&dard dUoratd doa3, : @0,38/81/e ax(2)/2012-13. I 6ezo Odreddddd d$eo -og| 9f,eo .aena5 ssorld,rodr-560 001 6oaod: 10-03-2014 rbdE,3 ado$ : AICTE, New Delhi ddo$d * & UKERI, UK .add idoioeildooori Education Leadership Development programme -rl udr nQ$d ,d. eru$eeD : AICTE, New Delhi .add d$d UKERI-ELDP 12013, 24d' io: F.No :8-5/DD Admn. February, 201 4. (((0))) ioDoe&dod AICTE, New Delhi & UKIERI, UK .add idCoerldooori ddoJDd - Education Leadership Development Programme *ri d:eo_,od ado$d-. d6 doao6adod aoo$r3id>d$ ryorldbio qa|fDd aoogd g*r eeDs3o$ droro/erd)oa0d mOtit*Od9$ rooJrr Odrbxb8dd lDdDdJ 40 ood 50 ddrdo$nd agzooJrrd:/boo$ wdanidcbrlgod erdrdsrab* uagDdennd. ddo rood:r3idcd expression of interest fot- $, www.ukieri.org d?tr i-rttr Ood ddd:, eJSr droGd ddlodil9$, [email protected], dceef ailoe.:d dQds: doz^lienAd. dr aoo$r3id:d$4 AICTE, New Delhi & UKIERI, UK "addr 'asot3oJnA uoSoedi:Sd1, NITTT& Chennai d:dl NITTTR, Chandigarh deogfil$S Dgef 2014 ood doatrr 20l5drDdri aooJrorrrodrl$$4 ooe? dodrl9$ dddsorb8d. dr aoo3rr3id:dco$g a.d1 United Kingdom dedE* q3e0^: Oed:d erdfodo.bgd. ddo aooJrr3idrd expression of interest form d>* Oanod: I7-03-2014d.radri [email protected], ri dreef aboed n$no: ioaSiennd. J4.,*, .adori: -l xiffr"*'ry 1. ae4 iroro/e, $croO d aoe)tiE*r a3zaoJ:r6/bo o$ wdoardddci'leri drobgrpR dcd)J aiooOd 3ia$ro*n. 2. "a-erd9d, aoo$d 9$eo 0derdooe.:oJr, a3origtocb, "add duoOd 3idro*n. f.ii,,i;,:'i,ir,j :illi, +rrfrq c-qr-ffi frrm qRqE sTMdil ALL IIVDIA COUNCIL FOR TECHIVICAL EDUCATIOIV (qmo wron 6r qfi vrifrhfi ft-flq) (A StsrUTonY BoDv 0FTHE GoVT 0F s F. No u, :l,i gtR'ut ff. sTr{tro 24tr Febnrary,2OL4 r c) /r,,Y Programme - &rpression of Interest' Dear Sir, :l.ll jrli, , ,, ,,, : , ' i , : i.r,,,,, :: ;$,;,,: i: , .i ' , : : ffiil;ff ; #;Hi -l ' ,,., :ii ':' -,.,.,.,,.',,, :' ii" ' ,, faculty from AICTE The programme is open to all the Principals and'senior likely to take are who Govt. and Govt. aided Inltitutes ;;il;;A -.:-,^ listing of listing short short final final The in the fhe institutions. institrrtions. The a . , ""'io,t" I am attaching herewith the details of the programme' The entire cost of tlle programme will be borne by AICTE/UKIERI' t:.ii ,: :,::. ,: ,.. , i' ,' Development One of the strandS Of the MoU is to CondUCt a kaderShipi" th. country institutionJ *chnical r;;i;!r;;; r:..1 , '1 [''. l- 'LIrLr ,-,'. ,,,l,it*; #'r !ri'' ii:: ': :' educational links between India and Llrll and to LU enhan-ce : :1, .: AlcTEhassignedanMoUwithUKlERltohavejointoperationoftheactivities UK' ,' iri;'' :r.';,,,ii;;;.,:' ,',,'ri ll r, , , iii. ':,' ii:,:' ^r\s Sub: Frrrther Educatlon Leadership Development , 'r : ' ,', " {**WAdiln-lOxnru-ELDP/ 2tl 13 lsaac Dr P, lsaae Dr. Krrneheria Kuncheria P wEs nfuq ffiffiTPsaac rir.. z8-5 t --^lL -^oi+inac :pailt"""t#""I" -i:"frF"-i' . ;;il i"" I ""u-i,t d by the faculry and norms decided by AICTE/UKIEzu' : I , i ffiry another al @,-.1,.J . aa.1 ' \ 6 ,..1b\ .,1 _. faculty which may Nominations/applications are invited from the eligible please be sent to aicteflprograrrl@email'com by email' faculty to rin$;1s:^,:l:" T:Ti:t""-:: I request you to please 'encourage. uira vo.'1.?,pgrov-al. rhe