THURSDAY 3 JULY 2014 SEE INSIDE FOR OUR SCHOOL HOLIDAY FEATURE FREE TICKET GIVEAWAYS! Draw every Monday night 7-8pm July 4,5,10, 11 & 12 Concession $27* Adult $32* Visit club or website for further details! Major Draw: Wednesday 23rd July 6-9pm *Advertised ticket price includes $2 booking fee *Advertised ticket price includes $2 booking fee HORNSBY RSL CLUB H 4 High St, Hornsby ph: 9477 7777 2 THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY MOONEY MOONEY CLUB is a Winner AT CLUBS & COMMUNITY AWARDS 7KH0RRQH\0RRQH\&OXEKDV EHHQSUHVHQWHGZLWKD+LJKO\ &RPPHQGHG$ZDUGIRUWKHLU commitment to caring for the ORFDOHQYLURQPHQWDQGSURPRWLQJ VXVWDLQDELOLW\As part of this commitment, the club installed ¿YHUDLQZDWHUWDQNVVRODUSDQHO V\VWHPVDQGQRZKDVDSURXG YHJHWDEOHJDUGHQZLWKFKLFNHQV One of the 10,000 litre rain water WDQNVKDVEHHQGHGLFDWHGWR VXSSRUWWKHORFDOFRPPXQLW\,WLV WKHUHIRUWKHFRPPXQLW\LQWLPHVRI ZDWHUVKRUWDJHVDQGFDQDOVREH XWLOLVHGE\WKH5XUDO)LUH%ULJDGHLQ WKHHYHQWRIDEXVK¿UH The chickens, or WKHJLUOV as they DUHNQRZQWRWKHZKROHFRPPXQLW\ KDYHDOVRSURYHQWREHVRSRSXODU ZLWKWKHORFDOFRPPXQLW\WKHFOXE GHFLGHGWRLQFRUSRUDWHDYHJHWDEOH JDUGHQWKDWHYHU\RQHHVSHFLDOO\ OLWWOHFKLOGUHQFRXOGHQMR\ 7KHYHJHWDEOHVDQGKHUEVDUH HYHQXVHGLQWKH&KHI¶VVSHFLDOV DQGDOORZWKHFOXEWRSURYLGH IUHVKRUJDQLFIRRGWR WKHLUPHPEHUV &OXEV16:&(2Anthony Ball VDLG³7KH0RRQH\0RRQH\&OXE¶V GHGLFDWLRQWRWKHHQYLURQPHQWDQG VXVWDLQDELOLW\KDVQRWRQO\EHQH¿WHG WKHFOXEEXWYLVLWRUVDQGWKHORFDO FRPPXQLW\DVDZKROH´ ILLEGAL DUMPING & NON COMPLIANCE EARN $7,000 IN FINES A tree lopping company working in %HURZUD+HLJKWVKDVEHHQ¿QHG $7,000 for not complying with the FRQGLWLRQVRIGHYHORSPHQWFRQVHQW DQGIRULOOHJDOGXPSLQJ ³7KLVLVDPDWWHUWKDW&RXQFLOWDNHV YHU\VHULRXVO\´+RUQVE\0D\RU 6WHYH5XVVHOOVDLG ³&RQGLWLRQVDUHSODFHGRQ GHYHORSPHQWFRQVHQWIRUDYHU\ The Judges this year included; community stalwart Paula Duncan, former Minister for Gaming and Racing Kevin Greene, the Chairperson of the Centre for Volunteering Valerie Hoogstad and former ClubsNSW Deputy CEO Wayne Krelle. Photos: Top - Chef tends to ‘the girls’ who provide free range eggs. Above right - A view of the veggie garden from the Mooney Club balcony. Right - Chef loves to use the veggies and herbs fresh from their own garden. JRRGUHDVRQWROLPLWWKHLPSDFW RQVXUURXQGLQJQHLJKERXUVDQG &RXQFLOZLOOXVHDOOLWVSRZHUV WRHQVXUHWKH\DUHDGKHUHGWR´ VDLG0D\RU5XVVHOO³7KHLOOHJDO GXPSLQJRQO\PDNHVLWPRUHFOHDU WKLVFRPSDQ\GRHVQRWUHVSHFWWKH QHLJKERXUKRRGWKH\DUHZRUNLQJLQ´ On two separate occasions the FRPSDQ\ZDVFDXJKWZRUNLQJ RXWVLGHWKHKRXUVSHUPLWWHGE\ WKHLUGHYHORSPHQWFRQVHQWZKLFK DUHEHWZHHQDPDQGSPIURP 0RQGD\WR6DWXUGD\ “On one of those occasions they ZRUNHGDOOGD\6XQGD\XVLQJ Berowra Outdoor Centre Steel Fencing & Framing Services Berowra Landscaping Supplies JULY20% POT SALE Trade Tools, Retaining Walls, Decorative Pebbles, Stylish Pavers, Treated Pine. Citrus, Pots, Soils, Sand, Mulches. Fencing: supplied or installed. Deliver or Pick Up Premium Bagged or Bulk Firewood 1007-1013 Pacific Highway Berowra FKDLQVDZVDQGZRRGFKLSSHUVWR GLVWXUEWKHSHDFHIXOZHHNHQGWKHLU QHLJKERXUVZHUHWU\LQJWRHQMR\´ 0D\RU5XVVHOOVDLG 7KHFRPSDQ\ZDV¿QHGIRU HDFKLQFLGHQW $IXUWKHU¿QHRIZDVLVVXHG ZKHQWKHFRPSDQ\LOOHJDOO\GXPSHGD ORDGRIZRRGFKLSVRQ&RXQFLOODQGQH[W WR%HURZUD6NDWHSDUNSKRWRULJKW ³&RXQFLOZHOFRPHVGHYHORSPHQWLQ WKH6KLUHEXWWKHFRPSDQLHVWKDW FDUU\RXWZRUNKHUHKDYHWRUHVSHFW WKHUXOHVWKDWLQSODFHWRSURWHFWWKH FRPPXQLW\´0D\RU5XVVHOOVDLG “If they don’t, they will pay the price.” Assured Conveyancing Nikki Summerhayes Licensed Conveyancer Ph: (02) 9456-0390 or 0414 847 886 7am-7pm 7 DAYS A WEEK /LFHQFH1R %X\LQJRU6HOOLQJ )ODWFRQYH\DQFLQJIHH 0RELOH6HUYLFH ZHFRPHWR\RX )DVWDQGHIILFLHQW &DOO1LNNLDWDQ\WLPHWRGLVFXVV \RXUVDOHRUSXUFKDVH 9456 4444 Thursday 3 July 2014 3 WILL YOU BE READY FOR THE COMING BUSH FIRE SEASON? The 2013-14 Bush Fire Season was one of the most dangerous and DFWLYH¿UHVHDVRQVLQHDVWHUQ1HZ:DOHVLQRYHUDGHFDGH %HURZUDKDVQRWVHHQODUJHEXVKÀUHVLQWKHLPPHGLDWHDUHD since December 2002. :LWKWKHDEVHQFHRIEXVK¿UHDFWLYLW\WKHUHKDVEHHQDVLJQL¿FDQWEXLOGXS of dead and living vegetation (fuel loads) over this time. It is a fact that EXVK¿UHDFWLYLW\FRPELQHGZLWKKLJKIXHOORDGVOHDGVWRPRUHLQWHQVHDQG XQFRQWUROODEOHEXVK¿UHV The Bush Fire season for New South Wales starts on 1 October and concludes on 31 March. For Berowra and surrounding areas, the high EXVK¿UHULVNSHULRGLVIURPODWH6HSWHPEHUWR-DQXDU\ Unfortunately our picturesque ridge tops, and surrounding bush land FUHDWHWKHSHUIHFWPL[WRSRWHQWLDOO\GHOLYHUDVLJQL¿FDQWEXVK¿UH With steady population growth, many Berowra residents have not H[SHULHQFHGDORFDOEXVK¿UHHYHQWRWKHUWKDQWKHVPHOORIVPRNHIURP GLVWDQW¿UHVRUKD]DUGUHGXFWLRQV 2YHUWKHFRPLQJZHHNV%HURZUD5XUDO)LUH%ULJDGHZLOOEH KROGLQJDVHULHVRIVWUHHWPHHWLQJV, to help provide information to residents and also assist in building comradery amongst neighbours. Community Engagement and Property Preparation is one of the strongest tools we have to prevent the loss of property and life. The best way for you to be prepared is by having a Bush Fire Survival Plan. WILL YOU BE READY FOR THE COMING BUSH FIRE SEASON? Keep in touch with Berowra Rural Fire Brigade via their Facebook page James Baird, Deputy Captain Berowra Rural Fire Brigade An Evening of Magic, Murder, Mixups and Mayhem A love of theatre and a desire to keep on performing even after their school days at Barker College have ended, has resulted in the establishment of the Old Barker Association Theatre (OBAT). Former students, Amie Mcnee (2010) and Cassie Jones (2010) have been working tirelessly for the past nine months, along with numerous other Barker Alumni from 2006 – 2013, to create OBAT. Their combined efforts as directors, cast and crew, set, lighting, costume, graphic GHVLJQHUVFRPSRVHUVDQGPXVLFLDQVKDVFXOPLQDWHGLQWKHLU¿UVWHYHU production, ‘The Floor of Heaven’. ‘The Floor of Heaven’ is a suite of Shakespeare’s best, with fantastic snippets from ‘Comedy of Errors’, ‘Merchant of Venice’, ‘Twelfth Night’, ‘Taming of the Shrew’ and ‘Othello’. On July 9, 11 and 12 in the Barker Rhodes Theatre, audiences are guaranteed a night of magic, murder, mixups and mayhem by this very talented group of former Barker students. Tickets are now on sale at Photo above: Cassandra Jones (left) and Amie McNee - have created the Old Barker Association Theatre Company. See our advert page 4. Berowra Author Louise Roberts… «KDVUHOHDVHGKHUUGKLVWRULFDOQRYHO (PEUDFH$PLGVW2UDQJH%ORVVRPVDVDQ e-book. It is available on Amazon and on the publisher’s own website www.secretcravingspublishing. com from 26th June 2014. After a gruelling war, Don Iago Borja sails for home. On board is the beautiful Elena. Will their newly created friendship lead to blissful romance? Follow Louise on Facebook and Twitter and also on her blog at: The Old Barker Theatre Presents An Anglican School Floor THE OF Heaven By William Shakespeare Compiled by Damien Ryan 9 ,11, 12 July Rhodes Theatre, Barker College, in the Kurrajong Building. Entry via The Avenue $15 Adults $10 Students/Seniors 4 THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY BUSH TELE ABROAD Bush Tele Reader, Michele Bailey writes: “This photo was taken on April 12 in the Simien Mountains in northern Ethiopia.” Come to the Wahroonga Antiques & Vintage Fair! The 18th annual Wahroonga Antiques & Vintage Fair will take place on Saturday 12th July (10 am to 5 pm) and Sunday 13th July (10 am to 4 pm) at St John’s Uniting Church, Wahroonga (cnr Coonanbarra Rd and Stuart Street). The Wahroonga Fair is one of Sydney’s premiere antiques events and the major Vintage & Craft Fair of the Upper North Shore. “In the photo are my