RFD (Results – Framework Document) 2014 - 2015 Housing & Urban Development Department Government of Odisha Results Framework Document (RFD) – 2014-15 Contents Section 1: Vision, Mission and Objectives of the Department ........................................................... 2 Section 2: Inter se Priorities among Key Objectives, Success Indicators & Targets ........................... 3 Section 3: Trend Values of Success Indicators .................................................................................. 10 Section 4: Description and definition of success indicators ............................................................. 16 Section 5: Specific performance requirements from other departments ........................................ 17 Section 6: Outcome / Impact of activities of department ................................................................ 18 DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION Housing & Urban Development Department, Government of Odisha Page 1 Results Framework Document (RFD) – 2014-15 Section 1: Vision, Mission and Objectives of the Department Vision To ensure planned and inclusive development of cities/ towns into liveable, economically vibrant and productive, sustainable and efficient entities Mission Realizing the vision by embarking on − implementing urban reforms & e-governance; − strengthening urban planning with citizens' participation; − enforcing municipal rules/ regulations; − building capacity of ULBs to deliver services; − creating and maintaining urban infrastructure; − operationalising effective urban services; − developing public open spaces and amenities; − slum redevelopment and rehabilitation & affordable housing for all; − upgrading skills of urban poor for increasing their employability and improving economic condition Housing & Urban Development Department, Government of Odisha Key Objectives Facilitating reforms and policy interventions to improve financial base of ULBs & better citizen interface in service delivery Slum redevelopment and rehabilitation and effectively implementing housing schemes for EWS, LIG and MIG Improving urban planning & governance for effective enforcement of plans, rules, efficient urban management and service delivery Effectively implementing programmes for skill development and urban poverty reduction Enhancing service standards, transparency, accountability & simplifying process for grievance redressal Creation of urban infrastructure in the areas of water supply, sewerage, solid waste management, storm water drainage, urban transport and other amenities Encouraging PPP projects for infrastructure development, urban transport & solid waste management Encouraging innovations in urban development Page 2 Results Framework Document (RFD) – 2014-15 Section 2: Inter se Priorities among Key Objectives, Success Indicators & Targets Objective Wt (%) Action(s) # Action Point(s) # Success Indicators Unit Wt (%) Target/ Criteria Values Exce llent Very Good Goo d Fair Poo r 100% 90% 70% 50% 30% Objective-1 [1] Facilitating reforms and policy interventions to improve financial base of ULBs & better citizen interface in service delivery 8.0 [1.1] Implement reforms under JnNURM & UIDSSMT 1.1.1 Implement Pending State Level Optional reforms 1.1.2 1 2 Facilitate implementing pending ULB level reforms 3 4 Draft Bye-laws for re-use of re-cycled water prepared No. of ULBs preparing Opening Balance Sheet (OBS) based on DEAS Implementation of UC monitoring system under e-Municipality Drafting amendments in the Odisha Municipal Act 1950/ Odisha Municipal Corporation Act 2003 for earmarking 25% of fund for services to the urban poor in the ULBs and submission to law dept. for vetting Qtr. 1.00 3 3.5 4 No. 1.00 103 93 73 52 31 Qtr 1.00 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 Qtr. 1.25 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 [1.2] Implement Urban Transport Reforms 1.2.1 Setting up of Urban Transportation Fund 5 Cabinet approval of the OUTF Qtr. 1.00 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 [1.3] Formulate & Implement enabling policies/ guidelines 1.3.1 Preparation of State Habitat Policy 6 Finalization of draft policy Qtr. 1.00 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 1.3.2 Setting up of State Capital Region Planning Board 7 Setting up of the