Parent Teacher League Handbook 2014-2015 “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.” Proverbs 16:3 (NIV) ALIS CALENDAR 2014-2015 Tues., July 29 Registration 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 pm Thurs., Aug. 14 Teacher’s Institute & Back to School Night 6 pm – 7:30 pm Fri., Aug. 15 Teacher’s Institute Mon., Aug. 18 First Day – Full Day 8:10 – 3:10 pm, Chapel 9:00 am Sun., Aug. 24 St. Paul’s (Blue Point) 145thAnniv. Celebration, Opening Service, Family Fun Day Mon., Sept. 1 No School- Labor Day Thurs., Sept. 18 Picture Day & PTL Meeting 7 pm Fri., Sept. 19 Grandperson’s Day Program at 8:30 am at Immanuel, Midterms to Students Sun. Sept. 28 6th, 7th, 8th Sing at Bethlehem 9 am (Mission Festival) Fri., Oct 3 PTL Walk-a-Thon Thurs/Fri., Oct. 9&10 No School– CID/SID Conference at Good Shepherd Collinsville, IL Mon., Oct. 13 No School-Columbus Day Fri.., Oct. 17 End of First Quarter Thurs., Oct. 23 Early Dismissal 2:10pm, Report Cards, Parent/Teacher Conferences 2:30 pm-8:00 pm Fri., Oct. 24 No School Sun., Oct. 26 Reformation Rally 7 pm at Immanuel Lutheran Church-ALIS Students Sing Fri., Oct. 31 Fall Parties 2:30 pm Sun., Nov. 2 2nd& 3rd Sing at St. Paul Lutheran, Blue Point 9:30 am Thurs., Nov. 6 Scholastic Book Fair - Family Reading Night Tues., Nov. 11 No School-Veterans’ Day Thurs., Nov. 13 PTL Meeting 7pm Fri., Nov. 14 Midterms to Students Wed., Nov. 26 Early Dismissal 2:10 pm Thanksgiving Parties 1:30 pm Thurs/Fri., Nov. 27 & 28 No School-Thanksgiving Vacation Fri., Dec. 19 Christmas Chapel 8:20 am, Christmas Parties 2:00 pm, End of Second Quarter Sat., Dec. 20- Jan. 5 No School-Christmas Vacation Mon., Jan. 5, 2015 No School-Teacher’s Institute Tues., Jan. 6, 2015 School Resumes Fri., Jan. 9 2ndQuarter Report Cards Mon., Jan. 19 No School-Martin Luther King Jr. Fri., Feb. 6 Midterms to Students Sun., Feb. 8 4th& 5thSing at Zion Lutheran Church Fri., Feb. 13 Early Dismissal 11:15 am Valentine’s Day Parties 10:30 am, School Improvement Day Sat., Feb. 14 PTL Dinner Auction – Carriage House Event Center Mon., Feb. 16 No School-President’s Day Thurs., Feb. 26 PTL Meeting 7pm Mon., Mar. 2-8 Lutheran Schools Week Mon., March 2 No School-Casimir Pulaski Day Sun., March 8 Kindergarten & 1st Sing at Immanuel Lutheran Church 11:00 am Fri., March 13 End of 3rdQuarter Fri., March 20 3rdQuarter Report Cards Mon., March 23 IOWA Testing Begins Through April 3 Fri., March 27 No School –Teacher In-service Sun., March 29 Palm Sunday – Confirmation Bethlehem, and St. Paul’s Thurs., April 2 Early Dismissal 2:10pm, Easter Parties 1:30 pm Fri., April 3 No School-Good Friday Mon., April 6 No School– Easter Vacation Tues., April 7 School Resumes Fri., April 17 Midterms to Students Thurs., April 23 PTL Meeting & Elections 7 pm, Book Fair, 8thAnnual Art Fair Sun., April 26 Immanuel’s Confirmation 9am April Blue & Gold Banquet TBA May All School Musical Concert TBA Wed., May ? ALIS 8thGraduation 7 pm Wed., May 20 Tentative last day of student attendance, with no snow days Thurs., May 21 Tentative Teacher In Service, with no snow days Mon. May 25 No School –Memorial Day Fri., May 29 Last day if six snow days are used. Changes to the School Calendar will be published in the Rocket Review What Is Scrip? Scrip is a term that means “substitute money”. When you purchase scrip, you’re purchasing negotiable gift certificates and prepaid cards that are used just like cash. You can use scrip to purchase everyday expenses like food, clothing, and other essentials, and with every purchase, you earn revenue for our organization. How scrip generates