husband, Ross Hummelstad (centre) of Mt Colah and our guide Melese and scout Melese (yes, same name!).” We thought this was a good location to show off our Bush Tele. Our friends in the photo thought it was really funny - they hadn’t seen this done before!” “It was a hazy day in the mountains and the photo was not as spectacular as I had hoped.” I think that your ‘armed guard’ (left of photo) makes your photo quite ‘spectacular’, Michelle! Ed Do You Have a Bush Tele Abroad for publication? Email details to: [email protected] Immerse yourself in the artefacts and atmosphere of yesteryear – decorators, homemakers and collectors alike. Browse tKURXJK¿QHIXUQLWXUHMHZHOOHU\REMHWVG¶DUWGHFRUDWLYHSHULRG pieces, modern art, vintage fashion and accessories. Finish with a light lunch or Devonshire tea at The Gallery Tea Rooms. Entry is only $5 (proceeds towards building and community projects of St John’s Uniting Church.) Come to the Champagne Preview! And this year we have a Champagne Preview and Opening Night on Friday 11th July 6-9 pm! Tickets $10 - everyone welcome! %RRNWLFNHWVDQG¿QGRXWPRUHZZZZDKURRQJDDQWLTXHVRUJDX VISITORS GUIDE ... Coming Soon! It’s Our 7th Edition! The Bush Tele Team has just completed the 7th Edition of the HORNSBY SHIRE VISITORS GUIDE and sent it off to the printer. Within the next week, the Visitors Guide will be available ONLINE and over 20,000 copies will be distributed both locally and throughout New South Wales. READ The Bush Tele Weekly and LIKE our www.facebook. com/BushTelegraphWeekly and HornsbyShireVisitorsGuide pages for updates. We’re hosting a Cocktail Evening for Starlight Children’s Foundation. Friday 25 July at 7:30pm-10:30pm Wellspring Espresso Berowra (Dress: Cocktail) /ŶƚĞƌŶĂƟŽŶĂů^ƉĞĂŬĞƌ ŽŶDĐWŚĂƵůůWƌĞƐĞŶƚƐ Limited tickets available. $55 per head. Includes canapes, desserts, champagne, wine, beer & softdrinks. Visit Berowra & District Community Bank® Branch OR Wellspring Espresso Berowra to purchase tickets or to find out more. Sat 12th Sun 13th 11:00am 6:00pm Mon 14th Wed 16th 7:30pm 7:30pm Fri 18th Sat 19th 7:30pm 11:00am Dƚ͘ŽůĂŚ^ĞǀĞŶƚŚͲĂLJĚǀĞŶƟƐƚŚƵƌĐŚ Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited, ABN 11 068 049 178 AFSL 237879. For further event details and Terms and Conditions (if applicable), please visit the branch. S48707-1 (217589_v4) (25/06/2014) ŶƌĞůŵŽŶƚWĂƌĂĚĞΘŽǁĂŶZŽĂĚ͕DƚŽůĂŚE^tϮϬϳϵ &ŽƌĨƵƌƚŚĞƌŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶĐŽŶƚĂĐƚ͗WĂƐƚŽƌŽď^ĂƵŶĚĞƌƐDŽďŝůĞ͗ϬϰϬϲϵϵϲϮϲϰ Thursday 3 July 2014 5 Study reveals TOP REASONS children don’t pursue TERTIARY EDUCATION The cost of education and a lack of interest in post-secondary education are the top reasons parents think students don’t go on to further study, research reveals. Following cuts to the tertiary sector and reduced funding for schools in the budget, the survey by the Australian Scholarships Group (ASG) highlights potential barriers to a quality education for children in Australia. ASG’s study found that that 47 per cent of parents thought the high cost of education deterred children from continuing tertiary study. ASG Chief Executive John Velegrinis said, “Parents have told us that the costs involved in undertaking post-secondary education is a key reason they think students don’t continue study.” “This is a real concern,” said Mr Velegrinis. The issue of equitable access to education is also noted by Allen Blewitt, Chairman of the National Excellence in Teaching Awards. Mr Blewitt says that the current uncertainties around the costs of higher education will add to parental and student deterrents for undertaking higher education, especially in families where incomes are modest. “Parents in regional Australia are very concerned given that they have to factor in the costs of city accommodation as well as increased university fees,” said Mr Blewitt. The survey also showed that 54 per cent of parents thought a lack of interest in postsecondary study was the main reason children didn’t continue higher education. “This lack of interest in pursuing higher education isn’t a sudden thing. Rather it is a gradual process of disengagement, which sometimes results in school dropouts. We need to invest in education and provide solutions that will help young Australians stay in school,” added Mr Blewitt. ASG’s study also found that other reasons parents thought children didn’t continue with higher education was post-secondary education was not essential to the student’s chosen career (35 per cent), a lack of ability (31 per cent), and an eagerness to begin paid employment (24 per cent). Many parents didn’t think peer pressure, a lack of opportunity, or location, were strong drivers in children not pursuing post-secondary education. The survey, of more than 1800 Australian parents from across the country, was conducted in March 2014. ²:ecd6_b;YTc³ LOCAL GUIDE VUQdebU `QWU _^SU ]_^dX\i Y^dXU 2ecXDU\U S_^dQSd3XbYcdY^Ud_ R__[i_eb QTc`_d C`_bdc@QbdiDeYdY_^CX_Uc3\_dXY^WDXUbQ`i <UQb^Y^W8UQ\dX>edbYdY_^Q^T]eSX]_bU YOUR COMMUNITY DIARY DATES ARE PROUDLY SPONSORED BY ASQUITH BOWLING & RECREATION CLUB LTD Thursday, 3 July Bush Tele Out Today Hawkesbury River Writers ( au) meet Berowra RSL 7pm. Visitors/new members welcome. Enq: Lynette 94564342 Mt Colah Group Embroiderers’ Guild of meets Asquith Leisure Centre, Lords Ave, 10am to 2pm. Enq. Helen 9987 4438 Friday, 4 July Friday Bingo 10am Berowra Community Health Centre, 123 Berowra Waters Rd. Morning Tea, Lunch, trans. Marie 9456 3344 Berowra Breakfast Group meets informally for breakfast to network, discuss business. Enq Wayne 0411 514 913. Sydney Hills Branch of the Assoc Independent Retirees’ meeting Pennant Hills Bowling Club. 10.30 am. Speaker: from TARS. Local craft guru Val Quarmby shares her knowledge of crochet, knitting & patterns. Hornsby Library 10:30am. Free. Book: Enq 9847 6614 Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Parkinsons Support meeting & AGM Turramurra Uniting Church 10.00am–12md. Special morning tea. All welcome – enq. Diana 9488 7092 North Shore Craft Group Exhib & Sale Thornleigh Community Centre (next to Bunnings) Opening Night Thurs 3/7 6.30-9pm. Fri 4/7 to Sun 6/7 10am to 4-5pm. Enq: 9484 5325 or Saturday, 5 July Bushwalks for Fun & Fitness Saturday Sunrise Bushwalks. 7.30-9.30am. Enq: 0400 873 532 or Beecroft Dance Live Band, Australian Dances old/new called at Beecroft Community Centre 7.30-11.30pm.Wilma 9489 5594 0413 673 339 Berowra Community Markets (small market with a big heart) 4-6 Alan Road, Berowra Hts 8am-1pm. Cards, kids clothes, soy candles, jewellery, regular stalls, Books, Trash Treasure, Plants, Honey, Devonshire Tea & BBQ Lunch. Supporting Mental Health. Enq: Lesley 9456 6312 Monday, 7 July Monday Cards (500) Scrabble & Jigsaw 10.30am-1pm - Berowra Community Health Centre, Morning Tea,Trans. Marie 9456 3344 Dance Workshop all ages. Australian Dances. We teach you! Wilma 9489 5594. Pennant Hills Photographic Club Inc 8pm Uniting Church Hall cnr Boundary Rd & Bellamy St Pennant Hills. Troubled by teenage behaviour? Parents welcome to join ToughLove parent support group, 7.30-9.30pm Thornleigh Community Baptist Church hall. Cost:$6 1/parent, $10 both. Details: 0434 504 369 German Discussion Group U3A A friendly group focused on current affairs, general interest topics. Reasonable command of German required. New members welcome. Enq Barbara 9456 3427. Tuesday, 8 July Hornsby Seniors Tenpin Bowling Group AMF Bowling Centre, George St, Hornsby, 10am. 2 Games, shoe hire, morning tea $14. New members welcome. Enq. Alan Doherty 9456 1259or [email protected] Hornsby Districts Amateur Radio Club Inc informal meeting, Mt Colah Community $!