board Qtr. 1.00 2.5 3 3.5 4 1.3.3 Implementation of Affordable Housing Scheme 8 Circulation of order for reservation of Land Qtr 0.75 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 9 No. of draft Master Plans Prepared No. 0.50 5 4 3 2 1 10 No. of contracts awarded for preparation of Master Plans No. 1.00 16 14 11 8 5 11 No. of City Development Plans (CDP) prepared under JnNURM No. 1.00 15 13 10 8 5 12 No. of Junior Town Planners recruited No. 0.50 62 56 43 31 19 13 No. of Assistant Town Planners recruited No. 0.50 18 16 13 9 5 14 No. of Architectural Assistants recruited No. 0.50 48 43 34 24 14 15 Operationalization of SRPMC and CRPMCs Qtr 1.00 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 16 Preparation of Capacity Building plans for all 10 RPMC cities No. 1.00 10 9 7 5 3 17 % of expenditure against 1st Installment released (Rs 12 Cr) % 1.00 100 90 70 50 30 Objective 2 2] Improving urban planning & governance for effective enforcement of plans, rules, efficient urban management and service delivery 15.0 2.1.1 Prepare CrDP/ Master Plan/CDPs/Building Regulations for planned development [2.1] Implement CrDPs, CDPs & Master Plans 2.1.2 [2.2] Build capacity of existing personnel & elected reps. of ULBs 2.2.1 Recruitment of Junior Town Planners/ Assistant Town Planners/ Architectural Assistants Implementation of Comprehensive Capacity Building programme Housing & Urban Development Department, Government of Odisha Page 3 Results Framework Document (RFD) – 2014-15 Objective Wt (%) Action(s) 2.3 Implement emunicipality programme effectively [2.4] Creation of a dedicated Municipal Cadre # Action Point(s) # Success Indicators Unit Wt (%) Target/ Criteria Values Exce llent Very Good Goo d Fair Poo r 100% 90% 70% 50% 30% 2.3.1 Provision of required infrastructure support & training to ULBs to implement e-Municipality 18 No. of ULBs provided with infrastructure support & Training No. 0.50 45 41 32 23 14 2.3.2 Monitor implementation of emunicipality 19 No. of ULbs implementing all the eMunicipality modules against the target No. 0.50 45 41 32 23 14 2.3.3 Implementation of G2G Modules 20 No. of G2G modules operationalized No. 0.50 6 5 4 3 2 2.3.4 Introduce Rewards and Recognition program 21 Rewards Programme introduced Qtr. 0.50 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 22 Drafting of amendment proposals to Odisha Municipal Act-1950, Odisha Municipal Corporation Act 2003, with provision of supersession of all relevant Rules Qtr. 0.50 3 3.5 4 23 Notification of Municipal Cadre Rules and Service Conditions Rules from time Cabinet approval received Qtr. 1.00 30 25 20 15 10 2.4.1 Amendments to Odisha Municipalities/ Municipal Corporations Act [2.5] Recruitment of tech. professionals in ULBs 2.5.1 Recruitment of Community Organisers 24 No. of contractual women community organizers recruited under LFS cadre No. 0.50 16 14 11 8 5 [2.6] State Urban Poverty Resource Centre 2.6.1 Setting up of State Urban Poverty Resource Centre 25 Urban Poverty Resource Centre established Qtr. 0.50 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 [2.7] Municipal Reforms Implementation Cell 2.7.1 Setting up of Municipal Reforms Implementation Cell 26 Recruitment of professionals Qtr. 0.50 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 [2.8] Restructuring of SUDA 2.8.1 Empanelment of Subject Experts 27 Experts empanelled Qtr. 0.50 3 3.5 4 Amendments to Odisha Development Authority Act, 1982 and Rules to ensure regulation of haphazard construction activities 28 Cabinet approval of amendment proposals Qtr. 1.00 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 2.9.2 Amendments to planning and building standard regulations of five towns 29 Finalize and approve draft regulations formulated by five towns viz., Balasore, Bhadrak, Baripada, Keonjhar, Barbil . No. 0.50 5 4 3 2 1 2.9.3 Amendments to Odisha Town Planning and Improvement Trust (OTP&IT) Act, 1956 incorporating TP scheme 30 Submission of draft amendments for cabinet approval Qtr. 0.50 3 3.5 4 Submission of draft amendments for cabinet approval Qtr 0.50 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 2.9.1 [2.9] Amendments to town planning legislations 2.9.4 Finalisation of Odisha Town Planning Service Rules, 2012 Housing & Urban Development Department, Government of Odisha 31 Page 4 Results Framework Document (RFD) – 2014-15 Objective Wt (%) Action(s) # Action Point(s) # Success Indicators Unit Wt (%) Target/ Criteria Values Exce llent Very Good Goo d Fair Poo r 100% 90% 70% 50% 30% 31 Objective 3 3] Enhancing service standards, transparency, accountability & simplifying process for grievance redressal 8 [3.1] Benchmarking Urban Services (SLB) [3.2] Formulate & notify Citizen Charter [3.3] Public Service Delivery Act [3.4] Odisha Secretariat Works Automation System [3.5] Approval of municipal budgets [3.6] Implementation of Eabhiyoga 3.1.1 Implement and monitor performance through SLB indicators 32 No. of ULBs covered No. 2.00 103 93 72 52 3.2.1 Prepare Citizen Charter 33 Citizen Charter prepared Qtr. 1.00 2 3 3.5 4 3.3.1 Implementation of Odisha Public Service Delivery Act 34 Ensure implementation of all the 7 services as listed in the Act by concerned agencies (ULB, DA and PHEO) in all cities/towns Qtr. 2.00 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 3.4.1 Implementation of OSWAS 35 % of Dak files cleared % 1.00 100 90 70 50 30 3.5.1 Timely approval of Budget estimates of 106 ULBs 36 No. 1.00 106 95 74 53 32 Implementation of E-abhiyoga 37 % 1.00 100 90 70 50 30 Prepare proposals for PPP projects 38 DPRs for PPP projects prepared No. 1.50 12 11 8 6 4 39 Issue of RFP for Sambalpur SWM Project Qtr 0.50 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 40 O&M Contract for Keonjhar Bus Terminal Qtr. 0.50 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 41 O&M Contract for Badbil Bus Terminal Qtr. 0.50 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 42 BMC Health Network Project Qtr. 1.00 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 43 Water Supply Project to IIT/ NISER Qtr. 1.00 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 Qtr. 2.50 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 % 1.00 100 90 70 50 30 3.6.1 No. of ULB budgets approved within stipulated timeframe % of grievances addressed in stipulated time frame Objective 4 4] Encouraging PPP projects for infrastructure development, urban transport & solid waste management 8.5 [4.1] Scope for PPP projects in key sectors [4.2] Operationalise PPP projects 4.1.1 4.2.1 Ensure smooth implementation of identified PPP projects - Award of contract / concession 4.3.1 Setting up PMU/ Asset Management Company (AMC) 44 Select private partner for setting up PMU/ AMC 4.3.2 Projects financed under OUIDF 45 % of proposals approved against the DPRs received [5.1] Make provision for affordable housing with mandatory provision for creating housing stock 46 Engagement of Transaction Advisor for implementation Qtr. 1.00 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 5.1.1 Implementation of the revised Scheme for Affordable Urban Housing in Odisha-2013 47 Launching of Affordable Housing projects No 1.0 11 9 8 6 3 [5.2] Ensure creation of housing stock in target 5.2.1 48 Night Shelters created against target No. 1.00 10 9 7 5 3 [4.3] Facilitating External Finance to ULBs (OUIDF) Objective 5 5] Effectively implementing affordable housing schemes for the EWS, LIG & MIG 13.0 Implementation of night shelter policy Housing & Urban Development Department, Government of Odisha Page 5 Results Framework Document (RFD) – 2014-15 Objective Wt (%) Action(s) # cities/ towns 5.2.2 5.2.3 Action Point(s) Implementation of BSUP Housing projects Implementation of IHSDP projects # Success Indicators Unit Wt (%) Target/ Criteria Values Exce llent Very Good Goo d Fair Poo r 100% 90% 70% 50% 30% 49 No. of dwelling units completed against the target No. 1.00 1003 902 703 501 300 50 % of infrastructure completed against target % 1.0 100 90 70 50 30 51 No. of dwelling units completed against the target No. 2.00 5613 5050 3929 2806 1684 52 % of infrastructure completed against target % 0.5 100 90 70 50 30 5.3.1 Implementation of RAY projects 53 No. of Projects initiated No. 2.00 10 9 7 5 3 5.3.2 Establishment and operationalization of City Level technical Cells 54 No. of CLTCs established and operationalized No 1.00 13 11 9 7 4 5.3.3 Completion of Slum Free City Plans 55 No. of ULBs which have completed Slum Free City Plans No. 1.50 6 5 4 3 2 5.3.4 Completion of Slum Free State Plan 56 Appointment of professional consultant to prepare slum free state plan of action Qtr. 1.00 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 [6.1] Implementation of NULM 6.1.1 Establishment and operationalization of SMMU and CMMU 57 No. of professionals recruited under SMMU and CMMU No. 2.00 77 69 54 39 23 [6.2] Improvement of livelihood of Urban Poor through Skill Improvement Training 6.2.1 Empanelment of skill training providers to conduct training 58 Empanelment of skill training providers Qtr 1.00 2 3 3.5 4 [6.3]Street Vendor Survey 6.3.1 Enumeration of Street Vendors 59 Completion of street vendor’s Survey Qtr 1.00 2 2.5 3 3.5 4.0 7.1.1 Implementing Integrated Sewerage Project in Bhubaneswar under JnNURM 60 Length of sewer laying in kilometers with manhole chamber Km. 2.00 97 88 68 48 29 7.1.2 Implementation of Odisha Integrated Sanitation Imp. Project under JICA 61 % of expenditure % 1.00 100 90 70 50 30 62 Construction of WTP, ESR, GSR against target. % 2.50 100 90 70 50 30 63 Completion of laying distribution network Km 1.00 114 103 80 57 34 [5.3] Implement Rajiv Awas Yojana (RAY) Objective 6 [6] Effectively implementing programmes for urban poverty reduction 4 Objective 7 [7] Creation of urban infrastructure in the areas of water supply, sewerage, solid waste management, storm water drainage, urban transport and other amenities 41.5 [7.1]Successful implementation of flagship projects 7.1.3 Implementing 24/7 water supply project at Puri under JnNURM Housing & Urban Development Department, Government of Odisha Page 6 Results Framework Document (RFD) – 2014-15 Objective Wt (%) Action(s) # Action Point(s) Building Infrastructure for City Bus Service in Bhubaneswar # Success Indicators Unit Wt (%) Target/ Criteria Values Exce llent Very Good Goo d Fair Poo r 100% 90% 70% 50% 30% 65 Construction of OD Terminal No. 0.50 2 1 66 Construction of Bus bays No. 0.50 2 67 Construction of Bus stands No. 0.50 65 58 45 33 19 68 # of projects completed No. 2.00 8 7 6 4 2 69 Award of contract of newly approved Projects under UIDSSMT Qtr 2.00 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 7.2.1 Implementation of UIDSSMT projects 7.2.2 . Implementing programme for W/s in urban areas (State sector) 70 % of expenditure (Rs. 15000 lakhs budget allocated-2013-14) % 3.00 100 90 70 50 30 7.2.3 Implementation of W/s program in urban areas including hand pump, tube wells etc 71 # of hand pumps constructed against target No. 1.50 1539 1385 1077 769 461 7.2.4 Implementation of Odisha Urban Drinking Water Policy 72 Preparation of Action Plan Qtr 2.00 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 7.2.5 Improving water supply to urban slums 73 Prepare a plan for universal coverage of water supply in slums Qtr. 3.00 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 [7.3] Successful implementation of Sewerage and sanitation projects 7.3.1 Provision of grants to ULBs for construction of public toilets 74 # of public toilets constructed against target No. 2.00 100 90 70 50 30 [7.4] Successful implementation of SWM projects 7.4.1 Facilitate support to ULBs to procure different SWM equipment/ machinery to be utilised for SWM 75 % of expenditure % 2.00 100 90 70 50 30 7.5.1 Provision of grants for construction of roads and drains 76 % of expenditure % 2.00 100 90 70 50 30 7.5.3 Development of parks and greenery in select ULBs 77 # of parks/ play fields developed No. 1.00 37 33 26 19 11 7.5.4 Financial allocations to ULBs for construction of boundary wall of evicted/encroached, developed land 78 % of expenditure % 1.00 100 90 70 50 30 7.5.5 Support to ULBs for renovation of dying water bodies 79 % of expenditure % 1.00 100 90 70 50 30 7.5.6 Grants to Development Authorities for construction of boundary wall on evicted/encroached, developed land 80 % of expenditure % 1.00 100 90 70 50 30 [7.2] Successful implementation of water supply projects Objective-7 [7.5] Ensure effective monitoring, review of projects for development of urban areas Housing & Urban Development Department, Government of Odisha Page 7 Results Framework Document (RFD) – 2014-15 Objective Wt (%) Objective-7 Action(s) # Action Point(s) # Success Indicators Unit Wt (%) Target/ Criteria Values Exce llent Very Good Goo d Fair Poo r 100% 90% 70% 50% 30% 7.5.7 Grants to Development Authorities for parks & greenery 81 No. of parks/ play fields developed No. 1.00 30 27 21 15 9 7.5.8 Construction of Bus Depot/Terminals 82 No. of bus depot/terminals constructed No. 