PROCEEDINGS OF THE ORDINARY BOARD MEETING HELD ON 26TH SEPTEMBER, 2014 AT 1100 HOURS IN THE OFFICE OF THE CANTONMENT BOARD, JALANDHAR CANTT. PRESENT Brig. R.K. Mahna, SM President Shri Parshotam Lal Member Secretary NOT PRESENT Civil Member Vacant ================================================================== Shri Parshotam Lal Member Secretary/Chief Executive Officer Shri R.K. Mahna, SM took oath of allegiance as required Cantonments Act, 2006. under Section 17 of ITEM NO.1 PROGRESS ON BOARD PROCEEDING To review the progress and action taken on proceeding of Special Board Meeting held on 26.08.2014 in the office of the Cantonment Board, Jalandhar Cantt. 01. Resolution:- Noted and approved the action taken the proceedings of Special Board meeting dated 26.08.2014. Further CEO brought to the notice of the Board that in compliance to Spl CBR No.06 dated 26.08.2014 a detailed Office Order No.18 dated 27.08.2014 has been issued laying down detail instructions for detection, protection and removal of unauthorised constructions and encroachments on defence land. ITEM NO.2 CATTLE NUISANCE/SALE OF ANIMALS To note and approve the action of the Chief Executive Officer, Jalandhar Cantt to impound cattle in the Cantt Board Cattle Pound, sell in public auction and send unclaimed cattle outside Cantt limit/Gaushala, Pinjara Pole (Regd.) , Jalandhar City during the month of August, 2014. -: 2 :In this connection details of the cattle impounded, sold and sent to Gaushala, Pinjara Pole (Regd.), Jalandhar City, Cattle Fine and Composition Fee realized there of are as appended below:Month & Year Nos. of cattle Impounded in the pound August, 2014 By Mil. Person 02 Month & Year August, 2014 Month & Year August, 2014 By CB Staff 06 Cattle Fine 50.00 B.F. Total 02 10 Feeding Charges 70.00 Incentive (Yet to be paid) 600.00 Nos. of cattle send to Gaushala, J. City No. of cattle sent outside Cantt limit No. of cattle auctioned No. of cattle died No. of cattle standing in pound No. of claimed by the claimant 06 01 Nil 02 01 Nil Composition Fee 2500.00 Income of Auction 4000.00 Total 6620.00 Feeding Expenditure Total 3465.00 4065.00 In this connection all relevant papers are placed on the table. 02. Resolution:- The Board perused the individual payment vouchers, considered and approved the monthly accounts. ITEM NO.3 UNAUTHORISED CONSTRUCTION IN BUNGALOW NO.26, JALANDHAR CANTT. Reference C.B.R. No.08 dated 28-04-2014. The Bungalow No.26, Mall Road, Jalandhar Cantt is on the land bearing Survey No.205 on the Class B-3 land under the management of Defence Estate Office, Jalandhar Circle, Jalandhar Cantt on the Old grant terms and is outside civil area. In compliance to the referred resolution notice under Section 239 and Section 248 of the Cantonments Act 2006 were issued vide JCB/Engg/259/C dated 28-04-2014 and JCB/Engg/260/C dated 28-04-2014 required the noticee/occupier to stop unauthorized construction . It is reported by the field staff vide report dated 27-08-2014 that despite of the above requisition the noticee/occupier has further executed the unauthorized construction work without any permission of Competent Authority by dismantling the old structure. -: 3 :- The details of the unauthorized construction on the Ground floor as on 27-08-2014 are as under:(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) Room Bath Store Bath Dress Room Bath Dress Room C.B. Pass Pass C.B. Pass Room Drg. Room Room Porch Verandah Verandah Room Pass Drg. Room Bath Bath Store Back curved verandah 20’- 2” x 14’- 6” 9’- 4” x 8’- 3” 15’- 5” x 8’- 0” 18’- 3” x 7’- 11’ 10’- 0” x 7’- 10’ 19’- 10” x 15’- 3” 9’- 0” x 5’- 5” 5’- 7” x 5’- 5” 13’- 0” x 16’- 0” 6’- 0” x 03’- 0” 11’- 4” x 5’- 0” 15’- 5” x 4’- 0” 3’- 0” x 6’- 0” 17’- 10” x 4’- 0” 18’- 6” x 14’- 8” 24’- 6” x 15’- 0” 14’- 9” x 12’- 2” 20’- 6” x 29’- 6” 49’- 0” x 6’- 6” 27’- 7” x 7’- 0” 16’- 3” x 12’- 6” 6’- 8” x 4’- 0” 24’- 0” x 16’- 2” 9’- 0” x 7’- 8” 9’- 0” x 7’- 8” 11’- 6” x 6’- 2” 28’ -0” x 13’- 0” It is further brought to the notice of the Board that:(i) notice vide No.JCB/Engg./Bun. No.26/1394/C dated 27-08-2014 has again issued under section 239 of Cantonments Act, 2006 to the noticee/occupier to stop further unauthorized construction. (ii) that the noticee through his advocate has submitted reply dated 29.08.2014 – denying having raised any unauthorized construction. that under the orders dated 12.09.2014 of the Estate Officer, (Defence Estate Office, Jalandhar), Jalandhar Circle, Jalandhar Cantt the ongoing unauthorized construction has been sealed on 18.09.2014. (iii) (iv) that the noticee, has submitted request for compounding the offence as per statutory notice and shown his willingness to pay reasonable compounding fee/fine for referred repair/re-erection of portion of Bungalow No.26 but it is noticed that the notice has not submitted registered admission deed and the plinth area of this porch is more than that of porch on the site plan existing on the file. -: 4 :In view of the above, it is recommended that the notice be required to submit registered admission deed and fresh notices under Section 248 of the Cantonments Act 2006 requiring the noticee/occupier to stop further construction and to demolish unauthorized construction made so far may be issued. In this connection all the relevant papers are placed on the table. 03. Resolution:- Considered and resolved that notice under Section 248 of the Cantonments Act, 2006 be issued and that applicant be required to submit registered admission deed and to remove that excess of area of the porch. ITEM NO.4 REPAIR WORKS IN THE RESIDENTAIL ACCOMODATION/QUARTERS OF THE DEFENCE ESTATES OFFICE, JALANDHAR CIRCLE, JALANDHAR CANTT. Reference letter vide No. JRB-2/Accn./ADM/Vol-IV/12 dated 18-06-2014 of Defence Estate Office, Jalandhar Circle, Jalandhar Cantt. To consider the letter of Defence Estate Office, Jalandhar Circle, Jalandhar Cantt vide No.JRB-2/Accn/ADM/Vol-IV/12 dated 18-06-2014 vide which requisition had been given by their office regarding various types of repair works in the residential ccommodations/quarters in the Defence Estate office, Jalandhar Circle, Jalandhar Cantt. In this connection estimates amounting to Rs. 40,830/- had been prepared as per MES-SSR, 2010 (Part-II) and incorporating executing agency’s lowest Board’s approved rates/market rates. It is recommended that the Board may execute the work as deposit work. In this connection all the relevant papers are placed on the table. 