Focus Guide – PSY 1513 – Test 1

Focus Guide – PSY 1513 – Test 1
Use these questions to focus your attention on important
content for this test. Be sure to fully explore each topic,
including not just definitions and lists, but also what would the
topic look like if you saw it in real life!
1. What is the definition of psychology? Include two big areas that are the focus
of psychological study.
2. Where does the word psychology originate? What are meanings for the two
parts of the word?
3. Who is considered by your book to be the “father of psychology”? Why?
4. Describe correlations. What do they represent? What is the mathematical
range for the number? What does the sign (+/-) represent? What does the
number represent?
5. What is a neuron? List the parts in order of signal movement. What does each
part do? What is the space between neurons called and what is its purpose?
6. What are neurotransmitters? List several common neurotransmitters
mentioned in your book.
7. What is the cerebrum? What is significant about it in humans?
8. List and describe four goals of psychology.
9. Describe empirical evidence. How does it differ from “common sense” or
10. What is pseudopsychology?
11. Describe the following “schools of thought” …
a. Structuralism
b. Functionalism
c. Behaviorism
d. Cognitive/Cognitive Behaviorism
e. Gestalt
f. Humanism
g. Psychodynamic/Psychoanalysis
12. Differentiate between a psychologist and psychiatrist.
13. What is the only type of psychological research that can prove cause?
14. Describe a scientific experiment. Include variables & groups.
15. Describe the following non-experimental research methods …
a. Naturalistic observation
b. Case study
c. Survey
d. Correlation
16. What are the five basic principles of critical thinking?
17. Describe two types of negative after-potentials.
18. How does a signal travel within a neuron vs. between neurons?
19. Describe neuroplasticity. List two ways the brain changes.
20. Describe the parts of the nervous system. Include the relationships & functions
of the flowing …
b. Somatic/Autonomic
c. Sympathetic/Parasympathetic
21. Describe a “reflex arc”. When does it occur? What part of the nervous system
is NOT involved?
22. Differentiate between the functions of the right and left hemispheres of the