JUFFALO COURIEREXPRESS, Friday, June 24, 1960 On the Social Scene to Fete Honor 15 » Of Nursing Mrs. Oliver P. Arnold and her daughter-in law, Mrs. Roger P. Arnold, will give a luncheon on Wednesday at the Twentieth Century Club in honor of Miss ^ a r y Louise Lippschutz, a debutante of this season. Among those at ending will be Mrs. Clara A. Lippschutz and Mrs. W. H. Barlett of Deerfield Beach. Fla., grand- In Short Party on July 9 Miss Kathleen M. Doyle will entertain guests it cocktails on Saturday, Jul7 9, at her home in Summit 1 ive. in compliment to Miss Joan Ruth Kittinger and her fiance, Philip Walker CoLan. Miss McNamara Engaged Mr. and Mrs. . ohn J. McNamara of Brilt Ave. have announced the engagement of their daughter Margaret Mary, to Stanley (',. Horab Jr., son of Mr. and VIrs. Horab Sr. of Niagara Palls. The wedding will take place Saturday. Aug. 13. at St. Martin's Church in Abbott Rd. k"'" Heads Squadron . Associates Mrs. Gerald S. Wardell has hcen elected skit oer of the Women Assoeiat »s of the Swiftuater Power Squadron. Other new office m are Mrs. Glenwood J. G How. first mate; Mrs, Karl A uracher. recording secretary, and Mrs. Richard G. Will ams, treasurer. %r »w Cluh Ball Tomorr The Island Yacht Club of Wilson will hold a commodore's ball tomor-ow evening In the clubhouse Cocktails will be served at ( 30 and dinner at 7. Vice Commodore Robert W. Olesei and Mrs, Olesen will be dinner chairmen. «r Bridr-Elect to B«J Feted Mr and M r s ! Gonrse B. Barrel!, Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel A. Barre 1 and Mrs. Frances B. Peacoc k will entertain at luncheon tomorrow at the Saturn Club in honor nf Mrs George Bairell's greatniece. Miss Elimbcth Adsit Coolev. and her [iance, Maurire Elias Pinto tf New York. whose marriage will take place at 4 tomorr »w afternoon at the Garret CI ib. Miss Henke Ensiged Mrs. Eleanor SJ Van Bergen of Lincoln Woods Lane has announced the cr gagement of her daughter, Melanie Ann Henke, to W. P. Vance Luerieke. son of Mrs. M. Ruth Luedeke of Vero Beach. Fla.. and William P. Luedeke of Summer St. Miss Henke is the daughter of Carl Henke of Wrstport. Conn. ** Finest Music WGR-FM I ana.— midnight • 96.9 meg • affiliat e<£ with •r* Henry Llop Dr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Clemcat II will entertain at a luncheon and sports party Sunday at their summer home in Eagt Aurora. The party will honor Miss Margot A. S. Rumsey, a debutante of this season. I K S Cornelia T. Sweet will Miss give a luncheon Wednesday at the Twentieth Century Club. Miss Sweet entertained at luncheon yesterday, also at the Twentieth Century Club. The annual Independence Day picnic supper, baseball game and tennis tournament will take place Monday. July 4. at $ie Clarksburg Country Club. Dr. Clayton W. Greene will be referee for the baseball game. Harry D. Grow, general chairnfan of the 1960 annual Ganson Dcpew Memorial Invitation Golf Tournament, will meet with members of his committee at 5 Sunday afternoon at the Wanakah Country Club. The event will be held Aug. 4 to 7 on the links of the Amerijcan lake shore clubhousej Crane Cab Gives Car a ' B r u s h ' Cut KEENE, N H . (UPD—Roger Price. 16, of Keene has a BiewMyted ear with a crease in the New York Titnea News roof—but he isn't the envy of ON THE HOUK the neighborhood. Pric^ said he tried to go under the over-hanging cab of a demolition crane and didn't make it ATRANSCONTINfiNT STATION* all the way. WGR-FM '•'•••• - •*,Wt...'. . f •*• WERE GOING JTOTHERACES =T0NI6HT!— This is something special! The excitement of nine colorful races. The treat of dining out with the man in your life in the luxurious clubhouse. The fun of being out under the stars with congenial people who are enjoying themselves. This is Buffalo Raceway! Come on out! • American Express and Diners' Club Credit Cards htnortd In Clubhouse • Genaral Admission SI.25 Inc. f a x • Clubhousa Admission $2,50 Inc. Tax CALL EHERSON 1210 FOR CLUBHOUSE RESERVATIONS . < w ; * •>. * BUFFALO „ .J* J ** ff 1 RACEWAY HAMBURG, N.Y. POST TIME 8:30 P. M. • Racing Nightly tExc*pt Sunday) through July 23 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Buses Uavs-, Lafay»tte Square-6:10, 6:40. 