Invitation to Tender Appel d'offres TS10138JM103114 TS10138JM103114 Date Date October 31, 2014 Le 31 octobre 2014 Canada Post is inviting Tenders for the performance of the following transportation and related services: Summary of Description of Service Postes Canada sollicite des soumissions pour le service de transport suivant ainsi que les services connexes : Résumé de la description du service Name and location of service: Désignation et endroit du service : CORNWALL (ON) CLC CORNWALL (ON) TDF Tender #: TS10138JM103114 Soumission #: TS10138JM103114 Nature of Service: Nature du service : Transportation of Letter Carriers from and to their respective walks as described in the Schedule "A", SERVICE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CONVEYANCE OF LETTER CARRIERS. Transport de facteurs à leurs routes respectives selon la Description du service proposée à l’ Annexe "A". Type of Equipment: Genre d'équipement utilisé : 1 Compact Car(s); 1 Voiture Compact(s); Passenger vehicles Véhicules de passager Commencement date of service: Date d'entrée en vigueur du service : November 1, 2014 1er novembre 2014 Duration of Agreement: Durée du contrat : Up to 5 YEARS Jusqu'à 5 ANS Basis of rate to be quoted: Tarif de base à indiquer dans la soumission : Fixed/Flat Rate per trip including taxes Taux fixe par voyage incluant les taxes Inquiries Renseignements Necessary information respecting the Tender, may be obtained by telephoning the Transportation Contracting Office at: Vous pouvez obtenir des renseignements nécessaires relatifs à l'appel en téléphonant au Service divisionnaire des contrats de transport comme suit : Joe Muccitto Tel: (613) 734-3000 x 55246 Or Email: [email protected] Joe Muccitto Tel: (613) 734-3000 x 55246 ou Email: [email protected] DO NOT COPY MR. MUCCITTO WHEN SUBMITTING YOUR TENDER. NE COPIEZ PAS VOTRE SOUMISSION À M. MUCCITTO Tender Closing Time Heure limite de réception de la soumission Tenders must be received in Ottawa, no later than 14:00 local time, Ottawa, Ontario; November 12, 2014 Les soumissions doivent être reçus à Ottawa au plus tard à 14 Heures, heure locale, Ottawa, Ontario; le 12 novembre 2014 RETURN ONLY TO: CANADA POST ENVOYEZ SEULEMENT À: POSTES CANADA VIA SECURE FAX PAR L'INTERMÉDIAIRE DU FAX SECURITAIRE (514) 284-0550 (514) 284-0550 Attention: Tender Control TENDER #: TS10138JM103114 0550 OR À l’attention de: Contrôle des soumissions SOUMISSION #: TS10138JM103114 OUCU VIA SOLICITATION CONTROL E-MAIL PAR COURRIEL AU BUREAU DE CONTRÔLE DES SOUMISSIONS [email protected] [email protected] Subject line to read : Line à sujet doit être: “Tender Control – TENDER # TS10138JM103114” IMPORTANT: DO NOT COPY (CC) ANY OTHER CANADA POST EMPLOYEE ON YOUR SUBMISSION AS THIS WOULD BE CAUSE FOR DISQUALIFICATION. (514) 284-0550 “Contrôle des soumissions - soumission # TS10138JM103114” PAR L'INTERMÉDIAIRE DU IMPORTANT: NE COPIEZ PAS (CC) VOTRE SOUMISSION À UN AUTRE EMPLOYÉ DE POSTE DE CANADA CAR CECI SERAIT UNE CAUSE POUR LA DISQUALIFICATION. FAX SECURITAIRE Acceptance of Tender Acceptation de la soumission The lowest or any Tender will not necessarily be accepted. Postes Canada ne s'engage à accepter ni la plus basse ni aucune autre soumission. v.2012/11/23 Page 1 of 24 Cornwall (ON) CLC TS10138JM103114 INFORMATION TO TENDERERS RENSEIGNEMENTS À L’INTENTION DES SOUMISSIONNAIRES 1.0 Tender Package 1.0 Dossier d’appel d’offres 1.1 The enclosed material, as well as the information herein, contains all pertinent information relative to the Tender for the service under advertisement. This includes: 1.1 Les documents qui composent la présente trousse, ainsi que les explications qui y figurent, forment la totalité de l’information pertinente concernant l’appel d’offres pour la prestation du service dont il est question. Cette trousse comprend : - - Invitation to Tender - Tender Questionnaire - Service Requirements (Schedule “A”) - Tender Forms (Schedule “B” and B-1) - Sample Agreement (Schedule C) (herein referred to as the "Tender Package") un exemplaire de l’appel d’offres le questionnaire d’appel d’offres les spécifications de services (Annexe « A ») les formulaire de soumission (Annexe « B » et B-1) Ébauche (Annexe « C ») (le tout étant désigné collectivement ci-après par l’expression la « Trousse de soumission »). Avis spécial aux soumissionnaires 2.0 Special Notice to Tenderers 2.0 2.1 Before submitting their Tenders, Tenderers are urged to familiarize themselves with the contents of the Tender Package (including the information contained herein) and more particularly the Description of Service. 2.1 Avant de soumissionner, les soumissionnaires sont instamment priés de prendre attentivement connaissance du contenu de la trousse de soumission (y compris l’information ci-énoncée) et, en particulier, des spécifications de services. 2.2 By submitting its bid, the tenderer acknowledges that Canada Post (CPC) shall have no liability for any cost incurred by the tenderer in preparing its bid and that the preparing of its bid is undertaken entirely at its risk and on the understanding that no contract will arise out of the submission of any tender, or from any negotiation subsequent to it, but will arise only upon execution of a written agreement by both parties. 2.2 Par la simple présentation d’une soumission, le soumissionnaire reconnaît automatiquement que la Postes Canada (SCP) ne sera absolument pas redevable de quoi que ce soit en ce qui concerne les frais engagés par le soumissionnaire pour préparer sa soumission, le tout étant aux risques du soumissionnaire qui prend la décision de soumissionner en sachant pertinemment que ni le dépôt d’une soumission ni une quelconque négociation ultérieure ne se soldera par l’attribution d’un contrat, lequel ne pourra naître que de la signature d’une convention écrite entre les deux parties. 2.3 The number of items, trips and kilometres referred to in this Tender Package, is only an estimate and Canada Post shall not in any way be held liable for any representation as to the actual number of items, trips and kilometres referred to herein. 2.3 Les nombres d’articles, de déplacements et de kilomètres mentionnés dans cette trousse de soumission ne sont que des chiffres estimatifs. Postes Canada décline toute responsabilité quant aux nombres réels d’articles, de déplacements et de kilomètres dans le cadre de la prestation du service. 2.4 Tenderers must either submit Fixed/Flat Rates to be applicable for the duration of the Agreement or submit different Fixed/Flat Rates for different periods within the duration of the Agreement. Tenderer(s) must clearly indicate the Fixed/Flat Rate and the period each rate is to cover. 2.4 Les soumissionnaires doivent proposer soit un taux fixe par voyage qui s’appliquera pendant toute la durée de la convention ou des taux fixes qui s’appliqueront pour différentes périodes pendant la durée de la convention. Les soumissionnaires doivent clairement indiquer le taux fixe par voyage ainsi que la période visée par chaque prix. 2.5 Tenderers will complete the Tender Form (Schedule “B” & “B-1” Tender Questionnaire) and return one complete copy. The Tender Form will form part of the Agreement, unless the Agreement otherwise provides. Failure to provide all information required on the Tender Form and to complete the Tender Form may be render the Tender liable to rejection by Canada Post. 2.5 Chaque soumissionnaire doit remplir le formulaire de soumission (Annexe « B »& « B-1»+ Questionnaire) et retourner un exemplaire dûment rempli. Le formulaire de soumission fera partie intégrante de la convention, sauf stipulation contraire énoncée à la convention. Si le soumissionnaire ne fournit pas la totalité des renseignements demandés ou s’il ne remplit pas le formulaire en bonne et due forme, sa proposition risque d’être rejetée par Postes Canada. 2.6 Tenders will be accepted only if made on the Tender Form (Schedule “B” & “B-1” and Questionnaire). 2.6 Les soumissions seront acceptées uniquement sous la forme d’un formulaire de soumission dûment rempli (Annexe « B » & « B-1 » + Questionnaire). 2.7 The highest valued incentive to CanadaPost or any tenderer will not necessarily be awarded the Contract. 2.7 La valeur incitative la plus haute à Postes Canada ou tout autre soumissionnaire ne sera pas forcément attribué le contrat. 2.8 Response to this invitation to tender shall not necessarily result in an agreement being formed between Canada Post and the tenderer. 