04.Resolution:- Considered and approved the work may be got executed as a deposit work through the approved term contract (Buildings) executing agency at the Board’s approved rates. ITEM NO.5 ENGAGEMENT OF JCB MACHINE AND TRACTOR CONTRACTUAL BASIS FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR TROLLEY ON It is informed that the Board do not have its own JCB and frequently there is need of JCB for leveling/compacting the Municipal Solid Waste at composting ground/landfill sites and cleaning of large drains. At times of JCB, Tractor and trolleys are also required to be engaged for clearing/lifting road side malba and drain silt. For engaging the contractual agency sealed tenders were invited publishing NIT in Dainik Bhaskar and Dainik Jagran dated 12.08.2014 vide Cantt Board office letter No. JCB/SS/1043/C dated 08.08.2014. In response for the NIT three tenders were received and opened on 26.08.2014 in the office. The comparative statement is as under: -: 5 :S. No. 1. 2. 3. Name of Firm/Contractor M/S Gill Enterprises, 117 Anup Nagar, Basti Danishmandan, Jalandhar. Smt. Gurjit Kaur 57-58-59 Parkash Vihar, Tower Enclave-II Jalandhar. Miss Simrat Singh 38-39-40, Parkash Vihar, Tower Enclave, Ph-II, Jalandhar. Earnest Money of Rs.2000/Deposited vide DD No.145743 dt.25.08.2014 Rate Quoted (per hour basis) JCB Machine Tractor Trolley Rs.965/- Rs.380/- Deposited vide DD No. 145745 dt.25.08.2014 Rs.875/- Rs.350 /- Deposited vide DD No. 776623 dt. 25.08.2014 Rs.975/- Rs.400/- The lowest rate quoted by Smt. Gurjeet Kaur are reasonable. In this connection tender notice, tenders in original, comparative statement along with report of Sanitary Supdtt are placed on the table for consideration of the Board. 05.Resolution: - Considered and approved the lowest rate of Smt. Gurjit Kaur, 57-58-59, Parkash Vihar, Tower Enclave, Phase-II, Nakodar Road, Jalandhar @ Rs.875/- per hour for hiring of JCB Machine and Rs.350/- per hour for hiring of Tractor Trolley for a period of one year. ITEM NO.6 ENGAGEMENT OF CONTRACTING AGENCY FOR CLEANING OF PUBLIC GROUP LATRINE UNDER CONTRACT The Board is informed that there is acute deficiency of conservancy staff under Budget head F-4 hence to attend public Group Latrines through contracting agency sealed tenders were invited publishing NIT in Dainik Jagaran and Dainik Bhaskar dated 12.08.2014 vide Cantt Board Office letter No.JCB/SS/1043/C dated 08.08.2014. In response to the NIT three tenders were received and opened on 26.08.2014 in the office of the Cantt Board. The comparative statement of the rates quoted by different tenderers is as under : S. No. Name of Firm/Contractor 1. M/S GVS Tiger Security Services (P) Ltd., SCO 24, Ist Floor, Phase I, Mohali. Earnest Money Rate quoted (per month per group latrine) Deposited vide Rs.7900/DD No. 250215 dt.25.08.2014 Requisite Documents Enclosed. -: 6 :2. 3. M/S DK Enterprises, 238/113 KRD PO, Chuggiti, Jalandhar. M/S Sai Security & Allied Services, 155 Atwal House, Deep Nagar, Jalandhar Cantt. Deposited vide DD No.092371 dt. 25.08.2014 Deposited vide DD No.059265 dt. 26.08.2014 Rs.6430/- Enclosed. Rs.8000/- Enclosed. The rate quoted by the lowest tender is reasonable. In this connection tender notice, tenders in original, comparative statement along with report of Sanitary Supdtt are placed on the table for consideration of the Board. 06.Resolution: - Considered and approved the lowest rate of M/S DK Enterprises, 238/113, KRD, PO.Chuggiti, Jalandhar @ Rs.6,430/- per month per group latrine for engagement of contracting agency for cleaning of public group latrine under contract for a period of one year. ITEM NO.7 CLEANING OF WARD NO.I Due to rapid growth in population of Jalandhar cantonment and change in life style of general public the work load of sanitation services has increased This office has acute shortage of permanent conservancy staff to do the routine sanitation work i.e. sweeping of roads, cleaning of drains, removing of garbage etc. So it is better to give this work on contract till the permanent staff is not employ. The following tenders were received from different firms for cleaning of Ward No.I, Jalandhar Cantt. Wide publicity was made through newspapers Dainik Bhaskar and Dainik Jagran on dated 12.08.2014 vide this office letter No. JCB/SS/1043/C dated 08.08.2014. Three tenders were received on 26.08.2014 and opened at 1115 hours. The comparative statement is as under: S. No. Name of Firm/Contractor Earnest Money 1. M/S GVS Tiger Security Services (P) Ltd., SCO 24, Ist Floor, Phase I, Mohali. M/S Gill Enterprises, 117-Anup Nagar, Basti Danishmandan, Jalandhar. M/S Sai Security & Allied Services, 155 Atwal House, Deep Nagar, Jalandhar Cantt. Deposited vide DD No. 250217 dt.25.08.2014 Deposited vide R.No.2154831 dt. 26.08.2014 Deposited vide DD No.059252 dt. 23.08.2014 2. 3. Rate quoted (%age over narrick rate) 0.0 % (Zero %) Requisite Documents 0 % above + TDS as applicable Enclosed. 0 % above + TDS applicable Enclosed. Narrick rate as per Central Govt, EPF @ 13.61% and ESI @ 4.75% Enclosed. -: 7 :In this connection tender notice, tenders in original, comparative statement along with report of Sanitary Supdtt are placed on the table. 