Developing Variety Rankings for Frost Tolerance in Wheat and Barley Paul Eckermann1, Timothy March1, Michael Laws1, Ben Biddulph2 and Jason Eglinton1 1 School of Agriculture, Food and Wine, University of Adelaide 2 Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia Overview Statistical Models Damage due to frost is a significant issue for wheat and barley growers in Australia and a large amount of money has been invested in characterising the level of frost tolerance of particular varieties. This is a challenging problem due to issues such as low heritability, difficulty in determining an appropriate phenotype to measure, maturity differences between varieties at the time of a frost, and the unpredictability of when a frost event will occur and its severity. Previous studies have involved relatively small trials and many results have been inconclusive. The Australian National Frost Program (ANFP) was funded by the Grains Research and Development Corporation to develop a ranking system for frost tolerance for a larger number of wheat and barley genotypes in three states across Australia. Here we describe the analysis of wheat trials from this program in 2012 and 2013 and provide a ranking system for frost tolerance for the genotypes included. A similar system has been developed for barley and further trials grown in 2014 will be used to update the results. Experiments The trait analysed as the response variable is the percentage of the total grains that were sterile, known as frost induced sterility (FIS), with the observational unit being the tillers within each plot. This was transformed onto the logit scale using an empirical logistic transformation: f /100 + 1/2n z = ln (1) 1 − f /100 + 1/2n where z is the transformed FIS, f is the untransformed FIS and n is the total number of grains for each tiller. This converts the data from an [0, 100] scale to an unbounded scale with the transformed data more closely approximating a normal distribution. Quantile residual plots were used to check normality assumptions for each frost event. The design of each trial is known as a longitudinal TOS block design. A model is then formulated that respects both the randomisation process required for the design and the longitudinal aspect of the data arising from the multiple frosts measurements per site. The randomised factor is Genotype, and the unrandomised factors are Site, Event, TOS, Rep, Row, Column, Plot and Tiller, with genotypes being randomised to plots. Genotype is fitted as a random effect as the genotypes can be seen as a random selection of genotypes from a larger population of genotypes relevant for breeding in Australia. Events are numbered 1 to n with n being the total number of events recorded across all sites. Therefore Site does not need to be fitted explicitly and the final model formulae are given by: fixed = ∼ Event, random = ∼ Genotype:Event + Site:TOS + Event:TOS + Site:Rep + Event:Rep + Site:Row + Event:Row + Site:Column + Event:Column +Site:Plot + Event:Plot, rcov = ∼ Event:units To allow for genetic correlations between events, the model was extended to a factor analytic model (Smith et al. 2001), with the event factor being equivalent to the site factor used in standard plant breeding applications of factor analytic models. All models were fitted using the R (R Core Team, 2014) package ASReml-R (Butler et al. 2009). Results A factor analytic model was fitted with five factors which explained 97.5% of the genetic variation in the data. The model gave estimates of the genetic correlation between each pair of sites which are visualised in the heatmap below. The events are ordered by state and year, with red squares indicating strong positive correlations, and blue squares indicating negative correlations. The overall pattern shows relatively high correlations between the SA and WA events in both 2012 and 2013, with little correlation between these states and NSW. However there are some strong correlations between events within NSW. A summary of the trial sites used, and the configuration of each trial is given below. Trials at Loxton in 2010 and 2011 were not part of the ANFP but are included because they had many genotypes in common with the ANFP trials. At each trial, between 6 and 11 times of sowing (TOS) were planted as separate blocks in the field to maximise the chance that any given genotype is at the right developmental stage when a frost event occurs. Each TOS block included two replicate blocks of each genotype, arranged in a grid of rows and columns. The full set of 65 genotypes were sown in SA, with a