2.8 Le fait de répondre à cet appel d’offres n’équivaut absolument pas à la conclusion d’une convention entre Postes Canada et le soumissionnaire. Page 2 of 24 Cornwall (ON) CLC TS10138JM103114 2.9 From the tenders submitted, Canada Post may select one or more tenderers for further negotiations (each such tenderer being a "Negotiating Tenderer"). 2.9 2.10 Award of contract will be based on what represents best value to Canada Post, as determined by Canada Post. 2.10 L’attribution de contrat seront basés sur ce qui représente la meilleur valeur pour Postes Canada tel que déterminé par Postes Canada. 2.11 If a tenderer is selected by Canada Post as a Negotiating Tenderer, such selection shall not necessarily result in an agreement being formed between Canada Post and the Negotiating Tenderer. 2.11 Si un soumissionnaire est sélectionné par Postes Canada à titre de soumissionnaire appelé à négocier, le fait d’avoir ainsi été sélectionné n’équivaudra pas nécessairement à la conclusion d’une convention entre Postes Canada et ce soumissionnaire appelé à négocier. 2.12 Canada Post may, at any time and without liability, terminate its intention to award the Contract or change the scope of services to be provided in connection with the Contract. 2.12 En toutes circonstances et sans aucune obligation de sa part, Postes Canada peut revenir sur son intention d’attribuer le contrat ou changer la nature des services à fournir dans le cadre du contrat. 2.13 Canada Post may, at any time and without liability, withdraw from negotiations with any Negotiating Tenderer. 2.13 En toutes circonstances et sans aucune obligation de sa part, Postes Canada peut abandonner les négociations entreprises avec n’importe quel soumissionnaire appelé à négocier. 2.14 Canada Post may, at its option, enter into negotiations with any tenderer or tenderers for the award of the Contracts, and/or, may reject any or all tenders at its sole discretion. 2.14 Postes Canada peut rejeter toutes les soumissions et, à son entière discrétion, elle peut entreprendre des négociations avec un ou plusieurs soumissionnaires en vue de l’attribution du contrat. 3.0 Firm and Irrevocable Offer 3.0 Offre ferme et irrévocable 3.1 The Tender is an offer by the Tenderer that is firm and irrevocable and is open for acceptance by Canada Post for a period of ninety (90) days from the stipulated time and date for the receipt of the Tender or for such longer period as the Tenderer and Canada Post may agree. 3.1 À compter du moment de son dépôt par le soumissionnaire, la soumission constitue une offre ferme et irrévocable, qui demeure valide, et que Postes Canada peut accepter, durant une période de quatre-vingt-dix (90) jours à compter de l’heure et de la date de réception stipulée ou durant une période plus longue selon ce que le soumissionnaire et Postes Canada auront convenu le cas échéant. 3.2 Where Negotiating Tenderers have been selected, notwithstanding the foregoing rights of Canada Post or any negotiations that Canada Post has commenced with any party, a Negotiating Tenderer shall (if and only if required by Canada Post) enter into a written agreement based on its tender (and such other terms and conditions as Canada Post and the Negotiating Tenderer agree to) prior to expiration of the sixty (60) day period immediately following the date on which Canada Post informs the tenderer that the tenderer has been selected as a Negotiating Tenderer. 3.2 Advenant que des soumissionnaires appelés à négocier aient été sélectionnés, et nonobstant les droits susmentionnés de Postes Canada ou les négociations que Postes Canada aurait entamées avec n’importe quelle partie, tout soumissionnaire appelé à négocier devra conclure (à condition que Postes Canada le lui demande, et uniquement à cette condition) une convention écrite fondée sur sa soumission (et selon toutes autres modalités dont Postes Canada et le soumissionnaire appelé à négocier auront convenu) avant l’expiration de la période de soixante (60) jours suivant immédiatement la date à laquelle Postes Canada aura informé le soumissionnaire qu’il a été sélectionné comme soumissionnaire appelé à négocier. 4.0 Tender Closing Time 4.0 Date de clôture de l’appel d’offres 4.1 C’est au soumissionnaire, et à lui seul, qu’il incombera de veiller à ce que Postes Canada reçoive effectivement la soumission à l’adresse désignée de ses Services de contrats de transport, à l’heure et à la date stipulées pour la réception des soumissions ou avant cette date. Toute soumission que Postes Canada n’aura pas reçue en temps et lieu sera renvoyée au soumissionnaire sans avoir été décachetée. Se référer à la page 1 de ce document. 5.0 Dépôt de garantie (non applicable) 4.1 5.0 It shall be the Tenderers’ sole responsibility to ensure that the Tender is received by Canada Post, Transportation Contracting Service Office at the designated address on or before the stipulated time and date for the receipt of Tenders. Tenders not so received will be returned to the Tenderer unopened. Refer to page 1 of this document. Deposit with Tender (not applicable) Page 3 of 24 À partir des soumissions qui lui auront été transmises, Postes Canada pourra sélectionner un ou plusieurs soumissionnaires afin d’entreprendre d’éventuelles négociations ultérieures (chaque soumissionnaire ainsi sélectionné devenant un « soumissionnaire appelé à négocier »). Cornwall (ON) CLC TS10138JM103114 6.0 Insurance 6.0 Assurance 6.1 Without limiting the generality of the provisions of the Agreement the Contractor shall be required to provide and maintain, the insurance coverage at the levels indicated in Schedule “A”. 6.1 Sans limiter la portée générale des stipulations énoncées à la convention, l’entrepreneur sera tenu de souscrire et de maintenir en vigueur les garanties d’assurance aux niveaux indiqués dans l’Annexe « A ». 6. It shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor to determine what additional insurance coverage, if any, are necessary and advisable for its own protection and or to fulfill its obligations under the Agreement. 6.2 Il incombera à l’entrepreneur, et à lui seul, de déterminer, le cas échéant, quelles garanties d’assurance additionnelles sont nécessaires et souhaitables pour sa propre protection et/ou pour remplir ses obligations aux termes de la convention. 7.0 Security Clearance 7.0 Vérification de sécurité 7.1 The Contractor shall keep confidential and not divulge, or use without the written consent of the Corporation, any personal information about an identifiable individual (including, but not limited to, the name and address of an individual) provided to the Contractor by the Corporation or obtained by the Contractor from any other source, except as required by the Contractor in order to carry out its obligations under this Agreement. For the purposes of handling such information, the Contractor shall govern itself as if directly subject to the requirements of the Privacy Act, R.S.C. 1985 c.P-21, as amended, and any other applicable legislation. The Contractor shall not destroy any information about an identifiable individual unless expressly instructed to do so in writing by an authorized representative of the Corporation. 7.1 L’Entrepreneur devra protéger la confidentialité et ne pas divulguer ou utiliser sans le consentement écrit de la Société, tout renseignement personnel concernant une personne identifiable (y compris mais de façon non limitative, le nom et l’adresse d’une personne) fourni à l’Entrepreneur par la Société ou obtenu par l’Entrepreneur de toute autre source, sous réserve des dispositions de l’Entrepreneur en vue de répondre à ses obligations en vertu de la présente entente. Aux fins de la gestion de tels renseignements, l’Entrepreneur devra lui-même se gouverner comme s’il était directement assujetti aux exigences de la Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels (L.R., 1985, ch. P-21), dans ses nouveaux termes, et à toute autre loi applicable. L’Entrepreneur ne devra détruire aucun renseignement concernant une personne identifiable à moins qu’un représentant autorisé de la Société ne lui ait expressément demandé par écrit de le faire. 