Satyananda Yoga
Ankur Skills
Life Skills ba sed on India n Wisdom
Prospectus - 2014
Tra in the Tra iner - Long-Term
Adva nced Certifica te Progra m in Sa tya na nda Yoga - 2014–16
Adva nced Certifica te Progra m in Ankur SKILLS – 2014-16
Tra in the Tra iner – Short-Term
Certifica te Progra m in Sa tya na nda Yoga - 2014-15
Knowledge Partner
Give evolution a cha nce
- Swa mi Sa tya na nda
Teacher’s Training Program in Yoga & Life-Skills – The Opportunity
“…all round development as the stated purpose of education implies optimization of hidden
potential of every child in the physical, intellectual, mental and spiritual planes. The CBSE
initiative for the first time in the country makes an effort to translate the lofty goal of all round
development into practice.
The ‘comprehensive’ component of CCE takes care of assessment of all round development of
the child’s personality. It includes assessment of Scholastic as well as Co-scholastic aspects of
the pupil’s growth. Scholastic aspects include curricular areas or subject specific areas, whereas
co-scholastic aspects include Life Skills, Co-Curricular activities, attitudes and values.”
(Concept note on Conceptual Framework of CCE, CBSE)
The above introductory note as part of the currently implemented CCE pattern of evaluation by
CBSE establishes the rising need for Life-Skills, Yoga and other co-curricular activities’ trainers in
Samacheer Kalvi, introduced by The Government of Tamil Nadu, also makes yoga education
mandatory in school curriculum. Similar to the CBSE pattern, Samacheer Kalvi, has also evolved
a CCE pattern laying emphasis on holistic education, in its own inimitable style.
Thus Life-Skills and Yoga education in schools, as an evolving area has created a huge demand
gap for adequately trained and equipped teachers and the same will only increase, with more
and more schools actively implementing this new system.
Various studies have thrown light on the poor employability levels of Indian graduates and the
lacuna is on their soft-skills. While this being the case, global demographic trends point to the
fact that, India shall emerge as the major provider of human capital to the global community in
the next couple of decades. Sensing this need more and more soft-skills trainers in corporate
and college space are taking steps to expand their scope to K-12 space.
These trends emphasise a definite need gap for life-skills trainers in K-12 space apart from the
rising demand within the school program. Skill-building for quality trainers in this space will go
a long way in nurturing confident and responsible global citizens.
Our programs are aimed to empower individuals to carve a niche for themselves in this newly
emerging career opportunity.
Ankur-SKILLS is a comprehensive life-skills program, in a structured curriculum format for the K12 space, to address the needs of education system as well as the industry.
This program apart from including the ten life-skills as determined by UN, also incorporates
 Vital-energy optimization, an essential tool that effectively manages the physical, mental,
intellectual, emotional and spiritual domains of an individual
 Essential financial and career planning skills that are necessary to be successful in the 21 st
century global capital economy
 Prepare children to bring out their dormant inherent potential at an early age through
various time-tested and established Yogic tools
 The program respects all faiths and does not interfere with the faith of the individual.
Instead, it empowers the essential domains of the individual for resourcefully responding to
emerging needs of life
All our programs have the following advantages:
1. The curriculum is developed and designed based on the knowledge acquired over 50 years
of research, experiments and findings at the Bihar School of Yoga adapting Indian wisdom.
2. The content, delivery model, training methodology have been validated by leading
educational institutions across the world.
3. Opportunity for qualified trainees to be inducted into the rolls of Satyananda Yoga Centre
or Ankur Learning Solutions Pvt Ltd., who are offering these programs in schools or to take
employment elsewhere.
4. Our comprehensive training programs empowers one to become a sought after trainer.
Our Advanced Certificate Training Programs in Satyananda Yoga and Ankur-Skills also
provides the following advantages to the participants:
1. Two year comprehensive part-time program imparting experiential learning during first
2. Earn while you learn…Paid internship during the second year.
3. Candidates also gain an opportunity to be supported for establishing / running the franchise
– Kshetra – Ankur Learning Centre
Our Certificate Training Program in Satyananda Yoga provides the following advantages to the
1. Short-term (25 weeks) intensive full-time program imparting experiential learning.
2. 3 month on-site experience in teaching children.
