Common diseases affecting selected ornamental crops and their management by Dr (Mrs) Arty Gungoosingh- Bunwaree RS/SRS Plant Pathology Division INTRODUCTION • According to Digest of Agricultural Statistics 2010, i. Cut flowers and foliage (2010): Exported for about Rs 85.5 M Imported for about Rs 12.3 M ii. About 261 people employed in the sector ISLANDWIDE SURVEY Islandwide survey over 2 years to identify major diseases across selected ornamentals nurseries • Ornamentals commonly grown on commercial basis: rose, gerbera, chrysanthemum, orchids, anthurium, foliage plants, pine, bromeliads. ISLANDWIDE SURVEY ON ORNAMENTAL DISEASES No. of site visits conducted 115 No. of localities visited 25 Site Open field (OF) / Protected (P) cultivation Ornamental Crops grown 1. Reduit P and OF Rose, gerbera, chrysanthemum, orchids, anthurium, bromeliads 2. Richelieu P and OF Rose, gerbera, chrysanthemum, bromeliads, heliconia 3. Wooton P and OF Rose, gerbera, chrysanthemum, anthurium, alpinia, heliconia 4. Quatre Bornes P and OF Foliage plants, pines, chrysanthemum, orchid, potted plants 5. Camp Fouquereaux P Rose, gerbera 6. Highlands P Rose, gerbera, orchids 7. Mare Chicose P Rose 8. Moka P Rose, gerbera, chrysanthemum 9. Beau Bassin P and OF Foliage plants, pines, potted plants , orchids OF Rose 10. Petit Bel Air Islandwide survey continued 11. Fond Du Sac P Foliage plants, pines, potted plants 12. Cluny P Rose, gerbera, chrysanthemum, anthurium 13. St Hubert P Rose, gerbera 14. Union Park P Rose, gerbera 15. D`Epinay P Rose, gerbera 16. Le Val P Rose, gerbera 17. Montagne Longue P Orchids 18. Medine OF Pines, potted plants , palms 19. Queen Victoria P Rose, gerbera, chrysanthemum, anthurium 20. Morc St Andre P Foliage plants, pines, potted plants 21. Arsenal P and OF Foliage plants, pines, potted plants 22. Trianon P and OF Rose, gerbera, chrysanthemum, orchids, bromeliads, foliage plants, pines, potted plants 23. Terracine P and OF Foliage plants, pines, potted plants , palms 24. Riviere des Anguilles P Foliage plants, pines, potted plants , palms 25. Petit Raffray OF Foliage plants, pines, potted plants , bromeliads Common diseases and their management on: ROSE GERBERA CHRYSANTHEMUM ORCHIDS Crop: Rose Varieties screened: Black Baccara, Shakira, Altesse, Red Baccara, Lovely Red, Taubie Kaushik, Memoire H, Copper Tone, Rina Hurgo, Just Joey, Leana D, Johanesburg Sun, Blue Moon Disease: Powdery mildew Symptoms: Stems and flower parts covered with white fungal growth. Disease incidence: 60% Disease severity: 30% Conditions that favour disease development • High humidity • Warm temperatures • Poor sanitation at field level Disease development Fig.1 : Evolution of powdery mildew in 4 shadehouses YEAR 1 YEAR 2 Locality of shadehouses: Réduit, Wooton, Queen Victoria, Quatre Bornes Disease management 1. Sanitation; prune affected leaves and flowers, collect and destroy all crop debris 2. Ensure proper air circulation in shadehouse 3. Chemical treatment with Folicur/ Score 250 EC 4. use correct dosage & alternate chemical products Crop: Rose Disease: Black spots Symptoms: Brown to black round spots with feathery edges form on leaves. Leaves yellow and fall. Small, purplish spots form on canes. Disease incidence: 20% Disease severity: 20% Disease management: 1. Sanitation to remove infected canes and leaves. 