7:10, 7:25, 7:40 or Drive Thruway to Exit 56 or 57" * mt m^**k+ To Pour Presiding at the urns will be Miss Victoria F. Lampka, jtN, Mrs. Elizabeth P. Pappas, RN, Miss Mary C. Soukop, RN, Mrs. Betty M. Scicchitani, RN, Mrs. Rebecca C. Trooboff, |RN, Mrs. Dorothy S. Josefiak, RN, Miss Mary L. Henderson, RN, and Mrs. Ruth M. Seiler, N. Miss Young will make the . Grace Scott award at the ea. The award, gift of the ate Miss Scott, former direcor of nursing at Deaconess Hospital, is given to a member of the freshman class at the time of promotion for potential ability in nursing. To Be Promoted Girls to be promoted to the sophomore class are the Misses Suzanne L. Balsley, Dorothy M. Burlingame, Marcia A. 'Clark, Mary A. Cleary, Joan L. Dominick, S a n d r a A. Dorns, Carolyn R. Ely, Janet US. Gincstre, Mary J. Johnson, Judith M. Kenward. Sonia K. Kunselman, Sandra J. Lorenz. Also, the Misses Mary L. Maefs, Charlotte A. Maston, Bern?dine T. Miller. Patricia A. Ogden. Gall E. UKnefski. Roberta M. Palmer, Shirley A. Peace, Suzanne E. Piszek, Ann C. Rowles, Carol J. Sorce. Audrey M. Stachowski, Kathleen E. Staffeld and Kay W. Zehr. James P. Smith will entertain guests at a family cocktail parity and dinner Tuesday evening in honor of his niece, Miss Mary Patricia Burkel, and her fiance, Michael Cerrone, whose marriage will take p l a c e on Saturday, July 91 Cockfiails will be served at the home of the future bride's mother, Mrs. Homer J. Savage, and Mr. Savage of Campus Dr., Amherst, preceding dinner at the Sheridan Club in Sheridan Dr., Town of Amherst. I the QXR| network • 9 Races Nightly rhrough July 23 L Mr. and Mr». Robert C. Sanderson will e n t e r t a i n guests at cocktails and a bar accessories shower Sunday afternoon at their summer home at Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ont., in compliment to Miss Mary Guile Esty and the host's brother, James Albert Sanderson. The guests of honor will be married on Saturday. July 2, at the First Church of Evans, Jerusalem Corners, Derby. M i * Lyster Frost will be luncheon hostess to members of the Junior Board of Millard Fillmore Hospital, who will meet for sewing on Wednesday at her home in Briar Row, Amherst. is on A promotional tea will be given for the Deaconess Hospital School of Nursing Class tof 1962 from 2 to 4 Sunday afternoon at the Park Lane. [Members of the faculty will e hosts to parents of the stuents. in the receiving line will be iss Doris A. Young. RN, diector of nursing; Miss Ida M. ell. RN, Miss Beverly A. lor, RN, Mrs. Stephania B. aysfel, RN, Mrs. Ruth K. oreland, RN. mothers of the debutante; Mrs. Eugene Lux of Pompano Beach, Fla., and Mrs. Eugene J. Lippschutz. Also, the Misses Wende S. Adam, Barbara H u r 1 b e r t, Diane E. Loweth, Mary L. Magavern, Mary L. Millonzi, Margot A. S. Rumsey, Sibyll Scaife, Callie Zeller, Coralie K. DeBus. Marcia E. Lentz, Mary O'Malley McConnell, Kathleen Daniels, Madeline S. Borland, Diane R. Webster, Patricia French, Martha J. Borzilleri, Mary E. Morey, Merrily W. Copeland, Virginia L. Schottin and Susan Deckop. Piarist Fathers' festival planned for Sunday Order to Stage Fair An international theme will distinguish the fourth annual Festival of Fun, sponsored by the Piarist Fathers. Sunday on the grounds of the order's headquarters in Old Lake Shore Rd.. Derby. Proceeds will benefit the building fund of the Calasanetius Preparatory School in Rumsey Rd. and the Calasanctius Boys Home in Derby. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Fetto and Mr. and Mrs. Boles- Mary laus R. Sobkowiak arc general chairmen for the event. Mrs. Y. Ramon Perez, chairman of the parcel post booth, has announced that a number of packages for the booth have come from Europe, as well as Mexico, Japan and many parts of the United States. Mrs. Manuel C. T. Llop is in charge of the white elephant booth, assisted by mothers of pre-entrancc pupils. Mrs Llop's sons, Henry and Hatvorth Ignore Neurotic Jabs of Jealousy DEAR MARY HAWORTH —I am a housewife, 33, with a child. 3. We are newcomers here and my husband is getting into a new business which takes up so much of his time that I have enrolled in an evening art class to occupy my mind. This class opened a whole new world to me and. flooded with interest and enthusiasm. I began painting pictures for family and friends. Though conscious of my limitations, I was pleased with the results after so few lessons, and exuberantly showed off my work to all and sundry with open pride. Everyone was most kind and generous in praise with the exception of one friend, I'll'call him Josh, who is the "picky" type and loves to start arguments. A BELITTLER—Though he has no background of knowledge or training in painting, he belittles my work. At first I didn't let it bother me too much, but his disparagement deflates me somewhat. Recently I gave a painting, which I felt was my best to date, to my sister-in-law. When Josh saw it he tore it apart verbally, then turned to me and said: "You think you're good, don't you?" Also he remarked that I certainly reach a long way round to pat myself on the back. especially if the critic Isn't well grounded in the field. Am I to blame, in being so enthusiastic about my progR. J. ress? Qucntin, will atl< d the fesPther. tival with their the festlA new feature val this year is childrcnT) activities booth. eaded bv Mr. and Mrs. WillBm A Poulsen. Dart camesl miniature golf and a fish H i d are included. Traditional picnic suppers will be served, \vfti Mr. and Mrs. Theodore AaBieniek as chairmen. Miss jfenke Moni -will be in chargdBof making Hungarian ehimjHey cakes, along with other foreign foods. Mr. a n d ~ f t s . John I. O'Day are in el w e e of refreshments and Tbarbecued foods. Baked goojp chairmen are Mrs. Z. T. Chifeowicz ana Mrs, J. B. G r a n g » . Other chairmen are Mrs. Lucian C. RutccM treasures booth: Mr. and Mr* Walter J. Berny. variety booth: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. A i n n , adult game<: Mrs. RichaW Halloran, greenhouse ; plantM Mrs. Jerold 1). Dunbar an<J Mrs. Lawrence F. Whelan. |»prons. and Mrs. Norman C. Smith and, Mrs. Robert Sheaj tickets. DEAR R. J — J o s h is a frustrated would-be creative person, who ddesn't do any experimental uprk along the lines of his smouldering ambitions, either because he is lazy, or else afraid he may not succeed. Yet it seems he is bitten bv an obscure compulsive necessity to be considered a big shot in his small world. He craves to hold the stage and occupy the spotlight conversationally. Consequently he is jealous of the fun you are having as a tenderfoot artist and dislikes the fact that you and your paintings have become a conversation piece wherever you go. Teacher ('alls Fairs Unfair TURNERS FALLS. Mass. I.1VSome of the elaborate displays which turn up in high school," science fairs arc actually the work of parents, not students. says a Turners Falls high school teacher. Charles Galvin told school officials science fairs are overrated and are often little more than a publicity gimmick for, schools, towns and newspapers. He said some exhibits in such fairs are beyond the capacity of high schoolers, and apparently are largely the work of interested parents. Miss Rumsey TO BE PRESENTED—Miss Alice C. Merckens and Hiss Margot A. S. Rumsey will be presented to society i his evening at a dance to be given by their parents, Mr. and Mrs. August