Advanced Train the Trainer
Certificate Program in
Satyananda Yoga (ACP-SYT) 2014–16
Schedule of classes: 2014-15
Three sessions per week
Two sessions for practices – 108 sessions of 2 hours
Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha (APMB) sessions
6AM to 8AM or 11AM to 1 PM on two week days
One session for theory – 54 sessions of 1.5 hours
Expanding the Horizons of Knowledge – 54 sessions
4.00 to 5.30 PM on Saturdays
Visit to Bihar School of Yoga, Munger
15 days stay at the Munger and Rikhia Ashram for practical exposure
to the different branches and traditions of Satyananda Yoga
will be organized as part of expanding the horizons of knowledge
Schedule of classes: 2015-16
Only on Saturdays 4.00 – 5.30PM
Total 54 sessions
Satyananda Yoga teaching methodologies for adults as well as children
Minimum 320 sessions Internship
hands on experience in projects of SYCT and ANKUR Learning Solutions
ACP-SYT detailed curriculum
Curriculum of Practices for APMB Sessions
Beginners Group of Asanas
Intermediate Group of Asanas
Pranayama Practices
Pratyahara Practices
Shat Karma
Mantra Sadhana
Shastra Mananam
Curriculum for Expanding the Horizons of Knowledge Sessions
Background and traditions of Yoga
Vedic source
Vedantic Source
Trantric Source
Branches of Yoga
Their meaning, Relevance, Role or purpose
Karma Yoga and Jnana Yoga – the two divisions of Yoga
Karma Yoga – The yoga of Work
Raja Yoga – The yoga of mind management
Hatha Yoga – The yoga of balancing the forces of nature
Bhakti Yoga – Yoga of the heart
Kundalini Yoga – The yoga for awakening the inner potential
Tantra Yoga – Yoga for the dissipated mind
Kriya Yoga – The yoga for awakening prana & expanding awareness
Jnana Yoga – The yoga of Shravanam, Mananam & Nidhidhyasanam
The scheme of Yoga
From Anna Maya Kosa to Ananda Maya Kosa
Pancha Kosa Viveka – The wisdom of Pancha Kosa
Bahiranga Yoga to Antaranga Yoga
Tamas --> Rajas --> Satwa
Yoga of doing --> Yoga of Knowing --> Yoga of being
Evolving through the Chakras
The Scheme of Yoga as in Raja Yoga
The Scheme of Yoga as in Hatha Yoga
Role of Yoga in the modern world
For individual & Universal Harmony
For Self Development
For Health Management
For Mastering Stress
For discovery & development of hidden potentials
Yoga Capsules
Ashtanga Yoga – simple introductions to the eight limbs
Anatomy & Physiology
Simple introduction to the body
Its systems & their inter-relationships
Simple introduction
With Reference to
Muscular, postural systems
Digestive and excretory system
Endocrine system
Respiratory system
As a tool for development of
Rules, preparation and precautions
Contra Indications
Pranayama – An introduction
Breathing, Meaning, Scriptural reference
Methods of regulating Prana, Nadi
Modes of Pranayama
Types of Pranayama
Role of Pranayama in
Development of Practice
Pratyahara – an introduction
Meaning and Techniques of
Mind according to yoga
Meditation & Mind
Rules & preparation
Misconceptions about meditation
Mind management
Types and effects
Role of Mudras in Yoga sadhana
Physiological & Psychological context and role
Spiritual significance
Health and Disease
Self Acceptance
Mastering Stress
Root Cause of tension
Causes of Disease
Types of disease
Stress as a catalyst of disease
Lifestyle contributions to disease &
Fate and Free Will
Law of cause & effect
Choices & outcomes
Astrology & Pariharas
Parampara – Guru disciple relationship
Children & Yoga
Developmental stages of a child
Developmental milestones of a
Impact of Yoga on Children
Muscular system
Skeletal system
Nervous system
Endocrine system
Nervous system
Immune system
Mental functions
Creative functions
Emotional Aspect
Behavioural aspects
Approach to teaching Satyananda Yoga to Children
Techniques of Satyananda Yoga teaching for children
Special qualifications of an effective Yoga teacher
Personal practice
Planning & using time efficiently
Self Confidence
Siddha Stotra Mala
Siddha Prarthana
Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha
Yoga Nidra
Yoga Drishti Series
Practical Yoga Psychology
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Four Chapters on Freedom
Yoga Education for Children Vol-1, 2
Just as
a fire is covered by smoke,
a mirror is obscured by dust,
the embryo rests deep within the womb,
wisdom is hidden by selfish desire.
