Catholic Communities serving the Upper Allegheny Valley Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament ~ St. Joseph Parishes Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament Parish Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church - LPH 11th and Carolina Street Natrona Heights, PA 15065 Sunday Mass Schedule Sunday Morning 9:30 a.m. Weekday Mass Schedule Tuesday Evening 7:00 p.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation Following the Tuesday evening Mass Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament Parish - MBS A Pennsylvania Charitable Trust 800 Montana Avenue Natrona Heights, PA 15065 SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Afternoon Vigil 4:00 p.m. Sunday 8:00 & 11:00 a.m.; 6:00 p.m. Weekday Mass Schedule See Weekday Schedule Inside Holy Day See Schedule in Bulletin Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 11:00 a.m.-11:45am Administration Center Office Hours: 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday November 23, 2014 ! ""'When did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? When did we see you ill or in prison, and visit you?' And the king will say to them in reply, 'Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of the least brothers of mine, you did for me.'" M t 2 5 : 3 8 - 4 0 Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass ©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD. Sacrament of Baptism Held on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the Month. Baptisms are scheduled by calling the Administrative Office. Baptisms will be scheduled after parents have completed the baptismal class and obtained godparent sponsor letters. Sacrament of Matrimony Contact one of the priests at least 6 months before a suggested date. No wedding date will be reserved until the couple has met with the priest. St. Joseph Parish - STJ A Pennsylvania Charitable Trust St. Ladislaus Church 48 Spruce Street Natrona, PA 15065 Sunday Mass Schedule Saturday 6:00 p.m. Sunday 10:00 a.m. Weekdays Monday - Friday 8:30 am Holy Day See Schedule in Bulletin Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday Evening 5:30-5:45 p.m. Administration Center Office Hours: 8:45 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Monday thru Thursday Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick 6YQ CPQKPVKPI /CUUGU CTG JGNF CPPWCNN[ōQPGKPVJGURTKPICPF QPG KP VJG HCNN +H [QW QT [QWT NQXGF QPG KU KP PGGF QH VJKU 5CETCOGPV RNGCUG ECNN VJG #FOKPKUVTCVKXG 1HHKEG UQ VJCV C FCVGCPFVKOGECPDGCTTCPIGF RCIA 2GTUQPU YJQ CTG PQV DCRVK\GF CPFVJQUGYJQYGTGDCRVK\GFKP CPQVJGT HCKVJ QT VJQUG YKVJ PQ TGNKIKQWUGFWECVKQPCTGRTGRCTGF HQT HWNN OGODGTUJKR KP VJG %CVJQNKE %JWTEJ KP VJG 4%+# RTQEGUU %CNN VJG 4GNKIKQWU 'FWECVKQP1HHKEG. ! DIRECTORY AND STAFF Administration Center 1526 Union Avenue, Natrona Heights, PA 15065 MBS Main Number MBS Website 724-226-4900 STJ Main Number 724-224-1336 STJ Website Pastor: E-Mail: Rev. James K. Mazurek [email protected] Parochial Vicar: E-Mail: Rev. Nicholas A. Spirko [email protected] Permanent Deacon: E-Mail: Patrick G. Wood [email protected] Ms. Patricia DeWitt [email protected] MBS Secretary: E-Mail: STJ Secretary: E-Mail: Ms. Debbie Wichrowski [email protected] MBS & STJ Religious Ed: Phone : E-Mail: Mrs. Katie Weikert 724-224-3339 [email protected] MBS & STJ Safe Environment Coordinator: Mrs. Maureen Wood E-Mail: [email protected] MBS Music Minister: E-Mail: STJ Music Minister: E-mail: Mrs. Deborah Mialki [email protected] Mrs. Diane Pleva [email protected] MBS & OLMBSS Advancement: Mrs. Heather Wygonik E-Mail: [email protected] MBS Council Chair: E-Mail: STJ Council Chair: E-Mail: David Wygonik [email protected] Joseph Sadecky [email protected] OLMBS School: Main Office Phone: E-Mail: Sean T. Davis, Principal 724-226-2345 [email protected] STJ High School: Main Office Phone: E-Mail: Mrs. Beverly Kaniecki, Principal 724-224-5552 [email protected] &KQEGUCP8KEVKO#UUKUVCPEG*QVNKPG %JKNF25.