MINUTES OF THE CRANBURY TOWNSHIP HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION CRANBURY, NEW JERSEY MIDDLESEX COUNTY TIME AND PLACE OF MEETING A regular meeting of the Cranbury Township Historic Preservation Commission was held in Town Hall, Cranbury, New Jersey, on April 1, 2014 beginning at 7:30 pm. STATEMENT OF ADEQUATE NOTICE Pursuant to the Sunshine Law, adequate notice in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act (N.J.S.A. 10:4-5) was provided on December 4, 2013 of this meeting’s date, time, place and an agenda was mailed to the news media, posted on the Township bulletin board, mailed to those requesting personal notice and filed with the Municipal Clerk. CALL TO ORDER With a quorum present, Ms. Marlowe called the meeting to order and Ms. Scott performed as recording secretary. MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Ms. Marlowe, Mr. Szabo (arrived 7:32pm), Mr. Walsh and Mr. Ziegler. Motion was made by Mr. Ziegler and second by Ms. Marlowe to excuse Mr. Williams, all in favor. MINUTES The minutes of the March 4, 2014 meeting was reviewed and corrections made. They will be resubmitted for review and placed on the next agenda for approval. APPLICATIONS 82 North Main Street (B29,L7) In Historic District, Classified C+; Contractor Mr. Mike Kaiser was present to discuss the submitted application and drawn plan. Proposed are interior renovations that include removal of an existing window (south elevation) and install two windows, same style and material, but just enlarge the opening to accommodate a twin unit. The existing side brick porch will be removed and replaced with a mahogany deck. A new wall will be constructed between the kitchen addition and original house to allow for interior room. Mr. Walsh asked if a railing is required for the deck. Mr. Kaiser said that it is only one step down, due to the height, a rail is not required. HPC viewed file photos of the house dated 1989-90 and one photo dated 1915-20. HPC has no issues with project and the materials that will be used. Hearing no other questions or concerns regarding this application, a roll call to approve this application as submitted was taken: AYES; Ms. Marlowe, Mr. Szabo, Mr. Walsh, and Mr. Ziegler. 11 Station Road, (B35, L5) In Historic District, Classified C-; Contracted buyer, Mr. Ryan Deverin was present to discuss concept changes. Per 1988 Heritage Studies, the house is early 20th century and has been extensively altered. After reviewing a file photo attached to a previous application dated 2003, Mr. Deverin stated that the house still looks the same. Mr. Deverin would like to replace the shingles with an architectural style shingles. The pent eave roof across the front of the house does not match the size of the concrete porch. Mr. Deverin would like to remove this roof element. HPC suggested removing the pent roof that extends past the porch and then size the roof to match the existing porch. A small pent roof can be added to the A frame over the door, making a cohesive porch roof line. The steps could be widened which would add substance to the front entrance.HPC felt it is best to keep it simple and enhance the front entrance. The front door will be replaced. Ms. Marlowe suggested that the existing screen door be removed. The front windows and storm windows are in good condition and will remain. The 2/2 windows are not fitting for the era that this house was built. (continued on page 2) APPROVED MINUTES Page 1 of 2 Minutes April 1, 2014 Historic Preservation Commission Continued from page 1 A blank HPC application was given to Mr. Deverin for submission when he takes ownership or when renovations are about to begin. Mr. Deverin thanked HPC for their time and expertise. NEW BUSINESS Preservation NJ: On March 29, 2014, Mr. Szabo attended the Preservation NJ (PNJ) annual meeting held at the Ewing Presbyterian Church in Ewing, NJ, built in 1867. This site was listed as one of the 10 Most Endangered Sites in 2009 by PNJ. He gave a brief history of the condition of the structure stating that sections of the walls were bowed and is in need of renovation but the ceiling was beautiful. There is a website dedicated to the structure that offers timeline information. Other information can be found on resources found statewide as well as sustainable and reuse for this building. 2014 NJ History and Historic Preservation Conference: Mr. Szabo has registered for the June 5th conference that will be held at Brookdale Community College in Lincroft, NJ. Preserving Historic Building through Recordings, Best Practices for Historic Preservation and Lighting for Historic Buildings, Design and Technology are a few workshops that piqued his interest. He said that there are other workshops that include walking tours. Ms. Marlowe expressed a desire to attend; secretary will email her the link for possible registration. Early bird registration is only $65. 2013 Actions/2014 Goals: Ms. Marlowe will be attending the April 21st Township Committee meeting to present the HPC 2013 yearend report. This report was recently mailed the SHPO as a requirement to remain CLG compliant. Ordinance Chapter 93: Haddonfield Township contacted SHPO requesting example of other historic communities who have a local ordinance in place so that they may review. SHPO then contacted Ms. Marlowe requesting to have a copy of Chapter 93. Both parties were emailed links to the ordinance. Ms. Marlowe relayed that she received a nice thank you note. ADJOURNMENT OF MEETING There being no further business, a motion duly made by Ms. Marlowe, second by Mr. Szabo and carried, the meeting was thereupon adjourned. CERTIFICATE OF SECRETARY I, undersigned, do hereby certify; That I am the duly appointed secretary of the Cranbury Township Historic Preservation Commission and, That the foregoing minutes of the Historic Preservation Commission, held on April 1, 2014 consisting of 2 pages, constitute a true and correct copy of the minutes of the said meeting. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name on this 20th day of May 2014. _______________________________________ Linda M. Scott, Recording Secretary APPROVED MINUTES Page 2 of 2
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