- Srimath Bhagavad Gita
Advanced Train the Trainer
Certificate Program in
Ankur-Skills (ACP-AST) 2014–16
Schedule of classes: 2014-15
Five sessions per week
Two sessions for practices – 108 sessions of 2 hours
Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha (APMB) sessions
6AM to 8AM or 11AM to 1 PM on two week days
One session for theory – 54 sessions of 1.5 hours
Expanding the Horizons of Knowledge sessions
4.00 to 5.30 PM on Saturdays
Two sessions for covering Ankur-Skills topics – 108 sessions of 3 hours
Ankur-Skills Training Sessions
10AM to 1PM on two week days or 10AM to 4PM on Saturdays
Visit to Bihar School of Yoga, Munger
15 days stay at the Munger and Rikhia Ashram for practical exposure to the
different branches and traditions of Satyananda Yoga will be organized
as part of expanding the horizons of knowledge
Schedule of classes: 2015-16
Only on Saturdays 4.00 – 5.30PM
Total 54 sessions
Satyananda Yoga teaching methodologies for adults as well as children
Minimum 320 sessions Internship
Hands-on experience in projects of SYCT and ANKUR Learning Solutions
ACP-AST detailed curriculum
Satyananda Yoga Program is in-built in Ankur Skills training program
Teaching for the 21st Century Global Citizens
Teachers and Students
Pedagogy, Assessment &
Creating Lesson Plans
Learner Centric Education
Art of Story Telling
Stepping into Life-Skills Education
Employment Education and Human Education
Instinctive Reaction to Intelligent Response
Personal Mastery
Physically Fit
Anatomy & Physiology of Yoga
Discipline Demystified (D2)
Effect of Asanas on Body systems
Pranayama & Physical Health
Effect of Sports and Arts on Physical health
Vitally Active
What is Vitality
Maximising Vitality
E3 – The Three Energies
Prana & Pancha Pranas
Vitality & Excitement
The VITAL link to other personality domains
Mentally Strong
Four aspects of Mind
Emotions – Birth, effects, Handling & Mastery
Four states of Mind
Stress Mastery
Memory types, effects & approaches
Intelligence & Sources of intelligenceNurturing appropriate Self-Image
Intellectually Sharp
I Think
I’m Intelligent
I Decide
I see opportunities
Spiritually Conscious
Fullness and Oneness
Science and Spirituality
Religion and Spirituality
Chakras & Meditation
Scriptures & Knowledge
Social Mastery
Socially Responsible
I Lead
Teams work
Duties & Rights
I am cultured
Career Mastery
Financially & Career Wise
Wealth & Money
SWAN – A Goal Setting Model
Actions and Results
Career Steps
Siddha Stotra Mala
Siddha Prarthana
Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha
Yoga Nidra
Yoga Drishti Series
Practical Yoga Psychology
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Four Chapters on Freedom
Yoga Education for Children Vol-1, 2
Rich Dad Poor Dad
Awakening Indians to India
Bhagavad Gita Home Study
Arsha Vidya Gurukulam – 9 Volumes
Swami Paramarthananda’s lectures on Bhagavad Gita
Train the Trainer
Certificate Program in
Satyananda Yoga (CP-SYT) 2014–15
Schedule of classes
Five days per week between 9:00 am to 1:30 pm
Total course duration – 25 + 12 = 37 weeks
Class Sessions – 25 weeks
Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha (APMB) sessions
Expanding the Horizons of Knowledge
Yoga Pedagogy
o Satyananda Yoga curriculum for K-12 space
o BSY teaching methodology
o Yoga Games
o Theme based Yoga
o Teaching Yoga to Children and Adults
Practical Training Sessions – 12 weeks
Twelve weeks experience in teaching Yoga to Children
Siddha Stotra Mala
Siddha Prarthana
Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha
Yoga Nidra
Yoga Drishti Series
Practical Yoga Psychology
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Four Chapters on Freedom
Yoga Education for Children Vol-1, 2
Fees Structure
Admission Fees
Course Fees
Ashram Visit – Donation to Ashram of `10,000/- + Travel costs at actuals
Cheque Favouring - Ankur Learning Solutions Pvt Ltd
Important Dates