subset of lines used in the other states. State NSW NSW SA SA SA SA WA WA Location Narrabri Narrabri Loxton Loxton Loxton Loxton Merredin Wickepin Year TOS Rows Columns Genotypes Frost Events Ave Genos Tagged 2012 7 12 5 30 9 19.6 2013 7 8 8 32 5 25.0 2010 6 14 5 35 2 26.0 2011 6 18 4 36 2 29.5 2012 11 10 13 65 5 52.0 2013 10 10 13 65 6 46.2 2012 7 24 4 48 3 34.3 2013 6 9 12 54 10 37.3 Sterility Measurements Rankings Ranking the genotypes across multiple events is a challenge due to the incomplete nature of the data as only a subset of genotypes are tagged at any frost event. Firstly a baseline genotype is used to which all other genotypes are compared. In wheat this genotype is Wyalkatchem, as it is a well known variety that has consistently high levels of sterility over many years of testing. The standard error of difference (SED) is calculated for each genotype compared to Wyalkatchem for each event. From this, a z-score is calculated which is the test statistic for the null hypothesis: The aim of these trials is to evaluate the reproductive frost tolerance of genotypes by measuring the sterility of grains. Heads of grain were tagged in the field according to a protocol described below, and later harvested, with the number of sterile grains counted along with the total number of grains for each head. The three methods in which plots were tagged were: • After a frost occurs, plots with plants that are flowering are identified, and a selection of heads at this developmental stage are tagged. This is believed to be the stage where heads are most susceptible to frost damage. • To investigate the effects of developmental stages, some plots at an earlier stage were tagged at the time of a frost - at booting in SA and NSW, and at ear peep in WA. • At some trials, a random sample of heads were tagged from all plots in a subset of time of sowing blocks. This was due to either a lack of tagging opportunities from actual frost events, or when frost damage is only noticed in hindsight after the opportunity to tag at flowering has passed. H0: The true FIS of genotype i at event j is higher or equal to the FIS of Wyalkatchem at event j. The table below is an excerpt from the full table showing the average z-scores for genotypes overall and by state. A simple colour coding of ratings is proposed which is presented in the table on a state by state basis with the following three colours used: • Yellow Rating > 6 : Very strong evidence this genotype has lower FIS than Wyalkatchem in this state • Orange Rating > 3 : Strong evidence this genotype has lower FIS than Wyalkatchem in this state • Red Rating < 3 : No strong evidence this genotype has lower FIS than Wyalkatchem in this state Genotype Genotype Genotype Genotype Genotype 1 2 3 4 5 .. Wyalkatchem Some plots in a trial were tagged more than once, although the same head was never tagged more than once. The figure below plots average sterility against minimum temperature for each tagging event, coded by state and tagging stage. Overall there appears to be a relationship between temperature and sterility but the relationship is confounded by state effects. NSW events were colder with higher sterility, WA events were warmer with lower sterility and SA events in between. Overall Overall SA SA WA WA NSW NSW Rating Events Rating Events Rating Events Rating Events 6.43 23 7.13 8 9.73 9 2.18 6 5.50 16 6.44 7 8.17 9 0 5.20 26 6.32 8 8.45 10 0.65 8 4.96 26 5.40 9 7.67 9 1.60 8 4.88 26 3.47 10 7.67 8 3.12 8 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 27 0.00 9 0.00 9 0.00 9 75 Conclusion State NSW Mean FIS SA WA 50 Stage Boot This project is an important first step in providing frost tolerance rankings to growers. Consistent results have been obtained for many genotypes across multiple frost events, particularly in SA and WA. More research is needed to test if these results are reproducible over a wider range of sites, and to quantify the relationship between sterility and yield loss. Another aspect of further investigation is the impact of tagging stages. Ear Peep Flowering 25 Random References: Butler, D., Cullis, B., Gilmour, A., Gogel, B. (2009). ASReml-R Reference Manual, release 3. R Core Team (2014). R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing. Smith, A., Cullis, B., Thompson, R. (2001). Analyzing variety by environment data using multiplicative mixed models and adjustments for spatial field trend. Biometrics 57, 1138-1147. 0 −5.0 −2.5 0.0 Minimum Temperature 2.5 Contact details: [email protected] LATEX Tik Zposter
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