selected candidates il;;;;"',;;s,;i"s"liJ;pqbli.qlty i1,fiU" informed direc1iy'under intimation to DTE. qsw"-N/ir*" FEtffiDtL,- ;.;;- ;' !8"* Yours faithfullY aslPrllplrt- Dr Rajnecsh Goel,IAS RselftlGd OO u-t--t'ovtq-*t** Principal SecretarY, Higher Education, Govt. ol Karnataka, Multistoried Building. Dr. BR Ambedkar Veedhi, :1..' Bangalore- 560001 qqq, qqqq, T{ ffir-11ooo1 "-q-d6 7* Floor, Chanderlok Building, Janpath, New Delhi-110 001 7d a-a, Ph. : +91-1 1-23724191 Fax : 23724193 E-mail : kpisaac @ yahoo.com' Website : wwwaicte'india.org m: dzs0$ rtoect derdd {cr-od mrrr-r S{ro qer,rJd (c$dae KIERI 9DHW s{E UK{ndia Education and Research lnitiative ANNEXURE-A Further Education Leadership Development programme "The Principal's job is no longer command and control but to cultivate and coordinare the actions of others at all levels inthe organisation,, - D Ancona et al, Harvard Business Review. *.?" 9{ trainers rrom Dudrey conege who ff"T":lm",.T:t*,j:ll':::1,.0T 15,n'rof :kil]* a strong internationar track record deliveri ivering high quality have education, trainiig and consultancy provision. Dudley college will work in partnership. with uKl-q$l,.q4d AIcrE, whose aim is to bring forth unique initiative that strengthJns the bilaterat ,.fpi1,6ffiidT6G.r-ffi.ilO the UK and setsa an example of best practice in international cpFi i,uiio;.of an initiative working towards developing programmes tua*i;#5'et the priorities',,,and nr"d, of both India and the uK and bring about u tyr?"*i. change in'the #:f'rnoh and the uK. titl$'*rj*-tri* course "ir""iiJJ;;rT ' Aims ,' '. t;tt"ctive 'nb# ".,, ' ,,, The course will prepare delegates 1o become educational leaders, by providing them with effective peoole n?n?g"-"rt-,,"tills, enabiing trr.- to introduce improved qualitv assurance proc€sl= m,o*i"r.oliGh *"d;;;;'ir,-rh"imprementation of change management projects within-tr,9ii.*giitutftd;".*#*tu equip delegates with the necessary skillslo become skilled,,*iJ;itr",ed--i."J"ir"in turther instifutions Benefits to your , Institution ,a education 't,,,,,, . Better cld[ed and motivsted leaders. ',tri,,,,,,.. Leaders with befier manqgement skills. effective people.manigement *d working. Yd* Improved staff morale. Improvod quality assurnne and development systems. t""- - Change rnanagement .p$ects in institutions. Improved in$fitutional peli'ormance. Better linkages with emplryrs and the skils agenda. overview ' l', l An overview of the topics covered includes: A high level review of concepts of readership and management. Leadership styles and approaches. Evaluating academic performance. Performance management - people and institutions. Approaches to quatity assu"ancl and deparftnental and institutional development. Leading change and communicating effectively. Curriculum planning and development. i Working with employers. Eligibitity Nominee should preferably between 49gJ0 year of age with at least 15 yrs. of experience of teaching/ academic administration in AIcrE approved iZ.r,"i"ut Institutions'. The nominee must have a proven flair towards adminishation and must beon a permanent position.
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