Case C stud dy TETRA A PMR – SS7 interconnectt solution n in Vietnam Professional mobile radio (PM MR) is a mature m eliable tech hnology tha at is base ed on and re standard ds such as a terrestria al trunked radio (TETRA A). The European Tellecommuniccations Standarrds Institute e (ETSI) sttandard for PMR commun nications wa as designed d for use by public and privvate organissations, and d is in widesspread use in mission crittical environ nments in Europe E ncluding co ountries succh as and elssewhere, in Vietnam m. It is used by eme ergency se ervices professiionals and first f respond ders, such as a fire, police, and amb bulance, byy rail transport nel, airport ground g stafff, the militaryy, and personn in publicc safety netw works. Critical infrastructurre operatorss need dediccated networrks and relia able communications for day-tow as crisiss or special event mana agement. PMR P system ms satisfy that need, day misssions as well serving closed userr groups witth point to multi-point m co ommunicatio ons over larrge coverage areas, he network is normally owned o and operated o by y the same organisation o s. where th as its users Custom mer In this case, c Acula ab’s custome er, via its Italian partne er, was a le eading, interrnational pro ovider of integrate ed and inte eroperable turnkey com mmunication solutions to o the militarry, governm ment and emergency services sectors. As A a key pa art of its porttfolio, it sup pplies TETR RA PMR solu utions to afety, civil prrotection, em mergency se ervices, and security support the efficientt operationss of public sa ations world dwide, inclu uding the Far F East. Th he prevailin ng scenario in this cas se study organisa involved d an existing g installation n, where a new challeng ge was prese ented and fo or which Acu ulab was able to offer o its assiistance and expertise. APB0378 Isssue 1, September 2014 Case C stud dy Probleem About Acu ulab Aculab is an innovatiive, market mpany that pro ovides world leading com class telephony resourcess: via Aculab Cloud; or ass licensed sofftware; or on hardware (b boards and ch hassis). With many years of experiencce in helping to drive ourr customers’ success, s our enabling te echnology prrovides the required to essential components c deliver teleccommunications solutions (voice, data, fax, SMS) fo or use within nd mobile netw works – with IP, PSTN an performance e levels that are second to none. Aculab servves the evolving needs of integratorss, developers, service e ma anufacturers, providers, equipment etc. with co ost-effective, deployment proven, high performancce products. Companies worldwide ha ave adopted our technolo ogy for a wid de variety of business critical serrvices and solutions. Notwith hstanding th he closed nature n of P PMR networrks, it is often the t case th hat gateways to the public netw work are needed d. Such gatteways are required to provide sta andardsbased interfaces to t a varietyy of networkks and equipments. ony PBXs, and in Those can include enterprise telepho erving locall exchange e PSTN particular, end-offfice or se es. switche on for its When the customer needed an interconnect solutio n Hanoi and d Ho Chi alreadyy deployed TETRA installations in Minh, it turned to Aculab A for he elp. egrated, third d-party gate eways did n not support the SS7 Its inte protoco ol required to connectt to the Siemens and d Alcatel PSTN exchanges. Nor were e they able to connec ct to the cho cancelle ers, which were neces ssary to networrk-based ec deal with w signals being b introduced to the PSTN. It needed a solution to enable e its ISDN--based third d-party gate eways to ork with the SS7-based public network. interwo Solutiion Copyright and a other nottices © 2014 Acullab plc. All rig ghts reserved. Aculab, Th he Groomerr, Prosody, “Connected With Acula ab”, Aculab Worldwide Digital Connectivity and Aculab e Future are Your Connection To The registered trrademarks of Aculab plc. Prosody S, TiNG and GroomerII G are trademarks off Aculab plc. All other product or company references r or re egistered and unregistered trademarks are a the sole eir respective owners. property of the v For more information, visit website at ww Using the protocol conversion n and interw working capability of b’s Groomerr gateway, the custom mer’s local systems Aculab integra ator was able e to: • the in Complete nstallation erational and ope oning of the e customer’ss digital, redundantly commissio configured d TETRA ne etwork solution for the benefit b of the end-us ser organisa ation • Extend itts TETRA solution in nto the SS S7-based PSTN, en nabling an interconnecction to the network provided, in-line eccho cancellers, and to the quipment; Siemens S incumbent PSTN exxchange eq nd Alcatel 10 000 E10 switches. EWSD an • Improve the s security mergency and em cations syystems o of the end-user e communic organisation, providing improve ed coverag ge, nona enablin ng better intra-unit i impaired signals, and on cooperatio • Deliver a reliable, cosst-effective in nterconnectt solution al deployme ents in Hano oi and Ho Ch hi Minh for regiona Aculab’s Aculab plc, amley Road, Lakeside, Bra Mount Farm, Milton Keyness. Buckinghamsshire. MK1 1PT. United Kingdom. Tel: +44 (0) 1908 273 800 ation in this document is The informa provided by Aculab plc, and is for informational purposes onlyy. Nothing in this publication forms any part of any contract. on contained he erein is based The informatio on material, which Aculab, based on its b to be re eliable, but no best efforts, believes representation n is made as to its completenesss or accuracy. Aculab make no warrantiess, express or im mplied, in this document. E& &OE. APB0378 Isssue 1, September 2014 b shipped its adapta able, multi-protocol Groomer G Aculab gatewa ay, configured for ET TS-300 – SS7 interrworking, enablin ng a successful TETRA A – PSTN intterconnect. Aculab’s A Groom mer is now w a presccribed com mponent forr future installa ations.
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