Design Automation and Test in Europe 2014 PUFs at a Glance Ulrich Rührmair! Technische Universität München! ! Daniel E. Holcomb! University of Michigan This work was supported in part by C-FAR, one of six centers of STARnet, a Semiconductor Research Corporation program sponsored by MARCO and DARPA, and NSF CNS-0845874. Physical Unclonable Functions Silicon Physical Random Functions ∗ Blaise Gassend, Dwaine Clarke, Marten van Dijk† and Srinivas Devadas Massachusetts Institute of Technology Laboratory for Computer Science Silicon Physical Random Functions Cambridge, MA 02139, USA ∗ gassend,declarke,marten,devadas} { Dijk† and Srinivas Devadas Blaise Gassend, Dwaine Clarke, Marten van Massachusetts Institute of Technology Laboratory for Computer Science Cambridge, MA 02139, USA {gassend,declarke,marten,devadas} ABSTRACT leads us to a method of identifying and authenticat ABSTRACT leads us to a method of identifying and authenticating in- dividual ICs and a means of building secure smartca We introduce the notion of adividual Physical Function ICs and aRandom means of building secure smartcards. A We introduce the notion of a Physical Random Function host of other applications are also possible. (PUF). We argue that a complex (PUF). We integrated argue circuit thatcana becomplex integrated circuit can be and au- host of other applications are also possible. Many methods are already available to identify viewed as a silicon PUF and describe a technique to identify Many methods are already available to identify a thenticate ICs. One can embed ato unique identifier in an IC viewed a silicon a technique identify and authenticate individualas integrated circuits PUF (ICs). and describe to give it a unique identity. This approach can identify the thenticate ICs. One can embed a unique identifier in We describe several possible circuit realizations of differand authenticate individual integrated IC, but cannot circuits authenticate (ICs). it. To enable authentication, ent PUFs. These circuits have been implemented in comone needs to embed a secret key onto the IC. Of course, for to give it a unique identity. This approach can ident modity Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs).possible We We describe several circuit realizations of differthe system to work, this key needs to remain secret, which present experiments which indicate that reliable authentiIC, but cannot authenticate it. To enable authenti means that the packaged IC has to be resistant to atent FPGAs PUFs. been implemented inmade comcation of individual can beThese performedcircuits even in the have tacks that attempt to discover the key. Numerous attacks one needs to embed a secret key onto the IC. Of cour presence of significant environmental variations. modity Field Programmable are Gate Arrays (FPGAs). We described in the literature. These attacks may be invaWe describe how secure smart cards can be built, and also sive, e.g., removal of the package and layers of the IC, or the system to work, this key needs to remain secret, briefly describepresent how PUFs can be applied to licensing and indicate experiments which that reliable authentinon-invasive, e.g., differential power analysis that attempts certification applications. to determine the key by stimulating and observing means that the packaged IC has to be made resistant cation of individual FPGAs can be performed eventheinICthe the power and ground rails. Making an IC tamper-resistant tacks that attempt to discover the key. Numerous a Categories and Subject Descriptors presence of significant environmental to all forms ofvariations. attacks is a challenging problem and is receiving some attention [1]. IBM’s PCI Cryptographic