07.Resolution: - Considered and approved the lowest rate of M/S Sai Security & Allied Services, 155 Atwal House, Deep Nagar, Jalandhar Cantt @ 0 % above + TDS as applicable at narrick rate (Central Govt. EPF @ 13.61% and ESI @ 4.75%) for cleaning of Ward No.I, Jalandhar Cantt for a period of one year. ITEM NO.8 CLEANING OF WARD NO.II Due to rapid growth in population of Jalandhar cantonment and change in life style of general public the work load of sanitation services has increased This office has acute shortage of permanent conservancy staff to do the routine sanitation work i.e. sweeping of roads, cleaning of drains, removing of garbage etc. So it is better to give this work on contract till the permanent staff is not employ. The following tenders were received from different firms for cleaning of Ward No.II, Jalandhar Cantt. Wide publicity was made through newspapers Dainik Bhaskar and Dainik Jagran on dated 12.08.2014 vide this office letter No. JCB/SS/1043/C dated 08.08.2014. Three tenders were received on 26.08.2014 and opened at 1115 hours. The comparative statement is as under: S. No. Name of Firm/Contractor Earnest Money 1. M/S GVS Tiger Security Services (P) Ltd., SCO 24, Ist Floor, Phase I, Mohali. M/S Gill Enterprises, 117-Anup Nagar, Basti Danishmandan, Jalandhar. M/S Sai Security & Allied Services, 155 Atwal House, Deep Nagar, Jalandhar Cantt. Deposited vide DD No. 250216 dt.25.08.2014 Deposited vide DD No.147056 dt. 25.08.2014 Deposited vide DD No.059254 dt. 26.08.2014 2. 3. Rate quoted (per month per group latrine) 0% Requisite Documents 0 % above + TDS as applicable 0 % above + TDS as applicable Enclosed. Enclosed. Enclosed. Narrick rate as per Central Govt, EPF @ 13.61% and ESI @ 4.75% In this connection tender notice, tenders in original, comparative statement along with report of Sanitary Supdtt are placed on the table. 08.Resolution: - Considered and approved the lowest rate of M/S Gill Enterprises, 117Anup Nagar, Basti Danishmandan, Jalandhar @ 0 % above + TDS as applicable at narrick rate (Central Govt. EPF @ 13.61% and ESI @ 4.75%) for cleaning of Ward No.II, Jalandhar Cantt for a period of one year. -: 8 :ITEM NO.9 SUPPLY OF COVERED VEHICLE Due to rapid growth in population of Jalandhar cantonment and change in life style of general public, the work load of sanitation services has increased This office has shortage of conservancy vehicles for removing/lifting of garbage. So it is better to give this work on contract. The following tenders were received from different firms for supply of covered vehicle in Jalandhar Cantonment. Wide publicity was made through newspapers Dainik Bhaskar and Dainik Jagran on dated 12.08.2014 vide this office letter No. JCB/SS/1043/C dated 08.08.2014. Four tenders were received on 26.08.2014 and opened at 1115 hours. The comparative statement is as under: S. No. Name of Firm/Contractor E/Money 1. M/S Gill Enterprises, 117-Anup Nagar, Basti Danishmandan, Jalandhar. Sh. Harbhajan Singh, P.O. Jalbhai, Vill Safipur, Distt Jalandhar. Sh. Baljeet Singh Mohalla No.15, Jalandhar. Sh. Rajinder Singh Butter Street No.15, House No.58/1, Jalandhar Cantt. Deposited vide receipt No. 2154832 dated 26.08.2014. 2. 3. 4. Rate quoted for Per day for 01 Tractor Trolley Rs.1110 /- Deposited vide DD No. 147046 dated 22.08.2014. Rs.1040/- Not deposited Rs.1239/- Deposited vide DD No. 147057 dated 25.08.2014. Rs.1010/- In this connection tender notice, tenders in original, comparative statement along with report of Sanitary Supdtt. are placed on the table. 09.Resolution: - Considered and approved the lowest rate of M/S Rajinder Singh Butter, Street NBo.15, House No.58/1, Jalandhar Cantt @ Rs.1010/- including (driver+ Diesel) for removing/lifting of garbage in civil area for a period of one year. ITEM NO.10 CLEANING OF RAMA MANDI, BHOOR MANDI, B.I. BAZAR AND R.A. BAZAR, JALANDHAR CANTT. Due to rapid growth in population of Jalandhar cantonment and change in life style of general public the work load of sanitation services has increased This office has acute shortage of permanent conservancy staff to do the routine sanitation work i.e. sweeping of roads, cleaning of drains, removing of garbage etc. So it is better to give this work on contract till the permanent staff is not employ. -: 9 :The following tenders were received from different firms for cleaning of Rama Mandi, Bhoor Mandi, BI Bazaar and RA Bazaar, Jalandhar Cantt. Wide publicity was made through newspapers Dainik Bhaskar and Dainik Jagran on dated 12.08.2014 vide this office letter No. JCB/SS/1043/C dated 08.08.2014. Four tenders were received on 26.08.2014 and opened at 1115 hours. The comparative statement is as under: S. No. Name of Firm/Contractor Earnest Money 1 M/S Sai Security & Allied Services, 155 Atwal House, Deep Nagar, Jalandhar Cantt. M/S Gill Enterprises, 117-Anup Nagar, Basti Danishmandan, Jalandhar. M/S DMT Utility Services 117-New Dashmesh Nagar, Rama Mandi, Jalandhar Cantt. M/S DK Enterprises 238/113 KRD, PO Chugitti, Jalandhar. Deposited vide DD No.059253 dt. 23.08.2014 Deposited vide R.No.2154833 dt. 26.08.2014 Deposited vide DD No.156332 dt. 25.08.2014 Deposited vide DD No. 092372 dt.25.08.2014 2 3 4 Rate quoted (%age over narrick rate) 0 % above + TDS applicable Requisite Documents 0 % above + TDS as applicable Enclosed. 0 % above + TDS as applicable Enclosed. 2.30 % above narrick rate Enclosed. Enclosed. Narrick rate as per Central Govt, EPF @ 13.61% and ESI @ 4.75% In this connection tender notice, tenders in original, comparative statement along with report of Sanitary Supdtt are placed on the table. 10.Resolution: - Considered and approved the lowest rate of M/S DMT Utility Services, 117 – New Dashmesh Nagar, Rama Mandi, Jalandhar Cantt @ 0 % above + TDS as applicable at narrick rate (Central Govt., EPF @ 13.61% and ESI @ 4.75%) for cleaning of Rama Mandi, Bhoor Mandi, BI Bazaar and RA Bazaar, Jalandhar Cantt for a period of one year. ITEM NO.11 HEALTH REPORT To read and note the Health Report for the months of June, 2014 and July, 2014 under Section 131 of Cantonments Act, 2006. In this connection all relevant papers are placed on the table. 