%#(!(("SXbYcdY^U0dXURecXdU\US_]Qe 6 THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY Ph: 9477 1364 Centre, Pierre Cl, 8:00pm. Pennant Hills VIEW Club lunch 11am Pennant Hills Golf Club. Guest speaker: Donna Hendry, 6HQ(GXFDWLRQ2I¿FHUDW0DFXODU'HJHQHUDWLRQ Foundation. All welcome. Book: Ruth 9629 2713 Wednesday, 9 July Hornsby Probus Club meets 10.00am Hornsby Uniting Church Hall, 24 William Street Social club for retired/semi-retired. Speakers, morning tea. All welcome. Enq. Don 9484 5558 Wednesday Lunch Club Home Style 2 course hot meal. 11.30am pianist, at Berowra Community Health Centre, 123 Berowra Waters Rd. Transport prov. Marie: 9456 3344 Helping Hands Craft Group 9.30am – 2.30pm Asquith Leisure Centre, New Members Welcome. $5.00 incl morning tea, bring lunch. Enq. Anita 9456 1259 [email protected] Berowra Over 55 Club Berowra Community Centre 9am-12:30pm. carpet bowls, Bus Outings. Enq. A Foody 9457 0627 Thursday, 10 July BUSH TELE WEEKLY OUT TODAY! Berowra Garden Club 7.30pm rear Community Health Centre 123 Berowra Waters Rd. Guest speaker Jim Carrick ‘the vegetable garden’. All welcome. Enq Pam 9456 2070 Berowra Toastmasters 7.30pm, Berowra Community Centre. Develop your public speaking/leadership skills. Guests always welcome. Enq. Ray 9456 3828 Aglow International Australia Hornsby at Uniting Church Worship/Activities Centre, Southern Auditorium, 24 William St, Hornsby 7pm for 7.30pm. Cost $10, includes Supper NAIDOC Week Celebrations at Hornsby Library 10:30am Children’s Stories, Craft, 11:30am presentation on Aboriginal People in Armed Forces. Morning tea/damper, bush WXFNHUPXI¿QVDP%RRNLQJVHVVHQWLDO or at any Hornsby Library branch. Free. Enq. 9847 6614 ASQUITH BOWLING CLUB Char grill bistro menu Open 7 days for Lunch & Dinner. Lunch 12pm–2pm. Dinner from 5:30pm. 9477 1364 Members Badge Draw Friday & Sunday Members Meat Raffle Friday Members Seafood Raffle Sunday For information of members and their guests smarter shopping wed 02 jul special buys™ on sale Built in games and educational software 1 7" touch screen parental control android 4.4 100's of kids safe apps See for more special buys™ on sale sat 05 jul YEAR WARRANTY $ 99 safe web browsing 99 Includes rubber case Kids 7" Tablet rubber case $ 44 99 ea Kids Down Jacket 3-14 micro SD card not included Grey water and septic safe 1 YEAR Bluetooth WARRANTY $ 89 99 $ Tower Speaker With Bluetooth bluetooth tablet not included Prices you’ll $ 9 99 $ 34 Green Action Laundry Liquid 4.5L $2.22 per litre love talking about 5 99 99 pr Hellema Spekulatius Tin 400G $1.50 per 100g Men’s Or Ladies Hiking Shoes on sale 02 to 08 jul $ 69 $ 99 $ 99 $ 99 per kg 125g 1kg 4kg Australian Pink Lady Apples per kg $2.69 per kg 2 4 2 Australian Blueberries 125g $39.92 per kg red hot SPECIALS $ 99 5 2pk Australian Chicken Breast Filos 2pk 360g Australian Brushed Potatoes 4kg Australian Gourmet Tomatoes 1kg $2.99 per kg on sale 02 to 08 jul serving suggestion 3 $1.00 per kg garnish not included garnish not included $ 1699 per kg Australian Pork Tenderloin Fillet per Spinach & Feta or Creamy Mushroom $16.64 per kg kg $16.99 per kg $ 99 7 2pk Currywurst and Honeywurst Sausages Twin Pack 600g $13.32 per kg for more visit OPENING HOURS: See your local store or for details. Meat and produce prices valid from 02/07/14 - 08/07/14 in the following stores: Arndell Park, Bateau Bay, Bathurst, Baulkham Hills, Belmont, Blacktown, Brookvale, Cardiff, Castle Hill, Cessnock, Chatswood, Cowra, Dee Why, Dural, Eastwood, Emu Plains, Erina, Erskine Park, Forster, Frenchs Forest, Glendale, Gosford, Green Hills, Green Point, Guildford, Hamilton, Hornsby, Katoomba, Kempsey, Kotara, Kurri Kurri, Lithgow, Manly Wharf, Mayfield, McGraths Hill, Meadowbank, Merrylands, Mona Vale, Mount Hutton, Mt Druitt, Mt Kuring-gai, Mudgee, Muswellbrook, Newcastle, North Rocks, North Sydney, Orange, Parkes, Parramatta, Penrith Plaza, Penrith, Point Clare, Port Macquarie, Quakers Hill, Raymond Terrace, Richmond, Rosehill, Rouse Hill, Rutherford, Rydalmere, Salamander Bay, Seven Hills, Singleton, St Marys, Stanhope Gardens, Tamworth, Taree, Top Ryde, Toronto, Toukley, Tuggerah, Umina, Wallsend, Wentworthville, Winston Hills and Wyoming stores. Some items are sold in pre-packed sizes. While stocks last – please note stocks are limited and will vary between stores. Despite our careful planning, we apologise if selected items may sell out on the first day due to unexpected high demand. In the event of unexpected high demand, ALDI Stores reserves the right to limit purchases to reasonable quantities. ALM4424_W27_C Thursday 3 July 2014 7 ESSENTIAL SCHOOL HOLIDAY TRAVEL TIPS FROM MONIKA’S DOGGIE RESCUE 6FKRROKROLGD\VDUHSHUIHFWWLPH IRUIDPLOLHVWRUHOD[DQGJHWDZD\ EXWOHW¶VQRWIRUJHWRXUIRXUOHJJHG IDPLO\PHPEHUV7UDYHOOLQJWKRXJK H[FLWLQJFDQEHVWUHVVIXOIRUDOO RIXVEXWZLWKMXVWDOLWWOHELWRI SUHSDUDWLRQ\RXFDQHQVXUH\RXDUH Pacific Highway reverts to ‘Peats Ferry DOOVHWIRUWKHSHUIHFWPLQLEUHDNZLWK \RXUGRJ Road’ Through Hornsby Westside TIP 1: Introduce the car &DUVFDQEHVFDU\VRDOLWWOH WLPHPDNLQJVXUH\RXUGRJLV In the 1830s George Peat established his ferry crossing at the Hawkesbury FRPIRUWDEOHULGLQJLQRQHJRHVD ORQJZD\6WDUWWDNLQJ\RXUGRJRQ River as a link between Brisbane Waters and Sydney. Peats Ferry Rd led WULSVWRWKHSDUNXVLQJWKHFDURU to the Bridge which was opened in 1945. Hence the name: Peats Ferry HYHQMXVWIRUVKRUWGULYHVDURXQGWKH Road. EORFNWKDWKDYHDUHZDUGDWWKHHQG 7KH3DFL¿F+LJKZD\WKURXJK+RUQVE\:HVWVLGHKDVQRZUHYHUWHGEDFN 'RQ¶WMXVWXVHLWIRUWULSVWRWKHYHW DJDLQWRLWVRULJLQDO3HDWV)HUU\5RDG TIP 2: Safety is key ³7KHURDG¶VQDPHZDVFKDQJHGZKHQLWEHFDPHWKH3DFL¿F+LJKZD\EXW 6HDWEHOWVDUHQRWMXVWIRUKXPDQV VLQFHWKH5RDGVDQG0DULWLPH6HUYLFHKDVPRYHGWKHKLJKZD\WR*HRUJH WKH\DUHDOVRHVVHQWLDOIRUGRJVWR 6WUHHWDQG-HUVH\5RDGLWLVQRZDORFDOURDGDQGFDQKDYHLWVRULJLQDO NHHSWKHPVDIHLQWKHFDU$JDLQ QDPHEDFN´+RUQVE\0D\RU6WHYH5XVVHOOVDLG SUDFWLFHEHIRUHWKHELJWULSLVNH\WR 7KH0D\RUFRQWLQXHG³$ERQXVLVWKDWLWZLOOUHLQIRUFHWKHIDFWWKDWWUDI¿F HQVXUHDVWUHVVIUHHULGH7KHODVW QRWJRLQJWR:HVW+RUQVE\VKRXOGEHXVLQJ*HRUJH6WUHHWZKLFKZLOO WKLQJ\RXZDQWLVDIUD]]OHGVHDW UHGXFHWKHDPRXQWRIWUDI¿FDQGLPSURYHWKHDPELHQFHIRUYLVLWRUVDQG EHOW¿WWLQJWKHPRUQLQJ\RXOHDYH SHGHVWULDQV´ 7KHFKDQJHZLOODIIHFWWKHIRUPHU3DFL¿F+LJKZD\EHWZHHQ*HRUJH6WUHHW TIP 3: Take your time 7RRPXFKWLPHLQWKHFDUFDQGULYH +RUQVE\DQG-HUVH\6WUHHW1RUWK$VTXLWK,WZLOOEHSKDVHGLQRYHU DQ\RQHFUD]\VREHVXUHWRSODQ PRQWKVWRVDYHVRPHFRQIXVLRQ /RFDOUHVLGHQWVEXVLQHVVHVHPHUJHQF\VHUYLFHVDQG$XVWUDOLD3RVWKDYH EUHDNVDORQJWKHZD\IRUWKHZKROH EHHQFRQVXOWHGDWHYHU\VWHSRIWKHSODQQLQJSURFHVVZKLOHVWUHHWGLUHFWRU\ IDPLO\WRVWUHWFKWKHLUOHJV7DNH SOHQW\RIZDWHUWRNHHS\RXUGRJ SXEOLVKHUVDQG*36VRIWZDUHSURYLGHUVZLOOEHLQIRUPHG K\GUDWHGDQGKDSS\ 7KHVWUHHWQXPEHULQJZLOOQRWFKDQJHRQO\WKHURDGQDPHIRUH[DPSOH &RXQFLO¶VRI¿FHVDW3DFL¿F+LJKZD\ZLOOEHFRPH3HDWV)HUU\5RDG TIP 4: Give nervous dogs a little extra TLC ,I\RXUGRJLVDQ[LRXVEHIRUHFDU WUDYHOFRQVXOWZLWK\RXUYHWIRU DGYLFHDQGUHPHGLHVZKLFKFDQ DVVLVWLQNHHSLQJWKHPFDOPDQG KDSS\2YHUWLPHFDUWULSVZLOO EHFRPHDVRXUFHRIH[FLWHPHQWDQG IXQIRU\RXUGRJ,I\RXUGRJKDV Galston Road, Galston Gorge QDXVHDPDNHVXUH\RXGRQ¶WIHHG Daytime Road Closures – 7 July to 11 July WKHPSULRUWRWUDYHO TIP 5: Research your pet friendly options in advance Roads and Maritime Services has contracted Downer EDI to work on PHWIULHQGO\DFFRPPRGDWLRQRSWLRQV DURXQGWKHFRXQWU\DUHLQFUHDVLQJ Galston Road, Galston Gorge. VREHVXUHWRFKHFNLI\RXUVLV7KH A full closure of Galston Gorge is required for 5 days to complete asphalting, PRUHSHRSOHZKRDVNWKHPRUH HVWDEOLVKPHQWVZKLFKZLOOSURYLGH line