8.0 Contract Security 8.0 Garantie d’exécution du contrat 8.1 Upon request at the time of the signing of the Agreement, the successful Tenderer shall deliver to Canada Post the following documents: 8.1 Le soumissionnaire dont Postes Canada aura retenu les services devra remettre à celle-ci, au moment de la signature de la convention, ce qui suit : (a) A certificate or certificates, as the case may be, of insurance stating that the insurance coverage required are in effect, and the contractual liability assumed by the Contractor under the Agreement is covered. a) Selon le cas, un ou plusieurs certificats d’assurance attestant ceci : les garanties d’assurance requises sont en vigueur; la responsabilité contractuelle qui incombe à l’entrepreneur aux termes de la convention est assurée. And in no event shall Canada Post have any obligation to make any payment to the Contractor under the Agreement until such documents have been delivered by the Contractor as required herein. De plus, en aucun cas Postes Canada ne sera tenue de payer à l’entrepreneur quelque montant que ce soit aux termes de la convention tant que celui-ci ne lui aura pas remis en bonne et due forme le certificat ou les certificats prescrits. 9.0 Acknowledgement 9.0 Confirmation 9.1 By submitting its tender, the tenderer expressly acknowledges that it has read and understands the foregoing procedures. 9.1 Page 4 of 24 Par la simple présentation de sa soumission, le soumissionnaire confirme automatiquement et expressément qu’il a lu et comprend l’ensemble de la procédure énoncée ci-dessus. Cornwall (ON) CLC TS10138JM103114 SCHEDULE “A” SERVICE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CONVEYANCE OF LETTER CARRIERS A) Service requirements: Please note that not all of the trips noted in Schedule “B-1” will be required on a daily basis and the exact pick up and drop off locations may vary. Canada Post reserves the right to amend its pick up and drop off locations as well as the number of potential trips in order to meet its day to day operations. Where two or more carriers travel in same vehicle the charge will be based on the most distant run. The service is from Monday to Friday excluding Statutory Holidays. (Approximately 250 days per year) The company must have sufficient vehicles to meet this requirement. Refer to Service Level Response Time, paragraph C). Conveyance Service is for full-time and part-time Letter Carriers as indicated in the AM and PM trips. Time vehicles required: 90% of trips between 08:30 - 16:00 Whenever possible, Letter Carriers will ride together in order to minimize the number of trips or at the direction of Canada Post management. (Conveyance vehicles should normally carry more than one Letter Carrier at a time) All Letter Carriers must return to the Station at the end of the day. Due to operational fluctuations, Canada Post Corporation cannot guarantee that the potential number of trips/riders/vehicle usage will be met and the service will be paid on the basis of usage only. Canada Post will continue to change its delivery model throughout the term of this Agreement due to our daily on-going business requirements which may and are anticipated to reduce future taxi requirements. B) Operating Plan: The Contractor is required to have an Operating Plan and must include the following: - driver screening driver training, any Safety Programs etc. (detail) vehicle information (ie: size of fleet, type of vehicles, condition of vehicles) copy of licences vehicles should be roadworthy and capable to pass Ministry of Transportation Vehicle Safety Standards. vehicle maintenance programs communication systems contingency / back up plans Performance records - % of accidents in last year insurance certificate $1M Commercial Auto Liability and $1M Commercial General Liability Insurance. C) Service Level, Response Time: During peak demands (inclement weather, start of school), the same level of service is to be maintained. We are a major year round customer, and expect our service provider to be there for us, with no degradation of service when your business peaks for other reasons. Response time to be no greater than 10 minutes from time of call if weather permitting. Failure may result in trip cancellation with no compensation. Contractor must be available as per determined times set by each Stations. No trips shall be charged to CPC between the hours of 18:00 and 08:00 unless approved by the local Supervisor. This service is not to be used for conveyance to and from work or other personal use. No special arrangements are to be made between Letter Carriers and Drivers unless advised by CPC - Transportation Contracting Services. D) Communication The Contractor will provide name and phone number of contact person responsible for any problems that may occur with regards to the service. E) Meetings: Canada Post reserves the right to meet with the Contractor, local management and Transportation Contracting Services at least quarterly to review levels of service, trip volumes, costs, and invoicing information. All parties will utilize this meeting as a forum for resolving concerns and as well, to discuss opportunities to reduce operating costs. On a quarterly basis, the Contractor, local management and contract services may meet to review data for the last quarter, with a view to making contract adjustments as necessary. It is understood that the local management does not have negotiating authorities to change terms of the contract. The Contractor must discuss such issues with the Transportation Contracting Authority. Page 5 of 24 Cornwall (ON) CLC TS10138JM103114 SCHEDULE “A” CONTINUED F) The Trip: The letter carrier pick up and drop off locations are identified as per the trips stated in Schedules "B-1" A Taxi Chit (or other acceptable equivalent) is to be used for every trip, no "return" usage. The meter reading shall be recorded for all trips on the Taxi Chit. (tips/gratuities are not be included) G) Letter Carrier Conveyance: Schedules "B-1” contain estimated numbers of trips and are not to be changed unless advised by the Transportation Contracting Authority. H) Payment: Payment to the Contractor will be payable after receipt of invoice, net sixty (60) days. Canada Post Corporation shall only pay for services actually performed. Numbers stated on Schedule "B-1" are estimates only and do not constitute warranties, guarantees, or representations to the Contractor. On each invoice the following information must be clearly visible or it will be rejected for payment: 1. Company Letter Head (Company Name, Contact, Address and phone number) 2. CPC’s Vendor Number i.e. # 100XXXXX (CPC will provide you this number) 3. CPC’s Contract Number i.e. # 44000XXXXX (CPC will provide you this number) 4. Registered GST number 5. Taxes & discounts must be indicated as a separate line item on each invoice 6. Taxes shall be applied to the discounted amount only. 7. Billing Period by calendar month 8. Detailed Number of trips (dates and Letter Carrier walks number) Canada Post will not pay for taxi trips that are not evidenced by taxi chits (or other acceptable equivalent) which have been previously authorized for usage by the Canada Post Superintendent, initialed by the taxi driver and the Letter Carrier and include the Letter Carrier’s walk number. Page 6 of 24 Cornwall (ON) CLC TS10138JM103114 Schedule « B » Tender Form Annexe « B » Formulaire de soumission Je soussigné(e) _______________________________, I, _________________________________________ (print name in full or name or business entity) (Prière d’inscrire en lettres moulées les nom et prénom du soumis, soumissionnaire ou bien la dénomination commerciale ou la raison sociale de l’entreprise soumissionnaire) de la ville de _________________________________ of __________________________________________ (town) in the county of _____________________ and province of _________________________________________ dans le comté de __________________________ situé dans la province de/du/de la/d’ ___________________, having received and examined this Tender Form, the Invitation to Tender, the information to Tenders, the Description of Service (Schedule “A”) and having understood the contents of the same, and in light of such examination being satisfied as to the scope of the service and as to the labour and equipment that will be required to perform the service known as: déclare avoir reçu et examiné le présent formulaire de soumission, l’appel d’offres, les renseignements à l’intention des soumissionnaires et les spécifications de services (Annexe « A », et en