revenue for you The Great Lakes Scrip Center acts on behalf of churches, schools and other non‑profit organizations to purchase large amounts of scrip from grocery stores, department stores, and other retailers. Because the scrip is purchased with cash up front, the participating retailers offer a substantial discount. Our organization buys the scrip from Great Lakes Scrip Center at a discount, and re-sells the certificates to families like yours for full face value. The discount ‑ from two to fifteen percent or more – is our organization’s revenue. Scrip is "shopping cart fundraising” Scrip is a popular fundraiser because families don’t have to sell anything. Organization members produce revenue by making regular household purchases they would make anyway. Groceries, clothing, toys, gifts, even gasoline can be purchased with scrip. Find Out More Ask your scrip coordinator for the latest participating retailer list. Then put your shopping dollars to work for our school! Or go online at and setup an account using ALIS enrollment code A86DB45918678. You can order your cards online, it will be processed by our scrip coordinator with the next order, and you can turn in your payment to the school office or your church coordinator. If ordering online you can now also pay online using the secure PrestoPay feature which can be activated when you set up your online account. Cards on Hand We also have a limited supply of cards on hand. We carry the following cards on hand: Wal-Mart, Joe’s Pizza, Dairy Bar, Home Center, IGA, Niemerg’s, Cracker Barrel, TGI Fridays, Marathon, Walgreens, Culvers, and Subway. They can be purchased at the ALIS Library or in the office from 7:45 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. every day that school is in session. Altamont Lutheran Interparish School EASTER PARTY – April 2nd * Denotes Chairperson Kindergarten *Katie Berg Erin Denton Bethany Nelson Christy Hankins First Grade *Robin Elam Carie Pals Joni Flack Second Grade *LeighAnn Ruffner Laura Stewart Kendra Walker Susanne Gathe Third Grade *Christine Duncan Amelia Garrard Brooke Osteen Tina Verdeyen Fourth Grade *Hona Roedl Robbie Meade John Weishaar Fifth Grade *Elaine Kopplin Jo Ellen Tappendorf Heidi Rhodes Christy Hankins Sixth Grade *Amanda Miller Judith Simmons Emily Stuemke Seventh Grade *Danielle Arnold Chanda Teasley Eighth Grade *Deb Pagel Diana Robbins 1:30 PM VALENTINE’S DAY PARTY – FEB. 13th 10:30 AM * Denotes Chairperson Kindergarten *Jenee Berg Amy Frederking Kirsten Osteen First Grade *Sarah Wright Sara Brinker Gina Wolff Second Grade *Brooke Osteen Tiffany Meyers Jennifer Kroening Jodi Erwin Third Grade *Ann Boehm Kelsey Lock Marea Yagow Emily Stuemke Fourth Grade *Susan Becker Ann Robinson Alysia Wills Fifth Grade *Kendra Walker Jodi Cox Tina Verdeyen Sixth Grade *Jonda Donaldson Donna Larson Seventh Grade *Staci Jarhaus Scarlett Duckwitz Eighth Grade *Jane Laatch Sally Mayhaus ALIS BOARD OF DIRECTORS Officers and Committee Assignments President-------------Lantz Wills Vice President ------Kerry Wolff Treasurer-------------Troy Stuckemeyer Secretary-------------Hona Roedl Personnel Committee Tony Elam Lantz Wills Mike Walker Jim Stuckemeyer Kerry Wolff Finance Committee Kerry Wolff Lantz Wills Troy Stuckemeyer Mike Walker Kent Tappendorf Maintenance Committee Troy Stuckemeyer Mark Suckow Kevin Tappendorf Kent Tappendorf Jeff Oder Curriculum Committee Tony Elam Kevin Tappendorf Jim Stuckemeyer Jeff Oder Hona Roedl Fundraising Committee Kerry Wolff Troy Stuckemeyer Mark Suckow Jim Stuckemeyer Hona Roedl Extra-Curricular Committee