#DWUG*QVNKPG 0QXGODGT0QXGODGT Sat., Nov. 22, Vigil: Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe RO /$5 %!& 'F/CT[#PP<GODT\WUMK RO 56, '()&&*(COKN[ Sunday, November 23, Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe! CO /$5 $+&*4QUG#PPKG CO .2* ,"*4CPF[-CVJ[.CUMQ CO 56, ##-!&! 9KNNKG+TGPG&G#PIGNKU CO /$5,.+& /CTKG,CEM(COKN[! RO /$5 , Monday, November 24, Saint Andrew Dung-Lac CO /$5 .'// /CTVKP-QNGM(COKN[ CO 56, .0/*5VGNNC$KEKQNKU Tuesday, November 25, Weekday CO /$5 /".& 4QDGTV,QCPPG8GPVQTKPK CO 56, . 0*-QUVMC(COKN[ RO .2* 1 !!&&*&CWIJVGT Wednesday, November 26, Weekday CO /$5 0Q/CUU CO56, , CO/$5#& (TCPEKU.QTGVVC$GTGUKM(COKN[ 6JWTUFC[0QXGODGT9GGMFC[`6JCPMUIKXKPI CO 56, 0Q/CUU CO /$5/&&**GNGP%GF\Q (TKFC[0QXGODGT9GGMFC[ CO /$5 2 CO56, $&*(TCP5XKVGM CO/$5.*(COKN[ 5CVWTFC[0QXGODGT8KIKN(KTUV5WPFC[QH#FXGPV RO /$5 +&, (CKVJ-KTMNCPF(COKN[ RO 56, "',0 4KVC.GUNKG 5WPFC[0QXGODGT(KTUV5WPFC[KP#FXGPV ! 8:00 am MBS Dorothy A Skradski - John Cedzo 9:30 am LPH Arnold Thimons, III Gary & Janee Wislie 10:00 am STJ Frank Matjasko - Family 11:00 am MBS Harvey Love - OLMBS Choir 6:00 pm MBS For the People ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! THE PASTOR’S CORNER The holiday of Thanksgiving falls this Thursday, as we all know. If it were really about being thankful, the day would be on a Friday or Monday (like in Canada) so we’d all get that three-day weekend. I don’t think the pilgrims of Plymouth were thinking about that when they sat down all those centuries ago to share a meal of thanks. As a national holiday, Thanksgiving is secularized. Yet, in almost every American family tradition, there is a point during the day that family members talk about what they are most thankful for. The grace before the big meal expresses that, as human beings, we are most thankful for the ones we love. We are thankful because we know that our time with them is precious and limited. Holidays, especially Thanksgiving and Christmas, are hardest for those who have lost a loved one. Thinking about a loved one who was at the dinner table last season and now is gone is a hard reality to accept. It makes the happiness of the season difficult when an important piece of the happiness is gone. St. Paul tells the Thessalonians that they should be joyful at all times, that’s just not always possible. When terrible things happen in our lives - death of a loved one, a crippling accident, an inability to have children, a break-up - it is only right and just to cry and mourn and scream at God. We ask God, “How could you let this happen?” when we feel like our heart has been cut out. The only way to ride it out is to experience it completely. St. Paul was correct that we should be thankful in all circumstances - thankful to God for God’s goodness and grace, even if we don’t feel up to the task. Eventually, it will get better. When you have an open conversation with Jesus about everything you are feeling - the doubts, the turmoil, the grief - the weight will be lifted from your shoulders and you’ll have even more to be grateful for than before. The ultimate goal is to be able to be joyful, prayerful and thankful to the Lord at all times. With God’s help, it can be achieved. This year, when you sit down at your Thanksgiving table, give thanks for the people surrounding you in love but also give thanks for the creator of love itself. For it is truly right to give God thanks and praise. On behalf of Fr. Nick, Deacon Pat and myself, we extend Thanksgiving Blessings to you and your loved ones! God Bless. Fr. Jim ! #NNDWNNGVKPCPPQWPEGOGPVUOWUVDGTGEGKXGFD[ /QPFC[CVCOKPYTKVVGPHQTOQTGOCKN OLMBS/SJHS School News Christmas Celebration ! . Sunday, December 7th—Patterson Hall 8:30 am to 12:30 pm Includes Homemade Pancake Breakfast (adults & children over 8yrs-$6, children 4 to 8yrs.