1.00 5 5 4 3 2 7.5.9 Development of community halls 83 % of utilization % 1.00 100 90 70 50 30 7.6.1 Formation of SPVs for the 3 clusters i.e., Cuttcak-Choudwar, Korapur-Jeypore-Sunabeda, and Balasore-Bhadrakh 84 Finalization of RFP document for engagement of operators for O&M of bus service Qtr. 2.50 3 3.2 3.4 3.6 4 7.6.2 Implementation of Bus Rapid Transit System, BBSR 85 Award of contract/issue of work order Qtr. 1.50 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 7.6.3 Preparation of comprehensive Mobility Plan 86 Finalization of the draft comprehensive mobility plan Qtr 1.00 3 3.5 4 7.6.4 Undertake Prefeasibility study for MRTS 87 Preparation of DPR Qtr. 1.00 4 [7.7] Implementation of Urban Package-2013 7.7.2 Constn. of High-mast street lights 88 Percentage of Street lights erected against target % 0.50 100 90 70 50 30 7.7.3 Constn. Kalyan Mandaps 89 % of UC submitted % 0.50 100 90 70 50 30 [8.1] Implement replicable models/ good practices with community participation 8.1.1 Creation of Challenge Fund for ULBs to take up innovative projects 90 Preparation of project proposal for Bhawanipatna Qtr. 1.00 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 8.1.2 Undertake prefeasibility for setting up of National Institute for Human Settlement (NIHS) 91 Pre-feasibility study completed and report submitted Qtr. 1.00 2.5 3 3.5 4 [7.6] Effectively implement urban transport projects Objective-8 [8] Encouraging innovations in urban development Total 2 100 Housing & Urban Development Department, Government of Odisha 0.5 100 Page 8 Results Framework Document (RFD) – 2014-15 Assigning of Weightage across Key Objectives # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Key Objective # of Actions Facilitating reforms and policy interventions to improve financial base of ULBs & better citizen interface in service delivery Improving urban planning & governance for effective enforcement of plans, rules, efficient urban management and service delivery Enhancing service standards, transparency, accountability & simplifying process for grievance redressal Encouraging PPP projects for infrastructure development, urban transport & solid waste management Slum redevelopment and rehabilitation and effectively implementing housing schemes for the EWS, LIG & MIG Effectively implementing programmes on skill development and urban poverty reduction Creation of urban infrastructure in the areas of water supply, sewerage, solid waste management, storm water drainage, urban transport and other amenities Encouraging Innovations in Urban Development Total Housing & Urban Development Department, Government of Odisha # of Success Indicators # of Action Points Overall Weightage 3 6 8 8 9 16 24 15 6 6 6 8 3 4 8 8.5 3 8 11 13 3 3 3 4 7 25 29 41.5 1 2 2 2 35 70 83 100.00 Page 9 Results Framework Document (RFD) – 2014-15 Section 3: Trend Values of Success Indicators Objective Wt (%) Action(s) # Action Point(s) # Success Indicators Unit Wt (%) Actual Value for 2013-14 Target Value for 2014-15 Projected Value for 2015-16 100% 90% 70% Objective-1 1.1.1 [1] Facilitating reforms and policy interventions to improve financial base of ULBs & better citizen interface in service delivery [1.1] Implement reforms under JnNURM & UIDSSMT 1.1.2 Implement Pending State Level Optional reforms Facilitate implementing pending ULB level reforms 8.00 [1.2] Implement Urban Transport Reforms [1.3] Formulate & Implement enabling policies/ guidelines 1 Draft Bye-laws for re-use of re-cycled water prepared Qtr. 1.00 NA 3 2 No. of ULBs preparing Opening Balance Sheet (OBS) based on DEAS No. 1.00 NA 63 3 Implementation of UC monitoring system under e-Municipality Qtr 1.00 NA 45 4 Drafting amendments in the Odisha Municipal Act 1950/ Odisha Municipal Corporation Act 2003 for earmarking 25% of fund for services to the urban poor in the ULBs and submission to law dept. for vetting Qtr. 1.25 NA 2 103 1.2.1 Setting up of Urban Transportation Fund 5 Cabinet approval of the OUTF Qtr. 1.00 NA 2 1.3.1 Preparation of State Habitat Policy 6 Finalization of draft policy Qtr. 1.00 NA 2 1.3.2 Setting up of State Capital Region Planning Board 7 Setting up of the board Qtr. 1.00 NA 2.5 1.3.3 Implementation of Affordable Housing Scheme 8 Circulation of order for reservation of Land Qtr 0.75 NA 2 9 No. of draft Master Plans Prepared No. 0.50 