11. Resolution:- Noted. -: 10 :- ITEM NO.12 DISPOSAL OF OLD TATA VEHICLE REGISTRATION NO. PUX 1097. Reference F&G.P.C. Reso. No.05 dated 18.03.2009 as confirmed vide CBR No.02 dated 30.03.2009. To consider the highest rate received through tender in the Cantonment Board Office Jalandhar Cantt in the public tender held on 10.09.2014 for the disposal of old condemn TATA Vehicle (Model 1977) PUX 1097 as per detail given below:COMPARATIVE STATEMENT S.No Name of Person 1. M/S. Surjit Motor Store, Shop No-68, Ram Taloi Kabari Market Amritsar. Cell No-9888778920. 2. Sh. Pritpal Singh, S/o Sh.Sher Singh, EP 332 Saidan Gate, Jalandhar. Cell No-9815874147. 3. Sh. Ranjit Singh S/o Sh.Darshan Singh, Guru Har Sahai Distt- Ferozpur. Cell No-9855480826. 4. Sh. Mohit Dhir 126 Arjun Nagar, Near Lamba Pind Chowk, Jalandhar. Cell No- 9988201978, 9855082573 Amount Earnest Money Draft No-607357 dated 09Rs. 88,888/- 09-2914 OBC Shri Guru Har Kish Asr. Remarks Draft No-165437 dated 09Rs. 93,100/- 09-2914 PNB Nakodar Road Juc. Rs.95,826/- Draft No-846818 dated 09- 2nd Highest 09-2914 SBOP Guru Har Sahai Distt-Ferozpur. Rs.1,00,002/- Draft No-904861 dated 09- 1st Highest 09-2914 OBC G.T.ROAD Juc. The above said individual tenderers have deposited earnest money amounting to Rs.20,000/- against submission of tender as per tender terms and conditions of the tender. The MRP for the subject vehicle was Rs.80,000/-. Wide publicity for the disposal of old above TATA vehicle was made through newspaper “The Tribune” and “Dainik Bhaskar” published on 21/22.08.2014 alongwith intimation number of Govt. Offices vide this office letter No JCB / 11/74 /1327/C dated 198-2014. In this connection Tender notice, cutting of news paper, tenders in original, comparative statement, and all others relevant papers are placed on the table. -: 11 :12.Resolution: - Considered and approved the highest rate of Shri Mohit Dhir, 126, Arjun Nagar, Near Lamba Pind Chowk, Jalandhar @ Rs.1,00,002/- for disposal of old Tata Vehicle PUX 1097. ITEM NO.13 TO LICENSE OUT CANTT FUND PROPERTY KNOWN AS SHOP NO.3, MINI SHOPPING COMPLEX,HARDYAL ROAD, JALANDHAR CANTT. The Board is informed that the highest bid amounting to Rs.18,000/- per month was received from Sh. Sarabjit Singh S/o Darshan Singh, resident of 173, VPO Birring, Jalandhar Cantt against M.R.P. of Rs.7,400/- per month. The license agreement was executed for a period of three years i.e. 23.09.2013 to 22.09.2016. Sh. Sarabjit Singh informed this office vide his request dated 01-08-2014 that as per clause no.14 of the license agreement he will hand over the vacant possession of the shop to the Board i.e. till 31-08-2014. The notice of the licensee was noted in the Board and the Board vide CBR NO.24 dated 13.08.2014 resolved to call the fresh tender fixing M.R.P. @ Rs.18,000/- per month. Fresh tenders for the said shop were called on 22.08.2014 and 10.09.2014 with the M.R.P. @ Rs.18,000/- per month for a period of three years, but no bidder came forward for any bid. Monthly License fees of the adjacent shops in the same market are:Shop No.1 Shop No.2 Shop No.5 @ Rs. 5,600/- per month @ Rs.10,020/- per month @ Rs.14,010/- per month Tenders of the Shop No.3, Mini Shopping Complex, Hardyal road, Jalandhar Cantt could not be successful due to high M.R.P. It is recommended that M.R.P. be reduced to Rs.12,000/- per month and fresh tenders be called as the shop is lying vacant since 01.09.2014. 13. Resolution:- The Board has notice that tenders of the Shop No.3, Mini Shopping Complex, Hardyal Road, Jalandhar Cantt were called on 22.08.2014 and 10.09.2014 fixing M.R.P. @ Rs.18,000/- per month for a period of three years, but no bidder came forward for any bid. Keeping in view the rental rates prevailing in the market the Board resolved that M.R.P. be reduced to Rs.12,000/- per month and fresh tenders be called. ITEM NO.14 LICENSING OUT CANTT FUND PROPERTIES KNOWN AS:-(1) CAFETERIA/SHOP NEAR CANTT BOARD OFFICE, JRC. (2) VEGETABLE STALL/SHOP NO.8, NEAR SABJI MANDI, JRC. (3) SHOP NO.3 & 8, MINI SHOPPING COMPLEX, HARDYAL ROAD, JRC. (4) OLD OCTROI POST NO.9, RAMA MANDI, JRC. To consider Tenders held on 10.09.2014 of the following Cantt fund properties in the office of the Cantonment Board, Jalandhar Cantt for licensing out for a period of three years as per tender notice, under section 267 of the Cantonments Act, 2006. -: 12 :The Tender notices in this regard were published on 30.08.2014 in “Dainik Bhasker” and “Dainik Jagran” newspapers vide this office letter No.JCB/Tax/1405/C dated 28.08.2014. The tender notices were also affixed on the office notice Board. The tenders were opened on 10.09.2014 in the presence of the tenderers. CANTT FUND PROPERTIES:1. Cafeteria/Shop near Cantonment Board Office, Jalandhar Cantt. No bid. ** The M.R.P. was fixed Rs.2,800/-per month. 2. Vegetable Stall/Shop No.8, near sabjimandi, Jalandhar Cantt. No bid. ** The M.R.P. was fixed Rs.3,500/-per month. 3(a) Shop No.3, Mini Shopping Complex, Hardyal road, Jalandhar Cantt. No bid. SHOP NO.3, MINI SHOPPING COMPLEX:- On 21.01.2013 tenders for the Cantt fund property known as Shop No.3, Mini Shopping Complex, Hardyal road, Jalandhar cant, a highest bid amounting to Rs.18,000/- per month was received from Sh. Sarabjit Singh S/o Darshan Singh, resident of 173, VPO Birring, Jalandhar Cantt against M.R.P. Rs.7,400/- per month. The license agreement was executed for a period of three years i.e. 23.09.2013 to 22.09.2016. But Sh. Sarabjeet Singh vide his request dated 01-08-2014 informed this office that as per clause no.14 of the license agreement he will hand over the vacant possession of the shop to the Board i.e. till 31-08-2014. The matter was discussed in the Board meeting held on 13.08.2014 and fresh tenders were called on 22.08.2014 and on 10.09.2014 fixing M.R.P. @ Rs.18,000/- per month, but no bidder came forward for any bid. Monthly License fees of the adjacent shops in the same market are:Shop No.1 Shop No.2 Shop No.5 @ Rs. 5,600/- per month @ Rs.10,020/- per month @ Rs.14,010/- per month Tenders for the said shop could not be successful due to high M.R.P. It is recommended that fresh tenders be called fixing M.R.P. @ Rs.12,000/- per month as the shop is lying vacant since 01.09.2014. -: 13 :3(b) Shop No.8, Mini Shopping Complex, Hardyal road, Jalandhar Cantt. Following three tenders have been comparative statement is given below:Sr. Name of Tenderer No. 1. Sh. Gurpreet Singh S/o S. Sarabjeet Singh, 125-126, Chopra Colony, Raja Garden, Kapurthala road, Jalandhar. 