VENUES City National Civic 135 West San Carlos Street, San Jose, CA 95113 • 800-SAN-JOSE FAST FACTS • Located across the street from the San Jose Convention Center • 3,036 maximum reserved seating capacity, with flexible seating configuration, including up to 137 ADA compliant seats • 350 banquet-style seats • 1,000 classroom-style seats • State-of-the-art sound and HD video systems • Full staging and production capabilities VENUE SYNOPSIS The dual-level City National Civic completed a $15 million renovation in 2011 enhancing the experience of this historic venue with modern upgrades. The Civic is an easy fit for a full range of events including general sessions, small meetings, evening galas, banquet dinners, cocktail receptions, performing arts events and more. Patrons enjoy new, customized fixed seating, state-of-the-art sound and HD video systems, renovated and expanded restrooms, increased concession areas and a new 3-story elevator. The City National Civic partners with professional promoters to showcase it as a must-play venue for top acts touring the West Coast. With an intimate view from every seat, it is an ideal location for popular entertainers and public figures. Built in 1934, the City National Civic has classic Spanish mission-style architecture and has been at the core of San Jose’s cultural activity and traditions. Conveniently located in the heart of Downtown, it provides additional exhibit and general assembly space in conjunction with the nearby Convention Center and Parkside Hall. The City National Civic is located within walking distance of hotels, bars, restaurants and museums. It is located directly across the street from a Light Rail station stop, allowing for convenient public transportation access. Parking is close by at the Convention Center as well as other Downtown lots. Team San Jose • • 800-SAN-JOSE 1 V7 City National Civic City National Civic Main Level Floor Plan MAIN LEVEL FLOOR PLAN 2 Location Capacity Main Level Capacity City National 3,036 Reserved* 1,842 Reserved Total Maximum Total Maximum Main Civic Capacity 3,326 GA** Level Capacity 2,132 GA Location City National Civic Main Floor Section Seating Capacity Dress Circle Section Seating Capacity 1,210 Reserved Dress Circle obstructed Section view seats) Seating Capacity Main Floor 1,500Seating GA Section Capacity 632 Total (including 52 Balcony Level Seating Capacity 1,194 Total (including 82 Balcony Level obstructed Seating Capacity view seats) Stage Size (WxH) Stage 112’Size x 35’ (W x H) Stage Proscenium Opening (WxH) Stage 49’ 9” x 30’ Proscenium Opening (WxH) Main Floor Size Main 79’ xFloor 118’ Size *2,994 Reserved with section 105,1,210 RowsReserved Q - S (42 seats accommodate maximum light and mixing area 3,036 Reserved 1,842 Reserved 632 total) Total removed to 1,194 Total 112’ x 35’ 49’sound 9” x 30’ 79’ x 118’ 20 (including x 20 mixing GA barricade 3,326 GA 2,132 GA 1,500**Includes GA 52area and (including 82 obstrcuted obstructed view seats) view seats) Ceiling Ceiling 43’ 43’ Team San Jose • • 800-SAN-JOSE 2 V7 City National Civic City National Civic Main Level Reserved Seating Plan MAIN LEVEL RESERVED SEATING PLANStage Section 102 2 5 3 5 5 6 6 7 7 10 11 8 8 15 12 14 11 13 11 10 12 9 10 16 D E 1 2 3 5 3 4 6 207 4 5 7 3 5 6 8 4 6 7 5 7 8 5 6 8 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 11 9 10 11 12 11 12 13 14 9 10 C B 216 E Section 215 D C B A Section 214 E D C B A Section 213 E Section 212 C B E D E D C B A A A E D Balcony Level Size Balcony Level StageStage Seating Capacity (W x H) 632 Total 632 Total (including (including5252 obstrcuted obstructed view seats) 1,1941,194 Total Total 112’ x 35’ (including 82 82 (including 112’ obstructed obstructed view seats) Seating Capacity C 6 7 8 9 3 B DressCircle Circle Dress Section Section Seating Capacity Seating Capacity B C D E view seats) 2 3 2 1,210 Reserved 9 Section 208 9 Exit Section 209 