5 16 6 2.1.1 Prepare CrDP/ Master Plan/CDPs/Building Regulations for planned development 10 No. of contracts awarded for preparation of Master Plans No. 1.00 5 16 6 11 No. of City Development Plans (CDP) prepared under JnNURM No. 1.00 NA 15 10 12 No. of Junior Town Planners recruited No. 0.50 62 56 43 13 No. of Assistant Town Planners recruited No. 0.50 18 16 13 14 No. of Architectural Assistants recruited No. 0.50 48 43 34 15 Operationalization of SRPMC and CRPMCs Qtr 1.00 NA 2 16 Preparation of Capacity Building plans for all 10 RPMC cities No. 1.00 NA 10 17 % of expenditure against 1st Installment released (Rs 12 Cr) % 1.00 NA 100 Objective 2 2] Improving urban planning & governance for effective enforcement of plans, rules, efficient urban management and service delivery [2.1] Implement CrDPs, CDPs & Master Plans 15.0 2.1.2 [2.2] Build capacity of existing personnel & elected reps. of ULBs 2.2.1 Recruitment of Junior Town Planners/ Assistant Town Planners/ Architectural Assistants Implementation of Comprehensive Capacity Building programme Housing & Urban Development Department, Government of Odisha 100 Page 10 Results Framework Document (RFD) – 2014-15 Objective Wt (%) Action(s) # Objective-2 2.3 Implement emunicipality programme effectively [2.4] Creation of a dedicated Municipal Cadre Action Point(s) # Success Indicators Unit Wt (%) Actual Value for 2013-14 Target Value for 2014-15 Projected Value for 2015-16 100% 90% 70% 2.3.1 Provision of required infrastructure support & training to ULBs to implement e-Municipality 18 No. of ULBs provided with infrastructure support & Training No. 0.50 45 45 32 2.3.2 Monitor implementation of emunicipality 19 No. of ULbs implementing all the eMunicipality modules against the target No. 0.50 45 41 32 2.3.3 Implementation of G2G Modules 20 No. of G2G modules operationalized No. 0.50 NA 6 4 2.3.4 Introduce Rewards and Recognition program 21 Rewards Programme introduced Qtr. 0.50 NA 2.5 22 Drafting of amendment proposals to Odisha Municipal Act-1950, Odisha Municipal Corporation Act 2003, with provision of supersession of all relevant Rules Qtr. 0.50 NA 3 2.4.1 Amendments to Odisha Municipalities/ Municipal Corporations Act 23 Notification of Municipal Cadre Rules and Service Conditions Rules from time Cabinet approval received Qtr. 1.00 NA 3 [2.5] Recruitment of tech. professionals in ULBs 2.5.1 Recruitment of Community Organisers 24 No. of contractual women community organizers recruited under LFS cadre No. 0.50 NA 16 [2.6] State Urban Poverty Resource Centre 2.6.1 Setting up of State Urban Poverty Resource Centre 25 Urban Poverty Resource Centre established Qtr. 0.50 NA 2 [2.7] Municipal Reforms Implementation Cell 2.7.1 Setting up of Municipal Reforms Implementation Cell 26 Recruitment of professionals Qtr. 0.50 NA 2 [2.8] Restructuring of SUDA 2.8.1 Empanelment of Subject Experts 27 Experts empanelled Qtr. 0.50 NA 3 Amendments to Odisha Development Authority Act, 1982 and Rules to ensure regulation of haphazard construction activities 28 Cabinet approval of amendment proposals Qtr. 1.00 NA 2 2.9.2 Amendments to planning and building standard regulations of five towns 29 Finalize and approve draft regulations formulated by five towns viz., Balasore, Bhadrak, Baripada, Keonjhar, Barbil . No. 0.50 4 5 2.9.3 Amendments to Odisha Town Planning and Improvement Trust (OTP&IT) Act, 1956 incorporating TP scheme 30 Submission of draft amendments for cabinet approval Qtr. 0.50 NA 3 2.9.4 Finalisation of Odisha Town Planning Service Rules, 2012 31 Submission of draft amendments for cabinet approval Qtr 0.50 NA 2 2.9.1 [2.9] Amendments to town planning legislations Housing & Urban Development Department, Government of Odisha 15 6 Page 11 Results Framework Document (RFD) – 2014-15 Objective Wt (%) Action(s) # Action Point(s) # Success Indicators Unit Wt (%) Actual Value for 2013-14 Target Value for 2014-15 Projected Value for 2015-16 100% 90% 70% Objective 3 3] Enhancing service standards, transparency, accountability & simplifying process for grievance redressal 8 [3.1] Benchmarking Urban Services (SLB) 3.1.1 Implement and monitor performance through SLB indicators 32 No. of ULBs covered No. 2.00 103 108 [3.2] Formulate & notify Citizen Charter 3.2.1 Prepare Citizen Charter 33 Citizen Charter prepared Qtr. 1.00 NA 2 [3.3] Public Service