AppledoreNews Appledore School Newsletter IN THIS WEEKS ISSUE: Page 2: Attendance news Page 3: Dates for your diary Page 4: Teaching Teams for Sept 2014 NOT MUCH SLEEP AT THE SLEEP OVER! Beechcroft (Y5) had a sleep over in school last Friday. After games on the field and a fish and chip supper the children tucked into chocolate birthday cake from George. The Bay and Sealions classroom were then cleared and sleeping bags rolled out to create two bedrooms. The students then had time to watch a film or play on their vast array of electronic games. A version of Britains Got Talent broke out in the girls room complete with a Simon Cowell- pyjama bottoms pulled up under the arms so there was no doubt who Bethany was on the judging panel. Lights out at 9 was supposed to be followed by sleep….. you can guess what really happened! Some children fell asleep quite quickly while others couldn’t resist just one last chat. Late to bed did not stop early risers with some children up before 5! Everyone enjoyed a breakfast of cereal and chocolate brioche before clearing away and turning bedrooms back into classrooms. A final play on the school field before being picked up at 9 a.m. ended a really great sleepover. Huge thanks to Mrs McMorine who did all the organising and preparation. PAGE EDITION Dear Parents & Carers Phonics Screening checks for Sealion, and some children in Lundy Puffins, are now complete. Well done to Mrs Morris, Mrs Halloway and Mrs Quy for enabling the children to do so well through their excellent phonics teaching, and to Mrs Brent who supported a small group of children with additional phonics sessions to help them achieve their best in the screening. Thanks also to Mr Speed and Mrs Phillips for the fantastic work they have done with the year 2 group to prepare them for the screening. The Key Stage 1 Statutory Assessment tests are also due to finish this week. As soon as the results have been finalised parents of children in Year 1 will be given information about their child’s level of attainment. To give the children in Year 1 a boost before the end of term I have increased the staffing levels. There is the equivalent of one additional full time member of staff in class every day, and this ensures all children will get the help they need to learn well. I have also increased the number of Meal Time Assistants covering the lunch period by one as well. The choir were unable to attend the GRAFTAs auditions on Saturday so I am really grateful to the panel who visited school to hear our performance. 4 judges came into school this week and the choir sang to them in the Dock. Thanks to Monkleigh School who kindly agreed that our choir could participate in this way. 20th June 2014 FRIENDS OF APPLEDORE SCHOOL QUIZ NIGHT Saturday 28th June 7:30 Appledore Social Club PARENTS FORUM The next meeting of the parents forum will be on Thursday 26th June. We will be looking at the ‘Child Friendly Anti Bullying Policy’ which has now been reviewed by the children. School dinners will also be discussed. The meeting is in the staff room at 2:30 p.m. GRAFTAS SUCCESS Well done to all the children who entered the GRAFTAS this year. I am delighted to tell you that the following students have been nominated for an award: CREATIVE WRITING: William FILM & DOCUMENTARY: Adam BAKING: Mathew DANCE: Daisy & Caitlin Rhi Sasha & Jack Miriam & Lizzie Tilly FREESTYLE: Tigerlily & Jess SINGING: Tabi & Donna Emma, Rachel, Mia, Charlotte & Caris INSTRUMENTAL: Finn Daisy The choir has also been nominated. The nominees, including 2 representatives from the choir, will be attending a special awards evening at the Pier House on Friday 27th June. THIS WEEK WE WOULD LIKE TO SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO: Connor, Lizzie, Rosie and Zachary 1 ATTENDANCE NEWS CONGRATULATIONS TO Sealion With 100 % WHICH WAS THE HIGHEST ATTENDANCE FOR W/C 16/06/14 Which class will it be next week!? 2 DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Tues 24th June: Induction day for new Dolphins 6 p.m. Thurs 26th June: Parents Forum Meeting. 2:15 p.m. in the staff room Fri 27th : GRAFTAs evening (by invitation only) Weds 2nd. July: the Mix music festival at Westpoint Exeter. (Y5) Weds 9th. July: Y5 & 6 residential at Barton Hall Thurs 24th July: last day of summer term for children. Mon 8th Sept. First day of Autumn term for children 3 TEACHING TEAMS FOR SEPTEMBER 2014 CURRENT CLASS Dolphins CLASS IN SEPT. 14 Sealion (Y1) Sealion (Y1) Lundy Puffin (Y2) Lundy Puffin (Y2) Seahunter (Y3) Seahunter (Y3) HMS Echo (Y4) HMS Echo (Y4) Beechcroft (Y5) Beechcroft (Y5) Crusader (Y6) Foundation Unit Nursery + Numbers Count STAFF Mrs Morris Mrs Hughes Mrs O’Shea Mr Speed Mrs Halloway Mrs Steart Mrs Wood Mrs Stephenson & Mrs Smale Mrs Phillips Mrs Hollis Ms Rushworth Mrs Lawrence Mrs O’Shea Mrs McMorine Mrs S Evans Mrs Mitchell Mrs Quy Mrs Hollis Mrs Bannister Mrs Clement New teacher Mrs Pengilly Mrs Brent Mrs Ley Mrs Taylor Mrs Brown Mrs Littlejohns Mrs L Evans As you can see from the table above, Mrs Brunner will be leaving at the end of term. Mrs Brunner has made a huge contribution to the development of the Foundation Stage Unit and we are sorry to see her go. Mrs Brunner will be working for the Forestry Commission, working with children on outdoor learning projects. We know she will do this brilliantly! 4
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