1,500 GA 1,210 Reserved 1,500 GA A A 8 1,842 Reserved 6 P Q R S 5 P Q R S 206 8 O 7 N O 7 M N 6 L M 5 L 3 K J IK 2 I J 4 H I 3 G H 2 F G 2 E F Continuous Top Row D E E C D E B C D C B A B Exit Section 205 A Total Maximum Main Main MainFloor Floor Main Level Level Capacity Section Seating Section Seating Capacity Capacity Capacity 2,132Reserved GA 1,842 2,132 GA Right Section Section 104 A D C B A D C B A P Center Section Section 105 1 Continuous Top Row O Section 204 Continuous Top Row N O 4 M N 3 L M 2 K L 2 J K 1 I J Continuous Top Row H I E G H E F G Section 203 3,036 Reserved* National GA** City National 3,0363,326 Reserved* Civic Civic 3,326 GA** E F D C B A City Total Maximum Capacity Capacity D E Section 202 Location C D D C B A 210 = Mixing Area Location B C Section 101 201 = Obstructed View Seating B Left Section Section 106 211 = ADA Designated Seating A P Exit KEY AA A 1 AA 1 Section 103 StageMain Floor Stage Main Ceiling Floor Size Proscenium Size Proscenium (WxH)Opening (WxH) Size Opening (WxH) 49’ 9” x 30’ x 35’ 79’ x 118’ 49’ 9” x 30’ Ceiling 43’ 79’ x 118’ 43’ view seats) *2,994 Reserved with section 105, Rows Q - S (42 seats total) removed to accommodate maximum light and sound mixing area **Includes 20 x 20 mixing area and GA barricade *2,994 Reserved with section 105, Rows Q - S (42 seats total) removed to accommodate maximum light and sound mixing area **Includes 20 x 20 mixing area and GA barricade San Jose Theaters • Team San Jose • • 800-SAN-JOSE 3 V7 City Civic CityNational National Civic Balcony Level Seating Plan H F G H E F G H A G E Section 314 H F B G E D C F D C D E D C B E D C B F C B A G B A Section 302 Number of Seats 154 244 154 196 266 196 A MAIN FLOOR: Section 101 102 103 104 105 106 A H 301 315 BALCONY LEVEL SEATING PLAN A B C D E F G H TOTAL: 1,210 Unobstructed DRESS CIRCLE: Section 313 TOTAL: 632 Total 583 Unobstructed 52 Obstructed View Number of Seats 32 Obstructed View 85 (9 Obstructed) 86 85 90 81 90 95 90 81 91 85 86 85 (9 Obstructed) 32 Obstructed View TOTAL: 1,194 Total 1,112 Unobstructed 82 Obstructed View 305 311 A B C D E Section 312 A B C D E G H F F G Section 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 Section 304 H BALCONY: Number of Seats 21 Obstructed View 53 (5 Obstructed View) 21 27 57 56 54 27 27 54 56 57 27 21 53 (5 Obstructed) 21 Obstructed View Section 303 Section 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 3,036 Total 2,902 Unobstructed 134 Obstructed View D E H H G G F F E 306 D C C B B A A 310 A A A D E F G H C C D D E E F F G G H H A B B B C D E F G H = ADA Designated Seating 307 B KEY Section 308 C 309 = Obstructed View Seating Location Location Total Maximum City 3,036 Reserved Capacity Capacity City National National 3,036 Reserved 3,326 GA Civic Civic 3,326 GA Main Floor Dress Circle Balcony Level Stage Total Level Maximum Main Main Floor Dress Circle Stage Size Main Floor Main Balcony Level StageStage Size Section Seating Section Level Capacity Section Seating Section Seating Capacity (W x H) Proscenium Proscenium Size Capacity Seating Capacity (WxH) Capacity Seating Capacity Opening (WxH) Capacity Seating Capacity Opening (WxH) 1,842 Reserved 1,842 Reserved 2,132 GA 2,132 GA 1,210 Reserved 1,210 Reserved 1,500 GA 1,500 GA 632 Total 632 Total (including (including 52 52 obstructed obstructed view seats) view seats) 1,194 Total 1,194 Total 112’ x 35’ 49’ 9” x 30’ 79’ x 118’ (including 82 (including 82 112’ x 35’ 49’ 9” x 30’ obstructed obstructed view seats) view seats) CeilingFloor Main Size 43’ 79’ x 118’ Ceiling 43’ Team San Jose • • 800-SAN-JOSE San Jose Theaters • 4 V7 City National Civic 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 C 4 2 3 5 4 306 E F 207 D 6 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 7 5 6 8 4 4 6 7 5 7 8 5 6 8 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 11 9 10 11 12 11 12 13 14 9 10 A B C D E F G Section 215 D C B