Minister. Le General Gabriel TANCZOS, Ancien Ministre - Former Minister. M. Constantin DE MASIREVICH, Envoye extraordinaire et Ministre plenipotentiaire i Prague Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at Prague. Le General Ern6 DE NANASY-MEGAY, Ministere de la Defense nationale Defence. Ministry for National M. Paul DE HEVESY, Envoye extraordinaire et Ministre plenipotentiaire &Madrid Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at Madrid. M. Jean PELENYI, Chef de la Delegation permanente aupres de la Societe des Nations - Head of the Permanent Delegation accredited to the League of Nations. (8, rue Senebier.) M. Sandor de KISH. 1 Bureau: 33, quai Wilson, t6elphone 26.254. 58 - - Secritaire general - Secretary- General: Le Colonel Geza DE SIEGLER, Ministere de la Defense nationale Defence. Conseillers techniques - Ministry for National Experts: Le Colonel Henri SZENTKERESZTESSY. Le Lieutenant-Colonel Egon SPANNER. Le Lieutenant-Colonel Alajos BELDY. L'Intendant Imre GALLYASI. Le Commandant Frederic GIMESY. Le Baron Bela KUHN, Lieutenant de vaisseau - Lieutenant. M. Antoine DE BALKASY, Directeur adjoint de la Section politique au Ministere des Affaires 6trangeres - Assistant Director of the Political Section at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. M. Zolta.n BARANYAI, Conseiller de L6gation - Counsellor of Legation. M. Etienne GOMB6, Secr6taire de L6gation - Secretary of Legation. 59-- INDIA INDE - The Right Honourable Sir Samuel HOARE, Bart., G.B.E., C.M.G., M.P., Secretaire d'Etat pour l'Inde (H6tel Beau-Rivage.) His Highness G.C.V.O. the AGA Secretary of State for India. KHAN, G.C.S.I., G.C.I.E., (H6tel Beau-Rivage.) Sir Henry WHEELER, K.C.S.I., K.C.I.E., Membre du Conseil de l'nde (H6tel Beau-Rivage.) Secretaire general - - Member of the Council of India. Secretary-General: Mr. S. K. BROWN, C.V.O. (India Office.) (H6tel Beau-Rivage.) Secretaire general adjoint Mr. A. W. DUNTON, M.C. Deputy Secretary-General: (India Office.) (H6tel Beau-Rivage.) Secretaire adjoint - Assistant Secretary: Mr. A. C. B. SYMON. (India Office.) (H6tel Beau-Rivage.) Conseillers techniques - Experts: Major-General J. E. S. BRIND, C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., Chef adjoint de l'Etat-major general de l'armee, Inde - Deputy Chief of the General Staff, Army Headquarters, India. (H6tel Beau-Rivage.) 60 Colonel D. B. Ross, O.B.E., Aide-Major general de l'armee, Inde - Assistant AdjutantGeneral, Army Headquarters, India. (H6tel Beau-Rivage.) Lieutenant-Colonel S. G. V. ELLIS, C.I.E., D.S.O., Chef de la comptabilite militaire de l'Inde - Military AccountantGeneral, India. (H6tel Beau-Rivage.) Lieutenant-Colonel W. E. BEAZLEY, M.C., Officier d'Etat-major du Conseiller militaire en chef, Forces des Etats indiens - Staff Officer to the Military Adviser-in-Chief, India State Forces. (H6tel Beau-Rivage.) Secretaires particuliers - Private Secretaries: Mr. W. D. CROFT, Secretaire particulier de sir Samuel Hoare to Sir Samuel Hoare. (H6tel Beau-Rivage.) Private Secretary Miss F. BLAIN, Secretaire particuliere de Son Altesse l'Aga Khan - Private Secretary to His Highness the Aga Khan. (H6tel Beau-Rivage.) 