The implementation of the new standards for training packages and the Public Safety Training Package (DRAFT) Standards for Training Packages ensure Training Packages are of high quality and meet the workforce development needs of industry, enterprises and individuals. The Standards apply to the design and development of Training Packages by Industry Skills Councils (ISCs), which are then endorsed by the National Skills Standards Council (NSSC). The Standards are developed by the NSSC, for endorsement by Commonwealth and State/Territory Ministers. The Standards for Training Packages are supported by the following two policies: The NSSC Training Package Products Policy supports the design of Training Packages The NSSC Training Package Development and Endorsement Process Policy describes the process by which Training Packages are developed and endorsed and provides an explanation of key steps to be implemented by ISCs New Standards for Training Packages were endorsed by the Standing Council on Tertiary Education, Skills and Employment (SCOTESE) on 16 November 2012. To support the implementation of the new Standards for Training Packages, GSA must ensure that all training packages (it manages) comply with the new Standards in accordance with the transition period as set by the National Skills Standard Council. The process of transitioning to the new standard for Training packages is often referred to as “streamlining”. The following information has been compiled to provide responses to frequently asked questions in relation to GSA’s approach to streamlining of the Public Safety Training Package. The implementation of the new standards for training packages and the Public Safety Training Package Frequently Asked Questions (click on the question below to go straight to the answer) 1. Is this a review of the training package? 2. When will the public safety training package be submitted for endorsement and when will we need to implement it? 3. In what order will the training package be streamlined? 4. How will GSA consult with industry? 5. What is the role of a technical reference group? 6. Will codes for units of competency and qualifications change? 7. What will units of competency look like? 8. What will qualifications look like? 9. What will be in the companion volumes? 10. What does equivalence really mean? 11. What potential implementation issues do we need to be aware of? 12. Will GSA be conducting any workshops or professional development? Is this a review of the training package? No, this is not a review of the Public Safety Training Package (PUA). The review of the content of PUA was completed in 2012, prior to PUA12 V1.0 being submitted for endorsement by the NSSC. The current process is making sure the components of PUA (i.e. units of competency, qualifications, skill sets) are compliant with the new standards, whilst providing the opportunity to make amendments to the components that need to be amended. These amendments could be due to errors, or needs from industry to add some content, update terminology etc. Many of the components in PUA were recently reviewed, so we don’t anticipate the need for many amendments or additional content. Back to top When will the public safety training package be submitted for endorsement and when will we need to implement it? Unless there are any industry imperatives requiring a different approach, GSA plans to submit PUA in its entirety for endorsement. This approach is designed to avoid many of the implementation issues having two versions of the training package current at the same time, will potentially create (one streamlined, one not). Training Packages will no longer require an endorsement year. Therefore PUA12 will become “PUA”. Continuous improvement of training packages in the new standards is centred on units and qualifications. GSA is working towards the implementation of the new standards to PUA material by late 2015, however is mindful of the amount of work and consultation required. We will keep industry updated about potential dates for endorsement as these dates are not yet set by the NSSC. Once PUA is endorsed in the new standards, RTOs will need to comply with their regulators requirements for transition and teach-out. Back to top Version: 1.0 March 2014 Page 2 of 8 The implementation of the new standards for training packages and the Public Safety Training Package In what order will the training package be streamlined? A work plan and schedule for the commencement of technical reference groups to support transferring PUA into the new training package standards has been developed. The work plan has divided the work of streamlining into logical industry sectors/unit groupings as follows; Commenced – Police Batch 1 (to be completed by end May 2014) Surf Life Saving Community Evacuation SES Oil Spill response Emergency Call Centre Operations Batch 2 (to be completed by end September 2014) Law Emergency Management (EMR) Workplace Emergency and Response (WER) EME Batch 3 (to be completed by early 2015) Subsequent batches not yet determined Back to top How will GSA consult with industry? GSA is mindful that PUA is a large training package with a wide range of stakeholders. Our approach is to consult with industry prepared with good draft material for validation. The purpose of validation is to allow industry to verify a component is still meeting industry needs and represents the intent of the training standard. GSA streamlining process overview Consultation with industry will occur at the following points in the process: Ongoing feedback and intelligence from industry Seeking nominations to form technical reference groups (TRG) During the conduct of TRGs Open consultation on material (post TRG) on GSA website Letters of support for inclusion in the case for endorsement Back to top Version: 1.0 March 2014 Page 3 of 8 The implementation of the new standards