Coproces- are described in the literature. These attacks may b C.3 [Special-Purpose and Application-Based Systems]: We describe how secure smart cards can be built, and also within a sor encapsulates a 486-class processing subsystem Smartcards tamper-sensing and tamper-responding environment briefly describe how PUFs can be applied to licensing and where sive, e.g., removal of the package and layers of the one can run security-sensitive processes [13]. However, pro- non-invasive, e.g., differential power analysis that at General Terms certification applications. viding high-grade tamper resistance, which makes it imposMeasurement, Experimentation, Security sible for an attacker to access or modify the secrets held to determine the key by stimulating the IC and obs inside a device, is expensive and difficult [2, 3]. We propose a completely different approach to IC authen- the power and ground rails. Making an IC tamper-re Keywords tication in this paper. Our thesis is that there is enough to all forms of attacks is a challenging problem and is Categories and Subject Descriptors Identification, physical random function, physical security, manufacturing process variations across ICs with identical smartcard, tamper resistance, unclonability masks to uniquely characterize each IC, and this character- ing some attention [1]. IBM’s PCI Cryptographic Cop C.3 [Special-Purpose and Application-Based Systems]: ization can be performed with a large signal-to-noise ratio Smartcards (SNR). The characterization of an IC involves the genera- sor encapsulates a 486-class processing subsystem w 1. INTRODUCTION tion of a set of challenge-response pairs. To authenticate ICs tamper-sensing and tamper-responding environment We describe the notion of Physical Random Functions we require the set of challenge-response pairs to be charac(PUFs) and argue that PUFs can be implemented using teristic of each IC. For reliable authentication, we require one can run security-sensitive processes [13]. Howeve conventional integrated circuit (IC) design techniques. This that environmental variations and measurement errors do General Terms not produce so much noise that they hide inter-IC varia- viding high-grade tamper resistance, which makes it This work was funded by Acer Inc., Delta Electronics Inc., tions.Security We will show in this paper, using experiments and sible for an attacker to access or modify the secret HP Corp., NTT Inc., Nokia Research Center, and Philips Measurement, Experimentation, Research under the MIT Project Oxygen partnership. analysis, that we can perform reliable authentication using Glance DATEthat2014 Visiting researcher from Philips Research, Prof Holstlaan the techniques we now introduce. inside a device, is expensive and difficult [2, 3]. 2 4, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Research ! Mentions! by Year Year ∗ PUFs at a † How can we produce a unique set of challenge-response Overview Context and motivation for remainder of session 1. Brief introduction to PUFs! 2. Weak PUFs and applications! 3. Strong PUFs and applications! 4. Conclusions PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 3 Physical Unclonable Functions Challenges PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 f Responses 4 Physical Unclonable Functions ❖ Challenges Function! ❖ f Responses Map challenges to responses PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 4 Physical Unclonable Functions ❖ Function! ❖ ❖ Challenges f Responses Map challenges to responses Physical! ❖ Mapping depends on physical variations PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 4 Physical Unclonable Functions ❖ Function! ❖ ❖ Challenges f Responses Map