- $4, children 3 & under free). There will also be Bake Sale, Religious Articles Sale, Basket & Train Raffle, Visit from Santa, Santa Shop and performances by the students. Come & enjoy some holiday cheer!! Any questions contact Heather Wygonik at 724-226-4900/[email protected]. Baked Goods Needed! Donations of baked goods are needed for the OLMBSS Christmas Celebration on Sunday, December 8th. Ready to sell goodies can be brought to the school office either on Friday, December 6th from 9 am to 3 pm or at the breakfast on Sunday, the 8th beginning at 8:30 am. Crafts Needed! Handmade or newly purchased crafts are needed for the Christmas Celebration on Sunday, December 8th. Crafts can be brought to the Administration Center. Questions, contact Heather at 724-226-4900, x 15. Lionel Train Tickets Chances to win a Lionel Train Set will be available to purchase after all masses next weekend. Chances are $2 each or 3 for $5. Proceeds benefit OLMBS school. Family Lighting Of The Advent Wreath Once again, we would like to invite families to participate in the lighting of the Advent Wreath during the weekends of Advent. It is a beautiful way to express as a family your Advent spirit. Simply, the family approaches the wreath at the beginning of Mass and after the priest says the prayer, a member of the family lights the candle(s) for that week. There are sign-up sheets in the vestibule. Please consider participating in this beautiful ceremony. Note: If you are a family of one or two you are certainly welcome as well. Angel Tree The Angel Tree will be available next weekend, November 29-30. Anyone wishing to participate, please take a star from the tree and record your name, phone and tag # in the book. All gifts (with tag attached) should be returned to the Administration Center by Monday, December 15th. Thank you for your support!!! Parish Share to Date - 345567855 # 36559454 ! - 385:7555 # 34898555 ! ! Celebrate Thanksgiving The special Mass on Thanksgiving Day this year is at MBS church at 9 am. This will be the only Mass for the holiday. The Administration Center will be closed 12 Noon Wednesday, Nov. 26 until Monday, Dec. 1st for the Thanksgiving holiday. Support Religious Communities Your gift to today’s collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious provides vital support for the retirement needs of senior sisters, brothers, and religious order priests. It also helps ensure that younger members can continue the good works of their elders! Rose Vestment for St. Joseph - STJ We do not have a Rose color Vestment for St. Joseph Church as we do for MBS & LPH. We would like to purchase one and are looking for a donor who would be willing to cover the cost of the investment. It is $350. Call the parish office at 724-224-1336 if you are interested. Holiday Cheer Christmas Raffle - STJ The tickets have been mailed out and the baskets will be delivered soon. Additional books of tickets are available in the back of the church or at the Administrative Center. If anyone wants to contribute in any way with a cash donation, cookies or drinks for the day of the raffle, please contact one of the committee members. Let’s try to make this raffle our highest profit ever! Drawing next Sunday , November 30th! Children’s Christmas Party - STJ The Ladies of Charity Children’s Christmas Party is Sat., December 6th. Reservations are required and due today. Any questions call Patty Babinsack, 724-226-1812. Sock Drive - STJ St. Joseph Parish will again be collecting new and gently used socks for the needy and homeless. A box will be located at the entrance of the church until December 14th. Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament Memorial Offering November 27, 2014 Altar Breads, Altar Wine, Altar Candles, Sanctuary Lamp 5V,QUGRJ2CTKUJ /GOQTKCN1HHGTKPI0QXGODGT #NVCT$TGCFU#NVCT9KPG #NVCT%CPFNGU5CPEVWCT[.COR In Memory of John P Schoen By Wife and Family )# ;& ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! OLMBS ! 5CVWTFC[0QXGODGT ! &# ! ! !