NATIONS UNIES UNITED NATIONS WORLD H E A L T H ORGANIZATION ORGANISATION MONDIALE DE LA SANTÉ SEVENTH WORLD HEALTH ASSENJBLY A7 /Technical Discussions /6 SEPTIEME ASSENBT,^F MONDIALE DE LA SANTE 23 March 1954 23 mars 1954 RURAL HYG .T,NE A Selected Bibliography This list of references on rural hygiene was compiled to assist participants in the Technical Discussions on "Public Health Problems in Rural Areas" to be held during the Seventh ;world Health Assembly, 1954. It is based upon the material available in the WHO Library, Geneva, especially that published during the last ten years, supplemented by reference to the relevant bibliographical sources Although every including the principal indexing and abstracting periodicals. effort has been made to make the list as representative as possible of geographical areas, it is recognized that it can make no claim to be regarded as comprehensive. Additions and corrections will therefore be welcomed and should be addressed to: Library and Reference Section World Health Organization Palais des Nations Geneva, Switzerland HYGINE RURALE Choix de références bibliographiques Cette liste de références sur lhyr,iène rurale a êté préparée à l'intention des personnes participant aux Discussions Techniques sur les "Problèmes de santé publique dans les régions rurales" qui auront lieu pendant la Septième Assemblée Mondiale de la Santé, 1954. Elle est fondée sur les publications qui se trouvent à la Bibliothèque de 110MS, à Genève, en particulier celles qui ont paru pendant les dix dernières années, et a été complétée par des références dans les sources bibliographiques essentielles, notamment les principaux index et périodiques analytiques. Bien quton se soit efforcé de rendre la liste aussi représentative que possible de toutes les régions géographiques, elle ne prétend aucunement á âtre exhaustive. Les additions et corrections éventuelles seront les bienvenues et peuvent âtre adressées à Section de la Bibliothèque et de la Documentation Organisation Mondiale de la Santé Palais d cs Nations Genève, Suisse A7 /Technical Discussions /6 page 1 RURAL HYGIENE A selected bibliography HYGIENE RURALE Choix de références bibliographiques 1. ALEXA, I. & ANGHELESCU, C. Problemele fundamentale ale sanatatii publice rurale din Remania. Bucaresti,, Tipdgrafia ''Press ", 1946, 260 p. # 2. ALLBAUGH, L.G. Crete; a case study of an underdeveloped area. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1953, 572 p. Lealth, p, 136 -1787 3 ALLEN, A.J. Water supply problems in rural districts from .the engineering point of view. J. rcy. sanit. Inst. 1945, 65, 143 -149. 4. ALLEN, H.B. ed. Rural reconstruction in action; experience in the Near and Middle East. New York, .Cornell Univ. Press, 1953, 204 p. # 5. AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. COMMITTEE ON RURAL HEALTH Programs for the improvement of rural health Chicago, 1949, 227 p. # 6. AMERICAN UNITARIAN ASSOCIATION. UNITARIAN SERVICE COMMITTEE Report of the public health planning team. to Germany, 1951. New York, 1952, 120 p. oneographed7 # 7. ANTUNES, P.C.A. Health and médical services for rural populations in Brazil. Proc. Internat. Cong. trop. Med. & Malaria, 1948, , 1452 -1458 8. ARGENTINA. ADMINISTRACION GENERAL DE OBRAS SANITARIAS DE LA NACION Conceptos generales sobre saneamiento rural. Buenos Aires, Secretaria General Tecnica, Division de Informaciones y Prensa, Oficina de Propaganda y Consulta del Saneamiento Rural, 1948, 14 p.. # # Publications available in either World Health Organization Library Library. or United Nations # Publications se trouvant à la Bibliothèque de l'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé ou à la Bibliothèque des Nations Unies.. Aiflechnical Discussions /6 page 2 # 9. ASSOCIATION DE MEDECINE RURALE. CONGRFS NATIONAL IIIe GRENOBLE 19-20-21 JUIN 1953 Concours méd. 1953, 75, 2827 -2844, 2873 -2883 # f0. ATKINS, C.H. Some economic aspects of sanitation programmes in rural areas and small towns. (WH0/Env.San. /56. 