avoir compris la teneur. Cet examen m’ayant convaincu de la nature du service ainsi que du genre de main-d’œuvre et du type de matériel qui seront requis pour exécuter le service appelé : Taxi Service for the Conveyance of Letter Carriers for the following locations (please select those that apply): Service de transport via Taxi pour Facteurs pour les Centres de Livraison de (s'il vous plaît sélectionner ceux qui s'appliquent): CORNWALL (ON) CLC □ □ CORNWALL (ON) TDF do hereby offer to provide transportation and related services to Canada Post in conformity with the terms and conditions contained in the above noted documents, at the following rate(s). Par la présente, j’offre donc à Postes Canada d’assurer le transport et la prestation des services connexes conformément aux conditions stipulées dans les documents susmentionnés au(x) prix indiqué(s) ci-dessous. NOTE: No amendments to the rates tendered shall be allowed for the duration of the Agreement unless so ordered by the governing body for Taxi services in Cornwall, ON and evidenced by the Contractor. NOTA : Aucun rajustement des prix proposés ne sera permis pendant la durée du contrat, à moins d’être autorisé par l'organisme de réglementation des taxis pour la ville de Cornwall, Ont. TENDER BID SHEET(S): FEUILLE DE PRIX DE SOUMISSION : I HAVE PROPERLY COMPLETED AND ATTACHED ALL REQUIRED SCHEDULE “B” & “B-1” TENDER QUESTIONNAIRE J’AI COMPLÉTEZ ET ANNEXÉ TOUS LES CÉDULES B-1 & B-1 QUESTIONNAIRE REQUISES DU FORMULAIRE DE SOUMISSION. Note: Your above bid should give consideration, but not be limited to costs such as license, depreciation, contingency, insurance, fuel, maintenance, profit, etc. Nota : Votre soumission doit considérer les facteurs suivants coût du permis, dépréciation, contingence, assurance, essence, bénéfice, maintenance, etc. I understand that the Tender is a firm and irrevocable offer from the time of receipt by Canada Post until ninety days (90) from the date of Tender closing and may not be withdrawn. Je comprends que cette soumission constitue une offre ferme et irrévocable dès sa réception par Postes Canada, et ce, durant quatre-vingt-dix (90) jours à compter de la date de clôture de l’appel d’offres, période pendant laquelle elle demeurera valide à tous égards et ne saurait être retirée. If the contract is awarded to me, I undertake to enter into a written Agreement which Agreement shall serve to fully document all of the terms and conditions between Canada Post and me respecting the service to be performed. Si le contrat m’est attribué, je m’engage à conclure une convention écrite qui servira à documenter intégralement la totalité des conditions dont Postes Canada et moi aurons convenu en ce qui concerne le service à exécuter. I acknowledge and agree that every term and condition in This Tender and every undertaking therein shall form part of the Agreement, unless the Agreement otherwise provides. I am legally capable of contracting under the Laws of the Province(s) where the contract is to be performed. Je reconnais et je confirme que la totalité des conditions et des engagements ci-énoncés feront partie intégrante de la convention, sauf stipulation contraire prescrite à ladite convention. Je suis habilité à contracter en vertu de la législation de la province ou des provinces dans lesquelles le contrat devra être exécuté. The information contained in this Tender Form, the Invitation to Tender, the Tender Questionnaire, the Information to Tenders and the Service Requirements for the Conveyance of Letter Carriers (Schedule A) form an integral part of the Tender. L’information contenue dans le présent formulaire de soumission, ainsi que dans l’appel d’offres, le questionnaire d’appel d’offres, les renseignements à l’intention des soumissionnaires et les spécifications de services, fait partie intégrante de la soumission. Page 7 of 24 Cornwall (ON) CLC TS10138JM103114 The Tenderer agrees that this Tender supersedes and cancels all prior communications, negotiations and agreements relating to the service other than those contained in the completed Tender. Je conviens que cette soumission annule et remplace toutes les communications, négociations et ententes antérieures concernant le service, hormis celles qui figurent dans la soumission dûment remplie. ____________________________________________ Signature ____________________________________________ Signature ____________________________________________ Address of Tenderer ____________________________________________ Adresse du soumissionnaire ____________________________________________ City Province Postal Code ____________________________________________ Ville Province Code postal ____________________________________________ Telephone ____________________________________________ Téléphone ____________________________________________ e-mail address ____________________________________________ Adresse courriel Note: Please complete the attached Tender Questionnaire form and include in your bid response. Only one Tender Questionnaire is required regardless of the number of Groupings for which you are submitting a tender. Nota : Veuillez remplir une copie seulement du questionnaire ci joint et le retourner avec votre soumission. Page 8 of 24 Cornwall (ON) CLC TS10138JM103114 SCHEDULE “B-1” TENDER BID SHEET Instructions for bidding on this/these Conveyance of Letter Carrier contract(s): 1. The prices included in your bid submission must be furnished on the following page under the “Trip Amount” column. 2. The tenderer is NOT to change the format of the bid sheet in ANY way. Should the tenderer be unable to bid on a specified location they are to leave it blank. 3. Prices submitted are to be fixed/flat rate per trip, including appropriate taxes. 4. Prices submitted will be the fixed/flat rate per trip for year one. 5. The tenderer must state a fixed/flat rate for any Ad-hoc/special trips not on the schedule. 6. The tenderer must identify as a percentage future increases if applicable for each of the years two through five. Percentages submitted will be applied against all locations bid on by the tenderer. 7. Bids will be evaluated based on the overall five year cost including any additional incentives if applicable. 8. When preparing bid prices, the tenderer must keep in mind that unless otherwise specified, the taxi trips begin the “AM & PM Out” trips from the postal station identified on each Schedule B-1 and terminate at the intersections / addresses named on the trip lists. Conversely, unless otherwise specified, the “AM & PM In” trips begin at the addresses on the trip lists and terminate at the postal station. 9. Where there are more than one intersections listed for the same taxi trip, the tenderer is to base their fixed rate price on carrying two or more Letter Carriers (LC) from the beginning of the trip and dropping them off one at time, all on the same trip. In the example of a multiple LC trip below, Trip #1 has two LC boarding the cab at the postal station, (LC #305 & 306). They will then be dropped off at the two intersections named under the heading “AM OUT”, all as part of Trip #1. The order of drop off will be closest to the postal station first, furthest last. 10. Should only one letter carrier request a taxi where a shared taxi should be utilized then the standard metered rate will apply and be billed as a “Special Trip” for one letter carrier while the other is billed according to Schedule B-1. EXAMPLE: See following page for Taxi Trip lis Page 9 of 24 Cornwall (ON) CLC TS10138JM103114 SCHEDULE “B-1” CONTINUED Canada Post Depot Address: 805 Boundary Rd, Ste 1, Cornwall, ON K6H 1Y0 Implementation: 2014/10/20 Total: trip amount 54 Total KM: 356,5 no_tax: with_tax: dist. KM no_tax: with_tax: no_tax: with_tax: no_tax: with_tax: no_tax: with_tax: no_tax: with_tax: no_tax: with_tax: no_tax: with_tax: no_tax: with_tax: no_tax: with_tax: no_tax: with_tax: no_tax: with_tax: Departure A.M. trip # 1 origine 9 POST OFFICE destination Riverdale & Second W 9,1 0,0 0,0 trip # 5 origine 15 POST OFFICE destination Pitt & Marion dist. KM 11,6 0,0 0,0 trip # 9 origine 17 trip # 11 origine 21 trip # 15 POST OFFICE origine 23 trip # 19 POST OFFICE POST OFFICE origine 27 POST OFFICE destination Pitt & Wellington destination Benny & Ellen destination Herbert & Twelfth destination York & Ninth dist. KM 9,3 0,0 0,0 dist. KM 9,7 0,0 0,0 dist. KM 6,7 0,0 0,0 dist. KM 