challenges to responses Physical! ❖ Mapping depends on physical variations PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 4 Physical Unclonable Functions ❖ Function! ❖ ❖ Challenges Map challenges to responses Physical! ❖ f Responses PUF Characterized by Challenge-Response Pairs (CRPs) Mapping depends on physical variations PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 4 Physical Unclonable Functions ❖ Function! ❖ ❖ Map challenges to responses Physical! ❖ ❖ Challenges f Responses PUF Characterized by Challenge-Response Pairs (CRPs) Mapping depends on physical variations Unclonable! ❖ No compact model exists, and CRP space is too large for dictionary PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 4 Physical Unclonable Functions ❖ Function! ❖ ❖ Map challenges to responses Physical! ❖ ❖ Challenges f Responses PUF Characterized by Challenge-Response Pairs (CRPs) Mapping depends on physical variations Unclonable! ❖ No compact model exists, and CRP space is too large for dictionary ❖ Or, responses kept secret PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 4 Design Considerations for Silicon PUFs ❖ Outputs determined by uncorrelated variation! ❖ Random dopant fluctuations and small devices! ❖ Balanced parasitics and wire lengths to avoid bias PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 5 Design Considerations for Silicon PUFs ❖ ❖ Outputs determined by uncorrelated variation! ❖ Random dopant fluctuations and small devices! ❖ Balanced parasitics and wire lengths to avoid bias Variation and noise hard to separate! ❖ Mask unreliable outputs! ❖ Majority voting! ❖ Error correction PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 5 Design Considerations for Silicon PUFs ❖ ❖ ❖ Outputs determined by uncorrelated variation! ❖ Random dopant fluctuations and small devices! ❖ Balanced parasitics and wire lengths to avoid bias Variation and noise hard to separate! ❖ Mask unreliable outputs! ❖ Majority voting! ❖ Error correction Secure PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 5 Security Considerations ❖ Assumed capabilities of adversary! ❖ Observe CRPs! ❖ Measure side channels! ❖ Disassemble and probe chip PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 6 Security Considerations ❖ ❖ Assumed capabilities of adversary! ❖ Observe CRPs! ❖ Measure side channels! ❖ Disassemble and probe chip Possible results of attacks! ❖ DOS by increasing error rate of CRPs! ❖ Train parametric model to predict responses! ❖ Clone with another instance of PUF PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 6 Security Considerations ❖ Assumed capabilities of adversary! ❖ ❖ Observe CRPs! ❖ Measure side channels! ❖ Disassemble and probe chip 2nd talk of session Possible results of attacks! ❖ DOS by increasing error rate of CRPs! ❖ Train parametric model to predict responses! ❖ Clone with another instance of PUF PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 6 Security Considerations ❖ ❖ Assumed capabilities of adversary! ❖ Observe CRPs! ❖ Measure side channels! ❖ Disassemble and probe chip 3rd talk of session Possible results of attacks! ❖ DOS by increasing error rate of CRPs! ❖ Train parametric model to predict responses! ❖ Clone with another instance of PUF PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 6 Security Considerations ❖ ❖ Assumed capabilities of adversary! ❖ Observe CRPs! ❖ Measure side channels! ❖ Disassemble and probe chip Possible results of attacks! 