61 - ETAT LIBRE D'IRLANDE - IRISH FREE STATE Mr. Sean LESTER, D6elgu6 permanent auprbs de la Soci6t6 des Nations - Permanent Delegate accredited to the League of Nations. (43, quai Wilson.) Mr. J. J. HEARNE, Conseiller juridique au Departement des Affaires 6trangeres Legal Adviser at the Department for Foreign Affairs. (H6tel des Bergues.) Conseillers techniques - Experts: Mr. T. J. COYNE, Secr6taire de la D6elgation permanente aupres de la Soci6t6 des Nations - Secretary of the Permanent Delegation accredited to the League of Nations. Mr. F. H. BOLAND, Secretaire a la Legation in Paris. i Paris - Secretary at the Legation - 62 ITALIE - ITALY Son Excellence M. Dino GRANDI, Ministre des Affaires etrangeres (H6tel Bellevue.) Minister for Foreign Affairs. Son Excellence le General Pietro GAZZERA. Ministre de la Guerre - Minister for War. (H6tel Bellevue.) Son Excellence l'Amiral Giuseppe SIRIANNI, Ministre de la Marine - Minister of Marine. (H6tel Bellevue.) Son Excellence le General Italo BALBO, Ministre de l'A6ronautique - Air Minister. (Hotel Bellevue.) Son Excellence M. Vittorio SCIALOJA, Ministre d'Etat, S6nateur Bellevue.) Minister of State, Senator. (H6tel Delegues adjoints - Substitute Delegates: Son Excellence l'Honorable Baron Alfredo ACTON, Amiral, S6nateur Bellevue.) Admiral of the Fleet, Senator. (Hotel Son Excellence le General Annibale BONOMI, General commandant de corps d'armee Army Corps. (H6tel de la Paix.) Son Excellence General Commanding ' Honorable Alberto DE MARINIS STAN- DARDO DI RICIGLIANO. General commandant de corps d'armee, Senateur - General Commanding Army Corps, Senator. (H6tel de la Paix.) -63Son Excellence M. Massimo PILOTTI, First President of the Premier President de la Cour d'Appel Court of Appeal. (H6tel Bellevue.) L'Honorable Comte Ugo CAVALLERO, General de Division, Senateur (H6tel de la Paix.) Divisional General, Senator. M. Cesare TUMEDET, Avocat, D6pute - Barrister-at-Law, Member of the Chamber of Deputies. (H6tel Beau-Rivage.) Le General de l'Aeronautique Pier Ruggero PICCIO, G6n6ral de Division - Divisional General. Secretaire gene'ral et Adjoints Assistants: (H6tel de la Paix.) Secretary-General and M. Augusto Rosso, Ministre plenipotentiaire, D6elgu6 adjoint au Conseil de la Soci6t6 des Nations - Minister Plenipotentiary, Assistant Delegate to the Council of the League of Nations. M. Francesco JACOMONI, Premier Secr6taire de L6gation - M. Leonardo First Secretary of Legation. VITETTI, Premier Secr6taire de Legation - Le Marquis Alberto Rossi LONGHI, Premier Secr6taire de Legation - Conseillers et Experts - First Secretary of Legation. First Secretary of Legation. Advisers and Experts: Pour les questions militaires - For Military Ques- tions: Le Colonel Comte Curio BARBASETTI DI PRUN, De l'Etat-major g6n6ral - General Staff. - 64 Le Lieutenant-Colonel Emilio GIGLIOLI, De l'Etat-major g6n6ral - General Staff. Le Lieutenant-Colonel Umberto MONDADORI, De l'Etat-major g6n6ral - General Staff. Le Lieutenant-Colonel Tancredi BIANCHI, De l'Etat-major g6n6ral - General Staff. Le Lieutenant-Colonel Riccardo MATTIOLI DI BELFIORE, De l'Etat-major g6n6ral - General Staff. Pour les questions navales - For Naval Questions: Le Major-General Luigi BARBERIS, Du G6nie naval - Naval Engineer Officer. Le Capitaine de vaisseau don Fabrizio RUSPOLI. Le Capitaine de vaisseau Paolo MARONI. Pour les questions d'aviation - For Air Questions: Le Colonel Mario MARTUCCI, De l'Aviation militaire - Military Air Force. Le Colonel Pietro PINNA, De l'Aviation militaire - Military Air Force. Le Lieutenant-Colonel Vittorio MARCHESI, De l'Aviation militaire - Military Air Force. Le Lieutenant-Colonel Silvio SCARONI, De l'Aviation militaire - Military Air Force. - 65 Pour les questions financieres Questions: - For Financial M. Ettore CAMBI, Inspecteur gen6ral au Ministere des Finances General at the Ministry for Finance. - Inspector- M. Tommaso FATTOROSI, Chef de Section au Ministere des Finances - Head of Section at the Ministry for Finance. M. Ezio VALENTINI, Chef de Section i la Comptabilit6 du Ministere de la Guerre Head of the Accountancy Section at the Ministry for War. Secretaires - Secretaries: M. Luigi CORTESE, Secr6taire de Legation - Secretary of Legation. M. Marcello DEL DRAGO BISCIA GENTILI, Consul. Le Major Renato RIGHI, De l'Etat-major g6n6ral - General Staff. Le Capitaine de corvette Lorenzo DARETTI. Le Major Carmelo RAPICAVOLI, De l'Artillerie - Artillery. Le Major Armando PASQUALI, De l'A6ronautique - Air Force. Le Major Pietrangelo ANTONINI, De l'A6ronautique - Air Force. 