5,6 0,0 0,0 trip # 23 origine 29 trip # 27 POST OFFICE origine 33 POST OFFICE destination Pitt & Third destination Trinity & York dist. KM 6,3 0,0 0,0 dist. KM 6,4 0,0 0,0 trip # 31 origine 37 trip # 35 origine 39 trip # 39 POST OFFICE POST OFFICE origine 43 POST OFFICE 41 Page 10 of 24 destination Eleventh & Larin destination Sixth & Malborough destination dist. KM 4,8 0,0 0,0 dist. KM 4,9 0,0 0,0 dist. KM Marleau & Iroquois 3,5 Fifth & Marlborough 1,5 0,0 Cornwall (ON) CLC TS10138JM103114 trip # 43 origine 47 POST OFFICE 45 destination dist. KM Alice & Montreal 5,5 Amelia & Water 1,3 no_tax: with_tax: no_tax: with_tax: no_tax: with_tax: no_tax: with_tax: no_tax: with_tax: no_tax: with_tax: no_tax: with_tax: no_tax: with_tax: no_tax: with_tax: no_tax: with_tax: no_tax: with_tax: no_tax: with_tax: no_tax: with_tax: 0,0 trip # origine 47 49 POST OFFICE destination St-Felix & Montreal dist. KM 5,2 0,0 0,0 trip # origine 51 55 POST OFFICE destination St-Felix & Second dist. KM 4,0 0,0 0,0 Return A.M. trip # origine 6 15 Pitt & Marion destination POST OFFICE dist. KM 11,6 0,0 0,0 trip # 10 origine 17 George & Fortier destination POST OFFICE dist. KM 8,2 0,0 0,0 trip # origine 12 21 Eva & Benny destination POST OFFICE dist. KM 8,9 0,0 0,0 trip # 16 origine 23 Brookdale & Twelfth destination POST OFFICE dist. KM 6,8 0,0 0,0 trip # origine 20 27 York & Ninth destination POST OFFICE dist. KM 5,6 0,0 0,0 trip # 24 origine 29 Pitt & Third destination POST OFFICE dist. KM 6,3 0,0 0,0 trip # 28 origine 33 1st & Pitt destination POST OFFICE dist. KM 6,1 0,0 0,0 trip # 32 origine 37 Eleventh & Larin trip # 36 origine 39 805 Malborough destination POST OFFICE destination POST OFFICE dist. KM 4,8 0,0 0,0 dist. KM 4,5 0,0 0,0 trip # 40 origine destination dist. KM 41 Fifth & Marlborough Marleau & Carleton 1,4 43 Bureau de Poste 3,7 0,0 Page 11 of 24 Cornwall (ON) CLC TS10138JM103114 trip # 44 origine dist. KM Alice & Montreal 0,7 47 POST OFFICE 5,5 0,0 trip # 48 destination 45 Albert & Montreal origine 49 Belmont & Park destination POST OFFICE dist. KM no_tax: with_tax: no_tax: with_tax: no_tax: with_tax: no_tax: with_tax: no_tax: with_tax: no_tax: with_tax: no_tax: with_tax: no_tax: with_tax: no_tax: with_tax: no_tax: with_tax: no_tax: with_tax: no_tax: with_tax: no_tax: with_tax: 5,4 0,0 0,0 trip # 52 origine 55 Danis & Second destination POST OFFICE dist. KM 3,3 0,0 0,0 Departure P.M. trip # origine 3 9POST OFFICE destination Powerdam & Second W dist. KM 9,5 0,0 0,0 trip # origine 7 15 POST OFFICE destination Carriere & Poirier dist. KM 11,2 0,0 0,0 trip # origine destination 13 21 POST OFFICE Eva & Emma dist. KM 9,5 0,0 0,0 trip # origine 17 23 POST OFFICE destination Brookdale & Thirteeth dist. KM 7,0 0,0 0,0 trip # origine destination 21 27 POST OFFICE Pitt & Ninth dist. KM 5,2 0,0 0,0 trip # origine destination 25 29 POST OFFICE Fourth & Pitt dist. KM 6,5 0,0 0,0 trip # origine 29 33 POST OFFICE destination Second & Pitt dist. KM 6,3 0,0 0,0 trip # origine 33 37 POST OFFICE trip # origine 37 39 POST OFFICE destination Eleventh & Larin destination Adolphus & Eight dist. KM 4,8 0,0 0,0 dist. KM 4,9 0,0 0,0 trip # 41 origine destination dist. KM 43 POST OFFICE Marleau & Carleton 3,7 41 Marlborough & Fifth 1,4 0,0 Page 12 of 24 Cornwall (ON) CLC TS10138JM103114 trip # 45 origine destination dist. KM 47 POST OFFICE Edward & Montreal 5,9 45 Second & Marlborough 0,7 0,0 trip # origine 49 49 POST OFFICE destination Belmont & Montreal dist. KM no_tax: with_tax: no_tax: with_tax: no_tax: with_tax: no_tax: with_tax: no_tax: with_tax: no_tax: with_tax: no_tax: with_tax: no_tax: with_tax: no_tax: with_tax: no_tax: with_tax: no_tax: with_tax: no_tax: with_tax: no_tax: with_tax: 5,2 0,0 0,0 trip # origine 53 55 POST OFFICE destination Anthony & Second dist. KM 3,0 0,0 0,0 Return P.M. trip # 2 origine 9Riverdale & Second W destination POST OFFICE dist. KM 9,1 0,0 0,0 trip # 4 origine 9Riverdale & Second W destination POST OFFICE dist. KM 9,1 0,0 0,0 trip # 8 origine 15 Carrier & Leger destination POST OFFICE dist. KM 9,9 0,0 0,0 trip # origine 14 21 Eva & Emma destination POST OFFICE dist. KM 9,5 0,0 0,0 trip # 18 origine 23 Herbert & Thirteeth destination POST OFFICE dist. KM 7,0 0,0 0,0 trip # 22 origine 27 Pitt & Ninth destination POST OFFICE dist. KM 5,2 0,0 0,0 trip # 26 origine 29 Fourth & Pitt destination POST OFFICE dist. KM 6,5 0,0 0,0 trip # origine 30 33 Second & Pitt trip # 34 origine 37 Eleventh & Larin destination POST OFFICE destination POST OFFICE dist. KM 6,3 0,0 0,0 dist. KM 4,8 0,0 0,0 trip # 38 origine 39 Cornwallis & Amelia destination POST OFFICE dist. KM 5,3 0,0 0,0 Page 13 of 24 Cornwall (ON) CLC TS10138JM103114 trip # 42 origine trip # 50 dist. KM Guy & Lasalle 1,5 43 POST OFFICE 4,0 0,0 trip # 46 destination 41 Marlborough & Fifth origine destination dist. KM 45 Second & Lawrence Duncan 1,1 47 POST OFFICE 6,0 0,0 origine 49 Belmont & Montreal destination POST OFFICE dist. KM no_tax: with_tax: no_tax: with_tax: no_tax: with_tax: no_tax: with_tax: 5,2 0,0 0,0 trip # 54 origine 55 Anthony & Second destination POST OFFICE dist. KM 3,0 0,0 Page 14 of 24 Cornwall (ON) CLC TS10138JM103114 SCHEDULE “B-1” CONTINUED - TENDER QUESTIONNAIRE Tenderer must complete and submit this Questionnaire with the completed tender form as it will be used in the evaluation process. Please ensure that you provide sufficient details for our evaluation when answering the questions. Name of Service : CORNWALL (ON) CLC COMPANY NAME: ADDRESS: GST #: POSTAL CODE: TELEPHONE: EMAIL: FAX: CONTACT: MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS Questions Answers 1) It is a mandatory requirement that your company is legally entitled to pick up passengers in the area for which you are submitting a response. Having reviewed the Taxi Trip list; Schedule B-1, please confirm if there are any trips which you are not legally entitled to perform. Your submission will be rejected for areas where you are not legally entitled to pick up passengers. Failure to submit a response to this mandatory requirement will result in the rejection of your bid. Enter “Comply” if you are legally entitled to perform all the taxi trips as per Schedule B-1. 2) Are you aware of any business or personal matter that may present a conflict of interest between you and/or your company and Canada Post? 3) Are you related to a Canada Post employee, or are you a current employee of Canada Post? 4a) How many licensed taxi cabs do you have in your fleet? 4b) How many vehicles are available for this service? 5) Do you currently provide service to other companies similar to the service requested herein by Canada Post and if so please identify those companies/entities. Please provide names and phone numbers of contact person(s) at the other companies with whom you have similar contracts so that we may call them as a reference for your company. Canada Post reserves the right to call references however is not obliged to do so. 6) What is your company’s total annual revenue for the most recently completed fiscal year? 7) Taxi chits with unique identifier numbers printed on each one is a requirement under the contract. Your company will be required to provide two-part taxi chits for Canada Post usage with unique identifier numbers on each. Will your company comply with this requirement? 8) Provide the name(s) of the owner(s) of the taxi company, unless all drivers are individual shareholders of the company, in which case you shall specify “All of the drivers are individual shareholders”. Page 15 of 24 Cornwall (ON) CLC TS10138JM103114 *PLEASE NOTE THAT YOUR ANSWERS TO THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS WILL BE USED FOR EVALUATION PURPOSES. FURTHERMORE, ALL OF THE INCENTIVES THAT YOU ARE PROPOSING WILL BE ASSUMED TO REMAIN CONSTANT THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF THE AGREEMENT IF YOU ARE AWARDED A CONTRACT(S) FOR THESE SERVICES. Questions Answers 9 a) Canada Post Corporation encourages all Taxi Companies to abide by the Governing Municipal By-laws in regards to the fare/rate structure they may charge for Taxi trips. Based on this information, will your company be able to provide a discount and/or rebate incentive to Canada Post if you are awarded a contract for this CLC Taxi service? If YES, then please specify the basis on how this discount and/or rebate will be granted (ie. monthly, yearly, based on service volumes, etc.) If your Company will not offer a discount and/or rebate then please answer “N/A or NO“and disregard questions 9b) & 9 c) below. 