2. Sh.Harpal Singh S/o Sarabjeet Singh, resident of 45 Kamal Vihar, Jalandhar City. 3. Sh.Jagjit Singh S/o late Inder Mohan Singh, resident of 1121B, Sant Nagar, Ladowali road, Jalandhar. received and the Rate Quoted (per month) Rs.1,420/- Rs.1,210/- Rs.1,150/- ** The M.R.P. was fixed Rs.1,120/-per month. 4. Old Octroi Post No.9, Rama Mandi, Jalandhar Cantt. Following three tenders have been comparative statement is given below:Sr. Name of Tenderer No. 1. Sh. Sanjiv Jain S/o Narinder Kumar Jain, resident of 28, B.I.Bazaar, Jalandhar Cantt. received and the Rate Quoted (per month) Rs.16,000/- 2. Sh.Rajinder Singh Nayyar S/o Rs.15,150/Late Hardip Singh, resident of 545, V.P.O. Dakoha, Jalandhar. 3. Sh. Ravi Kumar S/o Rs.14,800/Late KulwantRai, Resident of 2 KhambraColony, Rama Mandi, Jalandhar. ** The M.R.P. was fixed Rs.14,500/-per month. In this regards original tenders received from the different persons on 10.09.2014 and comparative statement along with files are placed on the table for decision. 14. Resolution:- Considered and recommended:(1). Fresh tender be called. (2). Fresh tender be called. 3(a). SHOP NO.3, MINI SHOPPING COMPLEX:- Fresh tender be called. -: 14 :3(b). SHOP NO.8, MINI SHOPPING COMPLEX:- Considered and resolved to approve the highest tendered amount of Rs.1,420/- per month offered by Sh. Gurpreet Singh S/o Sarabjeet Singh, resident of 125-126, Chopra Colony, Raja Garden, Kapurthala R oad, Jalandhar. It is further resolved that in case the successful bidder fails to deposit the required amount and to execute license agreement as per terms of the tender within the stipulated period, then the temporary earnest money deposited by him be forfeited, he be blacklisted and fresh tenders be called. (4) Considered and resolved to approve the highest tendered amount of Rs.16,000/- per month offered by Sh. Sanjiv Jain S/o Narinder Kumar Jain, resident of 28, B. I. Bazaar, Jalandhar Cantt. It is further resolved that in case the successful bidder fails to deposit the required amount and to execute license agreement as per terms of the tender within the stipulated period, then the temporary earnest money deposited by him be forfeited, he be blacklisted and the fresh tender be called. ITEM NO.15 PROPOSAL TO LICENSE OUT FOR COLLECTION RIGHTS OF PARKING FEE FROM OPEN VACANT LAND ADJACENT TO CANTT BOARD MIDDLE SCHOOL, RAMA MANDI, JALANDHAR CANTT. There is an open vacant land (approx.0.586 Acres) adjacent to Cantt Board Middle School, Rama Mandi, JalandharCantt, which is not used for any purpose these days. There is a chowk near that vacant land which is very famous with the name Rama MandiChowk, and is easy approachable place to the people of nearby areas, daily passengers and also for the school/college going students who travels by buses on the routes to Ludhiana, Chandigarh, Delhi and to Hoshiarpur and Himachal. All the buses of these routes take a stop at this chowk for the passengers, but there is no particular and safe place for the parking of vehicles of those people. Some persons of the nearby area have sent their proposals and requesting to allot that open vacant land for commercial use of parking of vehicles like cycle/scooter/cars etc and are also ready to pay monthly rent to the Cantonment Board. The detail of the persons who applied for that place on monthly rent:Sr. No. 1. Name and address of the applicants Sh. Rajinder Singh Nayyar S/o Late Hardeep Singh Resident of House No.545, VPO Dakoha, Jalandhar. Rent proposed (per month) Rs.5,000/- -: 15 :2. 3. 4. Sh. SaneevSehgal S/o Late Dilbagh Rai, resident of Mohalla No.23, House No.10/1, alandhar Cantt. Sh.Mahesh Shankar resident of House No.36, Khatik Mandi, Jalandhar Cantt. Sh. Vishal resident of House No.26 Rama Mandi, Jalandhar Cantt. Rs.5,700/- Rs.6,000/- Rs.7,000/- All the application with complete file are placed on the table for decision in the matter. 15. Resolution:- The matter discussed in detail. The Board resolved that the open vacant land adjacent to Cantt Board Middle School, Rama Mandi, Jalandhar Cantt is not using for any purpose these days. It is further resolved that to increase the income of the Cantonment Board, Jalandhar Cantt, tenders for the subject open vacant land be called for a period of three years with fixing MRP @ Rs.7,000/- per month. That rates of parking fee have been fixed as under:(i) (ii) Car/Scooter etc. Cycle/Rickshaw : : Rs.10/- per day Rs.05/- per day All Govt. vehicles would be exempted from payment of parking fees. ITEM NO.16 PURCHASE OF SUMMER UNIFORM, WINTER UNIFORM AND SHOE FOR THE YEAR 2013-2014 AND 2014-2015 FOR ELIGIBLE CANTONMENT BOARD EMPLOYEES To consider the tenders received on 10.07.2014 from the following firms for supply of Summer uniform, Winter uniform and Shoes (detail mentioned below) in response to tender notice No. JCB/Store/970/C dated 07.08.2014 published in ‘Hindustan Times’ and ‘Dainik Jagran’ :-. SUMMER UNIFORM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Terrycot Pant Cloth Black/Grey 67:33 Width 148 CMS Terrycot Shirt Cloth White 67:33 Width 70 CMS Terrycot Pant & Shirt Khaki 67:33 Width 148 CMS Terrycot Ladies Suit Sky Blue 67:33 Width 115 CMS Dupatta Cloth Malmal Sky Blue -: 16 :WINTER UNIFORM 1. 2. 3. 4. Woollen Cloth (Serge) Navy Blue Width 147 CMS Woollen Cloth Serge (Angola) Navy Blue Width 147 CMS Dupatta Cloth Malmal Navy Blue Turban Cloth Malmal White/Navy Blue/Khaki SHOES AND GURGABIES 1. 