Delivery Act 3.3.1 Implementation of Odisha Public Service Delivery Act 34 Ensure implementation of all the 7 services as listed in the Act by concerned agencies (ULB, DA and PHEO) in all cities/towns Qtr. 2.00 NA 2 [3.4] Odisha Secretariat Works Automation System 3.4.1 Implementation of OSWAS 35 % of Dak files cleared % 1.00 NA 100 100 [3.5] Approval of municipal budgets 3.5.1 Timely approval of Budget estimates of 106 ULBs 36 No. of ULB budgets approved within stipulated timeframe No. 1.00 41 103 108 Implementation of E-abhiyoga 37 % of grievances addressed in stipulated time frame % 1.00 72 100 100 Prepare proposals for PPP projects 38 DPRs for PPP projects prepared No. 1.50 10 12 12 39 Issue of RFP for Sambalpur SWM Project Qtr 0.50 NA 2 40 O&M Contract for Keonjhar Bus Terminal Qtr. 0.50 2 2 41 O&M Contract for Badbil Bus Terminal Qtr. 0.50 2 2 42 BMC Health Network Project Qtr. 1.00 2 2 43 Water Supply Project to IIT/ NISER Qtr. 1.00 2 2 Qtr. 2.50 2 2 % 1.00 NA 100 [3.6] Implementation of Eabhiyoga 3.6.1 Objective 4 [4.1] Scope for PPP projects in key sectors 4] Encouraging PPP projects for infrastructure development, urban transport & solid waste management [4.2] Operationalise PPP projects 8.5 4.1.1 4.2.1 Ensure smooth implementation of identified PPP projects - Award of contract / concession 4.3.1 Setting up PMU/ Asset Management Company (AMC) 44 Select private partner for setting up PMU/ AMC 4.3.2 Projects financed under OUIDF 45 % of proposals approved against the DPRs received [5.1] Make provision for affordable housing with mandatory provision for creating housing stock 5.1.1 Implementation of the revised Scheme for Affordable Urban Housing in Odisha-2013 46 Engagement of Transaction Advisor for implementation Qtr. 1.00 NA 2 47 Launching of Affordable Housing projects No 1.0 NA 11 10 [5.2] Ensure creation of housing stock in target 5.2.1 48 Night Shelters created against target No. 1.00 5 10 10 [4.3] Facilitating External Finance to ULBs (OUIDF) Objective 5 5] Effectively implementing affordable housing schemes for the EWS, LIG & MIG 13.0 Implementation of night shelter policy Housing & Urban Development Department, Government of Odisha Page 12 Results Framework Document (RFD) – 2014-15 Objective Wt (%) Action(s) # cities/ towns 5.2.2 5.2.3 Action Point(s) Implementation of BSUP Housing projects Implementation of IHSDP projects # Success Indicators Unit Wt (%) Actual Value for 2013-14 Target Value for 2014-15 Projected Value for 2015-16 100% 90% 70% 49 No. of dwelling units completed against the target No. 1.00 449 1003 50 % of infrastructure completed against target % 1.0 70 100 51 No. of dwelling units completed against the target No. 2.00 3772 5613 52 % of infrastructure completed against target % 0.5 73 100 5.3.1 Implementation of RAY projects 53 No. of Projects initiated No. 2.00 1 10 5.3.2 Establishment and operationalization of City Level technical Cells 54 No. of CLTCs established and operationalized No 1.00 6 13 5.3.3 Completion of Slum Free City Plans 55 No. of ULBs which have completed Slum Free City Plans No. 1.50 NA 6 5.3.4 Completion of Slum Free State Plan 56 Appointment of professional consultant to prepare slum free state plan of action Qtr. 1.00 NA 2 [6.1] Implementation of NULM 6.1.1 Establishment and operationalization of SMMU and CMMU 57 No. of professionals recruited under SMMU and CMMU No. 2.00 NA 77 [6.2] Improvement of livelihood of Urban Poor through Skill Improvement Training 6.2.1 Empanelment of skill training providers to conduct training 58 Empanelment of skill training providers Qtr 1.00 NA 2 [6.3]Street Vendor Survey 6.3.1 Enumeration of Street Vendors 59 Completion of street vendor’s Survey Qtr 1.00 NA 2 7.1.1 Implementing Integrated Sewerage Project in Bhubaneswar under JnNURM 60 Length of sewer laying in kilometers with manhole chamber Km. 2.00 3 97 7.1.2 Implementation of Odisha Integrated Sanitation Imp. Project under JICA 61 % of expenditure % 1.00 60 100 62 Construction of WTP, ESR, GSR against target. % 2.50 65 100 63 Completion of laying distribution network Km 1.00 0 114 [5.3] Implement Rajiv Awas Yojana (RAY) 3 7 Objective 6 [6] Effectively implementing programmes for urban poverty reduction 4 Objective 7 [7] Creation of urban infrastructure in the areas of water supply, sewerage, solid waste management, storm water