<'"-,& !3)./& ! 03()(3(-()!."0& ! #"&..#&!& =/.< ! 5WPFC[0QXGODGT ! )&*# Mission ! ! !'2) Statement !3)$ " ! 03()(3(-()!)' '. Our Lady of the Most ! ./&*+& Blessed Sacrament Parish is +&* , ! ! ! "!& ! a Roman Catholic " ! Community with rich !3) ! 03()(3(-()!#"&-'+" historical connections. &*# ! Empowered by the Holy ! ! '>%1 ! !3)# Spirit, ! 03()(3(-()!-'" ++& together we celebrate Word )-&. ! -&# and Eucharist. ! ! !('/+"/ ! As disciples, we are called to !3)+& ! serve Jesus Christ in each 03()(3(-()!?0+&)' - ! other through ! 5CVWTFC[0QXGODGT evangelization, leadership ! -&' and stewardship. ! !1 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Mission Statement Saint Joseph Parish in Natrona is a Roman Catholic Community with a rich history. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we celebrate Word and Eucharist. As disciples, we are called to serve Jesus Christ in each other through evangelization, ! ! leadership and stewardship. We strive throughout ! ! We strive throughout our !3)+!& ! 03()(3(-()!/' & faith journey & 5WPFC[0QXGODGT to touch the lives of all our faith journey to touch the lives of all God’s children God’s children so that we &*' ! !-( may give glory !3).( to the Almighty Father. 03()(3(-()!?) )& 00 so that we may give glory to the Almighty Father. ! ! !!!!!!!!! !" #!$! ! ! ! ! ! %! &'('(' !" ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!! 0- !,!1#2 ! ! ! 2 ),1 #2 ! 2CTKUJKQPGTUTGEGKXKPIGPXGNQRGUGPXGNQRGUWUGF (!)!(.3-)(-!.(--3(,)!-+)2 ! %! &'('(' !" 0- !,! 12 ! 2 ), 1#2 ! 2CTKUJKQPGTUTGEGKXKPIGPXGNQRGUGPXGNQRGUWUGF 4GPQXCVKQP4GRCKT(WPFGPXGNQRGUWUGF! (!)!(.3-)(-!.(--3(,)!-+)2 !!!+P [QWT EJCTKV[ RNGCUG TGOGODGT VQ RTC[ HQTCNNVJQUGYJQJCXGFKGFGURGEKCNN[ ! ! " # ! ! Bible Study It is not too late to join the Bible Study on Revelation! The next meeting is Monday, December 1st, 6:45 pm in the 8th grade class room. Please call the religious education office at 724-224-3339 if you are interested in attending. ! ! !"!22222222,(4!!4()5..,! 6!3!"! 2222222222222224(,!-74()) 6!3!"!22222222222222222283,-)!%.) 6!3!"!2222222/ !-)4-,!,(+)./,)$!- -#222222222222222222222222222222222224),(33,$!!% -222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222224 '!"222222222222222222222222222222222222222222(9) '!"222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222/$!-! /(,2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222220)!- 22222222222222222222222222222203()(36:! 222222222222222222222222222203()(36:6(--! ,;22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222!'!)# ! Thank you to all the families who contributed to the faith formation’s Operation Christmas Child! A report of the final number is forthcoming. Reminder: There is no faith formation on November 26th or 30th, as well as Dec. 7th and 10th. Women’s Advent Candlelight Service The Women’s Advent Candlelight Service will be held on Thursday, December 11th from 6:30-8:30 pm in Patterson Hall. The deadline for “hosting” a table is Wednesday, November 26th. Call Heather at 724226-4900 ext. 15 or [email protected] to register. Little Blue Books For Advent In preparation for Advent, we once again will have the “Little Blue Books for Advent.” Many parishioners have found this to be the perfect book for personal reflection during the Advent Season. They are located at all the church entrances. Suggested donation is $1 to cover cost. The Light Is Still On For You! “The Light is Still On for You!” is an initiative of the Diocese of Pittsburgh to encourage Catholics to avail themselves of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Confession is the best way to prepare our hearts for the coming of our Lord at Christmas. Confession will be available on Wednesday, December 10 from 6 pm to 9 pm in every Catholic parish in the Diocese, including OLMBS (not LPH or STJ). ! “The ABC’s of mercy: Ask for mercy; Be merciful; Complete trust.:” ! = & (&& " & / ! Christmas And Year End Giving—MBS