for training packages and the Public Safety Training Package What is the role of a technical reference group? What GSA needs from TRG members is subject matter expertise. GSA, as industry skills council, will manage and coordinate the process. GSA provides training standards knowledge, and industry provides subject matter expertise on content requirements and implementation issues. GSA will ask for expressions of interest six weeks prior to the formation of a TRG. GSA will assess the expressions of interest and form the group. The group will be composed of technical experts providing us with their knowledge. GSA will review the current material based on their feedback. The material will then be available for broad industry comment on the GSA website. Back to top Will codes for units of competency and qualifications change? It is a requirement of NSSC as the endorsing body that it is clear that material has been endorsed against the new standards. To achieve this it has been determined that code changes will be required for material that complies with the new standards. It is acknowledged that this will provide a burden for users but it will make it clear which material is current. The new system of modification history at an individual unit level will future proof material from further code changes during the life of the unit if occupational outcomes remain consistent. Final coding will be determined at the end of the streamlining process Back to top What will units of competency look like? The new standards for training packages stipulate the use of two separate parts/documents to provide the information that has previously been contained in a unit of competency. For practical reasons, GSA will refer to the “the Standard” as: 1. Unit of competency (Part A) 2. Assessment requirements (Part B) Units of competency specify the standards of performance required in the workplace in a clear, simple and unambiguous manner. The primary audience will be industry. Assessment requirements specify the evidence and required conditions for assessment. The primary audience are regulators and RTOs. Assessment Requirements will be a separate document to the unit of competency. Assessment Guidelines outline the specific performance evidence, knowledge evidence and assessment conditions required to demonstrate competency in the unit. Version: 1.0 March 2014 Page 4 of 8 The implementation of the new standards for training packages and the Public Safety Training Package Unit of competency Purpose: Provide specification of applied performance standards Assessment requirements Purpose: Describe the assessment requirements at the unit of competency Mandatory requirements Unit code Unit title Application Elements Performance criteria Foundation skills Unit mapping information Links Title Performance evidence Knowledge evidence Assessment conditions Links Optional requirements Pre-requisite unit Competency field Unit sector Range of conditions Some fields have NSSC mandated statements, some fields can be interpreted. GSA can make decisions about how we will interpret the fields that are not mandated. The NSSC template can be can be found here Back to top What will qualifications look like? Qualifications will look very similar in the new standards template. GSA’s approach is to use specialist streams within qualifications where appropriate. To ensure flexibility, the preferred packaging style is to keep cores and electives, using groups of electives. Mandatory requirements Qualification code Qualification title Qualification description Packaging rules (core and elective) Qualification mapping information Links Optional requirements Entry requirements The NSSC template can be can be found here Back to top Will skill sets still exist? Yes, skill Sets will still form part of PUA as industry deem appropriate, they are still a part of the new standards. However, AVETMISS 7 will require coding for skills sets. Back to top What will be in the companion volumes? The components of a Training Package that are endorsed by the NSSC are: units of competency assessment requirements (associated with each unit of competency) qualifications; and credit arrangements Version: 1.0 March 2014 Page 5 of 8 The implementation of the new standards for training packages and the Public Safety Training Package Companion volumes (whilst mandatory) are not endorsed by the NSSC, but are subject to quality assurance by the industry skills council that manages the training package. Companion volumes provide advice for RTOs, enterprise and industry representatives to support implementation and are not subject to VET regulation. Companion volumes will provide advice about the structure and content of training packages with key features including; qualifications, skill sets, units of competency, along with guidance to assessors, trainers, RTOs and enterprises on key work and training requirements with links to additional companion volumes in relation to assessment strategies, knowledge requirements and foundation skills. GSA will publish the following four volumes for each training package: 1. 2. 3. 