14 ѧýlÅ V. There are eight persons namely P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W sitting around a circular table, facing the centre but not necessarily in the same order. Each of them is from a different profession, viz Accountant, Singer, Business man, Scientist, Cook, Doctor, Engineer and Professor. R and T are immediate neighbours of each other. Neither R nor T is an immediate neighbour of either Q or Doctor. Engineer sits second to the right of S, who is neither Doctor nor Cook. U sits second to the right of Doctor. Cook is an immediate Explanations 10) D; 11) B; 12) A I) ↑ ↑ ↑↑↑ ↑ ↑ Left A G C F E D B Right 1) C; 2) D; 3) B; 4) A II) E/F E/F Β ↓ ↓ ↑ ↓ O Professor Q P K P Engineer ↓ ↓ ↓ M I ↑ 7) A; Singer Accountant S L N T ↓ Businessman R ↓ III) G ↑ W U Scientist V Cook Doctor 16) B; 19) A; 17) A; 20) E. ↓ ↓ neighbour of Doctor. Two people sit between Cook and Q. V and Scientist are immediate neighbours of each other. Q is not Scientist. Only one person sits between R and Accountant. W sits third to the left of Business man. Singer sits second to the left of Professor. 16. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the given arrangement and thus form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group? A) V-COOK B) R- SINGER C) W-DOCTOR D) S-ACCOUNTANT E) P-ENGINEER 17. Who is third to the left of Scientist? A) P B) S C) W D) Q E) None of these 18. Which of the following pairs of persons has first person sitting immediate right of the 2nd person? A) WV B) QP C) TR D) VU E) PW 19. Which of the following persons is a Professor? A) Q B) S C) R D) W E) T 20. In which of the following combinations is the third person sitting in between the first and the second person? A) PWV B) VUR C) RTS D) SQP E) QWP Admissions {ç³ÐólÔ>Ë$ gêÐŒl$ & 20-15 C…yìl-Ķæ$¯Œl C¯Œl-íÜt-r*ÅsŒæ B‹œ sñæM>²-Ë-i, Vúçßæ† "gê-Ƈ¬…sŒæ AyìlÃ-çÙ¯Œl sñæ‹Üt çœÆŠ‡ GÐðl$Ã-ïÜÞ-&-2-0-1-5' ¯øsìæ-íœ-MóS-çÙ-¯Œl¯]l$ Ñyýl$-§ýlË ^ólíÜ…-¨. ©° §éÓÆ> II-G-ïÜÞ, II-sîæÌZÏ C…sìæ-{VóS-sñæyŠl ï³òßæ-^Œl-yîl, gêƇ¬…sŒæ GÐðl$ÃïÜÞ& ï³òßæ-^Œl-yîl, yýl*ÅĶæ$ÌŒæ yìl{X {´ù{V>Ð]l¬ÌZÏ {ç³Ðól-Ô>Ë$ MýS͵-Ýë¢-Æý‡$. MøÆý‡$Þ-Ë$: C…sìæ-{VóS-sñæyŠl ï³òßæ-^Œl-yîl, GÐðl$Ã-ïÜÞ(-I-I-GïÜÞ »ñæ…VýS-â¶æ*-Æý‡$-), gêƇ¬…sŒæ GÐðl$ÃïÜÞ& ï³òßæ-^Œl-yîl, GÐðl$Ã-ïÜÞ& ï³òßæ-^Œlyîl yýl*ÅĶæ$ÌŒæ yìl{X. AÆý‡á-™èl-Ë$: 55 Ô>™èl… Ð]l*Æý‡$P-Ë™ø ºÄ¶æ*-Ëi/ A{W-MýS-Ëa-ÆŠ‡/ MðSÑ$-{ïÜt/ íœh-MŠSÞ/ OÌñæ‹œ OòܯðlÞ-‹Ü/ C…f-±-Ç…-VŠS/ sñæM>²-Ëi Ñ¿êVýS…ÌZ yìl{X E…yé-Í. B¯Œl-OÌñ毌l Çh-{õÜt-çÙ-¯Œl: òÜò³…t º - Æý‡$ 3 & AMøtº - Æý‡$ 9 Ððl»Œæ-OòÜ-sŒæ:www.iitg.ernet.in/jam2015/# ï³i yìl´÷ÏÐ]l* C¯Œl Ðól$¯ól-gæŒ -Ððl$…sŒæ 13) C; 14) C; 15) B V) ↓ H 6) D; 9) C 5) B; 8) E J ↓ C F A D B E ↓ ↓ D S Q R U P T ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Left BOYS Left ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ Right Right C ↓ Α GIRLS IV) ↓ II. Eight people - A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circular table. A and B are facing towards the centre while the other six people are facing away from the centre. A is sitting second to the right of H. B sits third to the left of A. D sits second to the right of G. G is immediate neighbor of neither B nor A. E and F are III. Eight persons I, J, K, L, M, N, O and P are sitting around a circular table but not necessarily in the same order. Three of them are facing outward while five are facing towards the centre. M is third to the right of K. N is sitting third to the left of M. Three persons are sitting between N and J. O is sitting third to the right of N, who is not facing the centre. L is sitting third to the right of I, who is not facing the centre. 10. Who sits between N and I? A) J B) K C) M D) P E) None of these 11. Who among the following is sec- IV. Six boys ABCDEF and six girls PQRSTU are standing in rows in such a way that each girl faces one boy, not necessarily in the same order. P is to the immediate right of the girl who is facing E the boy at the extreme right. Only B is sitting between D and E. F is to the immediate left of A and to the immediate right of C. R is facing A and is to the immediate left of Q. U is third to the left of S. 13. Which of the following girls is facing D? A) R B) P C) U D) Q E) None of these 14. Which of the following pairs of a boy and a girl is at one of the extreme ends? A) SF B) EP C) TC D) CQ E) None of these 15. Who is standing to the immediate left of D? A) E B) A C) B D) F E) C ↓ MODEL QUESTIONS I. Seven friends A, B, C, D, E, F and G are sitting in a straight line facing North. D sits fifth to the right of A. D does not sit at any of extreme ends. Two people sit between G and E. F sits third to the left of B. F sits exactly in the middle. G is not an immediate neighbor of F. 1. What is G's position with respect to D? A) Second to the left B) Third t the right C) Fourth to the left D) Third to the left E) Fourth to the right 2. Who is second to the right of A? A) F B) E C) B D) C E) None of these 3. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their seating position in the line and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to the group? A) BD B) EC C) GA D) FC E) DE 4. If all the seven friends are made to sit alphabetically from right to left, positions of how many will remain unchanged? A) None B) One C) Two D) Three E) Four ond to the right of J? A) L B) K C) M D) N E) None of these 12. Which of the following groups represents the group, of those facing away from the centre? A) IKN B) KNL C) IJK D) LMN E) None of these ↓ Β immediate neighbours and are facing outside. 5. What is the position of C with respect to D? A) Third to the right B) Third to the left C) Fourth to the left D) Fourth to the right E) Second to the left 6. Who is sitting on the immediate right of G? A) C B) D C) F D) H E) None of these 7. Which of the following pairs represents the people who are immediate neighbours of C? A) B and G B) B and H C) G and H D) D and G E) None of these 8. Who is sitting third to the left of G? A) A B) D C) E D) F E) Either E or F 9. How many persons are there between B and D A) Two B) Four C) Three D) One E) None ↓ Persons sitting in a circle facing at the centre: Seated to the left = Take clockwise direction Seated to the right = Take anticlockwise direction Persons sitting in a circle facing away from the centre: Seated to the left = Take anticlockwise direction Seated to the Right = Take clockwise direction Example: A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circle facing the centre. a) E is to the immediate right of A, who is second to the right of G. b) D is not an immediate neighbour of C or H. c) F is third to the right of C and ↑ C REASONING ↑ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Left ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ Right E D Banks Special ↓ Right Left ↓ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ Right Persons sitting in two rows facing each other: Left Α ↓ Seating arrangement is one of the important topics in the ongoing SBI clerical exams. There are various models in the seating arrangement. * Single row arrangement * Double row arrangement * Circular arrangement/ Rectangular arrangement Irrespective of the models, the following points to be noted in order to solve the questions easily. 1. Read the entire puzzle and understand the statements correctly 2. Identify the statements that give definite information For instance let us take three statements and evaluate: Statement (a): A is to the left of B. The data in the statement is basic but not definite as the statement ONLY says that A is to the left of B. but, it does not specify where A is located from B. Statement (b): A is second to the left of B. The data in the statement is definite as it clearly states that A is placed second to the left of B. Statement (c): T is between Q who plays football and P in order of seating in a row. It can be understood as 'T is between Q and P. So, they may be seated as QTP or PTQ (so, the data is not definite) and 'Q plays football'. 3. Search for the connecting information 4. Figure out the seating arrangement by clearly identifying the directions. Persons sitting in a row all facing same direction: second to the left of H. Now, let us discuss how to understand the statements correctly: The meaning of the statement (a): E is to the immediate right of A. A is second to the right of G. The meaning of the statement (c): F is third to the right of C. F is second to the left of H. Normally, we will be tempted to solve the question by picking up point by point from first. But, that is not correct. We should be careful in selecting the points to solve the puzzle by searching for definite information. Here, though (a) and (c) are definite points, we have to pick up (c) first as this point is connected to the point (b) (as 'C' and 'H' are discussed in both the points). In case, we take point (a) it is difficult to solve the question. Solution: G H F ↓ ↓ SEATING ARRANGEMENT Who sits between N and I? ↓ Senior Faculty in Reasoning, Hyderabad. ↓ K. M. Jaya Rao Oòßæ§ýlÆ>»ê§Šl l Ô¶æ${MýSÐéÆý‡… l BVýSçÜ$tæ l 29 l 2014 18) C; Oòßæ§ýl-Æ>-»ê-§Šl-ÌZ° ¯ólçÙ-¯]lÌŒæ C¯Œl-íÜt-r*ÅsŒæ B‹œ A{W-MýS-Ëa-Æý‡ÌŒæ GMŠSÞ-sñæ-¯]lÛ¯Œl Ðól$¯ól-gŒæ-Ððl$…sŒæ MìS…§ýl õ³ÆöP¯]l² MøÆý‡$ÞÌZ {ç³Ðól-Ô>-°MìS §ýlÆý‡-RêçÜ$¢Ë$ MøÆý‡$-™ø…-¨. ï³i yìl´÷ÏÐ]l* C¯Œl Ðól$¯ól-gŒæ-Ððl$…sŒæ (A{W ¼h-¯ðl‹Ü Ðól$¯ól-gŒæ-Ððl$…-sŒæ) AÆý‡á-™èl-Ë$: 50 Ô>™èl… Ð]l*Æý‡$P-Ë™ø »êÅ_ËÆŠ‡Þ yìl{X E¡¢-Æý‡~-™èl™ø ´ër$ M>ÅsŒæ-&-2-0-14 ÝùPÆý‡$ E…yé-Í. §ýlÆý‡-Rê-çÜ$¢-ËMýS$ _Ð]lÇ ™ól¨: yìlòÜ…-ºÆý‡$ 31 Ððl»Œæ-OòÜ-sŒæ: www.manage.gov.in- - -
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