Lantz Wills Troy Stuckemeyer Jim Stuckemeyer Kent Tappendorf Kevin Tappendorf FAMILY FUN DAY – AUG. 24 CHRISTMAS PARTY – DEC. 19th 2:00 PM Chairpersons– PTL Officers * Denotes Chairperson GRANDPARENTS’ DAY – SEPT. 19 Kindergarten *K- Candy Wolff Courtney Bell Whitney Wolff Kelly Pagone First Grade *Catherine Zumwalt Sherill Durham Jennifer Milleville Second Grade *Kelsey Lock Julie Kemme Robbie Meade Christine Duncan Third Grade *- Jenee Berg Christy Hankins Robin White Bethany Nelson Fourth Grade *Christy Beccue Chairperson – Amy Shepard Danielle Arnold Courtney Bell Nancy Budde Andrea Cutler Sherrill Durham Joni Flack Christy Hankins Staci Jahraus Julie Kemme Candy Wolff Brandi Ragan Diana Robbins Hona Roedl Holly Steben Samatha Stefanski Laura Stewart Jo Ellen Tappendorf Tina Verdeyen Alysia Wills Whitney Wolff WALK-A-THON - Oct. 3rd Chairperson – Jenee Berg Ann Boehm Sherrill Durham Mandy Eckhardt Staci Jahraus Cindy Mueller Bethany Nelson PTL Officers Brandi Ragan Ann Robinson Holly Stebon Samantha Stefanski Tina Verdeyen Susan Wright Candy Wolff FALL CARNIVAL – TBA Ashley Voelker Staci Jarhaus Fifth Grade *Diana Robbins Dawn Hunsaker Kristy Tappendorf John Weishaar Sixth Grade *Mandy Eckhardt LeighAnn Ruffner Cindy Mueller Seventh Grade *Tara Quandt Dannielle Arnold Eighth Grade *Jo Ellen Tappendorf Donna Larson Chairpersons– Jennifer Kroening and Gina Wolff Jenee Berg Casie Bowman Aaron and Jodi Cox Charity Crain Andrea Cutler Sherrill Durham Amy Frederking Annie Guerrettaz Christy Hankins Julie Kemme Sherena Koester Samantha Stefanski Dwayne Tappendorf Askli Voelker Karen Will Susan Wright Mindie McManaway Jennifer Milleville Cindy Mueller Tiffany Myers Brooke Osteen Kelly Pagone Carie Pals Margo Probst Hona Roedel Carrie Shultz Lisa Sigg Julie Stuckemeyer Chanda Teasley Mike Walker Sarah Wright THANKSGIVING PARTY – NOV. 26th 1:30PM PAPER DRIVE (October/April) * Denotes Chairperson Kindergarten *Alysia Wills Samantha Stefanski First Grade *Brandi Ragan Amber Schnarre Susan Wright Second Grade Nancy Budde Joni Flack Amelia Garrard Kerry Wolff Chairperson— Leigh Ann Ruffner Samantha Stefanski Troy Stuckemeyer Kyle Stuemke Wayne Yagow BOOK FAIR – NOV. 6 Chairpersons– Marilyn Winter *Kristy Tappendorf Crystal Stuckemeyer John Weishaar Hona Roedl Third Grade *Margo Probst Joni Flack Mindie McManaway Julie Stuckemeyer Fourth Grade *Gina Wolff Karen Will Fifth Grade *Leigh Ann Ruffner Debbie Kull Jennifer Wendling Susan Becker Casie Bowman Amy Frederking Amilia Garrard Bethany Nelson Deb Pagel Laura Stewart Leigh Ann Stuckemeyer Kristy Tappendorf Karen Will Kelly Pagone Margo Probst Amber Schnarre Carrie Shultz Judith simmons Samantha Stefanski Crystal Stuckemeyer Jo Ellen Tappendorf Mike Walker Alysia Wills ALIS PTL DINNER/AUCTION— FEB 14TH Sixth Grade *Nancy Budde Lisa Sigg Seventh Grade *Chanda Teasley Staci Jarhaus Eighth Grade *Judith Simmons Roxanna Wendling Chairpersons—Cassie Bowman, Diana Robbins, Jo Ellen Tappendorf Danielle Arnold Jenee Berg Wes and Christine Duncan Mandy Eckhardt Annie Guerrettaz Staci Jahraus Mindie McManaway Jennifer Milleville Carie Pals Margo Probst Matt and Ann Robinson Leigh Ann Ruffner Carrie Ruholl Kevin and Carrie Schultz Lisa Sigg Daron and Crystal Stuckemeyer Doug and Julie Stuckemeyer Dwayne Tappendorf Wayne and Marea Yagow Chanda Teasley Jennifer Wendling Mike Walker TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK – May Chairperson – Mindie McManaway FALL PARTY – OCT. 31st 2:30 PM * Denotes Chairperson Danielle Arnold Susan Becker Courtney Bell Jenee Berg Ann Boehm Andrea Cutler Mandy