Kansas Farmer www.FarmProgress.com – March 2014 63 Livestock Table 2 Recommended frost seeding rates into an existing pasture Seeding rate Expected established (lb./acre) plants/ft2 Alfalfa Not recommended for frost seeding Alsike clover 1-2 2-3 Birdsfoot trefoil 4 6-9 (in 2nd year) Ladino clover 1-2 1-2 Red or white clover 2-4 2-5 Perennial/annual ryegrass 8-15* 10-12 Orchardgrass 2 4 Reed canarygrass Not recommended for frost seeding Smooth bromegrass Not recommended for frost seeding Tall fescue 3-4 2-4 Timothy Not recommended for frost seeding * Use higher rate in “bare ground” situations and lower rate in existing sods Species seeds sown) from frost seeding is significantly lower than for stands established in a prepared seedbed about 10% compared to 60% or higher. Table 2 shows the recommended seeding rates for several forage species, and the number of plants expected based on a 10% establishment rate. Establishment rates may be higher or lower than this depending on spring weather conditions. One general approach is to use a low seeding rate and to recommend doing that every year. Thus if the weather does not cooperate one year, little is lost and stands will likely be improved with seedings in other years. Pastures should be grazed or clipped regularly following frost seeding when 24th RAILE CHAROLAIS/RED ANGUS PRODUCTION SALE Monday March 17, 2014 • 1:00 p.m. CST St. Francis Auction Market ~ St. Francis, Kansas spring growth occurs. Grazing is a balance between removing competition with new seedlings and not grazing so closely as to remove them. A residual height of 4 inches should be adequate in most cases. Be careful not to graze these newly seeded paddocks when they are wet. Frost seeding can be a good and inexpensive way to improve the condition of pastures. It is not recommended for hay fields because the plants that establish from frost seeding will likely not be spread uniformly across the pasture or hayfield. This is OK for a pasture but will cause problems if making hay due to the uneven composition of the windrows and uneven drying. Undersander is a University of Wisconsin Extension forage agronomist. &ORFNZRUN 3UHFLVLRQ $*HQHWLFDOO\&RPSOHWHRed Program! SELLING 72 BULLS: 68 Yearlings, 4 Two Year Old 41 Charolais--Yearlings 23 Red Angus--4Two Year Old 8 Composite Range Fire Hybrids A030 A030 SIRE-Finks 8823 X RC Nichole 2250 U151 90 713/109 1340/108 -.03 35 70 8 0.23 0.06 Three ET Brothers Sell A119 A119 SIRE- LT Ledger 0332 X RC Princess 2250 T074 90 713/100 1334/100 -1.7 29 59 17 0.40 0.13 A089 A089 SIRE Schuler 6675 X Sor7T829 90 673/101 1277/102 -2.1 48 68 29 0.23 0.52 Selling 160 Bulls 120 Fem ma aleess SELLING 20 FEMALES: 8 “Top End” Purebred Charolais 7 Red Angus 5 Top Quality Charolais x Red Angus Join our other customers who take advantage of our Extensive ET Program! Charolais Sires: Finks 2250, Finks 8823, Schurrtop J827, Raile Sovereign Y064, AI Sire LT Ledger 0332 3URJHQ\RIWKHVH'RQRUV6HOO 3UR Red Angus Sires: Feddes Sky 862, Raile U116, Schuler 6675, AI Sire CTGrandstatement 1025 With over 40 years of performance and carcass testing and 14 years ultrasound data, you can buy with confidence. Bulls are the “rancher kind” that sire cattle that Grow, Grade and Yield! Thick, deep bodied, high volume, February-March Yearlings. A Time Tim Ti ime me Tested Test Tes Te ested ste ted edd Program Prog Pro Pr oggra ogr gram am forr the for fo thhe he Last Last Las La ast 41 Years! Year Yea Ye ars! ars rs! s!! 100% RA 3HOWRQV0LVV)OR5 $ERYH%H\RQG'DXJKWHU Ultrasound data available on all bulls. RAILE CHAROLAIS/RED ANGUS A095 A095 SIRE Feddes Sky 862 X Raile Braska 6675 V005 89 759/113 1316/105 -0.08 70 104 23 0.37 0.44 A014 A014 SIRE Schurtop J827 X RC Alta 0767 0634 91 647/99 1249/100 -1.7 24 45 11 0.11 0.18 1965 Rd. 7, St. Francis, KS 67756 Cliff & Judy(785) 332-2794 Cliff’s Cell (785) 332-6084 Mindy Kimble 970 630-7016 email: [email protected] www.railebeef.com Sale Consultant: Kristian Rennert 308-440-9463 Live Sale Broadcast on DVAuction.com [email protected] www.railebeef.com Red Red AngXV6LP$QJXV6LPPHQWDO An Ang A ng gX XVV 6LP$ LP$Q LP LLP$QJX P$ $QJX QJXV QJX J VV 6L JX 6LPPHQ 6LPP H WDO HQW WDO /\QQ3HOWRQ%XUGHWW.DQVDV ZZZSHOWRQVLPDQJXVFRP 100% RA 3HOWRQV0LVV-D\OD6 16)'LUHFW7LFNHW'DXJKWHU
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