30.6.53) 11. # 12. 15 p. L7npublished7 English only. BAIN, R.E.D. Some aspects of rural water supplies in Northern Ireland. Surveyor, Lond. 1946, 105, 419 -421 BATTY, H.G., ALBUQUERQUE,' M. H.B. & CASTELLO BRANCO, C.C. Estudos preliminares para as obras sanitarias no valedo Sáo Francisco: Rev. Serv. Saude publ. (Rio de'(4)., 1951, 4, 665 -945 12a. BANERJEA, R. The control of malaria in a rural area of West Bengal. Indian J. Malar. 1949, 33, 371 -386 13. BASIL, J.B. & SMILLIE, W.G. Organization of rural health unit. # 14. Hospitals, 1942, 16, 82 -88 BASTO, A. & FARIA, G. Unidade médico -sanitaria rural na'Amazonia. (In; Congressobrasileiro de higiene. 7th. Seo Paule, 1948. Anais, 1949, v,1, p. 229-235) 15. BELGIQUE. COMITE NATIONAL BELGE DE L'ORGANÎSATION DES NATIONS UNIES POUR L'ALIMENTATION ET L'AGRICULTURE Monographies sur le bien -être rural en Belgique; élaborées en vue d'une Conférence européenne pour, l'étude du bien- être,rural. Bruxelles, Ministère de l'Agriculture, 1951, 197 p. # 16. BELIATSKII, D.P. Sanitarno-epidemiologischeskie.stantsiï Belorusskoi SSR. 4fanitary-epidemiologic stations in Byelorussia - stations sanitaires et epidémiologiques en Byélorussie7 Gigiena, 1951, 3, 18-24 17. BENHAM,. L.E. . Rural sanitation. Canad. Nurse 1953, 49, 25 -27 18. BIERMAN, J.M. Rural schools challenge public health, Child (Wash.), 1946, 11, 106-108 A7 /Technical Discussions /6 page 3 19. BOND, G.F. Rural medical facilities. W. Va med. J., 1950, 46, 321 -326, . 20. BOND, G.F. Plan for rural medical services. J. Amer. med. Ass. 1951, 147, 1543 -1547 21. BORGERSON, A.H. A better rural transfusion program. Minn. Med. 1950, 33, 773-775 K 22. 23. # 24. BORGES, & FERNANDEZ, E. La educacion sanitaria en el medio ambiente rural. Boa. Salud.publ. (Montevideo) 1945, 5, 149-177 Rol del médico y maestro, BOSANQUET, B.S. The quality of the rural population. Eugen. Rev. 1950, 42, 75 -92 BOSE, P.C. Water supply systems in rural areas with special reference to West Bengal, India. (WHO /Env.San. /36. # 5.5.53) 17 p. unpublished] English ery, 25. BRAYNE, F.L. The better village movement in the Punjab, and the part played by village schools. Lahore, Civil & military gazette, n.d., 22 p. 26. BRAYNE, F.L. The peasant1s home, and its place in national planning. London, Village Welfare Association, 1949, 24 p. 27. BRIDGMAN, R.F. Le problème des h6pitaux ruraux. Sem. Op. Paris, 1951, 27, 1574 -1577 28. BRIDGMAN, R.F. sa structure et son organisation. L'hSpital rural; Genève, Organisation mondiale de la santé, 1954, 160 p. (Organisation Mondiale de la Santé. Série de monographies, No. 21) Ed. anglaise en préparation. ti # 29. BROOKE, C.O.S. Organization of local health services. (WHO /PHA /20. 24.8.53) 7 p. Ynpublishe7 . BROOKE, C.O.S. Organisation de services sanitaires locaux. (WHO /PHA /20. 24.8,53) 9 p. ¿on- publié] A7 /Technical Discussions /6 page 4 30. # 31. BUIE, L.A. Voluntary prepayment medical care and its rural aspects, Minn, Med, 1947, 30, 382 -385 BUSTAMANTE, M.E. Local public health work in Mexico. Amer. J. publ. Hlth, 1931, 21, 725 -736 BUXELL, J.0. The rural environment-and its relation to health in the Middle East. (WHO/Env.San. /58, 13.7.53) 5 p. Zûnpublished7 English only. 33. CALIFORNIA. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH. BUREAU OF HEALTH EDUCATION Inventory of local health problems, resources and services. How much ïalth protection do we have; what do we need? San Francisco, 1950. 23 p. 34. CANDAU, M.,G,, & BRAGA, E. Novos rumos a saude publica rural (In: Congresso brasileiro de higiene. 7th, Slo Paulo, 1948. Anais. 1949. v01, p. 237 -250) 35. CASTENFORS., J. Proposal for reorganization of public health services in rural districts. Nord. hyg. T., 1946, 27, 64 -74 36. ' 3 DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL AND SANITARY SERVICES A guide to health unit procedure in Ceylon, by S.F. Chellappah and W.P. Jacocks. Colombo, Ceylon Govt, Press, 1948, 150 p. ,CEYLON. 37. CHARBONNEAU, M. Les services médico- sociaux du paysanat. Maroc méd, 1950 29, 156 -157 38. CHAVEZ ARANGO, M. Las nuevas unidades moviles rurales en Cuba. Salubr. Asist. soc., 1950, 53, 71 -74 39. CHAZARRA QUESADA, M. Problemas fundamentales que plantea la vida médico rural. Siglo mad, 1947, 115, 18 -22 40. CHELLAPAH, S.F. Sanitation problems of rural areas and small communities. ünpublished7 English only. (WHO /EnvSan:i33, 15.4.53) 5 p. 41, CHIEN, C.C. Scientific medicine as applied in Ting Hsien. rural public health experiment in China. Milbank mem, Fd. Quart., 1933, 11, 97-129 Third annual report of the A7/Technical Discussions /6 page 5 42. CHERENKOVA, D.S. Meditsinskoe obsluzhivanie sezonnykh iaslei. ¿edical and nursing services in seasonal farm -- camps. Services médicaux et soins infirmiers dans les camps ruraux saisonniers]. Med. sestra, Moskva, 1950, 4, 21 -22 43. CHRISTOV, Me Rural public health services. Services publics sanitaires ruraux Ann. méd, (Sofia) 1948, 40 259 -266 44, COLBOURNE, M.J. et al. A medical survey in a Gold Coast Village. Trans. roy. Soc. trop. Med. Hyg. 1950, 44, 271 -290 45. CONFERENCE ON RURAL MDICINE, COOPERSTOWN, N.Y. Rural medicine, proceedings of the Conference held at Cooperstown, New York, October 7 and 8, 1938. Springfield) Ill,) Thomas, 1939, 268 p. 46. COOPER, P.R. Health committees: their role in rural health. (WHO /PHA /110 6.8.53) 7 p. /Unpublished] COOPER, P.R. Commissions- sanitaires: leur rôle dans la santé rurale. (WHO/PHA /ll. 6.8.53) 8 p. ¿on publié] # 47. CORNELL UNIVERSITY. DEPARTMENT OF RURAL SOCIOLOGY Use. of health resources by rural people in two central New York counties, 1949, by O.F. Larson and D.G. Hay. Ithaca, N.Y.., 1951, 45 1. (Mimeographed). # 48. CORNELL UNIVERSITY. DEPARTMENT OF RURAL SOCIOLOGY Health resources and their use by rural peoples by M.L. Bright and D.G. Hay, Ithaca, N.Y., 1952, 30 1. (Mimeographed). # Ulster County, 49. CORNELL UNIVERSITY. DEPARTMENT Use of health resources by 1950, by D.G. Hay and O.F. Ithaca, N.Y., 1952, 38 1. OF RURAL SOCIOLOGY rural people in two western New York counties, Larson. (Mimeographed). 50. CORNWELL, C. Five states report progress with rural health attack at local level. J. Osteop, 1952, 59, 11 -15 51. COTTERELL, G.T. The problem of sewage disposal in rural areas. J. roy. sanit. Inst. 1944, 44, 19 -31 A7 /Technical Discussions /6 page 6 52. CROCKETT, F.S. Looking back to look ahead, in rural health.. Publ. Hlth Rep. (Wash.), 1953, 68, 480 -485 53. CROCKETT, F.S. What American Medical Associatipn is doing about rural medicine. J. Indiana med. Ass. 1948, 41,, 726-729 54. CROCKETT, F.S. Rural health. Va med. Mon. 1949, 76,. 