9 b) Please specify the discount incentive as a percentage off the invoice amount for the service that applies to your bid in the adjacent column. DEPOT BID CORNWALL (ON) CLC □ 9 c) Please specify the rebate incentive as a percentage off the invoice amount for the service that applies to your bid in the adjacent column. DEPOT BID % REBATE CORNWALL (ON) CLC □ ______ % DISCOUNT ______ 10a) Canada Post’s payment policy is Net-60 Days on all new contracts. Alternatively, Canada Post may pay certain suppliers on a monthly basis, in some cases within days of receipt of invoice when using our Procurement Credit Card. Discounts or other reductions derived by use of the Procurement Credit Card will be considered in the financial evaluation of the tender as this method of payment offers greater advantage for Canada Post. Based on this information, will your company accept Credit Card Payment from Canada Post if you are awarded a contract for this CLC Taxi service? If your Company will not accept this form of payment then please answer “N/A or NO“ and disregard question 10b) below. 10 b) Please specify, if at all, how Payment by Credit Card would affect the total invoice amount payable by Canada Post. Please express any change to the invoice amount as a percentage, and specify + or --. DEPOT BID % CHANGE (+/-) CORNWALL (ON) CLC □ ______ Electronic Funds Transfer/Cheque Payment to the Contractor shall be payable in Canadian funds "NET SIXTY (60) DAYS" after receipt of invoice. Procurement Credit Card Payment to the Contractor shall be payable within days of receipt of invoice. Please attach extra pages if you do not have enough space to complete this questionnaire. Prepared by: ________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________ Page 16 of 24 Cornwall (ON) CLC TS10138JM103114 SCHEDULE C – SAMPLE AGREEMENT CONVEYANCE OF LETTER CARRIER AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) CORNWALL (ON) CLC Between: Canada Post Corporation (”Canada Post”) - and (“Contractor”) (“Contractor”) operating under the laws of ON having its principal place of business at (hereinafter referred to as “the Contractor”) WHEREAS Canada Post requires the services of the Contractor to transport its letter carriers in accordance with the terms of this Agreement; and WHEREAS the Contractor operates a Taxi company and wishes to provide Canada Post with such a service. NOW THEREFORE, this Agreement witnesses that in consideration of the premises and the covenants and agreements herein contained, the parties hereto covenant and agree as follows: 1.0 SERVICE REQUIREMENTS 1.1 The Contractor covenants and agrees to transport Canada Post letter carriers, hereinafter referred to as "Letter Carriers" in its motor vehicles in accordance with the requirements set out in Schedule "A" attached, hereinafter referred to as "the Service”. 1.2 The Contractor covenants and agrees to furnish all labour, materials, tools and equipment and more specifically all motor vehicles and qualified motor vehicle operators necessary for the performance of the Service, and further covenants and agrees to carry out such Service in a diligent, careful and workmanlike manner. 1.3 Where Schedule "A" is amended, the amount paid to the Contractor pursuant to this Agreement shall be adjusted in accordance with the provisions set out in 2.9.1 and 2.9.2. 1.4 Payment shall be made only for the Services performed. 1.5 The Contractor shall comply with all legislation applicable and necessary to the performance by the Contractor of its obligations under this Agreement. 1.6 The Contractor acknowledges and agrees that meeting the scheduled departure times, pick-up times and drop-off times provided for in Schedule "A" represents an essential element of the Service the Contractor is obligated to perform under this Agreement. 1.7 The Contractor shall designate a representative who shall serve as a contact person to Canada Post for the purposes of this Agreement and shall ensure the availability of such a representative at all times during the performance of the Service. 1.8 Without prejudice to any other rights or remedies available to Canada Post herein, or by law, it is understood and agreed that should the Contractor at any time fail to provide the Service as required by this Agreement, Canada Post may make alternative arrangements, and the Contractor hereby agrees and covenants to pay any costs incurred by Canada Post forthwith. Canada Post may deduct such costs from the amount owing or accruing due to the Contractor from Canada Post. 2.0 PAYMENT PROCEDURES 2.1 Subject to all other terms and conditions in this Agreement, Canada Post shall pay the Contractor in accordance with 2.9 as consideration for the performance of the Service. 2.2 Payment to the Contractor shall be payable in Canadian funds after receipt of invoice(s), as the case may be, "NET SIXTY (60) DAYS". The Corporation will pay the amounts owing to the Contractor under this Agreement by direct deposit to the bank account designated by the Contractor. 2.3 Any additional service must be authorized in advance and invoiced on a monthly basis at the applicable rates indicated in 2.9 b). 2.4 Each invoice for payment shall be certified as correct by an officer of the Contractor and accompanied by such supporting documentation as Canada Post may require. 2.5 All invoices in connection with the rates charged shall be submitted to Canada Post on a monthly basis. 2.6 The Contractor must forward all invoices pertaining to this Agreement to the attention of the Canada Post designated Local Postal Official. 2.7 Any error in payment shall be adjusted forthwith and Canada Post shall have the right to deduct any monies owed to it Page 17 of 24 Cornwall (ON) CLC TS10138JM103114 by the Contractor from any monies then due or becoming due to the Contractor. 2.8 The Parties acknowledge that the below regulating authority establishes public fares charged for the transportation of passengers for compensation in a passenger vehicle in the region identified in Schedule “B-1”. Regulating Authority: City of Cornwall, Ontario. The Parties further acknowledge that, in the event of an increase or decrease in the public fares for the transportation of passengers for compensation as established by the regulating authority, either Party may provide a written notice to the other Party that they require renegotiation of the rates(s); if the Parties hereto are not able to agree on a mutually satisfactory adjusted rate(s); within 30 days of the date of notice then, this Agreement shall terminate without cause or further notice, unless the Parties shall agree on otherwise. 2.9 Payment to the contractor shall be calculated on the following basis: (a) Fixed/flat/regulated rate per trip as identified on Schedule “A” for the entire term of the contract (Schedule B-1 from the Invitation to Tender). (b) Ad-hoc trips will be a fixed/flat/regulated rate per trip as identified on Schedule “A” (including applicable taxes) in effect at the time the service is provided. 2.10 2.11 2.9.1 The fixed/flat/regulated rate pertaining to all trips shall be subject to increases or reductions as determined from time to time by the regulatory body governing taxi operations for Cornwall, ON. Should the regulatory body establish a rate increase or decrease, then the fixed rates per trip on Schedule “A” shall be adjusted accordingly. 