66 M. Aldo BONTEMPS, Premier commissaire consulaire - Le Capitaine Raffaele De l'Aeronautique - Le Capitaine Nicolo De l'A6ronautique - First Consular Commissioner GAROFALO, Air Force. GALANTE, Air Force. Le Capitaine Antonio BORGONI, Du Commissariat de la Marine - Commissariat of the Navy. M. Giovanni LERDA, Premier Secr6taire au Ministere de l'Aeronautique Secretary at the Air Ministry. M. Mario First PLETTI, Vice-Consul. M. Andrea FERRERO, Vice-Consul. Secretaires particuliers- Private Secretaries: M. Alberto NONIS, Premier Secr6taire de Legation, Secr6taire particulier de M. Grandi - First Secretary of Legation, Private Secretary to M. Grandi. Le Lieutenant-Colonel Giulio VAN DEN HEUVEL, De l'Etat-major g6n6ral, Secr6taire particulier du G6n6rat Gazzera - General Staff, Private Secretary to General Gazzera. Le Capitaine de fregate Emilio FERRERI, Secr6taire particulier de l'Amiral Sirianni to Admiral Sirianni. Private Secretary -67 Le Major Stefano CAGNA, De l'A6ronautique, Secr6taire particulier du G6enral Balbo Air Force, Private Secretary to General Balbo. Le Lieutenant de vaisseau Umberto DEL GRANDE, Secr6taire particulier de l'Amiral Acton Admiral Acton. Service de Presse - Private Secretary to Press Service: M. Guido Rocco, Ministre plenipotentiaire - Minister Plenipotentiary. M. Luciano MASCIA, Premier Secr6taire de Legation - First Secretary of Legation. M. Paolo CORTESE, Secretaire de Legation - Secretary of Legation. M. Vittorio E. TERRAGNI. Interprete me M Interpreter: Olivia AGRESTI ROSSETTI. - 68 JAPON - JAPAN Son Excellence M. Tsuneo MATSUDAIRA, Ambassadeur a Londres Metropole.) Ambassador in London. (Hotel Son Excellence M. Naotake SATO, Ambassadeur a Bruxelles Metropole.) Ambassador in Brussels. (H6tel Le General Iwane MATSUI, General de Division - Divisional General. (H6tel M6tropole.) Le Vice-Amiral Osami NAGANO. (H6tel M6tropole.) Suppleants - Substitutes. Son Excellence le Vicomte Kintomo MUSHAKOJI, Envoye extraordinaire et Ministre plenipotentiaire a Stockholm, Copenhague, Helsinki et Oslo - Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at Stockholm, Copenhagen, Helsinki and Oslo. (H6tel Metropole.) Son Excellence M. Shichitaro YADA, Envoy6 extraordinaire et Ministre plenipotentiaire a Berne Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at Berne. (H6tel Metropole.) Son Excellence M. Setsuzo SAWADA, Envoye extraordinaire et Ministre plenipotentiaire, Directeur du Bureau du Japon a la Soci6et des Nations - Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Director of the Japanese League of Nations Office. (H6tel Metropole.) Son Excellence M. Masaki HOTTA, Envoy6 extraordinaire et Ministre plenipotentiaire a Prague Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at Prague. (H6tel M6tropole.) -69Le Major-General Yoshitsugu TATEKAWA. (H6tel Metropole.) Le Contre-Amiral Wasuke KOMAKI. (H6tel M6tropole.) Secretaire general - Secretary-General: M. Shigenori TOGO, Conseiller d'Ambassade M6tropole.) Experts et Secretaires - Counsellor of Embassy. (H6tel Experts and Secretaries: Foreign Office: Ministere des Afaires itrangeres M. Nobubumi ITO, Conseiller d'Ambassade, Directeur adjoint du Bureau du Japon a la Societe des Nations - Counsellor' of Embassy, Assistant Director of the Japanese League of Nations Office. (Hotel Metropole.) M. Hirosi SAITO, Conseiller d'Ambassade M6tropole). Counsellor of Embassy. (Hotel M. Masayuki YOKOYAMA, Consul g6enral - Consul-General. (H6tel M6tropole.) M. Kiyoshi YAMAGATA, Premier Secr6taire d'Ambassade (H6tel Metropole.) First Secretary of Embassy. M. Shinrokuro HIDAKA, Secr6taire d'Ambassade M6tropole.) Secretary of Embassy. (H6tel M. Denjiro KATO, Secr6taire du Departement des Affaires 6trangeres - Secretary of the Department for Foreign Affairs. (H6tel M6tropole.) - 70 - M. Tamao SAKAMOTO, Secr6taire d'Ambassade, Secretaire du Bureau du Japon L la Socift6 des Nations - Secretary of Embassy, Secretary of the Japanese League of Nations Office. (H6tel M6tropole.) M. Yoshitaro YAMADA, Secretaire d'Ambassade Metropole.) Secretary of Embassy. (H6tel Secretary of Embassy. (Hotel M. Yoshio ANDO, Secr6taire d'Ambassade M6tropole.) - M. Taro TERASAKI, Consul. (Hotel M6tropole.) Le Vicomte Seiichi MOTONO, Consul: (Hotel Metropole.) M. Kwan YOSHIDA, Secr6taire du Departement des Affaires 6trangeres - Secretary of the Department for Foreign Affairs. (Hotel Metropole.) M. Shintaro SATO, Attache. (Hotel M6tropole.) M. Ginjiro SUMINO, Attache. (Hotel M6tropole.) M. Taizo WATANABE, Attache. (H6tel M6tropole.) Departementdes Finances-Department of Finance: M. Shoji ARAKAWA, Secretaire du Departement des Finances - Secretary of the Department of Finance. (Hotel Metropole.) - Armee - 71 Army: Le Major-General Yoshitsugu TATEKAWA. (Hotel Metropole.) Le Major-General Hisao TANI. (H6tel M6tropole.) M. Juntaro MARUYAMA, Professeur a l'Ecole de guerre (H6tel Metropole.) Professor of the War College Le Colonel Junichiro KOBAYASHI, Artillerie - Artillery. (H6tel M6tropole.) Le Colonel Kazuo OGASAWARA, Service aeronautique - Air Service. (H6tel Metropole.) Le Colonel Kennosuke HAYASHI, Artillerie - Artillery. (HI6tel Metropole.) Le Colonel Keisuke FUJIE, Artillerie - Artillery. (H6tel Metropole,) Le Colonel Masaharu HOMMA, Infanterie - Infantry. (I6tel Metropole.) Le Colonel Sadamu SHIMOMURA, Artillerie - Artillery. (H6tel Metropole.) Le Colonel Hayashi KINOSHITA, Service a6ronautique - Air Service; (H6tel Metropole.) Le Colonel Katsumi OHTA, Artillerie - Artillery. (IHtel M6tropole.) Le Lieutenant-Colonel Jiro SOGAWA, Infanterie - Infantry. (H6tel Metropole.) -72 Le Lieutenant-Colonel Torao OHTSUKA, Intendant - Intendant. (H6tel M6tropole.) Le Commandant Yutaka HARADA, Chirurgien - Surgeon. (Hotel Metropole.) Le Commandant Juichiro OKADA, Service aironautique - Air Service. (H6tel Metropole.) Le Commandant Issahu NISHIHARA, Cavalerie - Cavalry. (Hotel Metropole.) Le Commandant Kyoji TOMINAGA, Infanterie - Infantry. (H6tel Metropole.) Le Commandant Seizaburo OKAZAKI, Infanterie - Infantry. (H6tel Metropole.) Le Commandant Seiichi YAMADA, Artillerie - Artillery. (H6tel Metropole.) Le Commandant Nobuichi KUSUNOKI, Service a6ronautique - Air Service. (Hotel M6tropole.) Le Commandant Ginnosuke UCHIDA, Infanterie - Infantry. (H6tel Metropole.) Le Capitaine Moriaki SHIMIZU, Artillerie - Artillery. (H6tel Metropole.) Le Capitaine Isamu NAKANO, Artillerie - Artillery. (H6tel Metropole.) Le Capitaine Shigenari INA, Infanterie - Infantry, (H6tel Metropole.) Le Capitaine Isao YASUMURA, Infanterie - Infantry. (HItel M6tropole.) - Le Lieutenant Kenzo Artillerie - 73 - KAMIYA, Artillery. (H6tel M6tropole.) M. Toshitaro ISHII, Secr6taire - Secretary. Marine Navy. (H6tel Metropole.) Le Contre-Amiral Wasuke KOMAKI. (H6tel M6tropole.) M. Juji ENOMOTO, Secr6taire du D6partement de la Marine Department of Marine. (Hotel M6tropole.) Secretary of the Le Capitaine Yasuo Ko, Repr6sentant naval a la Commission permanente consultative pour les questions militaires, navales et a6riennes - Naval Representative on the Permanent Advisory Commission for Military, Naval and Air Questions. (H6tel Metropole.) Le Capitaine Sonosuke KOBAYASHI. (H6tel