4. Implementation Guide Assessment Guide Foundation Skills Guide Knowledge Guide Companion volumes will be a dynamic resource that will be updated periodically and amended in order to remain relevant and useful to target users Back to top What if we have a need for some new material? GSA’s current priority for PUA is the process of streamlining, which is converting the training package from its current format into the new standards for training packages. The work plan for the process of streamlining has already been established. Adding new material to PUA (identified through the continuous improvement process) will be incorporated into the work plan to coincide with the related streamlining work. Back to top Reducing duplication of material across training packages? What does this mean? Industry skills councils have agreed to adopt national standards without duplicating them across training packages. This is the preferred outcome of the new training package standards. Specifically for PUA, this will affect first aid units, workplace health and safety and others. GSA’s plan is to import those standards into PUA qualifications from their “host training package”. For example, HLT units from the Health Training Package, WHS units from the Business Services Training Package. GSA understands that industry may be reticent to adopt this approach due to the perception that other ISCs may change these units too often. GSA’s opinion is that the ISCs that manage these standards need to change them based on legislation/industry standards. If GSA was, for example, duplicating WHS or HLT units, we would need to change the units as often as other ISCs. Back to top Version: 1.0 March 2014 Page 6 of 8 The implementation of the new standards for training packages and the Public Safety Training Package What does equivalence really mean? The new training package standards policy states that industry skills councils must include an equivalence table within the Companion Volume Implementation Guide on in which the equivalence status of each unit of competency is shown according to the following categories: E = Equivalent - the outcomes of old and new units are equivalent. N = Not Equivalent - the outcomes of old and new units are not equivalent. The ISC’s determination that the outcomes of an old and new unit are equivalent: (i) only applies to workplace contexts and for AQF qualifications purposes, including RPL; and (ii) does not apply to implications for training delivery and/or assessment purposes. ISC’s must provide a list of units with any relationships to their predecessors clearly identified in the Companion Volume Implementation Guide. Information must be sufficient for users to see what has changed and to assist them in determining matters such as resourcing, impacts on training for particular competency profiles and any transition arrangements. If two units are deemed equivalent by the ISC, an RTO can result the new version of the unit with credit transfer, if the learner has the old version and can demonstrate currency. An example If a participant was to enrol in the qualification PUA30713 - Certificate III in Public Safety (Firefighting Operations) and; as the RTO, you choose to package into the qualification PUAFIR316 Identify, detect and monitor hazardous materials at an incident (as an elective) if your participant already has PUAFIR307B Monitor hazardous atmospheres; as the RTO, you would be able to result the participant with credit transfer for PUAFIR316 Identify, detect and monitor hazardous materials at an incident. PUA12 version 2.1 unit code and title PUA00 version 8.1 unit code and title PUAFIR307B Monitor PUAFIR316 Identify, detect hazardous atmospheres and monitor hazardous materials at an incident Equivalen Nature of Relationship ce E Unit Title revised Application of the Unit added Method of assessment added Whilst ISC’s deem a unit equivalent, it doesn’t mean it is exactly the same as its predecessor (refer to above table as example). There may be implications for training delivery and/or assessment purposes and we recommend you map the old and the new units to identify these. Back to top What potential implementation issues do we need to be aware of? The Department of Industry established a VET reform taskforce in November 2013. The taskforce is working with state and territory governments, registered training organisations, industry groups, employers and other stakeholders throughout 2014 to reach a consensus on the way forward for the VET sector in Australia. During this time, policy may change. Whilst Training Packages are industry led and informed, they remain copyright of the Commonwealth and are therefore subject to Version: 1.0 March 2014 Page 7 of 8 The implementation of the new standards for training packages and the Public Safety Training Package changes in government policy. Whilst it is hoped any future changes will be consistent with current direction, this is beyond the control of the ISC and industry. We will endeavour to keep users of GSA managed training packages informed in as timely a manner as possible. When PUA is endorsed in the new standards for training packages usual implementation issues such as; checking for equivalence of qualifications and units of competency, changes to qualification packaging, identifying code changes, student management system and training and assessment material maintenance, and transitioning your scope of registration with your regulator can occur during the transition period. However prior to endorsement the case for endorsement and draft material will be made available through GSA’s industry consultation and made publicly available on our website. Back to top Will GSA be conducting any workshops or professional development? Yes. Professional development will occur at a few different levels. When we form a TRG, members are provided with professional development about the training package standards to enable them to participate fully in the process. It is anticipated in May/June 2014, that GSA will run industry briefings across the country, the purpose of which will be to provide; An update on NSSC training package policy Timeline and priorities for PUA streamlining How we will be consulting with industry and the role of technical reference groups What the Public Safety Training Package will look like o Templates in detail o Example of old versus new o Codes o Companion volumes GSA is also preparing companion volumes, which will be released with PUA. They include guidance about how to “un-package” PUA and the qualifications. Back to top Version: 1.0 March 2014 Page 8 of 8
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