2. Gents Shoe (Plain Black Leather, Full Chrome derby pattern). Ladies Gurgabies (Plain Black Leather, Full Chrome derby pattern). SUMMER UNIFORM The Office issued a letter to rep. of various Unions/Office Supdtt and Sanitary Supdtt., Cantt Board, Jalandhar Cantt to examine the quality of clothing/shoes. Comparative statement and recommendation given by Unions/Office Supdtt. and Sanitary Sudtt Cantt Board after examine the quality of clothing/shoes vide minutes of procurement are as under:- Comparative statement 1. Terrycot Pant Cloth Black/Grey 67:33 Width 148 CMS as per list Sl.No. 1 Sr.No. Name of firm 1. M/S Gramshilpa Gramodyog Sansthan, AGRA. a) Quality : SR-5965 b) Quality : Premium 2. M/S Kendriya Bhandar, NEW DELHI.. 3. M/S Kendriya Khadi Gramodyog Sewa Sansthan, AGRA (SAMPLE NOT ATTACHED) 4. M/S Khadi Gramudyog Sewa Sansthan, KANPUR Rate submitted Rs. 85.50 P.Mtr. Rs. 130/- P.Mtr. Rs. 160/- P.Mtr Rs. 182/-P.Mtr Rs. 121.55 P.Mtr. Recommendation:The above rates alongwith samples were examined and it is noticed that the quality is sample submitted by lowest tenderer i.e. M/S Gramshilpa Gramodyog Sansthan, Agra Quality : SR -5965 is not upto the mark. Hence is it recommended that sample and rates submitted by M/S Khadi Gramudyog Sewa Sansthan, Kanpur @ Rs. 121.55 P.Mtr. be accepted/approved by the Board. -: 17 :2. Terrycot Shirt Cloth White 67:33 Width 70 CMS as per list Sl.No. 2 Comparative statement Sr.No. Name of firm 1. M/S Gramshilpa Gramodyog Sansthan, AGRA. a) Quality : Dollar b) Quality : Radhika 2. M/S Kendriya Bhandar, NEW DELHI. 3. M/S Kendriya Khadi Gramodyog Sewa Sansthan, AGRA (SAMPLE NOT ATTACHED) 4. M/S Khadi Gramudyog Sewa Sansthan, KANPUR Rate submitted Rs. 42/- P.Mtr. Rs. 57/- P.Mtr. Rs. 65/- P.Mtr Rs. 37/-P.Mtr Rs. 93.75 P.Mtr. Recommendation:The above rates alongwith samples were examined and it is noticed that the quality is sample submitted by following lowest tenderer are not upto the mark. Hence it is recommended that sample and rates submitted by M/S Khadi Gramudyog Sewa Sansthan, Kanpur @ Rs. 93.75 P.Mtr. be accepted/approved by the Board. 1. M/S Gramsilpa gramodyog Sansthan, Agra. 2. M/S Kendriya Bhandar, New Delhi. 3. M/S Kendriya Khadi Gramodyog Sewa, Agra 3. Terrycot Pant & Shirt Cloth Khaki 67:33 Width 148 CMS as per list Sl.No. 3 Comparative statement Sr.No. Name of firm 1. M/S Gramshilpa Gramodyog Sansthan, AGRA. a) Quality : SR-5965 b) Quality : Premium 2. M/S Kendriya Bhandar, NEW DELHI.. 3. M/S Kendriya Khadi Gramodyog Sewa Sansthan, AGRA (SAMPLE NOT ATTACHED) 4. M/S Khadi Gramudyog Sewa Sansthan, KANPUR Rate submitted Rs. 85.50 P.Mtr. Rs. 130/- P.Mtr. Rs. 160/- P.Mtr Rs. 182/-P.Mtr Rs. 121.55 P.Mtr. -: 18 :Recommendation:The above rates alongwith samples were examined and it is noticed that the quality is sample submitted by lowest tenderer i.e. M/S Gramshilpa Gramodyog Sansthan, Agra Quality : SR -5965 is not upto the mark. Hence is it recommended that sample and rates submitted by M/S Khadi Gramudyog Sewa Sansthan, Kanpur @ Rs. 121.55 P.Mtr. be accepted/approved by the Board. 4. Terrycot Ladies Suit Sky Blue/Sea Green 67:33 Width 115 CMS as per list Sl. No. 4 Comparative statement Sr.No. Name of firm 1. M/S Gramshilpa Gramodyog Sansthan, AGRA. 2. M/S Kendriya Bhandar, NEW DELHI.. 3. M/S Kendriya Khadi Gramodyog Sewa Sansthan, AGRA (SAMPLE NOT ATTACHED) 4. M/S Khadi Gramudyog Sewa Sansthan, KANPUR Rate submitted Rs. 44/- P.Mtr. Rs. 65/- P.Mtr Not quoted Rs. 101.25 P.Mtr. Recommendation:The above rates alongwith samples were examined and it is noticed that the quality is sample submitted by following lowest tenderer are not upto the mark. Hence it is recommended that sample and rates submitted by M/S Khadi Gramudyog Sewa Sansthan, Kanpur @ Rs. 101.25 P.Mtr. be accepted/approved by the Board. 1. M/S Gramsilpa gramodyog Sansthan, Agra 2. M/S Kendriya Bhandar, New Delhi. 5. Dupatta Cloth Malmal Sky Blue/Sea Green as per list Sl. No. 5 @ Rs. 60.00 P.Mtr. Comparative statement Sr.No. Name of firm 1. M/S Gramshilpa Gramodyog Sansthan, AGRA. 2. M/S Kendriya Bhandar, NEW DELHI.. 3. M/S Kendriya Khadi Gramodyog Sewa Sansthan, AGRA (SAMPLE NOT ATTACHED) 4. M/S Khadi Gramudyog Sewa Sansthan, KANPUR Rate submitted Rs. 31.50 P.Mtr. Rs. 42/- P.Mtr Not quoted Rs. 60/- P.Mtr. -: 19 :Recommendation:The above rates alongwith samples were examined and it is noticed that the quality is sample submitted by following lowest tenderer are not upto the mark. Hence it is recommended that sample and rates submitted by M/S Khadi Gramudyog Sewa Sansthan, Kanpur @ Rs. 60/- P.Mtr. be accepted/approved by the Board. 1. 2. M/S Gramsilpa gramodyog Sansthan, Agra M/S Kendriya Bhandar, New Delhi. WINTER UNIFORM 1. Woollen Cloth Serge Navy Blue Width 147 CMS as per list Sl.No. 1 Comparative statement Sr.No. Name of firm 1. M/S Gramshilpa Gramodyog Sansthan, AGRA. 2. M/S Kendriya Bhandar, NEW DELHI.. 3. M/S Kendriya Khadi Gramodyog Sewa Sansthan, AGRA Real Wool D-Super 777 (SAMPLE NOT ATTACHED) 4. M/S Khadi Gramudyog Sewa Sansthan, KANPUR 5 M/S Essma Woollen Mills, Amritsar Recommendation:- Rate submitted Rs. 159/- P.Mtr. Rs. 250/- P.Mtr Rs. 160/- P.Mtr Rs. 285/- P.Mtr Rs. 198.25 P.Mtr. Rs. 365/- P.Mtr. The above rates alongwith samples were examined and it is noticed that the quality is sample submitted by following lowest tenderer are not upto the mark. Hence it is recommended that sample and rates submitted by M/S Khadi Gramudyog Sewa Sansthan, Kanpur @ Rs. 198.25 P.Mtr. be accepted/approved by the Board. 1. M/S Gramsilpa gramodyog Sansthan, Agra 2. M/S Kendriya Khadi Gramodyog Sewa Sansthan, Agra. 2. Woollen Cloth Serge (Angola) Navy Blue Width 147 CMS as per list Sl.No. 2 Comparative statement Sr.No. Name of firm 1. M/S Gramshilpa Gramodyog Sansthan, AGRA. 2. M/S Kendriya Bhandar, NEW DELHI. Rate submitted Rs. 159/- P.Mtr. Rs. 250/- P.Mtr -: 20 :3. 4. 5. M/S Kendriya Khadi Gramodyog Sewa Sansthan, AGRA (SAMPLE NOT ATTACHED) M/S Khadi Gramudyog Sewa Sansthan, KANPUR M/S Essma Woollen Mills, Amritsar Not Quoted Rs. 199.25 P.Mtr. Not Quoted Recommendation:The above rates alongwith samples were examined and it is noticed that the quality is sample submitted by lowest tenderer i.e. M/S Gramshilpa Gramodyog Sansthan, Agra is not upto the mark. Hence is it recommended that sample and rates submitted by M/S Khadi Gramudyog Sewa Sansthan, Kanpur @ Rs. 199.25 P.Mtr. be accepted/approved by the Board. 