4th talk of session ❖ DOS by increasing error rate of CRPs! ❖ Train parametric model to predict responses! ❖ Clone with another instance of PUF PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 6 Weak vs Strong PUFs Weak PUFs! PUFs at a Glance Strong PUFs! DATE 2014 7 Weak vs Strong PUFs Weak PUFs! ❖ Few/one challenges PUFs at a Glance Strong PUFs! ❖ DATE 2014 Many challenges 7 Weak vs Strong PUFs Weak PUFs! Strong PUFs! ❖ Few/one challenges ❖ Many challenges ❖ Responses remain internal ❖ Public CRP interface ❖ Perfect internal error correction PUFs at a Glance ❖ DATE 2014 Error correction outside PUF is possible 7 Weak vs Strong PUFs Weak PUFs! Strong PUFs! ❖ Few/one challenges ❖ Many challenges ❖ Responses remain internal ❖ Public CRP interface ❖ ❖ Perfect internal error correction ❖ Attacks: Cloning and invasive reading of responses PUFs at a Glance ❖ DATE 2014 Error correction outside PUF is possible Attacks: Modeling attacks and protocol attacks 7 Weak vs Strong PUFs Weak PUFs! Strong PUFs! ❖ Few/one challenges ❖ Many challenges ❖ Responses remain internal ❖ Public CRP interface ❖ Perfect internal error correction ❖ ❖ Attacks: Cloning and invasive reading of responses ❖ Use cases: New form of key storage PUFs at a Glance ❖ DATE 2014 Error correction outside PUF is possible Attacks: Modeling attacks and protocol attacks 7 Weak vs Strong PUFs Weak PUFs! Strong PUFs! ❖ Few/one challenges ❖ Many challenges ❖ Responses remain internal ❖ Public CRP interface ❖ Perfect internal error correction ❖ Error correction outside PUF is possible ❖ Attacks: Cloning and invasive reading of responses ❖ Attacks: Modeling attacks and protocol attacks ❖ Use cases: New form of key storage ❖ Use cases: New cryptographic primitive PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 7 Weak vs Strong PUFs Weak PUFs! Strong PUFs! ❖ Few/one challenges ❖ ❖ Public CRP interface Responses remain internal Weak and strong are two PUF subclasses among many! ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Perfect internal error Controlled PUFs! correction ❖ Attacks: ❖ Cloning Public PUFs!and invasive ❖ SIMPL, etc Use cases: New form of key storage PUFs at a Glance Error correction outside PUF is possible ❖ Attacks: Modeling attacks and protocol attacks ❖ Use cases: New cryptographic primitive reading of responses ❖ Many challenges DATE 2014 7 Overview 1. Brief introduction to PUFs! 2. Weak PUFs and applications! 3. Strong PUFs and applications! 4. Conclusions PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 8 Examples of Weak PUFs ❖ ❖ Using custom circuits! ❖ Drain currents ❖ Capacitive coating PUF ❖ Cross-coupled devices ❖ Sense amps [Lofstrom et al. ’02]! [Tuyls et al. ’06]! [Su et al. ’07]! [Bhargava et al. ’10]! Using existing circuits! ❖ Clock skew ❖ Flash latency ❖ Power-up SRAM state PUFs at a Glance [Yao et al.’13]! [Prabhu et al. ‘11]! [Guajardo et al. ’07, Holcomb et al. ’07] DATE 2014 9 Examples of Weak PUFs ❖ Using custom circuits! ❖ Drain currents ❖ Capacitive coating PUF ❖ Cross-coupled devices ❖ ❖ Sense amps [Lofstrom et al. ’02]! [Tuyls et al. ’06]! [Su et al. ’07]! [Bhargava et al. ’10]! Research! Mentions! by Year Using existing circuits! ❖ Clock skew ❖ Flash latency ❖ [Yao et al.’13]! [Prabhu et al. ‘11]! Power-up SRAM state PUFs at a Glance "SRAM PUF" "PUF" Year [Guajardo et al. ’07, Holcomb et al. ’07] DATE 2014 9 Applications of Weak PUFs ❖ Identification! ❖ Authentication! ❖ Secret key! ❖ Random number generation PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 10 Applications of Weak PUFs ❖ Identification! ❖ Authentication! ❖ Secret key! ❖ Random number generation PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 10 SRAM Power-up State Utilize inherent power-up bias of each SRAM cell 1.2 WL VDD A Voltage VDD B BLB A BL 0.8 B 0.4 0 0 PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 2 4 6 Time [ns] 8 10 11 SRAM Power-up State Utilize inherent power-up bias of