marking, vegetation clearance, guardrail repairs and drainage maintenance. WKHVHVHUYLFHV*RLQJVRPHZKHUH \RXUSHWFDQ¶W"7KLQNDKHDGDQG Work will start Monday 7 July 2014 until Friday 11 July for five days BACK TO THE FUTURE ERRNHLWKHUDSHWPLQGLQJVHUYLFH IRU\RXUGRJWRVWD\DWKRPHD NHQQHORUIULHQGVDQGIDPLO\ZKR FDQJLYH\RXUSHWWKHORYHKHQHHGV $QGÀQDOO\1(9(5OHDYHD dog unattended in a car! (YHQLQZLQWHUDGRJVKRXOG QHYHUEHOHIWXQDWWHQGHGLQDFDU HVSHFLDOO\ZLWKWKHZLQGRZVFORVHG 'RJVQHHGSURSHUYHQWLODWLRQDQGD FORVHGFDULVLQFUHGLEO\GDQJHURXV 6FKRROKROLGD\VDUHWKHPRVW GLI¿FXOWWLPHVIRUSRXQGVDOODURXQG WKHFRXQWU\ZLWKWKHVDPHSHULRG LQVHHLQJDLQFUHDVHG GXPSUDWH²WKDWQXPEHUUHSUHVHQWV DORWRIOLYHVDWULVN%\WDNLQJDOLWWOH WLPHWRSUHSDUHXVLQJWKHVLPSOH VWHSVDERYH\RXUGRJFDQEHDQ LQWHJUDOSDUWRI\RXUIDPLO\KROLGD\ 5HPHPEHUDGRJLVDOLIHWLPH FRPPLWPHQWholidays and all. 9LVLW'RJJLH5HVFXHFRP from 9am to 4pm, weather permitting. THOMSON LANDSCAPE & GARDEN SUPPLIES P/L Also trading as BEROWRA SAND & SOIL BV N P D T F J M E T D B Q FT V Q Q O B M O P T N P I U X X X Galston Gorge will be closed to through traffic during these times. Emergency services will have access at all times. Traffic will divert via Old Northern Road, New Line Road, Boundary Road, Pennant Hills Road, Pacific Highway and George Street. This route is suitable for heavy vehicles and can take up to 20 minutes. Please follow the signs and drive with care. N46436 Roads and Maritime apologises for any inconvenience and appreciates your patience. For further information contact Downer EDI on 1300 776 069, email: [email protected] or visit 8 THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY OPEN @QfUbc=Qc_^biBUdQY^Y^WGQ\\c DbUQdUT`Y^Uc\UU`UbcQ^T<_Wc <QbWUcU\USdY_^_V=e\SXUcQ^T4US_bQdYfU7bQfU\c 6YbUg__T CQ^T=UdQ\C_Y\cQ^T3_]`_cdc <Q^TcSQ`U2eY\TY^WCe``\YUcQ^T]eSX]_bU 9457 8011 Mon-Fri: 7-5, Sat: 7-3, Sun: 8-11. ONLY SITUATED in the Industrial Area 44 Beaumont Rd, Mt Kuring-gaI an Australian owned, family business, in the local area since 1978 CSX__\8_\YTQiVe^ VbUUdYS[Ud WYfUQgQi MY PET DINOSAUR Come to the My Pet Dinosaur show to be held in July at Hornsby and Pennant Hills libraries. Meet Cera the baby Triceratops and Rexie the four metre tall baby T-Rex! My Pet Dinosaur is suitable for kids aged five to 12 years. Children seven and under must be accompanied by an adult. My Pet Dinosaur is on Tuesday 8 July, 10.30am-11.30am at Hornsby Library and Thursday 10 July, 10.30am11.30am at Pennant Hills Library. Cost is $10 and bookings can be made online at Tickets are not refundable. COME TO THE AUSTRALIAN REPTILE PARK FOR A DAY OF FUN LIKE NO OTHER! Australian Museum There is so much to see and do at the Australian Museum for the School Holidays! In a world first, the Australian Museum presents Tyrannosaurs – Meet the Family, featuring over 10 life-sized dinosaur specimens on display including one of the oldest tyrannosaurs, Guanlong wucaii. The exhibition runs until 27th July 2014. Tickets: Adults $24, Concession $16, Child $14, Family (2 adults/2 children) $62, (1 adult/2 children) $38. Free under 5 years. SCHOOL HOLIDAY PROGRAM Winny’s Cretaceous Capers: Meet Winny our resident Muttaburrasaurus puppet. Suitable for all ages, Monday to Thursdays, 11am and 1.30pm. Cost: $5 (with Tyrannosaurs ticket or $7 with general ticket.) Hatch-a-dino craft: For all ages, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays 10am to 3pm. Cost: $2 after general admission. Mini Explorers: Feathers, fur and scales. For 3-5 years. Thursdays only, 10.3011.30am. Cost: $10 child, $15 adult. Book: event/Mini-Explorers Tiny Tots Explorers: Friends with Fur and feathers. Songs, art and sensory play for ages 1-3 years. Fridays only 10.30-11.30am. Child $10, Adult $15. Book: Scientist for a Day workshop: Spiders and Insects. Wednesday 2 or Thursday 3 July 9am-3pm. For ages 8-12 years. Cost: $110 members, $135 non-members. Book: 9320 6222. Scientist for a Day workshop: Dinosaurs today. Wednesday 9 or Thursday 10 July, 9am – 3pm. For ages 8-12 years. $110 members, $135 non-members. Book: 9320 6222. Cookie making class: Tuesday 1 July, 3-4pm. For ages 5-15 years. $29 members, $31 non-members including Tyrannosaurus admission. Find out more: Australian Museum is located at 9 College Street Sydney. Opening hours are 9.30am to 5pm 7 days. General admission: $15 Adult, $8 Child/Conc, $38 Family (2/2). Free for kids under 5 years. FREE TICKET GIVEAWAY! Tell us in 25 words or less why you would LOVE to go to the Australian Museum. Email: [email protected] We will choose the best entry to receive a Complimentary Family Ticket to the Australian Museum. Entries Close: Monday 7th July 2014. Don’t forget to include your daytime contact details! With over 10 free wildlife shows every day, free parking, free BBQs and the best children’s playground, the Australian Reptile Park is the Best Family FUN Day OUT! Conservation Month is on these school holidays. Learn about the Dingo, Cassowary, Tasmanian devil and Thylacine (Tasmanian tiger). Get up close during Snappy Hour and walk with Hugo, our giant Galapagos tortoise. Watch Elvis, NSW’s largest crocodile being fed every day at 1.30pm! See loads of cuddly Australian animals. Visit The Lost World of Reptiles, Spider World and see our venomous snake and funnel web spiders being milked. Take home a photo with an alligator, Burmese python or wombat and don’t forget to hand feed our friendly kangaroos! Australian Reptile Park is located just off the Pacific Highway at Somersby. Ph: 02 4340 1022. FREE TICKET GIVEAWAY Write in 25 words or less about your FAVOURITE REPTILE. Email to: [email protected] to reach us no later than Monday 7 July 2014. We have Complimentary Family (2 adults/2 children) Tickets to give away to the best entries. WELCOMES ANOTHER MEERKAT PUP These School Holidays meet the latest addition at TARONGA WESTERN PLAINS ZOO, a female Meerkat pup called, “Junkins”. “Meerkats are always popular with visitors to our Zoo,” said General Manager Matthew Fuller. “Meerkats grow quickly, so it is great to see them when they are still pups.” A great way to see the Western Plains Zoo is by bike or electric cart and the free daily keeper presentations are not to be missed. For the ultimate wild adventure, you can stay overnight! Find out more: FREE FAMILY TICKET GIVEWAY Simply describe in 25 words or less why you would like to visit the Taronga Western Plains Zoo at Dubbo. Send your entry to email: [email protected] to reach us no later than Monday 7 July 2014. The best entry will receive the family ticket of two adults and two children. Thursday 3 July 2014 9 Encourage … DOWN TIME not SCREENTIME these School Holidays The school holidays present the perfect opportunity to encourage children away from screen time to enjoy more traditional childhood pursuits such as reading, writing and imaginative play, according to experts. “When it’s cold outside, the winter school holidays are the perfect time to encourage indoor activities such as art and craft, creative play, a new board game, or time just to enjoy some down-time,” said Jocelyn Brewer, child psychologist. Ms Brewer says that the average eight year old spends much more than the recommended two hours per day staring at a screen, yet activities such as writing a creative story can encourage children to use their imagination in a way that computer based activities cannot. “Developing a plot, creating characters and a narrative help children to express themselves in a creative way,” said Ms Brewer. Together with popular children’s author, Andy Griffith, Ms Brewer is a judge of the Pilot Pen Creative