3. Dupatta Cloth Malmal Sea Green/Navy Blue as per list Sl. No. 3 Comparative statement Sr.No. Name of firm 1 M/S Gramshilpa Gramodyog Sansthan, AGRA. 2 M/S Kendriya Bhandar, NEW DELHI.. 3 M/S Kendriya Khadi Gramodyog Sewa Sansthan, AGRA (SAMPLE NOT ATTACHED) 4 M/S Khadi Gramudyog Sewa Sansthan, KANPUR 5 M/S Essma Woollen Mills, Amritsar Rate submitted Rs. 31.50 P.Mtr. Rs. 42/- P.Mtr Not Quoted Rs. 60/- P.Mtr. Not Quoted Recommendation:The above rates alongwith samples were examined and it is noticed that the quality is sample submitted by following lowest tenderer are not upto the mark. Hence it is recommended that sample and rates submitted by M/S Khadi Gramudyog Sewa Sansthan, Kanpur @ Rs. 60/- P.Mtr. be accepted/approved by the Board 1. M/S Gramsilpa gramodyog Sansthan, Agra. 2. M/S Kendriya Bhandar, New Delhi. -: 21 :4. Turban Cloth Malmal White/Navy Blue/Kakhi as per list Sl. No. 4. Comparative statement Sr.No. Name of firm 1. M/S Gramshilpa Gramodyog Sansthan, AGRA. White Khakhi Navy Blue 2. M/S Kendriya Bhandar, NEW DELHI.. 3. M/S Kendriya Khadi Gramodyog Sewa Sansthan, AGRA (SAMPLE NOT ATTACHED) 4. M/S Khadi Gramudyog Sewa Sansthan, KANPUR 5. M/S Essma Woollen Mills, Amritsar Rate submitted Rs. 44/- P.Mtr. Rs. 55/- P.Mtr. Rs. 58/- P.Mtr. Rs. 42/- P.Mtr Not Quoted Rs. 60/- P.Mtr. Not Quoted Recommendation:The above rates alongwith samples were examined and it is noticed that the quality is sample submitted by following lowest tenderer are not upto the mark. Hence it is recommended that sample and rates submitted by M/S Khadi Gramudyog Sewa Sansthan, Kanpur @ Rs. 60/- P.Mtr. be accepted/approved by the Board. 1. M/S Gramsilpa gramodyog Sansthan, Agra 2. M/S Kendriya Bhandar, New Delhi. 3. SHOES AND GURGABIES The two firms have participated for tender of shoes and gurgabies, so that tender may be re-called . It is submitted as under the approved govt. rates in respect of the clothing material/fabric except rates of ladies saree/ladies suit are of 1994. At present it is not possible to get a quality upto a certain level at these old approved govt. rates. It is brought to the notice by the reps. of unions that Cantonment Board Amritsar, Ferozpur and Shahjahanpur Cantt have already purchased a good quality clothing material/fabric for uniforms at the higher rates in comparison to the approved govt. rates (Copies of their supply orders are enclosed herewith). Hence, it is recommended that the Board may consider to accept the recommendation of the committee. In this connection tenders in original, comparative statement, minutes of the committee and financial implications are placed on the table for considerations and decision. -: 22 :16. Resolution:- The Board perused the recommendations of Committee and resolved that the lowest rates within the govt. approved rates as mentioned in the agenda side be approved. Fresh tender regarding shoes/ladies gurgabis be re-invited. ITEM NO.17 INSTALLATION OF A DEEP BOREWELL The Board vide C.B.R. No.6 dated 11.06.2014 considered and resolved to get one deep borewell installed at a cost of Rs.17.18 lakh through Punjab Water Supply & Sewerage Board, Jalandhar as a deposit work and a proposal was submitted to the Directorates Defence Estate for approval of the competent authority. It is noticed that the executing agency is charging Rs.2.11 lakh as departmental charges. It is informed that the Board is having its own E&M Supervisor who can supervise the execution of the work. It is recommended that the Board should get the work executed engaging private agency through open tendering and the work be supervised by the E&M Supervisor. In this connection all relevant papers are placed on the table for consideration. 17. Resolution:- Considered and approved the work be executed engaging private agency through open tendering as mentioned in the agenda side and the work be supervised by E&M Supervisor, Cantonment Board, Jalandhar Cantt. Directorate Defence Estates be requested accordingly. ITEM NO.18 ENGAGEMENT OF A CONTRACTING AGENCY FOR MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE MANAGTEMENT IN COMPLIANCE TO MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE RULES, 2000. The Board is informed that as per the provisions of Municipal Solid Waste Management Rules, 2000 the Cantonment Board, Jalandhar is responsible for collection, storage, segregation, transportation, processing and final disposal of the municipal solid waste being generated within the limits of Jalandhar Cantonment. Under these rules every municipal authority is required to prepare a Municipal Solid Waste management plan. The Board is informed that as on date above 25 Tons of municipal waste is being generated in the area and about 80% of the municipal waste is being collected and transported to the trenching ground for which safaikaramcharis alongwith machines and vehicles have been deployed. The employees so deployed are sweeping the roads, streets and lanes. They are daily cleaning the drains/nallah and taking out rubbish/silt out of the drains. The house holds/residents are throwing the garbage at pre-destined dustbins/ rubbishbins. The garbage is then transported to the garbage station through wheel barrows from where it being loaded and transported through covered vehicles to the trenching ground. At some places dustbins are removed through mechanical dumper placed. In this process the recyclable waste is got removed by volunteers ragpickers at every stage. The municipal waste so collected is stored/levelled at the trenching ground site for natural composting. -: 23 :It is further brought to the notice of the Board that requirement of men and machinery was assessed long back and the since then population has increased and due to changed life style garbage generation has increased manifold. So as per existing requirement the menpower and machinery is deficit to fully comply with the requirements of the rules. It is further noticed that different stages in collection, segregation and transportation the municipal solid waste leads to leakages at different stages. It is proposed that for reaching optimum level of sanitation the Board should resort to door to door collection. If the Board has to resort to door-to-door collection of municipal waste it has to engage some private agency on under contract agreement for collection, segregation, transportation, final disposal and maintaining landfill sites as required under Municipal Solid Waste Rules and the Board may levy fee for that purpose. 