A E 216 Section 314 Section 214 E D C B A Section 313 A B C D E F G Section 213 D C B A Section 212 E D C B A A B C D Section 312 E A B C D F E E F 311 A A C B C B E D B C D E A B B E A E D C 16 D 15 12 14 11 13 11 10 D 12 10 9 9 E 9 11 8 8 G F 10 8 8 C 305 7 8 9 7 7 7 7 6 H H G 5 6 3 6 6 6 Section 208 B 1 H H G H G H H G G H G F H G F 2 5 5 5 Section 209 2 3 5 A A Exit F 206 3 P Q R S 3 O 2 N P Q R S Exit 2 M O F L M E L N E J IK E K E I J D H I D G H Section 304 F G Section 303 E F E D E E C D E C D C B A B Section 205 B D C B A Right Section Section 104 A Section 204 210 Section 203 P A D C B A 211 Section 202 O Center Section Section 105 D D C B A N P Left Section Section 106 D M O C L M C K L C J K C I J B H I B G H B F G B E F A D E Section 302 C D E C Section 101 201 A B N Exit 310 AA A B A AA A Section 103 A H 301 315 ALL LEVELS FLOOR PLAN A A A D E F G F F H D E E G C D D F B C C E A B B H G G H H KEY 307 B Section 308 C 309 = ADA Designated Seating = Obstructed View Seating = Mixing Area Location Capacity Main Level Capacity Main Floor Section Seating Capacity Dress Circle Section Seating Capacity Balcony Level Seating Capacity Stage Size (WxH) Stage Proscenium Opening (WxH) Main Floor Size Ceiling City National Civic 3,036 Reserved* 3,326 GA** 1,842 Reserved 2,132 GA 1,210 Reserved 1,500 GA 632 Total (including 52 obstructed view seats) 1,194 Total (including 82 obstructed view seats) 112’ x 35’ 49’ 9” x 30’ 79’ x 118’ 43’ *2,994 Reserved with section 105, Rows Q - S (42 seats total) removed to accommodate maximum light and sound mixing area **Includes 20 x 20 mixing area and GA barricade Team San Jose • • 800-SAN-JOSE 5 V7 City National Civic City National Civic Main Level Banquet Seating Plan MAIN LEVEL BANQUET SEATING PLAN 216 201 E D C B A Section 215 D C B A Section 214 E Section 213 D C B A Section 212 E E D C B A 3 6 7 6 7 7 8 1 E 1 2 1 3 2 4 2 3 5 4 6 2 2 3 B B D 16 1 3 3 4 5 7 5 6 8 4 4 5 5 6 8 6 7 7 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 11 10 11 12 8 9 11 12 13 14 9 10 C B C 1 C 15 A D 13 C B E D E 12 12 E D view seats) 14 350 Banquet* 11 2,132 GA 632 Total 632 Total (including 52 (including 52 obstrcuted view obstructed seats) 11 3,326 GA** Seating Capacity Balcony Level Seating Capacity 10 10 9 9 A 9 A Capacity 207 Section 208 Main Floor Dress Circle Section Seating Section Main Floor Dress Circle Capacity Capacity Section Seating SeatingSection 11 8 8 Main Level Capacity Exit Section 209 City 3,036 Reserved 1,842 Reserved 350 Banquet* National 3,326 GA 2,132 GA City National 3,036 Reserved* 1,842 Reserved Civic Civic 5 6 5 5 8 Capacity A 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 3 3 7 Location Total Maximum Main Level Capacity Continuous Top Row 2 2 2 3 2 6 210 Total Maximum Capacity E D C B A 206 5 KEY E D C B A Section 205 Continuous Top Row Section 204 211 Ceiling E D C B A Section 203 Exit Exit = Obstructed View Seating Continuous Top Row E D C B A Section 202 Continuous Top Row Stage Stage Size (W x H) Balcony Level Seating Capacity Stage Main Floor Ceiling Proscenium Size Stage Main Floor Stage Size Opening (WxH) Proscenium Ceiling (WxH) Opening (WxH) 1,194 Total 112’ x 35’ 49’ 9” x 30’ 1,19482Total (including (including 82 obstructed 112’ x 35’ 49’ 9” x 30’ obstructed view seats) Size 79’ x 118’ 79’ x 118’ 43’ 43’ view seats) *Seating setup subject to change *Seating setup and capacity subject to change Team San Jose • • 800-SAN-JOSE San Jose Theaters • 6 V7 City National Civic City National Civic Second & Mezzanine Level Floor Plan SECOND & MEZZANINE LEVEL FLOOR PLAN 7 Location 8 9 Location Dimensions Ceiling Sq. Ft. Theater Banquet Classroom Sky Bar 1 33’ x 19’ 11’ 620 56 30 32 Sky Bar 2 33’ x 19’ 11’ 620 56 30 32 Dimensions Ceiling Square feet Theater Banquet Classroom Team San Jose • • 800-SAN-JOSE Sky Bar 1 19’ x 33’’ 11’ 620 7 56 30 32 V7
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