217 -219 55. CROCKETT, F.S. National rural health conference in Roanoke. Va med. Mon. 1953, 80, 61-62. 56. CVETANOVIC, B. Zdraystvene prilike nekih zaostalih seoskih predjela u nr hrvatskoj. /ffealth conditions in some backward rural regions in P.R. Croatia. Conditions sanitaires dans quelques régions rurales sous -développées . . dans la R.P. de Croati2 Narod. Zdray. 1953, 9, 20 -25 # 57. 58. DAMIENS, M.O. Etat sanitaire de la Kabylie française; rurale. (Thèse, Paris) Paris, Busson, 1946, 28 p.. plan d'organisation sanitaire DAVIDSON, A. Methodology of planning a local health programme. (WHO /PHA /23, 16.9.53) 4 p. ZUnpublishesg DAVIDSON, A. Méthodes à: appliquer pour élaborer un programme d'action sanitaire sur le plan local. (WHO /PHA /23, 16.9.53) 5 p. ñon- publié? # 59. DEBUIRRE, P.A. La protection maternelle en milieu rural. Sem, Hep. Paris, 1953, 29, 3936 -3937 60. DENEE, G. de Les auxiliaires médicaux à la campagne. Sem. Hep. Paris, 1953, 29, 3469 -3470 61. DERRYBERRY, M. The health education aspects of sanitation programmes in rural areas and small communities. ZÎTnpublished (WHO /Env.San. /47, 5.5.53) 14 p. A7 /Technical Discussions /6 page 7 DERRYBERRY, M. L'éducation sanitaire dans les programmes d'assainissement destinés nue' régions rurales et aux'petites collectivités. (WHO /Env.San. /47, 5.5.53) 14 p. ¿on- publié? ' 62. DESBUQUOIS, G. & G MARD, R. Etat actuel de l'élevage Ues enfants à la campagne. Sem. Hep., Paris, 1951, 27, 1561 -1570 63. DEVOLD, J. ¿ealth centres in rural districts. santé dans les districts ruraux] T. norske Laegeforen. 1950, 70, 399 -402 Helsehus peo. landsbygda. Centres de 64. Doctors for rural communities. Illinois med. J. 1953, 103, 134-135 65. DODD, S.C. A controlled experiment on rural hygiene in Syria;, a study in the measurement of rural culture patterns and of social forces. Beirut, Lebanon Republic, American press, 1934, 336 p. 66. DUTEIL, G. & BRASSIER, E. Essai d'introduction à l'étude de la médecine du travail agricole. Sem. Hep. Paris, 1953, 29, 3931 -3933 67. DUTTA, P.C. Rural medical relief. J. Indian med. Ass. 1950, 19, 224 -228 68. DYER, N.H. Rural health center's. W. Va-med. J. 1950, 46, 328 -329 69. Egypt rural welfare centres. ' Int. Labour Rev, 1950, 61, 59-64 70. EHLERS, V.M. & Steel, E.W. Municipal and rural sanitation, 4th ed, New York, McGraw -Hill, 1950, 548 p. 71. EMERSON, H. Local health units for the nation. New York, Commonwealth Fund, 1945, 333 p. 72. EMERSON, H. Essential local public health services. Ann. Amer. Acad. polit. soc. soi. 1951, 273, 19..24 A7 /Technical Discussions /6 page 8 73. Enfermería sanitaria rural en Chile. Bol. Ofic. sanit. panamer. 1951, 30, 752 -763 74. Enquête sur l'habitation rurale en France,. enquête entreprise à la demande de ?^ Société des Nations sur la situation économique, sociale et sanitaire des campagnes au point de vue du logement. Paris, Dannaud, 1939, 2 vol. 75. Enquête sur l'organisation de la protection médico -sociale, dans les régions rurales. Rev. int. Méd. prof. soc., 1939, 12, 15 -92 76. Experiments of the Egyptian Association for social studies in rural reconstruction in Egypt: El- Manayel and Shatanouf Fund. & Adult Educ. 1953, 5, 150 -156 x Les expériences de l'association Egyptienne d'études sociales dans le domaine du progrès rural; El Manayel et Shatanouf. Educ. Base, 1953, 5, 166 -173 77. FARM FOUNDATION Medical care and health services for rural people; result of Conference, April 11 -13, 1944. Chicago, 1944. 225 p. study prepared ae a 78. FARM FOUNDATION Better health for rural people. Chicago, 1948. 