18. Resolution:- Considered and resolved that detailed terms and conditions be prepared for engagement of contracting agency and put up before the Board and consideration and approved. A detailed action plan be prepared. ITEM NO.19 TENDER OF CLEANING OF WARD NO.1, WARD NO.2 AND CLEANLINESS OF RAMA MANDI, BHOOR MANDI AND TOP KHANA BAZAAR, JALANDHAR CANTT. To note the extension for one month for on going contract for cleaning of Ward No. 1, Ward No.2 and cleanliness of Rama Mandi, Bhoor Mandi, BI Bazar and RA Bazar, Jalandhar Cantt given by the Chief Executive Office on the request made vide Sanitary Supdtt vide their letter dated 17.9.2014. It is submitted that the said contracts expired on 13.9.2014 and fresh tender were called vide this office tender notice No. JCB/SS/1043/C dated on 08.8.2014. The different firms have tendered their rate which were pending for approval of the Board. In this connection all relevant papers are placed on the table for consideration. 19. Resolution:- Considered and approved the action taken by the Chief Executive Officer. The following items were also considered with the permission of the Chair. ITEM NO.20 SWACHH BHARAT CAMPAIGN It is brought to the notice of the Board that Hon’ble Prime Minister has given a call of ‘Swachh Bharat’ to the nation from the ramparts of the Red Fort in his inspiring Indpendence Day speech. The Directorate, Defence Estates vide their letter No.76/68/Swachh Bharat/C/DE/2014 dated 23.08.2014 has forwarded copies of MOD ID No.8(22)/2014D(Coord) dated 23.09.2014 and Cabinet Secretary D.O. letter NO.CS-14771/2014 dated 20.09.2014 for information and necessary action to initiate ‘National Cleanliness Campaign’ on 25.09.2014 and the same is to be observed till 02.10.2014. -: 24 :Immediate programme has been prepared, intimated to the Directorate Defence Estate vide letter No.JCB/SS/118/C dated 24.09.2014 and the same has been put into action. All the above documents are placed on the table for perusal It is brought to the notice of the Board that one JCB, extra trolleys and menpower is required to be pressed into service to meet the requirement. To organise essay/slogan competition and make arrangements to administer “Swachhta Shapath (pledge of cleanliness) on 02nd Oct., 2014 the Board is to approve an approximate expenditure of Rs.70,000/- for the purpose. It is further brought to the notice of the Board that the Director General, Defence Estates has further issued instructions vide letter No.76/68/Swachh Bharat/C/DE/2014 dated directing the Board to prepare an ‘ACTION PLAN’ for a period of five years period culminating on 02nd Oct., 2014. The same is put up for consideration by the Board for implementation ‘Swachh Bharat Campaign’. 20. Resolution:- Considered and approved the action initiated by the Chief Executive Officer in compliance with the directions issued by the Director General, Defence Estates. Additional menpower and machinery be engaged as proposed. Swachhta Shpath be organised on 2nd Oct., 2014. Approved proposed expenditure for the purpose. Further resolved to prepare a five year action plan for the purpose. ITEM NO.21 CWP No. 24345 of 2013 Court case of Cantonment Board Jalandhar Cantt Vs State of Punjab and others in the Hon’ble Punjab and Haryana High Court at Chandigarh for recovery of payment as 16% share on assessed fees on liquor of Cantonment Board, Jalandhar which was sold by the Canteen Store Department, Jalandhar Cantt from April 2007 to Nov 2011 Reference C.B.R No. 05 dated 29.11.2012. The Sh. Ajay Kumar Mittal, Judge, Hon’ble Punjab and Haryana Hight court has passed the interim order in the CWP No. 24345 of 2013 that “Learned counsel for the parties agreed that the matter be referred to the Excise and Taxation Commissioner, Punjab, where the representatives of the petitioner as well as respondents shall appear and present the calculations, who shall thereupon, after hearing both the sides pass a speaking order. Accordingly, while deferring the hearing of the present writ petition, we direct, the Excise and Taxation Commissioner, Punjab to hear the representatives of the petitioner as well as respondents and pass a speaking order. The parties through their representatives shall appear before the Excise and Taxation Commissioner, Punjab, Patiala on 09.10.2014 and shall produce the copy of the order passed by the Excise and Taxation Commissioner, before this Court on the next date of hearing. To come up on 31.10.2014.” In this regard, interim order and relevant documents are placed on the table for consideration and decision. -: 25 :- 21. Resolution:- Considered and resolved that Cantt Board Legal Advisor should appear before the Excise and Taxation Commissioner, Punjab, Patiala on 09.10.2014 to present the case. Chief Executive Officer is authorized to incur the necessary expenditure in this regard. The meeting ended with thanks to the Chairman for his valuable contribution for making improvements in municipal facilities by the Cantonment Board. Sd/xxx Member Secretary, Cantonment Board, Jalandhar Cantt. (Parshotam Lal) 26.09.2014 Sd/xxx Brigadier, President Cantt Board, Jalandhar Cantt. (R.K. Mahna) 26.09.2014 TRUE COPY Office Superintendent Cantonment Board, Jalandhar Cantt.
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