each SRAM cell 1.2 WL VDD A Voltage VDD B BLB A BL 0.8 B 0.4 0 0 ❖ 2 4 6 Time [ns] 8 10 Challenge: c (selects n cells) PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 11 SRAM Power-up State Utilize inherent power-up bias of each SRAM cell 1.2 WL VDD A Voltage VDD B BLB A BL 0.8 B 0.4 0 0 ❖ ❖ 2 4 6 Time [ns] 8 10 Challenge: c (selects n cells) Responses: r ∈ 2n ! (power-up state of n cells) PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 11 SRAM Power-up State Utilize inherent power-up bias of each SRAM cell 1.2 WL VDD A Voltage VDD B BLB A BL 0.8 B 0.4 0 0 ❖ ❖ ❖ 2 4 6 Time [ns] 8 10 Challenge: c (selects n cells) Responses: r ∈ 2n ! (power-up state of n cells) Disorder/randomness: Threshold variation of transistors in SRAM cell PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 11 SRAM Power-up State Utilize inherent power-up bias of each SRAM cell 1.2 WL VDD A Voltage VDD B BLB A BL 0.8 B 0.4 0 0 ❖ ❖ ❖ 2 4 6 Time [ns] 8 10 Challenge: c (selects n cells) Responses: r ∈ 2n ! (power-up state of n cells) Disorder/randomness: Threshold variation of transistors in SRAM cell [Holcomb et al., ’07] PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 11 Weak PUF as Secret Key Enroll PUF PUFs at a Glance Weak PUF DATE 2014 12 Weak PUF as Secret Key Enroll PUF ❖ Weak PUF Learn CRP (c,r) PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 12 Weak PUF as Secret Key Enroll PUF ❖ Learn CRP (c,r) ❖ Derive public error Weak PUF correcting data h for r ❖ Key k = Decode(r ⊕ h) PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 12 Weak PUF as Secret Key Enroll PUF ❖ Learn CRP (c,r) ❖ Derive public error Weak PUF! ! ! h correcting data h for r ❖ Key k = Decode(r ⊕ h) ❖ Store h with PUF ❖ Disable access to response r PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 12 Weak PUF as Secret Key Enroll PUF ❖ Learn CRP (c,r) ❖ Derive public error Generate Key in Field correcting data h for r ❖ Key k = Decode(r ⊕ h) ❖ Store h with PUF ❖ Disable access to response r PUFs at a Glance Weak PUF! ! ! h DATE 2014 12 Weak PUF as Secret Key Enroll PUF ❖ Learn CRP (c,r) ❖ Derive public error correcting data h for r ❖ Key k = Decode(r ⊕ h) ❖ Store h with PUF ❖ Disable access to response r PUFs at a Glance Generate Key in Field c Weak PUF! ! ! h DATE 2014 12 Weak PUF as Secret Key Enroll PUF Generate Key in Field ❖ Learn CRP (c,r) ❖ Apply c, obtain r’ ⊕ h ❖ Derive public error ❖ Key k = Decode(r’ ⊕ h) correcting data h for r ❖ Key k = Decode(r ⊕ h) ❖ Store h with PUF ❖ Disable access to response r PUFs at a Glance c Weak PUF! ! ! h DATE 2014 12 Weak PUF as Secret Key Enroll PUF Generate Key in Field ❖ Learn CRP (c,r) ❖ Apply c, obtain r’ ⊕ h ❖ Derive public error ❖ Key k = Decode(r’ ⊕ h) correcting data h for r ❖ c Key k = Decode(r ⊕ h) ❖ Store h with PUF ❖ Disable access to response r PUFs at a Glance k is reliable ! key DATE 2014 Weak PUF! ! ! h 12 Weak PUF as Secret Key Enroll PUF Generate Key in Field ❖ Learn CRP (c,r) ❖ Apply c, obtain r’ ⊕ h ❖ Derive public error ❖ Key k = Decode(r’ ⊕ h) correcting data h for r ❖ c Key k = Decode(r ⊕ h) ❖ Store h with PUF ❖ Disable access to response r Weak PUF! k is reliable ! key ❖ Reliable unclonable key for crypto! ❖ Assumes that r cannot be read in field PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 ! ! h 12 Overview 1. Brief introduction to PUFs! 2. Weak PUFs and applications! 3. Strong PUFs and applications! 