M6tropole.) Le Capitaine Kiyoshi NODA. (H6tel Metropole.) M. Kenske HASHIMOTO, Ing6nieur de l'a6ronautique (civil) (civilian). (H6tel M6tropole.) Aeronautical Engineer Le Capitaine Nishizo TSUKAHARA. (H6tel Metropole.) Le Capitaine Masashi KOBAYASHI. (H6tel M6tropole.) Le Capitaine du Genie maritime Yoshitsugu MURAKAMI, (H6tel M6tropole.) - 74 Le Capitaine de corvette Arata OKA, Secr6taire particulier du Contre-Amiral Nagano - Private Secretary to Rear-Admiral Nagano. (H6tel Metropole.) Le Medecin principal de la marine Kengo KOBAYASHI. (Hotel Metropole.) Le Tresorier payeur principal Ushinosuke YAMATOMO. (Hotel M6tropole.) Le Capitaine de corvette Yoshimasa NAKAHARA. (H6tel Metropole.) Le Capitaine de corvette Masaki OGATA. (H6tel M6tropole.) Le Commandant du genie Rikizo TADA. (H6tel M6tropole.) Le Capitaine de corvette Kikushi OKUDA. (H6tel Metropole.) Le Lieutenant de vaisseau Baron Sadatoshi TOMIOKA. (H6tel M6tropole.) M. Shuichi MIZOTA, Secr6taire - Secretary. Le Lieutenant Seiji (H6tel M6tropole.) NISHIZAWA. (H6tel M6tropole.) Le Lieutenant Kurio TOIBANA. (H6tel M6tropole.) Departement des Communications Communications: M. Shimao IWAI, - Department of Secretaire du D6partement des Communications - Secretary of the Department of Communications. (Hotel Metropole.) 75 -- LETTONIE - LATVIA Son Excellence M. Charles ZARINE, Ministre des Affaires 6trangeres - Minister for Foreign Affairs. (H6tel d'Angleterre.) Son Excellence M. Jules FELDMANS, Ministre plenipotentiaire, Delegue permanent auprbs de la Societe des Nations - Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Delegate accredited to the League of Nations. (4I , quai Wilson.) Le General Alexandre KALEYS, Chef de l'Etat-major g6neral - Chief of the General Staff. (H6tel d'Angleterre.) Son Excellence M. Ludvigs EKIS, Ministre plenipotentiaire, Chef de ia Section occidentale au Ministere des Affaires etrangeres - Minister Plenipotentiary, Head of the Western Section at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. (H6tel d'Angleterre.) Son Excellence M. Pierre SEYA 1, Envoye extraordinaire et Ministre plenipotentiaire i Rome Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at Rome. 1 M. Seya ne rejoindra Geneve qu'apres le depart des autres d6lgues - M. Seya will not come to Geneva until the departure of the other delegates. -- 76 - LIBERIA - LIBERIA Son Excellence le Docteur Antoine SOTTILE, Envoye extraordinaire et Ministre plenipotentiaire, Delegue permanent aupres de la Societ6 des Nations Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Delegate accredited to the League of Nations. (Io5, route de Chene.) LITHUANIE LITHUANIA Son Excellence le Docteur Dovas ZAUNIUS 1, Ministre des Affaires etrangbres (H6tel Touring-Balance.) Minister for Foreign Affairs. Son Excellence M. Petras KLIMAS, Envoye extraordinaire et Ministre plenipotentiaire A Paris Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary in Paris. (H6tel Touring-Balance.) Le Colonel B. E. M. Juozas LANSKORONSKIS. (H6tel Touring-Balance.) Supple'ant Substitute: M. Vaclovas SIDZIKAUSKAS. r I Pendant son sejour a Geneve, le D Zaunius assumera les fonctions de President de la D616gation. - During his stay at Geneva, Dr. Zaunius will act as President of the Delegation. - 77 - LUXEMBOURG - LUXEMBURG Son Excellence M. Joseph BECH, Ministre d'Etat, President du Gouvernement, Ministre des Affaires etrangeres - Minister of State, Prime Minister, Minister for Foreign Affairs. (H6tel de la Paix.) Suppleants Substitutes: M. Charles VERMAIRE, Consul h Geneve - Consul at Geneva. (II, rue Bellot.) M. Albert WEHRER, Docteur en droit, Conseiller de gouvernement - Doctor of Law, Governmental Adviser. (H6tel de la Paix.) -78- MEXIQUE - MEXICO Son Excellence