Writing Scholarship Program, a national story writing competition for children in years 5 and 6. I?E31>G9> This year’s Pilot Pen Creative Writing Scholarship has been extended to run over the school holiday period so children can take as much time as they need to write their story. Entries need to be received by 22 August 2014. Children can win up to $11,750 in the competition by writing a story of between 250-350 words that starts with the sentence: “I used to believe…” First Prize: $1,000, $150 Pilot pen pack, signed Andy Griffiths book pack worth $35.97 Second Prize: $500, $100 Pilot pen pack, signed Andy Griffiths book pack worth $35.97 Third Prize: $250, $50 Pilot pen pack, signed Andy Griffiths book pack worth $35.97 School Prize: A Pilot pen pack for every class that enters.For further entry details, visit: 10 HEALTH AND BEAUTY PRICELESS PEARLS By Ralph Estherby Everything was normal but then everything went dark… I was not hit on the head, I had not passed out because of a virus, I had not been abducted with a hessian sack forced over my eyes but I was in the dark. I was riding my motorcycle at 10 o’clock at night and had just left the freeway near my home when the headlights on my motor bike flickered for a moment and then went out altogether. It was a moonless night and it was incredibly dark. Quickly looking behind me I realised that all of my lights had failed – my tail light and brake lights were not working either – total darkness and I was wearing a black leather jacket, a black pair of pants, black shoes, black socks, black gloves and a black helmet. I only had a short distance to travel home but it was a really freaky trip – I felt vulnerable and aware that I was exposed to far greater danger than if I had my lights on. I had to think about where I was and the fact that no-one else could see me at all. I wasn’t lost but it made the trip, that I had travelled hundreds of times before, very different indeed. Whenever I saw a car coming I made sure that I got completely off of the road and out of the way. Only when the road was clear did I venture to move the next hundred metres. Eventually I limped back to the main road where the street lights were ablaze and I was able to make the last leg home. But when I finally got off my bike I was exhausted and my heart was racing and I hope that I never find myself in that situation again. Light is one of those things that we take for granted – it is only at time like when we have a blackout that we really notice the dark. When you find yourself surrounded by darkness that you have no control over, it certainly makes an impact on the way we think and feel. The truth is that there is more than one ‘darkness’ that affects this life. “Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” ... John 8:12 So the question is “Are your spiritual lights on or off?” Do you have a comment or a question? ralph.estherby@ ‘Breakthrough Church’, meets at 9.30am Sundays at the Performing Arts Centre (Old Bowling Club) Edgeworth David Ave Hornsby - 9477 7222 THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY ACUPUNCTURE & HERBAL CLINIC William Zhang Yu Hui Acupuncturist & Herbalist Graduated in TCM (Uni Guang Zhou) Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine (UTS) 460 Pacific Hwy ASQUITH Ph/fax: 9987 2938 NO GAPS CHECK UP, CLEAN & FULL EXAMINATION X RAYS AS NEEDED 9499-5086 FOR AN APPOINTMENT Mel’s Hair & Beauty CARERS SUPPORT GROUP ART EXHIBITION The vital role that carers play in our community will be celebrated with an exhibition of their artwork. The exhibition will be held at Wallarobba Arts and Cultural Centre and will feature artwork that was created by carers in the Northern Sydney Local Health District. These carers balance their duties with looking after their own wellbeing and the touching artworks in this exhibition reflect their creative side. Anne Naylor, who received the Carer of the Year award in October 2013, will be displaying art at the exhibition and giving a short speech at the opening event on Wednesday 8 July. The Exhibition runs from Monday 7 July to Sunday 20 July, 10am-4.30pm daily at Wallarobba Arts and Cultural Centre Edgeworth David Avenue Hornsby and entry is FREE! BOOK YOUR NEXT AD Specialising in all areas of HAIR AND BEAUTY HERE 9456 2188 9456 2880 EARS, NOSE & NAVEL PIERCING Shop 10, Berowra Village, Turner Road DISCOVER YOGA &HUWLILHG,QVWUXFWRU Bookings FREE STRENGTH AND BALANCE TRAINING [email protected] More than one third of adults over 65 fall each year. 0439 464 312 97 Hunter St, HORNSBY FOR SENIORS Stepping On is an informative and fun program providing you with up-to-date advice on how to build your confidence and stop falls. New Groups Commencing: DURAL: Tue 22 July Contact Daniel 1300 760 779 Contact Erin 1800 225 474 for: PENNANT HILLS: Thurs 17 July and HORNSBY: Tue 29 July Bookings Essential. SOCIAL SNIPPETS Berowra Community Markets BIRTHS Beau Hart Steven Merryfull Born 30/5/14 8lb 51cm to Beth and Pete, Little brother for Flynn. SINCERE THANKS The entire family of Norma La Rosa from Berowra Heights would like to offer their deepest gratitude to everyone who attended her service and for all the messages of sympathy at this very difficult time. It is helping the family immensely to know that there are so many people who care and who are saddened by the loss of Norma, beloved wife, mother, Nana & friend. the smal l market with a big heart) Saturday 5th July 4-6 Alan Road, Berowra Heights 8am - 1pm Our July Markets will feature handmade goods such as cards, kids clothes, soy candles, jewellery. We will also have your favourite regular stalls including Books, Trash & Treasure, Plants, Honey as well as our famous Devonshire Tea. Join your family and friends in a mornings browsing and enjoy a fantastic Morning Tea and a BBQ Lunch. This month we are supporting Mental Health and we will have information available at the market. Enq: Lesley 9456 6312 Tao Kung Fu Academy NEWS Michelle Talks about The Smith Family At a recent lunch meeting of Pennant Hills VIEW Club the guest speaker was Michelle Tandy from The Smith Family Learning for Life Program. Following her talk Michelle presented President Ruth Colwell with a Certificate of thanks to Pennant Hills VIEW Club for many years of support to students in the Program. VIEW (Voice, Interests & Education of Women) is a national women’s organisation focussed on supporting disadvantaged Australian children & young people through The Smith Family’s Learning for Life Program. Pennant Hills VIEW Club meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at Pennant Hills Golf Club. Enquiries: Margaret - 9873 2402 “Hello Cocky!” There is a”talking cockatoo” in Woodcourt Road Berowra Heights! Local resident Belinda said, “The talking cockatoo was in our front yard and greeted us with “hello”. Has anyone lost a chatty cocky? NEED A COMPANION? ggg 4_WWYUBUcSeU S_] Here are some results of a tournament Tao Kung Fu Academy entered on Sunday 22nd June. Peta Carter received first place in the Women’s Over 40 category at the National All Styles (NAS) martial arts competition in continuous sparing. This qualifies her to compete at the State National All Styles competition in September. She has joined Tao Kung Fu Academy only three month ago and has been training with enthusiasm along with her other family members. Hornsby Tao Gung Fu is located at 2/97 Hunter Street; Ph: 0488 568 818. DEMENTIA CARERS’ SUPPORT GROUP MEETING If you care for a relative, neighbour or friend with memory loss or care for an elderly person and need support or information, then join us! Come to our next meeting where physiotherapists from Hornsby Hospital will talk on ‘Back Care & Tips in Self Care’. The meeting is at 2.30pm Thursday 10 July 2014 at the Berowra Community Health Centre 123 Berowra Waters Rd, Berowra Heights. There is no cost to attend and afternoon tea is provided. RSVP: Marie Brooks 9456 3344 Next Meeting Date: Thursday 14 August 2014 Thursday 3 July 2014 11 YOUR LOCAL LOCAL SERVICES GUIDE YOUR SERVICES&&TRADES TRADES GUIDE ACCOUNTANTS Chartered Accountant [email protected] (02) 9476 5555 OĐĐŽƵŶƟŶŐOƵĚŝƚ dĂdžOƵƐŝŶĞƐƐĚǀŝĐĞ O Security Grills Cedar Venetians Venetian Blinds Security Doors Fabric/Aluminium Awnings All TV antenna and satellite work, 3G/4G reception, interference investigations, free quotes, fully insured. 