2.9.2 Should a change to the regulated town rates be established by the regulatory body, the Contractor shall give 30 days notice to the Canada Post station or depot in Cornwall, ON and copy Canada Post Sourcing Management department at Head Office. Any revised rates will not become applicable until copies of the revised rates have been received by Canada Post. (a) The trips listed on Schedule 'A' are potential trips only; actual trips may vary. The Corporation cannot guarantee a minimum number of trips. The price per trip shall apply to the number of actual trips performed, whether scheduled or additional to the Schedule, for the conveyance of Letter Carriers only. (b) Trips listed on Schedule 'A' which includes more than one person and/or destination shall be on a per trip basis, not destination / person. (c) Where two or more carriers travel in same vehicle the charge will be based on the most distant run only. (a) No improper payments - The Contractor warrants that it has not been, and will not be involved, either directly or indirectly, in giving, offering or agreeing to give or offer, any loan, reward, advantage or benefit of any kind to an elected representative, a government official, an employee of any government or ministry, state corporation or public international organization (or to any relative or other person connected with such an individual) in exchange for, or in order to induce, favourable business treatment or to affect any decision. Any breach of the preceding sentence shall be deemed to be a breach of this Agreement incapable of remedy. (b) Without limiting the generality of clause (a), the Contractor warrants that has not been, and will not be involved, either directly or indirectly, in giving, offering or agreeing to give or offer, any loan, reward, advantage or benefit of any kind to any employee, officer or director of the Corporation (or to any relative or other person connected with such an individual) with respect to any matter under this Agreement or related in any way to this Agreement including, but not limited to the award of this Agreement or any extension or other amendment to this Agreement. Any breach of the preceding sentence shall be deemed to be a breach of this Agreement incapable of remedy. 3.0 COVENANTS OF THE CONTRACTOR 3.1 The Contractor shall comply with all legislation applicable to the performance of its obligations under this Agreement. 3.2 The Contractor shall promptly provide such reports on the progress and results of the performance of the Service as Canada Post may require. 3.3 The Contractor shall not in any way alter the scope of the Service without prior written consent of Canada Post. 3.4 The Contractor shall not use Canada Post trade-marks and logos without the express written consent of Canada Post, or unless required in the Agreement. 4.0 INDEMNIFICATION 4.1 The Contractor shall at all times indemnify and render harmless Canada Post, its directors, officers, employees and any others for whom it may become responsible in law, from and against all losses, claims (including claims made by the Contractor's personnel under Worker's Compensation legislation), claims by any person alleging an employer/ employee relationship, demands, awards, judgments, actions and proceedings by whomsoever made, brought or prosecuted in respect of loss of, damage to or destruction of property (including loss or damages sustained by the Contractor) or personal injury including death and from and against any and all loss of, damage to or destruction of property, expenses and costs (including legal fees and disbursements) suffered or incurred by Canada Post, its directors, officers, employees and any others for whom it may become responsible in law, arising out of or in any way connected with the Contractor's provision of service under this Agreement and whether or not caused by the Contractor's negligence. Loss or damage sustained by the Contractor shall also include loss as a result of loss of use. 5.0 INSURANCE 5.1 The Contractor shall provide and maintain, at its own expense, the following minimum insurance coverage in Page 18 of 24 Cornwall (ON) CLC TS10138JM103114 accordance with the terms and conditions set out herein. 5.2 Commercial General Liability insurance, with a minimum limit of $1,000,000.00 per occurrence for personal injury, bodily injury (including death) and property damage. Canada Post shall be added to the policy as an additional insured and the policy shall contain cross liability and severability of interest clauses. 5.3 Commercial Automobile Liability insurance, with a minimum limit of $1,000,000.00 per occurrence for bodily injury (including death) and property damage. 5.4 The Contractor shall provide Canada Post with certificates of insurance as evidence that the required coverages are in effect and Canada Post shall be given 60 days prior written notice of cancellation or material change to any such coverage. 5.5 Compliance with the foregoing insurance provisions shall not relieve the Contractor of complying with any other obligation to Canada Post including the obligations set out in the Indemnification clause, nor shall the foregoing provision limit the insurance coverages required by municipal, provincial or federal law. It shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor to determine what additional insurance coverages, if any, are necessary and advisable for its own protection or to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement. Any such additional insurance shall be provided and maintained by the Contractor at its own expense. 6.0 WORKERS’ COMPENSATION AND OTHER COVERAGE 6.1 The Contractor acknowledges that it is its sole responsibility to obtain and maintain such workers' compensation or other coverage as may be required in the Province(s) in which the Contractor will be performing its obligations under this Agreement. 7.0 DEFAULT AND TERMINATION 7.1 For the purpose of this Agreement the following shall constitute events of default (herein "Events of Default"): (a) if a petition is filed or resolution passed or an order on its business made or the Contractor agrees to make a bulk sale of its assets or if the Contractor otherwise ceases or threatens to cease to carry on its business; (b) if there is a breach of any representation or warranty made by the Contractor in connection with this Agreement or if any such representation or warranty proves untrue; (c) if the Contractor neglects or fails to perform or observe any of its obligations under this Agreement and fails to cure the breach to the satisfaction of Canada Post following written notice to the Contractor; or 7.2 Canada Post may, upon the occurrence of any of the Events of Default, and in addition to any rights or remedies available to it under this Agreement, or by law, exercise either or all of the following remedies: (a) terminate this Agreement, in whole or in part, immediately without notice; 7.3 (a) Canada Post may in its sole discretion terminate this Agreement in whole or in part without cause and without liability by giving ninety (90) days written notice to the Contractor. (b)The Contractor may terminate this Agreement by giving ninety (90) days notice in writing to Canada Post. 7.4 The Contractor shall have no claim against Canada Post for damages or for loss of anticipated profits as a result of the termination of this Agreement as herein provided. 7.5 Termination of this Agreement shall be without prejudice to the rights of the parties that have accrued prior to termination. 7.6 The provisions of clauses 4.1, 7.2, 7.4, 7.5 and all of section 12.0 shall survive the termination or expiry of this Agreement. 8.0 WARRANTIES RE CAPACITY, STANDARD OF WORK AND QUALITY OF ITEMS DELIVERED 8.1 The Contractor warrants (a) that it has the status, capacity and authority to enter into this Agreement and that it is unaware of any facts that would prevent it from fulfilling its obligations under this Agreement, (b) that it is free of any contractual or statutory rights or obligations in favour of any third party that would prevent or impair it from entering into or fulfilling its obligations under this Agreement, (c) that, by entering into this Agreement and fulfilling its obligations under this Agreement, it will not knowingly be in breach of any existing contract or any statute, law, rule or regulation of any federal, provincial, state or local government or administrative agency, (d) that it has the experience, expertise and resources necessary in order to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, (e) that all Work to be carried out by the Contractor under this Agreement shall be carried out in a competent manner and meet or exceed the standards for such Work as are generally acceptable in the industry, and (f) Contractor represents and warrants that it has the capacity, power and lawful authority to enter into this Agreement and to fulfill any and all covenants set forth in this Agreement. Page 19 of 24 Cornwall (ON) CLC TS10138JM103114 9.0 ASSIGNMENT 9.1 The Contractor shall not sell, assign, transfer, subcontract, or dispose of this Agreement or any part thereof without prior written consent of Canada Post and any such reported sale, assignment, transfer, subcontract or disposal without such prior consent is void. 9.2 Canada Post may assign in whole or in part the benefits of this Agreement without the consent of the Contractor. 