le Docteur Francisco CASTILLO NAJERA, Envoye extraordinaire et Ministre plenipotentiaire i La Haye Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at The Hague. (87, rue de Lausanne.) Le Colonel Othon LEON, Attache militaire a Madrid (Hotel La Residence.) Military Attache at Madrid. Le Commandant Pedro MERCADO, Attache militaire La Residence.) i Paris - Military Attache in Paris. (H6tel NICARAGUA 79 NORWAY NORVEGE Son Excellence M. Birger BRAADLAND, Ministre des Affaires etrangeres (H6tel La Residence.) Minister for Foreign Affairs. M. Erik COLBAN, Minister Plenipotentiary. Ministre plenipotentiaireLa R6sidence.) (H6tel M. Johan H. ANDRESEN, Membre du Storting Residence.) Member of the Storting. (H6tel La Le Docteur Christian L. LANGE, Secr6taire general de l'Union interparlementaire - SecretaryGeneral of the Interparliamentary Union. (2, chemin de la Tour.) Conseillers techniques - Experts: M. E. OTTO, Capitaine de vaisseau, Chef de division - Commodore, Head of Division. (H6tel La Residence.) M. William Colonel. STEFFENS, (H6tel La Residence.) Delegue adjoint et Conseiller technique (provisoirement) Assistant Delegate and Expert (temporarily): M. Rolf ANDVORD, Chef de la Division des Affaires de la Societe des Nations au Ministere des Affaires etrangeres - Head of the League of Nations Section at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. (H6teL La Residence.) - 80 Secretaire general (provisoirement) (temporarily) : Secretarv-General M. Rolf ANDERSEN, Secretaire de Legation Residence.) Secrtaire - Secretary of Legation. (H6tel La Secretary: M. Henning SOLLIED. Secr6taire au Ministere des Affaires 6trangbres - Secretary at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. (Hotel La R6sidence.) NOUVELLE-ZELANDE - NEW ZEALAND Sir Thomas Mason WILFORD, K.C M.G., K.C., Haut Commissaire (H6tel Bristol.) Londres - Suppleant et Secretaire - High Commissioner in London. Substitute and Secretary: Mr. C. KNOWLES. (Hdtel Bristol.) PANAMA Son Excellence le Docteur Narciso GARAY, Ancien Ministre des Affaires 6trangeres, Ministre plenipotentiaire en France et en Grande-Bretagne, Repr6sentant au Conseil de la Soci6t6 des Nations - Former Minister for Foreign Affairs, Minister Plenipotentiary in France and Great Britain, Representative on the Council of the League of Nations. (Hotel de La Paix.) PARAGUAY - PAYS-BAS- Son Excellence le 82 NETHERLANDS Jonkheer F. BEELAERTS VAN BLOKLAND, Ministre des Affaires etrangeres (Chef de la IDelegation) Minister for Foreign Affairs (Head of the Delegation). (H6tel des Bergues.) M. V. H. RUTGERS, Professeur i l'Universite libre d'Amsterdam (Chef suppleant de la Delegation) - Professor at the Free University of Amsterdam (Substitute Head of the Delegation). (H6tel des Bergues.) M. J. P. A. FRANCOIS, Chef de la Section des Affaires de la Societe des Nations, Ministere des Affaires etrangeres, Professeur extraordinaire a. l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes commerciales i Rotterdam - Head of the League of Nations Section at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Extraordinary Professor at the School for Higher Commercial Studies at Rotterdam. (H6tel des Bergues.) M. W. M. VAN LANSCHOT, Membre de la Premiere Chambre des Etats-Generaux - Member of the First Chamber of the States-General. (H6tel des Bergues.); M. E. MORESCO, Ancien Vice-Pr6sident du Conseil des Indes neerlandaises Former Vice-President of the Council of the Netherlands Indies. (133, rue de Lausanne.) M. H. G. SURIE, Vice-Amiral en Richemond.) retraite - Vice-Admiral (retired). (H6tel M. C. VAN TUINEN, Lieutenant-general en retraite (H6tel Richemond.) Lieutenant-General (retired).
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