4. Conclusions PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 13 Examples of Strong PUFs ❖ Optical PUF [Pappu et al. ’02]! ❖ Arbiter PUF [Gassend et al. ’02, Lim et al. ’05]! ❖ Bistable Ring PUF [Chen et al. ’11]! ❖ Low-power current-based PUF ! [Majzoobi et al. ’11] PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 14 Examples of Strong PUFs ❖ Optical PUF [Pappu et al. ’02]! ❖ Arbiter PUF [Gassend et al. ’02, Lim et al. ’05]! ❖ Bistable Ring PUF [Chen et al. ’11]! ❖ Low-power current-based PUF ! [Majzoobi et al. ’11] "Arbiter PUF" "PUF" Research! Mentions! by Year Year PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 14 Strong PUF Protocols ❖ Identification/Authentication (1)! ❖ Key Exchange (2,3)! ❖ Oblivious transfer (4,3,5,6) — enables secure two-party computation! ❖ Bit commitment (3,5,6,7,8) — enables zero-knowledge proofs! ❖ Combined key exchange and authentication (9) (1) R. Pappu et al, Science 2002 ! (2) M.v.Dijk, US Patent 2,653,197, 2004 ! (3) C. Brzuska et al, CRYPTO 2011 ! (4) U. Rührmair, TRUST 2010 ! (5,6) U. Rührmair, M.v.Dijk, CHES 2012 and JCEN 2013! (7) U. Rührmair, M.v. Dijk, Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2012 ! (8) Ostrovsky et al., EUROCRYPT 2013! (9) Tuyls and Skoric, Strong Authentication with Physical Unclonable Functions, Springer 2007 PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 15 Strong PUF Protocols ❖ Identification/Authentication (1)! ❖ Key Exchange (2,3)! ❖ Oblivious transfer (4,3,5,6) — enables secure two-party computation! ❖ Bit commitment (3,5,6,7,8) — enables zero-knowledge proofs! ❖ Combined key exchange and authentication (9) 5th talk of session (1) R. Pappu et al, Science 2002 ! (2) M.v.Dijk, US Patent 2,653,197, 2004 ! (3) C. Brzuska et al, CRYPTO 2011 ! (4) U. Rührmair, TRUST 2010 ! (5,6) U. Rührmair, M.v.Dijk, CHES 2012 and JCEN 2013! (7) U. Rührmair, M.v. Dijk, Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2012 ! (8) Ostrovsky et al., EUROCRYPT 2013! (9) Tuyls and Skoric, Strong Authentication with Physical Unclonable Functions, Springer 2007 PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 15 Strong PUF Protocols ❖ Identification/Authentication (1)! ❖ Key Exchange (2,3)! ❖ Oblivious transfer (4,3,5,6) — enables secure two-party computation! ❖ Bit commitment (3,5,6,7,8) — enables zero-knowledge proofs! ❖ Combined key exchange and authentication (9) 5th talk of session (1) R. Pappu et al, Science 2002 ! (2) M.v.Dijk, US Patent 2,653,197, 2004 ! (3) C. Brzuska et al, CRYPTO 2011 ! (4) U. Rührmair, TRUST 2010 ! (5,6) U. Rührmair, M.v.Dijk, CHES 2012 and JCEN 2013! (7) U. Rührmair, M.v. Dijk, Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2012 ! (8) Ostrovsky et al., EUROCRYPT 2013! (9) Tuyls and Skoric, Strong Authentication with Physical Unclonable Functions, Springer 2007 PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 15 Arbiter PUF [D. Lim et al., ’05] 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 PUFs at a Glance … 0 1 0 1 S 1 0 1 0 R DATE 2014 Q 16 Arbiter PUF [D. Lim et al., ’05] ❖ 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 … 0 1 0 1 S 1 0 1 0 R Q Challenges: ci ∈ 2m (m= num stages) PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 16 Arbiter PUF [D. Lim et al., ’05] ❖ 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 … … 0 1 0 1 S 1 0 1 0 R 0 0 Q Challenges: ci ∈ 2m (m= num stages) PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 16 Arbiter PUF [D. Lim et al., ’05] ❖ 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 … … 0 1 0 1 S 1 0 1 0 R 0 0 Q Challenges: ci ∈ 2m (m= num stages) PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 16 Arbiter PUF [D. Lim et al., ’05] 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 … … 0 1 0 1 S 1 0 1 0 R 0 0 ❖ Challenges: ci ∈ 2m (m= num stages) ❖ Responses: ri ∈ 2n (n=1 shown) PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 Q 16 Arbiter PUF [D. Lim et al., ’05] ❖ ❖ 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 … … Challenges: ci ∈ 2m 0 1 0 1 S 1 0 1 0 R 0 0 (m= num stages) Responses: ri ∈ 2n (n=1 shown) PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 Q voltage S R time 16 Arbiter PUF [D. Lim et al., ’05] 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 ❖ ❖ 0 … … Challenges: ci ∈ 2m 0 1 0 1 S 1 0 1 0 R 0 Q=1 0 (m= num stages) Responses: ri ∈ 2n (n=1 shown) PUFs at a Glance Q DATE 2014 voltage S R time 16 Arbiter PUF [D. Lim et al., ’05] 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 … 0 1 0 1 S 1 0 1 0 R Q Q=1 ❖ ❖ Challenges: ci ∈ 2m (m= num stages) Responses: ri ∈ 2n (n=1 shown) PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 voltage S R time 16 Arbiter PUF [D. Lim et al., ’05] 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 ❖ ❖ 1 … … Challenges: ci ∈ 2m 0 1 0 1 S 1 0 1 0 R 1 Q=1 0 (m= num stages) Responses: ri ∈ 2n (n=1 shown) PUFs at a Glance Q DATE 2014 voltage S R time 16 Arbiter PUF [D. Lim et al., ’05] 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 ❖ ❖ 1 … … Challenges: ci ∈ 2m 0 1 0 1 S 1 0 1 0 R 1 Q=1 0 (m= num stages) Responses: ri ∈ 2n (n=1 shown) PUFs at a Glance Q DATE 2014 voltage S R time 16 Arbiter PUF [D. Lim et al., ’05] 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 ❖ ❖ 1 … … Challenges: ci ∈ 2m 0 1 0 1 S 1 0 1 0 R 1 Q Q=1 0 (m= num stages) voltage S R time Responses: ri ∈ 2n (n=1 shown) voltage R S time PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 16 Arbiter PUF [D. Lim et al., ’05] 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 ❖ ❖ 1 … … Challenges: ci ∈ 2m 0 1 0 1 S 1 0 1 0 R 1 Q Q=1 0 (m= num stages) voltage S R time Responses: ri ∈ 2n (n=1 shown) Q=0 voltage R S time PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 16 Arbiter PUF [D. Lim et al., ’05] 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 ❖ 1 … … Challenges: ci ∈ 2m 0 1 0 1 S 1 0 1 0 R 1 Q=1 0 (m= num stages) ❖ Responses: ri ∈ 2n (n=1 shown) ❖ Disorder/randomness: Delays in the subcomponents PUFs at a Glance Q DATE 2014 voltage S R time Q=0 voltage R S time 16 Arbiter PUF [D. Lim et al., ’05] 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 … … Challenges: ci ∈ ❖ 2m 0 1 0 1 S 1 0 1 0 R 1 Q Q=1 0 (m= num stages) voltage S R time ❖ ❖ n (n=1 shown) Responses: r ∈ 2 Q=0 CRPs! i model cannot be created by observing ❖ Assumes that ❖ Disorder/randomness: Delays in the R S voltage delay But basic arbiter PUF susceptible to additive model subcomponents time PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 16 Arbiter PUF [D. Lim et al., ’05] 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 … … Challenges: ci ∈ ❖ 2m 0 1 0 1 S 1 0 1 0 R 1 Q Q=1 0 (m= num stages) voltage S R time ❖ ❖ n (n=1 shown) Responses: r ∈ 2 Q=0 CRPs! i model cannot be created by observing ❖ Assumes that ❖ Disorder/randomness: Delays in the R S voltage delay But basic arbiter PUF susceptible to additive model subcomponents time PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 16 Arbiter PUF [D. Lim et al., ’05] 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 … … Challenges: ci ∈ ❖ 2m 0 1 0 1 S 1 0 1 0 R 1 Q Q=1 0 (m= num stages) voltage S R time ❖ ❖ n (n=1 shown) Responses: r ∈ 2 Q=0 CRPs! i model cannot be created by observing ❖ Assumes that ❖ Disorder/randomness: Delays in the R S voltage delay But basic arbiter PUF susceptible to additive model subcomponents time PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 16 Arbiter PUF [D. Lim et al., ’05] 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 … 1 0 1 1 0 … Challenges: ci ∈ ❖ 0 1 2m 1 0 1 1 0 S R Q [G. Suh et al., ’07] [M. Majzoobi et al., ’08] Q=1 0 (m= num stages) voltage S R time ❖ ❖ n (n=1 shown) Responses: r ∈ 2 Q=0 CRPs! i model cannot be created by