0435 713 790 [email protected] ABN: 45 286 102 520 | Lic #: 254024C Holland Blinds Vertical Drapes Roman Blinds Insect Screens Tel: 9456 2233 Derick: 0417 442 805 ANTENNAS ELECTRICAL & ANTENNAS GARDENING ,, (SRGVIXMRK8IVZMGIW Ben Miller 8 Wattle Street, Asquith (opposite Coles) CONCRETING BLINDS & SCREENS ALL CONCRETE WORK Slabs, Driveways, Patio’s, paths, paving, retaining walls timber decking FREE QUOTES Ph: 0415 112 190 / 9633 9814 Call 0438 579 668 Fully insured CONSTRUCTION HIRE Lic. No. C73cL93 Est. since 1972 BUILDERS CUSTOM DESIGN BUILDING HIA AWARD WINNER 5A84=3;H ?4AB>=0;8B43 B4AE824 *ALTERATIONS *EXTENSIONS *RENOVATIONS *KITCHENS *WALLS REMOVED *DECKS *GYPROCKING *CARPENTRY *ROOFING *PLUMBING *ELECTRICALS *PLANS J. Rosser LicNo.17899C 9457 8742 Mob 0418 204 197 Locally owned & operated Lawn mowing, edging Lawn care and weeding Garden clear outs Hedging, pruning & trimming Residential, strata & commercial 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 The extension and renovation experts. For a complimentary initial discussion call Chris O’Neill 0411 88 88 22 or 9457 8783. LANDSCAPING COMPUTER SERVICES DIGITAL ANTENNA SPECIALIST TIGER ANTENNAS FREE QUOTES AUSTRALIAN made WE TURN UP ON TIME 9943 1080 0416 099 186 JOHN BOVIS BUILDING Renovations, Decks Extensions & Bathrooms Lic No. 183888c 0418 477 184 CARPET CLEANING APPLIANCE REPAIRS KURING-GAI APPLIANCE REPAIRS IAN CORBRIDGE 6Pb0__[XP]RTb FPbWX]V<PRWX]T 3ahTab3XbWfPbWTabBc^eTb PHONE: 9456 3712 MOB: 0407 921 196 ELECTRICIANS MECHANICAL All Mechanical Repairs DRYMASTER YOUR LOCAL CARPET CLEANER Carpet Dry Cleaning Carpet Steam Cleaning O Upholstery Cleaning O Leather Lounge Cleaning O O 9457 7555 ELECTRICAL & ANTENNAS All Electrical work, Phone & data, TV & Satellite, fully insured. Rego’s while you wait Courtesy cars, pick up and drop off service 0435 713 790 [email protected] PAUL CAMERON AUTOMOTIVE ABN: 45 286 102 520 | Lic #: 254024C Dryers * Dishwashers Ovens * Cooktops IN HOME SERVICE 9477 3368 0414 77 33 68 Pacific Washers & Fridges 9456-1243 PAINTERS CARPENTERS FRIDGES * WASHERS PTY LTD 6-8 Berowra Waters Rd Berowra Chris Evans Carpentry No job too small Friendly Reliable Service - Free Quotes - Fully Licenced and Insured - All work guaranteed Residential home repairs and additions, carports, decks/pergolas eave and facia work and more. Please contact me to discuss your needs. Lic: 215276c mobile. 0404 047 456 [email protected] Millington ELECTRICAL .0. Solar Panels Power Points, Lighting, Phone, Data, TV Cabling Ceiling Fans, Smoke Detectors, House Rewire, Switchboards STUART: 0420 666 781 Lic. 191933c PAINTERS & DECORATERS )5(( Colour consultancy Fully Insured Dulux Accredited 3HQVLRQHUV'LVFRXQW &DOO.ULV Lic No 212111c PEST CONTROL 9476 5094 ~ 9476 6848 MOST BRANDS SPECIALIST BBQ & HEATING SALES - SERVICE - REPAIRS CHRIS BUNYAN Decks & Pergolas Framing & Flooring Skirting & Architraves 9456 0666 0412 035 656 Doors & Windows Gates Repairs Lic.No. 111586C CLADDING Cladding Domestic - Commercial - Industrial TV Antenna, phone and data, ovens & hotplates, rewires, lighting, data cabling and communications, main and switchboard upgrades, PROFESSIONAL RELIABLE AND COST EFFECTIVE SERVICE. 24 hour 7 day emergency service. Ph: 0400110081 “ ProtecƟng people & homes for over 40 years ” 9456 1094 Termite and DomesƟc Pest Specialists +(5)2·6:22'6+(' Cut Acrylic Sheet to Size Plastic Fabrication CNC Routing Point of Sale Displays FLAMIN HOT SPECIALS 9477 3535 - 126 George St Hornsby THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY Family Owned & Operated by PLASTICS Sales, Service & Repairs Gas & Wood Heaters & Fireplaces Mantelpiece’s - Marble & Wood Jetmaster Agent Elgas Refiller & Swap Station Full Range of natural gas & BBQ fittings Vinyl, Aluminium and Brick Cladding experts BEROWRA PEST CONTROL FIREWOOD SEASONED FIREWOOD GENUINE 1 TONNE DELIVERIES FROM $370 PER 1000 KILOS (6 DAYS A WEEK) FROM $130 PER 300 KILOS U-PICK-UP YARD SALES SATURDAY 9-2pm YOUR LOCAL BBQ & HEATING CENTRE OUTDOOR FURNITURE 12 CARPENTRY Lic. 139559C HOOVER SERVICE * SPARES * REPAIRS WASHERS - DRYERS VACUUM - D/WASHERS HORNSBY SIMON CADDY ELECTRICAL Pty Ltd 9988 4444 !#*%((&"## 8QLW/HLJKWRQ3ODFH+RUQVE\16: Services and Trades... cont’d PLUMBERS BEROWRA PLUMBING PARAMOUNT Local, Prompt & Professional 24 HR Emergency Service Blocked Drains Cleared, CCTV Inspections, Burst Pipes, Hot Water, Gasfitting, Renovations & New Installations Lic. 167463C 0416 018 421 e: [email protected] entire plumbing 0413 596 822 3RRO&HQWUH Regular Pool Cleaning Service Liquid Chlorine Delivery Service Free Home Deliveries Maintenance And Installations Filters, Pumps, Heaters, Salt Chlorinators Liquid Chlorinators (Ask For Pink Addative) Pump And Motor Repairs All Repairs To Liquid And Salt Chlorinators Pool Cleaners*Legend, Truck, Baracuda-MX8, Jet Vac, Polaris and Marlin Sydney’s Best Prices... We Come To You Or 9456 0063 Drive A Little Save A Lot [email protected] 9^X_ecU9^dUb^Ud@bYSUc Please call Mark to discuss your plumbing needs. Lic No: 186648c *Renovations *Water Tanks *Plumbing, Drainage & Gasfitting *Domestic & Commercial Maintenance #)'2\Qh\Q^TBTBiTU 4U^Ycd_^U5Qcd Call Mel 9807 3600 TREE SERVICE HORNSBY TREE SERVICE LICENSED PLUMBING Plumber Drainer Gasfitter Blocked drain specialist Hot Water The local plumber you can rely on. Backflow, TMV & CRANE HIRE SPECIALIST Fully Insured PETER O’SULLIVAN 0413 808 615 ([SHUWKLJKFOLPEHU 3UHFLVHURSHZRUN \HDUVH[SHULHQFH )HOOLQJUHPRYDO $0 Call out. Pensioner discount Call Simon: 0412 41 45 41 -24 hrs - 7 days Lic #230704c WATER SYSTEMS Scott & Sons Plumbers Plumbing, Drainage & Gasfitting Blocked Drains Hot Water Heaters CCTV - Water Jetter Domestic, Commerical Industrial 24 hrs - 7 days 9482 9199 NEW WORLD PUMPS Sales O Service O Repairs HVWDEOLVKHGLQ 'LVFRXQWHG3RRO6SD&KHPLFDOV 3XPSV)LOWHUV&KORULQDWRUV 0DLQWHQDQFHDQG5HSDLUV3RRO&OHDQLQJ 3RRO+HDWLQJ3RRO5HQRYDWLRQ E^Yd!