10.0 SUB-CONTRACTING 10.1 Where the Service, or any part thereof, is sub-contracted by the Contractor to another person (herein "SubContractor"), the Contractor shall remain fully responsible for ensuring that the Service as per Schedule “A” is performed strictly in accordance with the requirements of this Agreement. 10.2 The Contractor shall not subcontract any of its obligations under this Agreement without the prior written approval of the Corporation. The duly authorized representative for granting any such approval shall be designated by the Contract Authority. If the Service, or any part of the Service, is subcontracted by the Contractor to any subcontractor (each subcontractor being a “Subcontractor”), the Contractor shall remain fully responsible for ensuring that the Contractor’s obligations are carried out in accordance with this Agreement including, but not limited to, the Contractor’s obligation to ensure that (i) the Subcontractor is not involved in any improper payments of the nature described in Article 2.11, (ii) the Subcontractor is at all times bound to the warranties set out in Article 8.0, (iii) the Subcontractor at all times complies with all applicable legislation with respect to the aspect of the Service that is subcontracted to it. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for and to the Subcontractor. The Corporation shall have no obligation whatsoever to the Subcontractor. The Contractor shall, upon request by the Corporation, promptly provide the Corporation with a copy of any and all correspondence and other documentation exchanged between the Contractor and the Subcontractor and such other information, as may be requested by the Corporation, respecting the progress and results of any aspect of the Service that the Contractor has subcontracted to the Subcontractor and respecting any disclosure of Confidential Information to the Subcontractor 11.0 ENTIRE AGREEMENT 11.1 This Agreement and all Schedules attached here to, embody the entire agreement of the parties hereto and no representation, understanding, or agreement, verbal or otherwise exists between the parties except as herein expressly provided. In the event of a conflict between the Agreement and the Schedules, the Agreement shall have precedence. 12.0 WAIVER 12.1 Failure of any party to enforce or insist upon compliance with any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement shall not constitute a general waiver or relinquishment of any such terms or conditions but the same shall be and remain at all times in full force and effect. 13.0 AMENDMENTS 13.1 Unless otherwise provided herein, this Agreement shall not in any manner be supplemented, amended or modified except by written instrument executed on behalf of both parties. 14.0 TIME OF THE ESSENCE 14.1 Time shall, in all respects, be of the essence in each and every of the terms, covenants, obligations and conditions in this Agreement. 15.0 SEVERABILITY 15.1 In the event that any provision of this Agreement is invalid, unenforceable or illegal, then such provision shall be severed from this Agreement and this Agreement shall be read as if such provision were not part of this Agreement and provided such severance does not substantially frustrate the intention of this Agreement such invalidity or unenforceability or illegality shall not affect any other provision of this Agreement. 16.0 BINDING EFFECT 16.1 This Agreement shall ensure the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. Page 20 of 24 Cornwall (ON) CLC TS10138JM103114 17.0 CONFLICT OF INTEREST 17.1 The Contractor shall ensure that neither it nor any of its sub-contractors enter into an agreement with a third party that would place the Contractor or sub-contractor in a conflict, or potential conflict, of interest position with respect to carrying out any obligations under this Agreement. 17.2 The Contractor shall forthwith give notice to the Corporation of a conflict, or potential conflict, of interest. 17.3 If the Corporation, following consultation with the Contractor and acting reasonably, determines that the Contractor is in, or that any of the Contractor's sub-contractors is in, a conflict, or potential conflict, of interest position, the Corporation may request the Contractor, or request the Contractor to require the sub-contractor, to withdraw its services from the employment or service that is causing, or may potentially cause, the conflict. 17.4 If the Contractor does not comply forthwith with a request made by the Corporation under clause 17.3, the Corporation may terminate this Agreement forthwith by notice to the Contractor. Such termination shall be deemed to be termination for cause for the purpose of this Agreement and the provisions of Article 7 shall apply. 18.0 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR 18.1 The parties recognize that the Contractor operates as an independent business and declare that nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as creating a relationship of employment, joint venture, partnership or agency between Canada Post and the Contractor, and no act or omission of either party shall bind or obligate the other except as expressly set forth in this Agreement. 18.2 The Contractor shall provide all personnel and services required to carry out its obligations under this Agreement as an independent contractor. All personnel provided by the Contractor shall be and remain employees of the Contractor. 19.0 LAW OF THE AGREEMENT 19.1 This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the territory or the province where the Service is predominantly performed. 20.0 REMEDIES 20.1 All remedies herein are cumulative and are in addition to, not in lieu of, any remedies provided in law or in equity. 21.0 TERM OF AGREEMENT 21.1 This Agreement shall bind the parties for a term commencing on November 1, 2014 until October 31, 2019, which may be renewed on consent of the parties for a further specified period of time. 22.0 NOTICE 22.1 Any notice or other communication with respect to this Agreement shall be effectively given if hand delivered or sent by mail, facsimile or electronic mail, as the case may be, addressed: (a) in the case of Canada Post to: CANADA POST CORPORATION TRANSPORTATION CONTRACTING SERVICES 2701 Riverside Drive Suite N0751 Ottawa, ON K1A 0B1 Attention: Contracting Officer (b) in the case of the Contractor to: Attention: or to any other address of which a party advises the other party in writing. Any notice that is hand delivered shall be deemed to have been received on the date of delivery; any notice sent by facsimile or electronic mail shall be deemed to have been received one (1) working day after being sent, and any notice that is mailed shall be deemed to have been received three (3) calendar days after being mailed. Page 21 of 24 Cornwall (ON) CLC TS10138JM103114 The parties have executed this Agreement for CORNWALL (ON) CLC on the date(s) identified below. CANADA POST CORPORATION Signature of duly authorized officer Signature of duly authorized officer _____________________________________ Print Name _____________________________________ Print Name ____________________________________ Title ____________________________________ Title _____________________________________ Date June XX, 2013 Page 22 of 24 Cornwall (ON) CLC TS10138JM103114 CONTRACT SCHEDULE “A” CORNWALL (ON) CLC SERVICE REQUIREMENTS TO BE INSERTED (AS PER TENDER DOCUMENT) TAXI TRIP LISTS INCLUDING FIXED RATES TO BE INSERTED HERE Page 23 of 24 Cornwall (ON) CLC TS10138JM103114 CONTRACT SCHEDULE “B” – SAMPLE INVOICE INVOICE [YOUR COMPANY NAME / LOGO] Invoice # Date: GST # PO # Vendor # [YOUR COMPLETE ADDRESS] [PHONE & FAX NUMBER] [CONTACT PERSON] [EMAIL ADDRESS] Bill To: Canada Post Corporation 2701 Riverside Dr., N0750 Ottawa Ontario K1A 0B1 BILLING PERIOD October 1 - 30 2014 SERVICES RATES #TRIPS TOTAL REGULAR $7.00 92 $644.00 ADHOCS $7.00 25 $175.00 DISCOUNT (IF APPLICABLE) 5% - $40.95 $778.05 TOTAL - $89.51 13% (.11504) TAX (HST) $688.54 *SUBTOTAL (MINUS TAX) *Canada Post employees must confirm pre-tax amount in SAP system for payment processing. Total Payment Page 24 of 24 Cornwall (ON) CLC $778.05 TS10138JM103114
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