Last date for submission of application - 1st August 2014
Regular classes to start from 20th August 2014
Terms and Conditions
 A candidate has to necessarily undergo the complete program – class room sessions in
the first year and intern program in the second year to get the course completion
 90% attendance is compulsory for both practical and theory sessions
 100% attendance is compulsory for all evaluations and projects
 A visit to Ashram is compulsory as part of the training program
 Where there is option for two session timings, the organisers of the program reserves
the right to alter, combine or cancel one of the sessions based on number of admissions
 Fees once paid shall not be refunded
Satyananda Yoga Centre
(an extension of the Bihar School of Yoga tradition)
4, T P Koil 2nd Lane, above NKT Muthu Hall
Opp.Icehouse Bus Terminus, Chennai – 600 005.
Ph : 98400 76654
www.syctchennai.com | www.ankurlearning.com
About Us…
Over the five decades, Chennai based BLISS Group of companies, are actively involved in the education
space through several non-profit organisations and trusts, as part of its CSR initiatives. We have a clear
understanding of the rising industry need-gap in skills in Indian graduates. To play an active role in this
space, we have established Ankur Learning Solutions Pvt Ltd, as a socio-preneurship venture.
Ankur complements schools in delivery of co-scholastic education. Some of our on-going programs with
schools and school children include – Ankur Katha (An opportunity for the children of India to become
celebrated authors of our world); Children Yoga Festival (A celebration by children for children,
empowered with the ancient wisdom of Yoga to introduce Yoga in an enjoyable format to school
children); Jiva-Vigyan, implementing life-skills in education (a confluence of the illuminati – school
principals and educationists, to create a path of light, life and wisdom through life-skills education);
Satyananda Yoga (Yoga for children in schools – as part of the curriculum & after-school program)
Our other short-term programs include:
Short-term Camps: Turning point, Uthishta Bharatha, Arise… Awake…, Smile-in-Stress, etc.,
Personal Mastery: Physically Fit, Vitally Active, Mentally Strong, Intellectually Sharp, Spiritually
Social Mastery: Socially Responsible,
Career Mastery: Finance & Career-wise
We also tailor make programs for children and adults, on request
Our Knowledge Partner
Satyananda Yoga Centre Triplicane (SYC), an extension of the Bihar School of Yoga tradition in Chennai,
has dedicated and invested its time and effort in taking Satyananda Yoga into the school education
system. Through its initiatives several private schools as well as government run schools have
successfully introduced Satyananda Yoga as part of their curriculum. SYC has the experience of training
more than one lakh children and adults in yoga and life-skills education. SYC has positively influenced
the lives of professionals, corporate, army-men, home-makers, cancer patients, special children, jailinmates, spiritual aspirants, etc., apart from principals, teachers and children in schools.
Bihar School of Yoga (BSY) established, by Sri Swami Satyananda, 50 years ago on the banks of Ganga at
Munger has been doing extensive research in one of India’s pride – YOGA. Sri Satyananda strongly
advocated the importance and benefits of Yoga by saying ‘Yoga is going to be the culture of the future’.
BSY has successfully transformed lives of lakhs of children over the past five decades through Yoga
programs the world over. The experiences of not only these children but also youth and adults who
attended the various programs at BSY have been documented and researched in a scientific manner.
These findings which form the basis of our curriculum, has been accepted as part of the children
education program in many countries across the globe.