Eckhardt Joni Flack Staci Jahraus Jennifer Kroening Candy Wolff Tara Quandt Brandi Ragan Diana Robbins Hona Roedl Laura Stewart Kristy Tappendorf Ashli Voelker Karen Will Alysia Wills Sarah Wright Whitney Wolff FIELD DAY COMMITTEE - MAY Charity Crain Christy Hankins Carrie Pals Julie Stuckemeyer Sarah Wright Chairperson- Robin Elam Amy Frederking Margo Probst Ashli Voelker Marea Yagow Kindergarten *Jo Ellen Tappendorf Andrea Cutler Carrie Shultz First Grade *Casie Bowman Charity Crain Hona Roedl Second Grade *Debbie Kull Sara Brinker Sherena Koester Third Grade *Katie Berg Robin Elam Stacy Jahraus Diana Robbins Fourth Grade *Carla Cornett Heidi Rhodes Amy Shepard Fifth Grade *Mindie McManaway Christine Duncan Chanda Teasley Sixth Grade *Marea Yagow Leigh Ann Stuckemeyer Seventh Grade *Scarlett Duckwitz Tara Quandt Eighth Grade *Annie Guerrettaz Carrie Ruholl BLUE & GOLD BANQUET-MAY Chairperson—Annie Guerrettaz Staci Jahraus Amanda Miller Carrie Ruholl GRADUATION REFRESHMENTS –May Chairperson - Seventh Grade Room Mother – Stacy Jahraus All Parents of Seventh Grade Students BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION 2011-2012 ALIS ROOM MOTHERS Amanda Miller Cindy Mueller Chairperson—Susan Becker Kelly Pagone Amy Shepard CHILDREN’S FUNDRAISING Chairperson— Cindy Mueller Kindergarten Candy Wolff Samantha Stefanski Christine Duncan Grade 1 Amber Schnarre Grade 2 Hona Roedl Crystal Stuckemeyer Jenee Berg Chairperson— Judith Simmons Charity Crain Judith Simmons Jennifer Milleville Emily Stuemke John Weishaar Catherine Zumwalt Grade 3 Grade 4 Susan Becker Grade 5 Christine Duncan Grade 6 Nancy Budde Grade 7 Stacy Jahraus Grade 8 Diana Robbins Jo Ellen Tappendorf Coke Rewards PLASTIC BAGS TO WAL-MART Nancy Budde Charity Crain Leigh Ann Ruffner Holly Steben Amy Frederking Leigh Ann Stuckemeyer Debbie Kull John Weishaar Susan Wright Emily Stuemke Kerry Wolff Wayne Yagow PTL Auditing Brooke Osteen SCRIP FUNDRAISING Chairperson– Bethany Nelson Courtney Bell Mindie McManaway Crystal Stuckemeyer Catherine Zumwalt Carie Pals Amy Shepard Whitney Wolff YEARBOOK SPONSORS Jane Laatsch Ann Robinson 5th & 6th GRADE Basketball CONCESSIONS DECEMBER Chairpersons– Nancy Budde All parents with children participating in 5th & 6th Basketball and Cheerleading No meeting is scheduled for December. Have a Merry Christmas & a Blessed New Year !!! JANUARY 7 th th & 8 GRADE Basketball CONCESSIONS No Meeting is scheduled for January. Chairpersons—Staci Jahraus th FEBRUARY th All parents with children participating in 7 & 8 Basketball and Cheerleading DATE TIME DEVOTION Thursday, Feb. 26, 2014 7:00 p.m. Pastor Wright MARCH VOLLEYBALL CONCESSIONS All parents with children participating in Volleyball No meeting is scheduled for March. APRIL Election of Officers DATE TIME DEVOTION Thursday, April 23, 2014 7:00 PM Pastor Speers PTL OFFICERS President Mike Walker 217-821-3382 Vice President Bethany Nelson 217-240-0556 Secretary Christine Duncan 618-483-9253 Treasurer Crystal Stuckemeyer 618-267-5772 PTL MEETINGS SEPTEMBER DATE TIME DEVOTION REFRESHMENTS Thursday, Sept. 18, 2013 7:00 PM Pastor Vail PTL Officers OCTOBER No Meeting is scheduled for October. NOVEMBER DATE TIME DEVOTION Thursday, Nov. 13, 2013 7 p.m. Pastor Wright CLASSROOM HELPERS Kindergarten Christy Hankins First Grade Amber Schnarre Second Grade Jennifer Kroening Kristy Tappendorf Third Grade Christy Hankins Stacy Jahraus Bethany Nelson Margo Probst Julie Stuckemeyer Fourth Grade Susan Becker Stacy Jahraus Ashli Voelker Fifth Grade Christy Hankins
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