observing ❖ Assumes that ❖ Disorder/randomness: Delays in the R S voltage delay But basic arbiter PUF susceptible to additive model subcomponents time PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 16 Arbiter PUF [D. Lim et al., ’05] 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 … 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 … 1 0 1 1 0 0 Q S [G. Suh et al., ’07] [M. Majzoobi et al., ’08] R ❖ Q=1 XOR Arbiter PUF resists additive voltagemodel S R Challenges: ci ∈ 2m (m= num stages) ❖ time ❖ ❖ n (n=1 shown) Responses: r ∈ 2 Q=0 CRPs! i model cannot be created by observing ❖ Assumes that ❖ Disorder/randomness: Delays in the R S voltage delay But basic arbiter PUF susceptible to additive model subcomponents time PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 16 Authentication using Strong PUF Enroll PUF Strong PUF … PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 17 Authentication using Strong PUF Enroll PUF ❖ Choose random challenges Strong PUF … PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 17 Authentication using Strong PUF Enroll PUF ❖ Choose random challenges ❖ Apply and store private CRPs Strong PUF … PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 17 Authentication using Strong PUF Enroll PUF ❖ Choose random challenges ❖ Apply and store private CRPs Strong PUF (c0,r0)! (c1,r1)! (c2,r2)! … PUFs at a Glance … DATE 2014 17 Authentication using Strong PUF Enroll PUF ❖ Choose random challenges ❖ Apply and store private CRPs (c0,r0)! (c1,r1)! (c2,r2)! … PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 17 Authentication using Strong PUF Enroll PUF ❖ Choose random challenges ❖ Apply and store private CRPs Strong PUF … (c0,r0)! (c1,r1)! (c2,r2)! … PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 17 Authentication using Strong PUF Enroll PUF ❖ Choose random challenges ❖ Apply and store private CRPs c0 … (c0,r0)! (c1,r1)! (c2,r2)! … PUFs at a Glance Strong PUF DATE 2014 17 Authentication using Strong PUF Enroll PUF ❖ Choose random challenges ❖ Apply and store private CRPs Strong PUF c0 r0’ (c0,r0)! (c1,r1)! (c2,r2)! … PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 … 17 Authentication using Strong PUF Enroll PUF ❖ Choose random challenges ❖ Apply and store private CRPs (c0,r0)! (c1,r1)! (c2,r2)! … PUFs at a Glance Authenticate! r0 ≈ r0’ ? Strong PUF c0 r0’ DATE 2014 … 17 Authentication using Strong PUF Enroll PUF ❖ Choose random challenges ❖ Apply and store private CRPs (c0,r0)! (c1,r1)! (c2,r2)! … PUFs at a Glance Authenticate! r0 ≈ r0’ ? Strong PUF c0 r0’ DATE 2014 … 17 Authentication using Strong PUF Enroll PUF ❖ Choose random challenges ❖ Apply and store private CRPs (c0,r0)! (c1,r1)! (c2,r2)! … ❖ Authenticate! r0 ≈ r0’ ? Strong PUF c0 r0’ … No need to hide responses if PUF cannot be modeled PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 17 Overview 1. Brief introduction to PUFs! 2. Weak PUFs and applications! 3. Strong PUFs and applications! 4. Conclusions PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 18 Review ❖ PUFs are exciting new security primitive based on physical disorder! ❖ Desirable properties but also limitations! ❖ Arms race between designing and breaking PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 19 PReview ❖ PUFs are exciting new security primitive based on physical disorder! 1. ❖PUFs at a Glance! Desirable properties but also limitations! 2. ❖Modeling attacks! Arms race between designing and breaking 3. Modeling attacks using side-channel information! 4. Invasive attacks ! 5. Requirements for secure PUF protocols! 6. Forward-looking trends and challenges PUFs at a Glance DATE 2014 19
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