Merckens and Mr. and Mrs. R. Douglas Rumsey. The party will take place at the Rumsey home in Summer St. Journeys—Arrivals 4***"* MRS. WILLIAM V. DELA* HUNT of Miami Beach, Fla , formerly of Buffalo, is spending a month as the guest of her sister, Mrs. David Braverman, and Mr. Braverman of Bryant St. MR. AXD MRS GEORGE r. PHILLIPS of Chapin Pky. lave moved to their summer lorae at Niagara-on-the-Lake, "int. MR. AND MRS. JACK E TYNG of Ashland Ave. have moved to their new home at Lake Worth, Fla. MR. AND MRS. EVERTT r. DANE of Lakewood, Fla.. Kill arrive tomorrow to spend i fortnight with the former's >rother, Dr. Elmer L. Dane, ind Mrs. Dane of Linwood ^ve. to Picnic Schedule J The annual parish picnic at St. Gabriel's Church will take place Sunday, July 10, at the ; church in Clinton St., Blossom. The Rev. Henry R. Wozniak is honorary chairman. Walter Karelus is general chairman. BUFFALO RACEWAY * M T TIM! 8)30 P. M. • »mi»» Highl, (except Sunday) through July 2S your family! Irjvite your nei your friends! IGNORE C O M M E N T — How does one answer something like that? Perhaps the really enlightened response is to recognize the neurotic envious motivation of his mocking attitude and refuse to pay attention. Just let it pass as one of those trials the devil invents to upset the applecart when one has discovered new joys in living. Are you inviting stabs by being openly enthusiastic about your painting progress? Well, it is hardly prudent to wear one's heart on one*s sleeve in malicious company. And Josh is malicious with spite, as regards your delight in your hobby. Thus it is probably wise to keep your guard up in his presence. A blank stare, a deaf ear and sparing use of words may pull the rug from under his spoilsport game. M. H. HARD CRITIC—How do you answer something like that? Another time, he said of a painting I did for my mother—which she liked so much she phoned long distance to tell me—"What did you do—paint that in a dark room?" Am I correct in thinking he has some sort of complex in speaking that way? Is it right to critically attack a beginner in any field, who is just trying to get his bearings? I think it's wrong, Mary H a worth counsels through her column, not by mail or personal interview. Write her in care of The Courier-Express. Garden Club to Hear Data on Sun Dials Delegates to CPA Session Return The East Lovejoy Garden Club will meet at 8 Monday evening at Halloran's Hall, Lovejoy and Ideal. Miss Sarah Harvey will present information on sun dials which has been compiled by Mrs. James Doyle. Members will make simple line arrangements which will be criticized by Mrs. Elmer Bork. Mrs. Doyle, Mrs. Frank Landseadel and Miss Edith Siegbahn will be hostesses. Several district residents attended the 27th annual conference of the New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants, which concluded sessions Wednesday at Equinox House, Manchester, Vt. They are Mr. and Mrs. Warren B. Cutting of Lexington Ave., Joseph L. Brock of Brantford PL, Mr. and Mrs. Karl E. Felmeden of Union Rd., Ebenezer, and Mr. and Mrs. William R. Fairgrieve of Brantwood Rd., Amherst. TABLES NEMMER'S On Oup/oy at . , . 606 Untitled Document MAIN ST. Thtr* a r t OVER 360 Tablet on Display In all Sty its—Cocktail, Sttp Corntr, lamp. Drum and End. BOWLING'S COOL FUN! While others swelter, when summer simmers-beat the heat the cool-fun way-^visit your local "Magic Triangle" bowling cent®*. You'll find comfortable air-conditioning, friendly, helpful servicte. So, for the greatest fun away from the sun-get witH the crowd and go bowling! From $11.00 <° $159.00 BOWL WHERE YOU SEE THE TRIANGLE* AMF PINSPOTTERS INC. SUBSIDIARY O F AMERICAN MACHINE It FOUNDRY CO. AMF BUILDING • 861 MADISON AVENUE. NEW YORK 1«, N.Y. ! \ Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com '
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