16 p. 79. FERREIRA, M.J. 0 problema de salubridade no trabalho rural. Med. Deporte y Trab. 1950, 15, 3516 -3523 80. FILSAK, J. Organisace prace v obvodnim zdravotnickém stredisku Velké Hámry. ¿rganization of the work of the District Health Centre in Velke Hamry. Organisation du travail du Centre de Santé de district dans le Velke Hani rC Zdray. Rev., 1951, 26, 203 -204 # 81. FISHER, L.M. Sanitation accomplishments inlocal health departments. Publ. Hlth Rep. (Wash.) 1952, 67, 653 -656 # 82. FLETCHER, A.H. The state department of health and the local health departments - a working partnership. The division of environmental sanitation. Publ. Hlth News, Trenton, N.J, 1951, 32, 134 -138 A7/Technical Discussions /6 page 9 83. FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS Essentials of rural welfare; an approach to the improvement of rural well- being. Washington, 1949. 43 p. ORGANISATION DES NATIONS UNIES POUR L'ALIMENTATION ET L'AGRICULTURE Essai d'analyse du bien -être rural; les conditions de l'amélioration de la vie rurale. Washington, 1949. 47 p. # 84. FREEMAN, A.W. ed. A .study of rural public health service New York, The Commonwealth fund, 1933, 236 p. 85. FREIRE, F. Centros de saude rurais - centros de eduaaçgo sanitaria, Gaz. méd. port., 1949, 2, 466 -471 86. GALE, G.W. Health centre practice, promotive health services and development of health centres scheme. S. Afr, med. J. 1946, 20, 326 -330 87. GALE, G.W. Government health centres in Union of South Africa. S. Afr, med. J. 1949, 23, 630 -636 88, GAMARD, R. L'évolution de la médecine rurale. Sem. H6p. Paris, 1953, 29, 3465 -3469 89. GARNETT, W.E. for country folk. Blacksburg, 1949, 36 p. (Va, Agr. Expt. Sta. Rural Sociol. Rpt. 75) 90. GARTSIDE, V.O.B. Mobile clinics for rural areas. Mother & Child, Lend..1949, lob 68-73 91. GEAR; H.S. South African native health and medical service. S. Afr. med. J. 1943, 17, 167 -172 92. GIANONI, A. & TRAVERSA, J.C. Plan quinquenal de obras de saneamiento en el Uruguay. Sanit. Engin, (Span. edit.), 1949 -50, 3, 88 -105 93. GONZALEZ HERRERA, L.J. Unidades sanitarias y medicaturas rurales. Unid. sanit. (Caracas), 1951, 5, 180 -182 ... 3f # # A7 /Technical Discussions /6 page 10 94. G0ODRIDGE, J.H., FULLER, G.W. & LOCKETT, E.B. Some problems of water supplies in rural areas at home and overseas. J. roy. sanit. Inst. 1946, 66, 130 -136 95. GRANGER, W. Rural water supplies: ideals and practical possibilities. Surveyor, Lond. 1945, 104, 403 96. GUPTA, P.N. Rural health inIndia. Indian sad, Riù, ,,l95., 1951,11,444.62 97. Health protection to local areas in Ceyl.. (WHO/PHA/18. 13.8.53) 5 p. / Jnpublished7 Protection sanitaire des collectivités locales à Ceylan. (WHO /PHA /18. 13.8.53) 6 P. Non publié? 98. Health protection to local areas in the United States. tTnpublishe 7 (WHO /PHA /17. 13.8.53) 15 p. Protection sanitaire des collectivités locales aux Etats-Unis. (WHO /PHA/17. 13.8.53) 17 p. Non publi] 99. # HEISCH, R.B. Survey of the Kerio valley. E. Afr. med. J. 1950, 27, 233 -242 100. Help yourself to health. 7th national conference on rural health. 1952, 67, 479 -483 Publ. Hlth Rep. (Wash.) 101, HERCUS, C.E., & FAINE, S. The rarntongan villagers' environment. Trans. roy. Soc. trop. Med. Hyg. 1951, 45, 353 362 # 102. HINES, E.J. The organization and training of rural health etaff in Uganda. (WHO /Env.S an. /30. 5.5.53) 8 p. ¿Unpublished] English only. # 103. HOEFS OMMER, H. The health culture patterns of rural people. Publ. Hlth Nurs. 1952, 44, 309 -314 # 104. 