2. Water in a manner that keeps foliage surfaces dry. 3. Chemical treatment to protect new leaves; Bravo 720 SC, Mancozeb 80WP. Crop: Rose Disease: Downy mildew Symptoms: Brown spots form on leaves. Leaves yellow and fall. Small spots may form on canes and may kill twigs. Disease incidence: 15% Disease severity: 20% Disease management: 1. Sanitation 2. Water in a manner that keeps foliage surfaces dry. 3. Chemical treatment with Aliette 80 WP, Ridomil Gold MZ 68 Crop: Rose Disease: Rose canker Symptoms: Reddish-brown spots on canes turn light to dark brown. Cankers girdle and kill the cane. Disease incidence: 12% Disease severity: 40% Disease management: 1. Select healthy planting material. 2. Removed infected canes making an inclined cut immediately above a bud. 3. Apply Copper paste after pruning. 4. Disinfect tools regularly. Crop: Rose Disease: Botrytis flower blight Symptoms: Small water-soaked lesions form on petals. Gray fungal growth covers infected petals. Disease incidence: 8% Disease severity: 75% Disease management: 1. Remove and destroy infected and fallen flowers & leaves. 2. Water in a manner that keeps foliage surfaces dry. 3. Chemical treatment with Bravo 720 SC, Rovral FLO. Survey Findings Crop: Gerbera Varieties screened: Jaska, Double Dutch, Zembla, Picobello, Parado, Cacharelle, Candella, Gladiator, Opus, Marimo, Robun Daryl, Endura, Pink Power, Winter Queen, Pentura. Disease: Powdery mildew Symptoms: Stems and flower parts covered with white fungal growth. Disease incidence: 55% Disease severity: 35% Disease management 1. Sanitation; eliminate affected leaves and flowers, collect and destroy all crop debris 2. Ensure proper air circulation in shadehouse 3. Chemical treatment with Folicur/ Score 250 EC; use correct dosage & alternate chemical products Disease: Leaf spots (Alternaria, Anthracnose) Symptoms: Brown specks on florets and the leaves, or circular leaf spots that coalesce with one another during moist weather resulting in rolling and drying of leaves . Disease incidence: 40% Disease severity: 40% Disease management: 1. Excessive watering and crowding of plants should be avoided. 2. Diseased leaves should be collected and eliminated. 3. Chemical treatment with Score 250 SC. Crop: Gerbera Disease: Botrytis flower blight Symptoms: Petioles have long brown spots. Leaves yellow and die. Petals have tan spots. Stems at soil level are killed. Infected tissues become covered with gray fungal growth. Disease incidence: 6% Disease severity: 75% Disease management: 1. Ensure good air circulation. 2. Maintain low humidity. 3. Avoid watering late in the day. 4. Remove crop debris. 5. Chemical treatment with Bravo 720 SC, Rovral FLO. Crop: Gerbera Disease: Crown and Root rot (Fusarium, Pythium or Rhizoctonia) Symptoms: Stunted growth. Plants wilt and die. Disease incidence: <5% Disease severity: 80% Disease management 1. Sanitation, i.e discard infected plants. 2. Use sterilised potting media. 3. Chemical treatment with Ridomil Gold MZ 68. Crop: Chrysanthemum Varieties screened: Ilona, Fleury Dark, Pink Splendide, Dark Ruth Disease: Leaf spots caused by Colletotrichum, Alternaria or Stemphylium or Septoria Symptoms: Brown or pin-point dead spots develop on leaves or petals. If enough spots are present, an entire flower may die. Disease incidence: 50% Disease severity: 20% Disease Management: 1. Sanitation 2. Avoid overhead irrigation. 3. Chemical treatment Score 250 EC, Mancozeb 80 WP. Crop: Chrysanthemum Disease: Botrytis flower blight Symptoms: Light brown spots form on lower petals. Browning spreads to other petals. Infected tissues become covered with dusty gray spores. Disease incidence: 20% Disease severity: 80% Disease management: 1. Sanitation 2. Avoid overhead irrigation. 3. Chemical treatment with Bravo 720 SC, Rovral FLO. Crop: Chrysanthemum Disease: Pythium stem and root rot Symptoms: Stems turn dark brown to black at the soil line. Plants are stunted, wilt, and die. Disease incidence: <5% Disease severity: 80% Disease management: 1. Plant in pasteurized soil or soilless mix free of the pathogen. 