The tradition of gift-giving at Christmas is a Christian tradition and an opportunity to support the mission of the parish. Of course, the ultimate gift is the Lord Jesus Christ but we need to be stewards of the gifts that God has bestowed on us. Christmas and year’s end is a spiritual opportunity to make a return to God of His many blessings at Christmas and year’s end. We are providing a brochure which may assist you in charitable giving especially as it impacts your taxes. Please take a brochure which can be found at all church doors. ! SJHS Placement Test Save the Date! The Placement Test for incoming freshmen will be held at the SJHS Science & Technology Center on Saturday, December 13th from 8 am to 12 pm. To register, contact Admissions Director Shane Palumbo ‘92; [email protected] or (724) 226-4932. ! & & ! " 0 :55*677*6@76 ! ! Prayer Corner May our Lord Jesus watch over all those who guard and protect the peace, especially: Air Force Staff Sgt. Colin Smith; Sgt. Bill Haggerty; Air Force Sgt. Antonio Policicchio; Army Col. James Waechter; Major Timothy J. Ballas; USN CTI2 Nate Middleton; Airman 1st Class Michael J. Falleroni; Army MGS Commander Steve Feldhaus, Capt. Adam Crawford. Special candles are burning at each church for these outstanding Americans and our nation. Lord bless all who guard the Peace! Christmas Celebration—December 7th Place in sealed envelop marked Christmas Celebration & drop off or mail to School office or drop in the offertory basket at Mass. Family Name:___________ Phone No:____________ # of Children (ages 4-8) ____ X $4 = ____ # of Children (ages 3 & under) ____ Free # Adults/Older Children ____X ____$6 = ____ Total Due:$______Make Checks payable to OLMBSS Czekalski Real Estate, Inc. 2725 Freeport Rd. • Natrona Heights Sales - Appraisals (724) 226-0700 CICHOLSKIZIDEK Funeral Home Inc. INTERESTED IN THE DIOCESAN PRIESTHOOD? COME AND SEE! Fax (724) 224-5878 Paul R. Ajak Funeral Home, Inc. Cremations at $1125 • Funerals Starting at $3000 Polly R. Ajak, Supv. • Paul R. Ajak II, Dir. 724-224-5995 NG NOW HIRI 224-8688 Contact the Office for Vocations. Thomas J. Zidek St. Paul Seminary 2900 Noblestown Rd., Pittsburgh, PA Supervisor (412) 456-3123 OMNI ELECTRIC Altany, Loynd & Lindquist LLC Residential & Commercial SERVING THE COMMUNITY FOR OVER 22 YEARS 724-224-1943 Complete Insurance Services Since 1922 Tarentum, PA 15084 724-224-0550 724-224-7111 CONSTRUC TION, LLC ROBERT J. INGOLDSBY, R. PH. Phone: 724-224-7116 Midway Square 2612 Freeport Rd. Natrona Hts., PA PAZ & PAZ ROBERT PETERS FUNERAL HOME, INC. 724-224-7730 Natrona Heights, PA 15065 Bill Gustafson • PA029415 Attorneys at Law 543 East 10th Ave. JOHN ADAM PETERS, Director Tarentum, PA (724) 224-1300 WALKER AUTO PARTS & SERVICE CYNTHIA M. MALESKI ATTORNEY AT LAW Natrona Heights I E Natrona Heights 724-224-5650 V V A L B, PA () - .. NORBERT BAUER ROBERT M. MARCHI, D.M.D. FAMILY DENTISTRY MASONRY BRICK BLOCK - CHIMNEY REPAIRS BRICK POINTING 724.295.2651 ADAM FAMILY DENTISTS “Family dentistry by a family of dentists” Sarver 102 N. Pike Rd. • 724-353-1521 Worthington 15141 Rt. 422 • 724-297-3446 724-224-3778 2878 Old Freeport Road Natrona Heights, PA ANCHOR INN (724) 224-9910 Natrona Heights 2202 Freeport Rd • Natrona Hts. APPLEWOOD PERSONAL CARE HOME NOW OFFERING ADULT DAY CARE 903 Morgan Street • Brackenridge 724-224-1822 3-D-4-3 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 Medical Equipment & Supplies 800.472.2440 724-224-1345 Bull Creek Rd., Tarentum, PA Air-Conditioning Service ©2014 Liturgical Publications Inc 14-0710/i Building and Remodeling Contractor Founded by Richard J. “Dick” Pakulski, Pakulski Construction Company has served the Allegheny Valley since 1953. We specialize in renovations for energy efficiency, home updates for changing mobility needs, and custom additions for growing families. 724-295-3646 – DAVID A. 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