105. HOLLIS; M.D. Economic aspects of rural sanitation in the USA. (WHO/Env.San. /53. 20.5.53) 19 p. 7npublished7 English only, HOLMES, P.M. Intermittent sand filter found useful in rural sanitatiu. Civil. Engin. 1945, 15, 284 -285 A7 /Technical Discussions /6 page 11 * # 106. HOPKINS, B.A. General practitioner and rural medical care. Sth. med. J. (Bgham, Ala.) 1946, 39, 106 -108 107. HOPKINS, G.J. Some public health implications of the Missouri Valley development program., Amer. J. pubs. Hith 1950, 40, 917 -922 108. HUBBARD, J.P., PENNELL, M.Y. & BRITTEN, R.H. Health services for the rural child; availability of hospitals, physicians and dentists in service areas. Chicago, American Medical Assoc., 1948, 58 p. 109. HUBBARD, J.P. PENNELL, M.Y. & BRITTEN, R.H. Health services for the rural child. Availability of hospitals,' physicians and dentists in service areas. J. Amer. med. Ass. 1948, 137, 337 -343 110. HUESTIS, A. & STEVENSON, P. Rural school improvement. Mich. publ. Hith 1935, 33, 72 & 76. 111. HUMPHREY, F.A. Methods of bringing and holding doctors in rural areas. J. Amer. med, Ass. 1947, 133, 778 -779 Rocky Mtn. med. J. 1947, 44, 283 -286 112. _%HUNGARY] 113. HYDRICK, J.L. Intensief hygiene werk en medisch -hygienische propaganda van den Dienst der Volksgezondheid in Nederlandsch -Indie. Batavia- Centrum, Java, 1936, 60 p. (English, French and Spanish translations) 114. ILIC, D. ORSZAGOZ KQZEGESZSEGUGYI INTEZET Rural health work in Hungary by B. Johan. Budapest, 1939, 230 p. (Publications of the state hygienic institute of Hungary No. 9) Za zdrav zivot naseg sela. /For a healthy life of our village. Pour une vie saine dans notre village] Serajevo, 1949, 31 p, jzdanje Glavnog odbora Crvenog krsta za Bosnu, Hercegoismy Serajevo] # 115. IMBASCIATTI, B. L'igiene rurale nella legislaziene sociale, nelll organizzazione sanitaria e nella didattica universitaria. Riv. ital. Igiene 1947, 7, 161 -169 A7 /Technical Discussions /6 page 12 # ALL -INDIA INSTITUTE OF HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH The rural community controlled practice field of the All-India institute of hygiene and public health. Calcutta, Govt. of India press, 1945, 28 p. 116. INDIA. 117. INDIA. 117a. INDIA. 117b. # 117á. ALL -INDIA INSTITUTE OF HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH, CALCUTTA, General rural health survey, Singur health centre, 1944, by R.B. Lal and S.C. Seal. Calcutta, Govt. of India press, 1949, 323 p. ENVIRONMENTAL HYGIENE COMMITTEE Report, October, 1949. Simla, Govt, of India press, 1950. 208 p. INDIA. HEALTH SURVEY AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. Report of the Health survey and development committee ... Delhi, Manager of publicationâ, 1946, 4 vols. INDIAN COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH studies in village problems. Developing village India; U.N. Chatterjee7 Planned by M.S. Randahawa. Rev. ed. Bombay, Orient Longmans, 1951. 290 p. ¿ditor: 118. INDONESIA. MINISTRY,OF HEALTH The,upbuilding of public health in Indonesia by J. Leimena. Djakarta, 1952. 59 p. 119. INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT The basis of a development program for Colombia. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Press, 1950. 642 p. # 120. INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT The economy of Turkey. Washington, 1951. 276 p. Education and public health, p.:169 -1937 . 121. INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT The economic development of Jamaica. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Press, 1952. 