&':UbcUiCd +RUQVE\ X_b^cRi0`__\Q^Tc`QgQbUX_ecUS_]Qe ggg`__\Q^Tc`QgQbUX_ecUS_]Qe Josh Broughton of Asquith knows that his customers want a lawn and garden service that’s fast, efficient and on time every time. Fully insured, Josh’s lawn and garden service includes gutter cleaning, tree lopping and hedge trimming. He even has a ride-on mower for those bigger jobs. “I like to keep the locals happy with my reliable service and reasonable prices,” said Josh (pictured). Whip Blow Mow and Away I Go services domestic and commercial clients. For a free quote, phone Josh 0431 904 765. ALL BRANDS Lic. No: 141840c email: [email protected] POOLS WHIP … BLOW … MOW … and AWAY I GO! O POOL O FIREFIGHTING O SUBMERSIBLE 5/1 MARINA CL, MT KURING-GAI 9457 6699 LOCAL ADVERTISING REALLY WORKS! BUSH TELE ABROAD Philip Ruddock MP Bruce Schumacher writes: This photo was taken on our recent visit to Norfolk Island - the land that time forgot! Norfolk Island is reminiscent of Berowra in 1960s. We gave our copy of The Bush Tele to a local islander to pass around.” From Berowra residents: the Schumachers & the Stocks. Federal Member for Berowra As your Federal representative I can: t Represent constituents and make personal representations to the appropriate Federal Minister in Canberra on Federal matters including: Centrelink, the Child Support Agency, Foreign Affairs, Television and Broadcasting, Trade, Postal and Telephone Services, Defence, Immigration, Taxation, Passports, Employment & Training, Veterans’ Affairs, Medicare, Health, Higher Education and Agriculture and Export/Imports. t Arrange Congratulatory Messages for 50th and 60th wedding anniversaries and 90th and 100th birthdays. t Attend local functions, meet constituents on local Federal issues. Level 7, 423 Pennant Hills Rd, Pennant Hills NSW 2120 Telephone 02 9980 1822 Facsimile 02 9980 1833 This material has been produced by Philip Ruddock MP using his printing and communications entitlement. THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY 20,000 letterbox delivered every Thursday Published online every Tuesday. Delivered to Waitara, Hornsby, Hornsby Hts, Asquith, Mt Colah, Mt Kuring-gai, Berowra, Berowra Hts, Cowan, Brooklyn, Mooney Mooney, Cheero Point, Dangar Island, Riverboat Postman, Berowra Waters and beyond. DISCLAIMER: All responsibility for information, advertisements and opinions appearing in The Bush Telegraph Weekly is entirely that of the contributor or advertiser and not of the Publisher, Employees or Contractors of The Bush Telegraph Weekly. PRINTED: by SpotPress Pty Ltd 24-26 Lilian Fowler Place Marrickville 2204 NSW Australia (02) 9549 1111 PUBLISHED: by The Bushland Shire Telegraph Pty Ltd READ ONLINE: PLACE ADS ONLINE: CONTACT US: The Bush Tele Shop, Marketplace Shopping Centre 19 Turner Rd Berowra Hts NSW 2082. PO Box 80 Berowra Hts 2082. [email protected] Ph: 02 9456 2880 COPYRIGHT: Stories, artwork and photographs appearing in The Bush Telegraph Weekly are subject to copyright and may not be reprinted in any media without written permission of The Bushland Shire Telegraph Pty Ltd. Kathie Comb, Managing Editor. Thursday 3 July 2014 13 classifieds FOR SALE Get results quick - 9456 2880 WEBSITES MADE EASY Design & development - experienced and local. Ph: 0403 825 872 WORK WANTED ASQUITH QUALITY BEDS -ALL SIZES Queen Matts from $270, Ensembles $390, Double matts from $250, Ensembles for $370, Single & King Singles call for price 9940 3961 CHEST FREEZER $50 ONO 9456 2279 DIAMOND SOLITAIRE RING Hardly worn.Purchased from Michael Hill Jewellers for over $3500, for sale at $500. Lovely piece of precious jewellery. Phone Penny 0409 243 132 TREADMILL Inspiration $200 9476 0971 BUILDING DESIGN & PLANS BUILDING PLANS additions, commercial, homes, BDA accredited. 9456 3848 spoonerdesign@kets. PLANS for Alterations & Additions, new homes, etc. Phone Warren Jenkins (retired architect) on 9456 4032. WANTED PIANO IN GOOD WORKING ORDER Private 7am to 5pm. 0404 676 965 WANTED TO BUY RECORDS, BOOKS, HI-FI GUITARS 9875 1767 Big or sml collections WANTED KNOWN BUSHBAND for all occasions, weddings, birthdays, social parties. Call Mick 0418 112 675 SEWING MACHINES Repairs to all brands of sewing machines & overlockers. Work done in your home for your convenience. 0412 584 145 COMPUTER SERVICES ALL COMPUTER PROBLEMS -Excalibur IT Solutions. Computer Repairs, Upgrades, Virus Removal. or call 0420 524 885 ALL IN HOME COMPUTER SUPPORT Hardware & software problems. John 9456 1964 or 0414 400 401 Berowra PC Services Giving You An Extra Hand Is my wireless network secure? What’s Wrong With My PC? My Network Is Not Working I Think I Have A Virus! Call Lloyd 9456 0292 or 0411 541 007 HORNSBY IT – In home and office PC repairs. All hardware & software problems. Internet access, wired & wireless networking. Web and email hosting, Ph 9457 8100 MOVIE-FILM-VIDEOTAPE TO DVD/ DIGITAL CONVERSION Ph 9456 2851 or 0412 472 901 14 A1 LAWN MOWING 0407 775 895 ALL CARPENTRY Construction and repairs. Lic 14801 Simon Ph: 0402 652 668 ALL FLOOR & WALL TILING Indoor & outdoor, waterproofing & repairs. 20yrs Experience. Free Quotes. Lic: 70973C. Call Craig 0450 007 885 ALL LANDSCAPING Steelscapes Landscaping - Landscape Consultation, garden renovations, sandstone work, paving, retaining walls, decking, maintenance, hedging Tim Steel 0410 895 065 [email protected] ALL LAWNS & GARDEN SERVICE Ride on Mowing, Edging, Hedging, Rubbish Removal, Chainsaw & Trees, Gutter Clean Pressure Washing, Landscaping. Professional 0477 207 649 . BRT SERVICES - HANDYMAN Ex Handyman Trainer. Work Guaranteed. One stop shop for all work needs. No job too small. Lic:249022c. Michael 0451 164 106 CARPENTRY & HOME REPAIRS Free Quotes. Ph Mark 0408 200 816 . Lic #123316c. CLOCKS & INSTRUMENTS Prof. repairs, home visits, instrument maker. Ph 9476 5778 / 0409 131 808 . GARDENING Beautify your garden by certified horticulturist for $36/hr. Call Norman Ph 0412 196 268 IRON MAIDEN – IRONING SERVICES Drop off your weekly ironing.Facebook: https://www. Email: ironmaidenberowra@bigpond. com or Mobile: 0414 283 407 LOCKS fitted, repaired, rekeyed. Secy Lic. 408561901. Nigel 0411 303785 PIANO TUNER - Technician professionally trained. All work guaranteed. Ray Clothier 9456 4632 or 0412 354 632 ROOF REPAIRS - 35 years experience 0428 563 282 UPHOLSTERY Over 30 yrs exp. Ph Bryan 9476 6835 / 0414 913 883 Lance Barnes Graham McIntosh Rear of 8 Berowra Waters Rd Berowra, NSW 2081 9456 2346 e: [email protected] Berowra Prestige & Restoration All Insurance Work, Rust Repairs, Restorations, Cars, Boats, Motorcycles, Trailers, Jet Skis Lic No. MVRL 48357 Structural Landscape Gardener All Retaining Walls, Paving, Concreting, Edging, Turf, Bobcat Work, 25 Years Exp Ian Richardson FREE QUOTES Lic No. 33800c 0412 894 422 CEMENT RENDERING/ GYPROCK SERVICES PLASTERER/GYPROCK No job too small. Ph Ray 0412 285 601 THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY CEMENT RENDERING SERVICES Professional advice, quality work, any size house or project, all finishes & repair work. Since 1980 – call PLASTERFORCE 0418 286 567 or 9456 7800. CLEANING BEROWRA & HORNSBY CLEANING Berowra to Hornsby. Ph Jan 9456 3834. BY GEORGE WINDOW CLEANING Reasonable rates, free quotes. Call George 0410 332 354 SQUEEGEE PETE WINDOW CLEANING Call Peter for a quote. Professional results at affordable prices 0416 179 213 or 9987 2659 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AT HOME WE EARN $2000 per week.Info pack Ph Jenni 0414 777 072 DRIVING INSTRUCTION ALL DAY DRIVING SCHOOL For local professional tuition in man & auto. Lic 012893. Phone Richard 0425 317 684 GOOD2GO DRIVING SCHOOL Auto, Lic 012237, Ph Darlene 0407 456 671 SUZANNE 0425 277 689 for professional driving tuition Lic 10394 PAINTER SAM SUNG PAINTING & DECORATING New & repaint, int/ ext, free quotes, all work guaranteed Lic 223324c call now 0403 102 933 POSITIONS VACANT APPRENTICE PLUMBER 1st or 2nd year plumbing apprentice needed for a position within a growing company. The right candidate for this role needs to be reliable, motivated and a “can do” attitude to all tasks. To apply please send resume to lauren@ FT/PT FRONT DESK/DA for busy dental practice. Exp is preferred, however training will be provided for the right candidate Basic computer skills essential Availability 8:30am -6 pm is a must. Every 2nd Saturday is an advantage. email [email protected] EDUCATION ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE of Achievement. MATHEMATICS 7-12, Ph 9456 3459. ENGLISH Experienced English teacher offer home tuition. BEd, MA. Call John 0402 636 477 LEARN HOW TO LEARN: www. MATHEMATICS Home tuition from a qualified teacher & experienced tutor. Ph 0418 448 759 or chrishav2001@ MUSIC TUITION FLUTE, THEORY & HSC MUSIC Exp teacher all ages, all levels. Contact Edward 0466 303 885 or edd_ [email protected] PIANO & THEORY HORNSBY Exp. & qualified teacher. All levels, all syllabuses . Ph 9477 1379. PIANO LESSONS FOR $16 CONTACT Andrea 9940 4083 or [email protected] PIANO, VIOLIN & Musicianship. Professional tuition, All levels. Ph Lorraine Samuel (Piano) 9456 2088 Anne Samuel (Violin) 0429 235 923 SINGING LESSONS New Diamond Music, Boasting Best Industry Results! POP, R&B , Funk, Soul, Gospel Ph: 9482 1535 WEDDINGS WEDDING DUO and band available to suit your budget. Call Mick 0418 112 675 HEALTH, FITNESS & BEAUTY BEROWRA PHYSIOTHERAPY Pacific Hwy. Massage, back pain, sports injuries. Ph Jackie Walford 9456 3322 / 0414 925 477 BLUE MOON REMEDIAL MASSAGE for tense, stressed muscles, 10-7.30, Mon-Sat. H/F 41 Edgeworth David Ave, Hornsby. Ph 9482 9962 BOWEN, THE ORIGINAL, back, frozen shoulder, knee, ankle, sciatica. Fund Rebate. ATMS Ph Lindy 9456 0488. CARLY’S HAIRDRESSING 22 Lonsdale Ave Berowra Hts 9456 1260 or 0430 556 980 COSMETIC TATTOO LIPS!EYES,!BROWS! HORNSBY Mention this ad and receive a discount on your cosmetic tattoo treatment on Tues-Thurs call 02 9476 6090 3A William st Hornsby HEALTH NATURALLY Dietary & lifestyle advice & support for many conditions. Robyn 0418 890 045 HERBALIFE Products Ph 0425 252 364 / PERSONAL TRAINING Weight loss, health coaching, increase fitness. Small studio in Cowan or come to your home.0422 866 874 daniel@ REBECCA CHRISTENSEN CHIROPRACTIC Gentle & caring treatment in our Berowra based clinic, Mon-Sat. Freecall 1300 790 889 TAEKWONDO Self Defence & Boxing. Mick & Janelle Marr 9456 3934 PETS ANIMAL WALKING & MINDING Pet Walking, Minding & Sitting tailored to your needs. Jess Bunning 0433 957 248 ARATAH DOG TRAINING Puppy & adult dog classes. Obedience & agility for beginners. Behaviour management.9456 4157 or 0421 028 219 BEAUTIFUL CREATURES Pet Minding Services. Colleen 0423 135 070 . DESIGNER DOGS GROOMING Serving Hornsby area since 1995.Unit 5/113 Hunter St Hornsby (prev located Edgeworth David Ave)Ph 9482 5119 FOR HIRE A DJ with LIGHTS - 0416-188-108 A GALA PARTY HIRE 9477-4700 Marquees Tables Chairs Heaters PARTY We come to you FAIRY FLOSS, POPCORN & SNO CONES Parties, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, School Fetes Call now 0406 012 344 HOLIDAY LETTING PT MACQUARIE 2 bed unit Flynns Beach, fab ocean views. $350 p.w. off peak. ph 9456 3732. LOST COCKATIEL Yallambie Rd, Berowra 22/6 Ph Jan 0402 069 262 GOLD AND DIAMOND RING lost 18th June between Anembo and Rickard Rd.Ph:0439 113 600 GOLD TIFFANY HEART EARRING Lost between Mt Kuring-gai and Berowra Heights Ph: 9456 2174 2005 SUBARU OUTBACK 4GEN WAGON MY06 2.5i 5 SP. Reg serv, log books. 102K, reg Mar 15. Exc cond, magic drive. Btooth audio, Thule x-bars,sheepskin covers, rubber mats. $12,750 ono. Ph 0407 019 803 2004 A’VAN CRUISELINDER 1 owner, low kms, registered, Clean. Easy assembly. Double bed plus fold down. Elesct/gas frig, 2 burner stove, microwave, solar backup (lights), 2 gas bottles, canvas awning & access. $16,500. Ph 9456 5340 SHOP/OFFICE SPACE TO LET SHOP/OFFICE TO LET BEROWRA HEIGHTS 97m2, fully carpeted $275/w 0400 470 884 NEED A BUDDY? ALFA ROMEO 156 SELESPEED TWIN SPARK 2000 Oct 14 rego. Run it till you sell it 190,163 kms. Lady owner, full service hist, Good cond, 17” Oz Racing alloys. $4,995 ONO. Ph 0405 725 267 . cond. apply 2001 LEXUS IS200 SPORTS LUXURY 138,000kms, Full log book with service history by Lexus of Chatswood, 2 Genuine Keys, new tryes drives beautifully, sun roof, Alloy wheels 10 months rego, $11,450 neg. Ph 0416 268 980 OP SHOP BARGAINS GALORE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Suites 20-21 The Madison 25-29 Hunter St HORNSBY 2000 HYUNDIA EXCEL COUP 2 door, 197,000kms, manual, front wheel drive, air cond, rego till Jul 2014, WTE528, reg serviced, log book. $2000 neg. Ph 0411 368 745 LEXUS ES300 1999 Luxury Sedan Leather Seats. Sun Roof. 6 Stacker CD New Tyres. Maintained.REGO TILL 30 MAY 2015 Over 10 Months Rego + CTP Insurance. $6800 o.n.o. Ph 0415 487 108 MGA maree garrett & associates Nick’s off to the USA Cheltenham resident and former Kings School student Nick Brown, has swapped his rugby jersey for a full kit, full contact Gridiron uniform. Spotted by an American football scout while participating in a Gridiron training program at The Kings School, Nick has now had offers of a full scholarship place from a number of major United States’ universities. Nick and his family are currently in the States meeting with officials and deciding which offer to accept. Philip Ruddock MP congratulated Nick and said, “Nick is a keen and able student who excels in a number of sports. A rugby player since the age of 9, he has played at both State and National level.” “We wish him well in the States.” Nick will be proudly displaying the Australian flag at whichever University campus he decides to attend. Photo:Nick accepting an Australian Flag from Philip Ruddock MP Ph: 9485 3400 Fax: 9485 3499 HORNSBY TOYOTA CAMRY ATEVA 2005 AUTO Silver upgrade 2.4lt 121200km Aug reg Climate control tow bar one owner full service history. Always garaged urgent sale $9,950 neg. 0408 861 438 TOYOTA COROLLA HATCH 1997 1.8L Manual 183195Km registered April 2015. Good condition inside & out. Drives well. Regularly serviced. $3400 Phone 02 9456 0395 HORNSBY SLOT CAR RACEWAY 126A James Lane, Hornsby 9489 5816 SPECIALISING IN ... MAZDA ASTINA HATCH Regretful sale, auto, rego till Sept, 204,074kms Red, $1,300. 0408 273 551 2005 BA FALCON Clean & straight family car, low 101,000 kms, serviced, used only for local driving. A/C, air bags, pwr steer/windows, ABS, tinted windows, good tyres. Selling due to mobility issues. $5,490. 9457 8716 ESTABLISHED 1964 Fun for t e whole fahm ily! Birthday Parties (cost $12.50 per person 1/2 hr) OPEN During Corporate & Group Bookings School Holidays Race Nights Friday & Saturday (airconditioned premises) Lots of fun, for both kids & adults alike Thursday 3 July 2014 15 BEROWRA MEATS 8*/5&3 TQFDJBMT 1PSL-PJO ,( $IPQT 'SBOHJQBOJ $IJDLFO 1BSDFMT FBDI #SFBTU 4DIOJU[FM VNQ 8IPMF3 ,( ,( Berowra Village Shopping Centre 1c Turner Rd, Berowra Heights 9456 4426 Book your advertising for 24th july The Bush Tele’s ISSUE SPECIAL ANNUAL WEDDING FEATURE FOR MORE INFORMATION EARN EXTRA MONEY DELIVERY POSITIONS S AVAILABLE NOW Pretoria Pde Hornsby and Mt Kuring-gai Would suit Pensioners or after School. Ph: 9456 2880 ²:ecd6_b;YTc³ LOCAL GUIDE feature page once monthly in the Bush Tele contact Christine to book your ad spot Contact Christine Nichols 0415 381 882 [email protected] Sports - Party - Tuition - Shoes - Clothing - Therapy - Learning - Health - Nutrition.... and much more 0415 381 882 - [email protected] LETTERBOX DELIVERED TO 20,000 HOMES AND BUSINESSES AND PUBLISHED ONLINE HOME DELIVERED WEEKLY FROM HORNSBY TO THE HAWKESBURY, WAITARA, HORNSBY, HORNSBY HEIGHTS, ASQUITH, MOUNT COLAH, MOUNT KURING-GAI, BEROWRA, BEROWRA HEIGHTS, BEROWRA WATERS, COWAN, BROOKLYN, DANGAR ISLAND, HAWKESBURY RIVER ON THE RIVERBOAT POSTMAN, MOONEY MOONEY, CHEERO POINT. PHONE: 02 9456 2880 [email protected] PO Box 80, Berowra Hts 2082
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