Child Permanence Report and Agency Decision Maker Process In Adoption PROCEDURE Version & Policy Number Version 1 Guardian Date Produced Colin Pennington - Head of Service Michelle Rice – Team Manager May 2014 Next Review Date May 2017 Approved by Scrutiny Approved by Cabinet Approved by Full Council Aug 2014 1 The following policy should be read in conjunction with Triax Procedures ‘Placement for Adoption 4.1.3.’ CONTEXT: The Department for Education published amendments to the Statutory Guidance to reflect the changes to be implemented by the Adoption Agencies (Panel and Consequential Amendments) Regulations 2012, which came into force on 1 September 2012. The revised guidance is available on the DfE website The Guidance supports the revised PLO arrangements and timescales which strengthen permanency planning for children and young people. Adoption panels are no longer involved in the adoption agency process of deciding whether a child should be placed for adoption when the plan for adoption will be scrutinised by the Court. Where the child’s parents are not prepared to consent to adoption, where care proceedings are on-going, or where the child has no parents, the case must be referred direct to the Agency Decision Maker (ADM). The Adoption Panel will still be required to consider making a recommendation for adoption where these circumstances do not apply. The requirement for a Child Permanence Report (CPR) to be prepared is unchanged, and this, together with the children’s guardian‘s views, relevant expert reports from the care proceedings, any medical information and any other relevant information must be sent to a Quality Assurance Panel (QAP) in advance of the ADM. Quality Assurance Panel (QAP) is a small panel consisting of team manager from team 10 and an independent social worker from the Rutland Register. It is proposed that the ADM will consider the cases at a pre – arranged date. This will take place at a frequency that will ensure there is no delay in progressing the plans for the child. The dates for the ADM to consider the cases will be booked in to the diary at the earliest opportunity so that there is clarity about the availability of the ADM. The ADM will be HoS, Vulnerable Children and in their absence the Assistant Director. In exceptional circumstances the ADM will consider a case outside the diarised sessions where to do so will ensure that an application for a Placement Order can be considered at the final hearing, thereby ensuring there is no delay in decisions being made about the appropriate plan for the child. It should be noted that the requirement for care proceedings to now be concluded within 26 weeks means that adherence to agreed timescales when the permanence plan is for adoption is essential. Aug 2014 2 Actions Agreed 1 Person Responsible By the date of the Case Management Hearing (CMH) which will SW take place by day 12 of the commencement of Care Proceedings, the social worker (SW) will confirm whether a decision by the ADM in relation to a proposed plan for adoption is likely to be needed. 2 Immediately after the CMH the SW will book a QAP date and SW request an ADM decision slot via the team 10 manager, following consultation with the allocated local authority solicitor as to the appropriate date for this to ensure all relevant reports will be available. 3 After the CMH (or as soon as possible thereafter ) and at least SW/Adoption 12 weeks before the ADM is due to make the decision the Team SW social worker should complete the following forms and send to the Adoption Team in Leicestershire having first spoken to them confirming the need for the medical – • Consent form – Looked After Children • Form PH – Report on health of birth parent • Form M/B – Obstetric and Neonatal reports • Form IHA – C – for children of birth to nine or • Form IHA – YP – for children of 10 years and older. • Core Assessment The initial LAC medical completed by a Paediatrician may form the basis of the adoption medical if the LAC medical was completed within the last 6 months. The Agency Medical Advisor (AMA) is now entitled to see any relevant reports filed within the care proceedings. When the social worker makes the request for an adoption medical confirmation should be given as to whether there are likely to be any reports filed within the proceedings that would be relevant to the adoption medical, and if so when these will be available. A completed carers report should also be available for the AMA. The SW should discuss with the allocated local authority solicitor the release of these documents to the AMA so that the other parties can be notified as appropriate. 4 After the adoption medical has been undertaken a summary AMA adoption health report will be completed by the AMA This should be filed with the CPR and sent to the QAP. Form IHA-C, CDC reports and LAC medicals should not normally be filed with the CPR. Aug 2014 3 5 It is the responsibility of the relevant team manager to ensure QAP/ADM the CPR has been quality assured and ready is ready for QAP. The QAP will further quality assure the CPR and ensure all relevant issues have been considered before it is sent to the ADM (this will be a minimum of 1 week prior to ADM). They will meet to quality assure child permanence reports prior to being passed to ADM. They will complete the ADM report points 1 - 5 with each report. The CPR with the part completed report will then be passed to ADM for approval and completion. The ADM must make the decision within 7 working days of receiving the pack. 6 ADM will pass completed report and signed CPR to nominated ADM/ADMIN admin for letters to be sent to birth parents informing them of the Agency Decision for their child (this will be within 5 working days of the decision being made). Social worker will inform birth parents within 2 working days of ADM and record in running records on RAISE. Copies of these letters alongside the completed ADM report will be copied and passed to social worker to be placed on the child’s adoption file. A copy of the completed ADM report with ADM signature will also be required for matching panel. 7 The local authority’s aim, in accordance with good practice, is ADM/IRO/SW that the ADM decision will always be available before the final evidence is circulated so that it can be included in the SW’s final statement. This is dependent on all parties producing their evidence on time. The ADM decision will also aim to meet the national minimum requirements of being within 8 weeks of the LAC review that agreed the plan of adoption. 8 Pack A post panel gives advice and guidance on family finding SW/Adoption and preparation for matching panel. SW/TM Aug 2014 4 ADOPTION FLOWCHART (Draft May 2014) Plan for adoption either as part of permanence planning prior or as part of PLO. (See attached guidance point 1). Where the adoption plan relates to an unborn child preparation of the CPR should begin prior to birth for early ADM decision. The LAC review can be convened early to support decision making following the CMH. Arrange medical (see attached guidance point 3). These need to be sent to Adoption Team. Start an adoption file and place checklist on file ready for completion. Social worker to ensure that child’s genogram has been completed and that they have 2 copies of the child’s birth certificate. Send carers report to child/children’s foster carer to complete. Social worker completes the Child Permanency Report. In doing this, the social worker is required to meet the birth parents and gain their views and wishes alongside those of the child. Also provide parents with information on support services (leaflet in Pack A). CPR to be completed and signed by team manager and passed to team manager, Team 10 for quality assurance panel on agreed date (see point 5) approximately 1 week prior to being passed to Agency Decision Maker. Aug 2014 5 Continue to liaise with Adoption Team of progress in preparation for family finding following AD Decision If adoption is an option social worker to make referral to the Adoption Team at Leicestershire County Council, and request Pack A and book QAP (see attached guidance point 2). Once signed by ADM an adoption social worker should be allocated to begin family finding prior to applying for Placement Order. Children’s Guide (pack A) should be given to child and recorded that it has been given. Social worker to complete Annexe B and send to legal with final statement and care plan within agreed timescales. Placement Order made, adoption team social worker updated to begin family finding. Follow instructions in Pack A post panel re family finding and visiting prospective families and completing feedback forms for Adoption Team. This guidance will outline the next steps in adoption procedures for family finding, matching panel, and placement with adoptive family as well as highlight forms and reports needed. Once adoption made and all paperwork completed adoption file to be checked by TM of adoption team and forwarded to Leicestershire for storage. Aug 2014 6 Continue to liaise with Adoption Team of progress in preparation for family finding following AD Decision Nominated admin for ADM will send letter informing birth parents that a plan of adoption has been agreed for their child (see point 6). Copy of letter to child’s adoption file and in adoption folder on Sharepoint.
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