288 p. ublic # 122. 123. health, p. 262 -266 INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT The economic development of Ceylon. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Press, 1953. 829 p. ¿ublic health, p. 700 -7677 MINISTRY OF HEALTH The health services of Israel. Jerusalem, 1952. .159 p. ISRAEL. A7 /Technical Discussions /6 page 13 # 124. JAIN, S.K. Une expérience de développement rural dans ltInde. Le projet - pilote d'Etawah Rev. int. Travail, 1953, 68 , 419 -435 . # 125. 126. # 127. 128. JOHAN, B. Le service rural de la santé publique en Hongrie. Bull. Off. int. Hyg. publ. 1941, 33, 71-77 JOHNSTON, H.L. Rural health cooperatives. Publ. Hlth Rep. (Wash.) 1950, 65, 1383 -1397 JOINT COMMITTEE ON RURAL SANITATION Individual sewage disposal systems, recommendations (Rev. 1947). Washington, Off. of Housing Expediter, National Housing Agency, 1947, 33 p. (U.S. Public Health Service. Public Health Reports. Reprint No. 2461) JONES, C. A preliminary survey for a rural health demonstration area in Iran. (EM /PHA /24. Dec. 52.) # 129. unpublished] English only. STATE POLICY MAKING COMMITTEE ON HEALTH EDUCATION Sanitation in urban and rural schools .., Topeka, Kan., F. Voiland, jr., 1946. 77 p. KANSAS. . # 130. 56 p. KAPRIO, L.A. The health care of rural Finland. 4.9.53) 8 p. ¿npublished7 (WHO/PHA/22.. KAPRIO, L.A. La protection sanitaire dans les zones rurales de Finlande. (WHO/PHA /22. 4.9.53) 9 p.. gon-publié7 131. KARK, S.L. & CASSEL, J. The Pholela health centre; a progress report. S. Afr. med. J. 1952, 26, 101 -104, 131 -136 132. KETTERER, W.A. Village polyclinics in Middle Java. Publ. Hlth Rep. (Wash.) 1953, 68, 558 -562 133. KHOT' KO, N. K_. Nekotorye itogi organizatsii spetsializirovannoi pomoshchi naseleniiu oblasti. ¿ertain problems of .organization of specialized services for the rural population. Quelques problèmes d'organisation des services spéciaux pour la population rurale? Sovetsk. Zdravookh.. 1950, 3, 30 -35 A? /Technical Discussions /6 page 14 134. k 135. 136. # 137. 138. KIRK, J.B. Health unit system as means of applying principles of preventive medicine in rural areas in the tropics. Trans. roy. Soc. trop. Med. Hy g. 1934, 27, 587 -592 KIRK, J.B. Discussion on practical application of recent advances in tropical medicine and hygiene to rural tropical areas; certain observations on social welfare in tropical Africa. J. roy. sanit. Inst. 1947, 67, 493 -497 KLEINSCHMIDT, L.S. How can better rural health be developed? Rural Sociology, 1944, 9, 21 -27 KOLTSOV, V. Soviet health service. London, "Soviet News" '1952. 37 p. Jubile health services in the countryside p. 12 -15 The air medical service p. 26 -287 KONSTANTINOV, G.F. Pervye itogi reorganizatsii 'zdravookhraneniia na sele. first data on organization of public health in rural communities. Organisation de l'assistance médico- prophylactique dans les grandes fermes collective? Sovetsk. Zdravookh. 1950, 4, 37 -42 , 139. KONSTANTINOV, G.F. Organizatsiia lechebno -profilakticheskoi pomoshchi v ukrupnennykh kolkhozakr' / rganization of medico- prophylactic- assistance in enlarged collective l'arme; Premiers résultats sur l'organisation de la santé publique dans les communautés rurales] Sovetsk. Zdravookh. 