Mechanisms of Multiphoton Photoemission from Metal Surfaces

Mechanisms of Multiphoton Photoemission
from Metal Surfaces
Xuefeng Cui, Cong Wang, Adam Argondizzo, and Hrvoje Petek
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh PA 15260 USA
[email protected]
Abstract Multiphoton photoemission (MPP) from metal surfaces with energy,
momentum, time, and resolution enables probing the electronic structure, optical
response, and electron dynamics at metal surfaces. We discuss recent progress in
understanding of the MPP excitation process for Ag(111) and Cu(111) surfaces
using tunable femtosecond laser excitation and photoelectron E(k) imaging.
Interferometric time-resolved two-photon photoemission (ITR-2PP) has proven
capable of measuring quasiparticle correlations in noble metals.1 For instance, the
dephasing of Shockley surface state and top of the d-band holes in copper has
been studied in a nonresonant 2PP process with 3.1 eV, 10 fs excitation.2,3 Modeling of the coherent 2PP process by optical Bloch equations proved inadequate to
reproduce experimental data, suggesting that the coherent polarization dynamics
in a metal are more complex than could be reproduced by a simple excitation
scheme treating the optically coupled levels at the momentum of observation. We
reexamine MPP processes from Shockley surface (SS) states of Ag(111) and
Cu(111) surfaces with a broadly tunable <15 fsexcitation NOPA source for various resonance conditions using 3D (energy, momentum, and time resolved) MPP.
Results and Discussion
Three and four photon photoemission processes are excited with a 1-2 MHz repetition rate fiber-pumped NOPA system (Clark MXR). Photoemitted electrons are
detected with an energy and momentum imaging photoelectron spectrometer
(SPECS). The degenerate interferometric pump-probe measurements are taken by
splitting the excitation pulses into two replicas in a Mach-Zehnder interferometer;
acquiring photoelectron images in ~100 as delay intervals obtains movies of the
coherent polarization dynamics excited in the single crystal metal samples.
Ó Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
J.-Y. Bigot et al. (eds), Ultrafast Magnetism I, Springer Proceedings in Physics 159
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-07743-7_86
Mechanisms of Multiphoton Photoemission from Metal Surfaces
Figure 1 shows the MPP spectra of Ag(111) surface excited with and 1.81 and
2.20 photon excitation showing dispersive bands due to the initial SS and intermediate image potential (IP) states at -0.063 and 3.79 eV relative to the Fermi level
(EF). The range of SS is limited to |k|||=0.07 Å-1by its intersection with EF. The
band dispersions are consistent with the known band structure of Ag(111). Tuning
the laser into two-photon resonance between the SS and IP state causes dramatic
changes in the MPP spectra, which can be interpreted through strong surface electron-hole correlation. 3D photoelectron measurements show evidence for this correlation in the time domain. In short, the MPP process is found to be driven by the
local field of the correlated state.
Fig. 1.E(k) images of MPP from Ag(111) surface excited with 1.81 and 2.20 eV light.
Similar experiments have suggested that the intermediate “virtual” state in
nonresonant 2PP from SS of Cu(111) surface has a finite “lifetime”, which is inconsistent with its detuning from real states.2 Measurements over a broad excitation photon energy range suggest that the apparent slow dephasing of the linear
polarization is associated with the coherent polarization induced in the sample at
E(k) regions that are distant from that of the observation. Apparently, the coherent
polarization dynamics detected at the SS feature reflect the optical response of
bulk Cu, and coupling between the surface and bulk polarizations.
The detailed 3D measurements on Ag and Cu provide unprecedented view into
optically induced correlation in noble metals, which is hidden in the linear optical
response. The lessons learned from noble metals are applicable to more complicated materials where novel properties emerge from quasiparticle correlations.
Acknowledgments This research was supported by Division of Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and biosciences, office of Basic Energy Science of the U.S. Department of Energy through
grant DE-FG02-09ER16056.
X. Cui et al.
[1] H. Petek, S. Ogawa,“Femtosecond Time-Resolved Two-Photon Photoemission Studies of
Electron Dynamics in Metals”Prog. Surf. Sci. 56, 239-310 (1997).
[2] S. Ogawa, H. Nagano, H. Petek, A. P. Heberle, “Optical Dephasing in Cu(111) Measured by
Interferometric Two-photon Time-resolved Photoemission”Phys. Rev. Lett.78, 1339-1342
[3] H. Petek, H. Nagano, S. Ogawa, “Hole Decoherence of d-Bands in Copper”Phys. Rev.
Lett.83, 832-835 (1999).