2. Carry out soil drench with Ridomil Gold MZ 68. Crop: Orchids Varieties screened: Dendrobium, Vanda, Cymbidium, Phalaenopsis Disease: Leaf Spots - Cercospora, Phyllosticta and Septoria Symptoms: Tiny spots on leaf surface develop into yellow lesions or enlarge to become dark brown to black, circular or irregular lesions. Spots may merge to form large, irregular patches on the leaf. Heavily infected leaves fall prematurely. Disease incidence: 50% Disease severity: 60% Disease management: 1. Remove infected leaves . 2. Reduce leaf wetness 3. Chemical treatment with Score 250 EC, Mancozeb 80 WP. Crop: Orchid Disease: Anthracnose (leaf and flower spots) Symptoms: Leaf tips turn brown beginning at the apex and proceeding toward the base. Dark brown patches develop, as concentric rings across the leaf. Flowers develop watery, black or brown spots that can merge to cover the entire flower. Disease incidence: 20% Disease severity: 40% Disease management: 1. Sanitation 2. Good air circulation 3. Chemical treatment with Score 250 EC, Bravo 720 SC. Crop: Orchid Disease: Black Rot - Pythium and Phytophthora Symptoms: Brown spots on leaves spread to roots. Wilting of plants Disease incidence: 8% Disease severity: 75% Disease management: 1. Isolate infected plant 2. Carry root drench with Ridomil Gold MZ 68. Crop: Orchid Disease: Fusarium wilt Symptoms: Fusarium blocks the flow of moisture through the plant’s vascular system, such that yellow, thin, wilted leaves eventually die. Pinkish- purple discoloration on the outer layers of the rhizome. Disease incidence: 6% Disease severity: 40% Disease management: 1. Discard infected part of rhizome 2. Sterilise tools after cuts. 3. Chemical treatment with Rovral Flo. Crop: Orchid Disease: Virus diseases (Cymbidium mosaic virus, Odontoglossum ringspot virus) Symptoms: Light and dark green patches on leaves, yellowing or dying of leaves or portions of leaves, malformation of the leaves, flowers, stunting of plants, break in flower colour Disease incidence: <5% Disease severity: 20% Disease management 1. Careful selection of planting material 2. Disinfect tools regularly 3. Proper sanitation 4. Rogue out infected plants Evaluation of fungicides for management of powdery mildew Product Active Ingredient/ Chemical group Rate Effectiveness 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. - Triazole - Triazole - Mancozeb - Bicarbonate - Strobirulin - Pyraclostrobin (Strobilurin) and Boscalid (Carboxanilide) - 0.5 mL/L water - 1mL/L water - 4.0g/L water - 4.0 g/L water - 0.3g/L water - 0.6g/L water High High Medium Low Medium High 7. Collis - - 0.8mL/L water High 8. Funginil Powder - Botanical fungicide (herbal extracts) - 2g/L water ?? Score Folicur M45 Potassium Bicarbonate Stroby Bellis Kresoxim-methyl + Boscalid Important points to consider for optimum disease management in ornamentals 1. Use healthy planting material 2. Observe proper sanitation 3. Disinfect tools regularly 4. Carry out chemical treatment only when necessary 5. Remember to use proper dosage and alternate fungicides Acknowledgements • PRS, Lab Manager and colleagues of Plant Pathology Division, AREU • Crop Extension Staff of AREU • Mrs H.Gowreesunker and Mr M.Nathoo (Research Scientists/SRS) • Ms M Dookhan, Biometrician, AREU • Ornamental growers who participated in the survey For further information, contact the Plant Pathology Division of AREU at Réduit or your nearest Crop Extension Office
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