1750 N. Mountain Ave. Claremont, CA 91711 Phone: 909-398-0300 FAX: 909-626-4411 Condit Elementary Welcome to Condit! We have accomplished a lot in these first few days of school. Our Back to School Nights are complete. We have reviewed expectations with our students both inside and outside of the classroom. Our upper grade students were introduced to instrumental band and were able to check out the different instruments. Finally, the whole school went to the Fair. I think we are off to a great start. Thank you to all of our parents that are following the routines and procedures in regards to drop off and pick up. Our classrooms have been able to start the day immediately because our hallways are clear and students are ready for instruction. Please remember that school begins at 8:15 AM and try to make every effort to be to school on time. It is very difficult for both students and teachers to re-direct a student that walks in late to class. I would also like to thank everyone for making a conscious effort to keep classroom interruptions to a minimum. We have already started to notice that when things are being dropped off in the office, the students are expecting them. Please continue to remind your students to check in the office if they forgot an item at home. We do not call classrooms. We will leave a note in the teacher’s mailbox, but ultimately it is the student’s responsibility. I am looking forward to another fantastic year. Be sure to let me know if you have any questions. Mrs. Malally Principal Condit Elementary, Claremont Unified Volume 6, Issue 2 September 8, 2014 www.conditcondors.com Important Dates: ☺ September 9 Student Council Candidates turn in their paperwork ☺ September 10 Chess, Flag Football and AMOCA Ceramics class begin today-information is in the office ☺ September 12 100 Mile Club begins for everyone K—3 @ 1:00 PM 4—6 @ 2:00 PM ☺ September 15 PFA Meeting 6:30 PM We kicked off the 100 Mile Club this past Friday with Founder, Kara Lubin reminding students what the 100 Mile Club is all about. We will begin the 100 Mile ☺ September 16 Club this Friday, September 12. Primary students will participate from 1:00—1:45 PM and upper grades will participate from 2:00—2:45 PM. Last year, Condit students District Board collectively walked/ran almost 24,000 miles. This year we have set a goal to do more. Meeting 7:00 PM Students are also setting individual goals as part of the school-wide effort. To contin- ☺ September 18 ue the 100 Mile Club program we rely on an $11 donation for each student from our Claremont Day at families. Donations can be made on the PFA Webstore at www.conditcondors.com or the Fair by filling out a donation sheet in the office. The $11 helps to cover the cost of the T☺ September 24 shirt students receive at their first 25 miles, as well as the pencil and bracelet at the School Site Council next two intervals, and finally the medal at the medal ceremony in June. Meeting 1:30 PM We also need parent volunteers on Friday afternoons and Wednesdays at lunch! There is a sign-up sheet in the office. It is SUPER easy to volunteer and we appreciate the help! After School Enrichment Programs Condit will begin to host after school enrichment programs starting this Wednesday, September 10 from 1:00—2:00 PM. There are 3 options for our first session: Flag Football, Chess, or AMOCA ceramics. Demonstration lessons were done last week by all of these vendors and sign-up information is available in our front office. *These programs are offered by outside companies and are not affiliated with the Claremont Unified School District. Spaghetti Dinner Family Fun Night Condit will continue to use our PFA Webstore to submit donation and pay for items. The PFA Webstore is an easy, safe and secure way to pay for school items from any place, at any time. The webstore allows parents to access the student store on the Condit Condor website. The PFA Webstore includes items such as spirit wear, yearbooks, and field trips. Parents enter in their student’s lunch number, select the items they want to purchase, pay with their credit card on the secure site and print their receipt. The PFA Webstore ensures that your money arrives safely and efficiently to the school’s bank account, taking away the need for manual deposits. You can visit the webstore by visiting Condit’s website at www.conditcondors.com and selecting the PFA Webstore on the left side of the page. The Condit Caller is coming! The Condit PFA will publish its annual school directory, The Condit Caller, again this fall. Condit families are encouraged to advertise your businesses to our school community. Advertising in the Condit Caller is a great way to let other Condit families know about your local business or professional service you provide. All families that join PFA receive a copy of the Condit Caller. Ad revenues support our PFA which funds critical educational and enrichment programs, playground equipment, our school library, technology upgrades and more. Ads start at $30, are available in black/white or color, and enjoy long “shelf life” because parents refer to the invaluable Caller throughout the school year and beyond. The deadline to submit payment, ad copy (jpg preferred), and sign up form is Wednesday, September 17, For more information, please contact Condit Caller Ad Chair Nicole Ouellette at 909-447-0747 or [email protected] Page 2 Please join us at our annual Spaghetti Dinner on Friday, September 26, 2014 from 5:30—7:30 PM. You will enjoy an evening of hot spaghetti, tempting home baked desserts, and family fun. A reservation form will be sent home with your child soon. Pre-paid tickets will be available for a reduced price. Prices will increase after Wednesday, September 24th. We are looking forward to a fabulous evening and seeing you there! Condit Up! Condit’s Annual Fall Fundraiser will be held on Friday, November 14, 2014 at Taylor Hall in Claremont. Come out to enjoy an evening of dinner, live music and dancing. Raffle tickets will be on sale soon. 1st prize is $500, 2nd prize is $250, and 3rd prize is $100 and winner need not be present. We are in need of silent auction items and help working on the event. If you can donate or sponsor Volunteer Forms The Condit Office will begin accepting Volunteer Forms on Monday, September 15th. Proof of a current TB test is necessary to volunteer in the classroom on a regular basis. Thank you for volunteering! to the event, please con tact Amanda Thompson @ 909909910910-9850 or Amanda@creativestring .com Condit Elementary
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