1951, 3, 25 -28 140. KUMBHANI, J.H. Rural medical relief. J. Indian med. Ass. 1949, 18, 286 -288 141. KUNDERT, E. Rural mental hygiene clinics. Dis. nerv. Syst. 1952, 13, 360 -367 142. LAL, R.B. A new latrine suitable for rural communities, camps and isolated bungalows. Indian med. Gaz., 1950, 85, 469 -473 # 143. LAMBERT, D.P. Health education in a rural area. Hlth Educ. J. 1954, 12, 12 -20 A7/eohnical Discussions /6 page 15 144. LAMKIN, N.B. Health education in rural schools and communities. New York, Barnes, 1946, 209 p. 145. LANDIS, B.Y. Rural welfare services. New York, Columbia Univ. Press, 1949, 201 p. # 146. LANGSHAW, Ç.L. Sanitation in the British West Indies. 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CYCLE D'ETUDES DE SERVICE SOCIAL ORGANISE PAR LES NATIONS UNIES POUR LES ETATS ARABES DU MOYEN ORIENT. BEYROUTH, 15 AOUT L 8 SEPTEMBRE 1949 Lake Success, New York, 1950. 78 p. /Ë /CN.5 /175/Rev. 17 J. Rapport sur le service social rural. 278, p. 34-3g UNITED NATIONS. SOCIAL WELFARE SEMINAR FOR ARAB STATES IN THE MIDDLE EAST. 2nd. CAIRO, 22 NOVEMBER -.14 DECEMBER 1950 New York, 1951. 87 p. jommittee VI. Report on rural health and hygiene. p. 52-61 J NATIONS UNIES. DEUXIEME CYCLE D'ETUDES DE SERVICE SOCIAL ORGANISE PAR LES NÁTIONS UNIES POUR LES ETATS ARABES DU MOYEN ORIENT. LE CAIRE, 22 NOVEMBRE 14 DECEMBRE 1950. New York, 1951. 137 p. _jommission VI. Rapport sur la santé et l'hygiène dans les régions rurales - p. 77 -947 A7 /Technical Discussions /6 page 29 279. UNITED NATIONS. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ADMINISTRATION Report of the mission on community organization and development in selected Arab countries of the Middle East, by O. Allen, K.G. Sivaswamy and C. Winckel. 60 p. 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EXPERT COMMITTEE ON ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION Report. 3rd Session, 27 - 31 July 1953. (Technical Report Series No. 77) Geneva, 1954. 29 p. ORGANISATION MONDIALE DE LA SANTE. COMITE D'EXPERTS DE L'ASSAINISSEMENT Rapport. 3ème Session, 27 - 31 juillet, 1953. (Série de Rapports Techniques No. 77). Genève, 1954. 34 p. 304. WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION. EXPERT COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC HEALTH ADMINISTRATION Report. 1st Session, 3 - 7 December 1951. Geneva, November 1952, 47 p. (Technical Report Series No. 55) / Experiments in local health services, p. 27-417 ORGANISATION MONDIALE DE LA SANTE. COMITE D'EXPERTS DE L'ADMINISTRATION DE LA SANTE PUBLIQUE Rapport. aère Session, 3 - 7 décembre 1951. Genève, novembre 1952. 47 p. (Série de Rapports Techniques No. 55) jxpériences entreprises par certains pays pour l'organisation de services sanitaires sur le plan local, p. 31 -467 305. WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION. EXPERT COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC HEALTH ADMINISTRATION Report. 2nd'Session, 21 - 25 September 1953. (Technical Report Series No. 83) Geneva, 1954. ORGANISATION MONDIALE DE LA SANTE. COMITE D'EXPERTS DE L'ADMINISTRATION DE LA SANTE PUBLIQUE Rapport. 2ème Session, 21 - 25 septembre 1953." (Série de Rapports Techniques No. 83) Genève, 1954. A7 /Technièal Discussions /6 page 32 3 306. WORTHINGTON, E.B. A development plan for Uganda. Entèbbé, Govt. printer, 1949. 112 p. /ealth p. 45-497 307. 308. WRIGHT, J.W. Some human factors in sanitation programs in Africa.. Amer. J. trop. Med. 1953, 2, 572 -577 XAVIER, A.M. & HOFMEISTER, A. A,, B, Organizaçáo e fincionamento de serviços de higiene e medicina no meio rural. Congresso brasileiro de higiene. (In: Anais. 1949, v.1, p. 209 -218) 309. 7th, Sao Paulo, 1948. ZAPATERO BALLESTEROS, E. Higiene rural. Barcelona. Buenos Aires, Salvat, 1943, 373 P. Compiled by World Health Organization Library, February 1954.
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