drainage, urban transport and other amenities 41.5 [7.1]Successful implementation of flagship projects 7.1.3 Implementing 24/7 water supply project at Puri under JnNURM Housing & Urban Development Department, Government of Odisha Page 13 Results Framework Document (RFD) – 2014-15 Objective Wt (%) Action(s) # Action Point(s) Building Infrastructure for City Bus Service in Bhubaneswar [7.2] Successful implementation of water supply projects # Success Indicators Unit Wt (%) Actual Value for 2013-14 Target Value for 2014-15 Projected Value for 2015-16 100% 90% 70% 65 Construction of OD Terminal No. 0.50 2 2 66 Construction of Bus bays No. 0.50 21 2 67 Construction of Bus stands No. 0.50 197 65 68 # of projects completed No. 2.00 4 8 69 Award of contract of newly approved Projects under UIDSSMT Qtr 2.00 NA 2 5 7.2.1 Implementation of UIDSSMT projects 7.2.2 . Implementing programme for W/s in urban areas (State sector) 70 % of expenditure (Rs. 15000 lakhs budget allocated-2013-14) % 3.00 79.3 100 7.2.3 Implementation of W/s program in urban areas including hand pump, tube wells etc 71 # of hand pumps constructed against target No. 1.50 2085 1539 7.2.4 Implementation of Odisha Urban Drinking Water Policy 72 Preparation of Action Plan Qtr 2.00 NA 2 7.2.5 Improving water supply to urban slums 73 Prepare a plan for universal coverage of water supply in slums Qtr. 3.00 NA 2 [7.3] Successful implementation of Sewerage and sanitation projects 7.3.1 Provision of grants to ULBs for construction of public toilets 74 # of public toilets constructed against target No. 2.00 NA 100 [7.4] Successful implementation of SWM projects 7.4.1 Facilitate support to ULBs to procure different SWM equipment/ machinery to be utilised for SWM 75 % of expenditure % 2.00 100 100 7.5.1 Provision of grants for construction of roads and drains 76 % of expenditure % 2.00 100 100 7.5.3 Development of parks and greenery in select ULBs 77 # of parks/ play fields developed No. 1.00 28 37 7.5.4 Financial allocations to ULBs for construction of boundary wall of evicted/encroached, developed land 78 % of expenditure % 1.00 100 100 100 7.5.5 Support to ULBs for renovation of dying water bodies 79 % of expenditure % 1.00 100 100 100 7.5.6 Grants to Development Authorities for construction of boundary wall on evicted/encroached, developed land 80 % of expenditure % 1.00 100 100 100 7.5.7 Grants to Development Authorities 81 No. of parks/ play fields developed No. 1.00 28 30 27 [7.5] Ensure effective monitoring, review of projects for development of urban areas Housing & Urban Development Department, Government of Odisha Page 14 Results Framework Document (RFD) – 2014-15 Objective Wt (%) Action(s) # Action Point(s) # Success Indicators Unit Wt (%) Actual Value for 2013-14 Target Value for 2014-15 Projected Value for 2015-16 100% 90% 70% for parks & greenery [7.6] Effectively implement urban transport projects [7.7] Implementation of Urban Package-2013 7.5.8 Construction of Bus Depot/Terminals 82 No. of bus depot/terminals constructed No. 1.00 2 5 5 7.5.9 Development of community halls 83 % of utilization % 1.00 100 100 100 7.6.1 Formation of SPVs for the 3 clusters i.e., Cuttcak-Choudwar, Korapur-Jeypore-Sunabeda, and Balasore-Bhadrakh 84 Finalization of RFP document for engagement of operators for O&M of bus service Qtr. 2.50 NA 2 7.6.2 Implementation of Bus Rapid Transit System, BBSR 85 Award of contract/issue of work order Qtr. 1.50 NA 2 7.6.3 Preparation of comprehensive Mobility Plan 86 Finalization of the draft comprehensive mobility plan Qtr 1.00 NA 2 7.6.4 Undertake Prefeasibility study for MRTS 87 Preparation of DPR Qtr. 1.00 NA 4 7.7.2 Constn. of High-mast street lights 88 Percentage of Street lights erected against target % 0.50 100 100 7.7.3 Constn. Kalyan Mandaps 89 % of UC submitted % 0.50 100 100 100 8.1.1 Creation of Challenge Fund for ULBs to take up innovative projects 90 Preparation of project proposal for Bhawanipatna Qtr. 1.00 2.5 3.0 3.5 8.1.2 Undertake prefeasibility for setting up of National Institute for Human Settlement (NIHS) 91 Pre-feasibility study completed and report submitted Qtr. 1.00 NA 2 Objective-8 [8] Encouraging innovations in urban development Total 2 [8.1] Implement replicable models/ good practices with community participation 100 Housing & Urban Development Department, Government of Odisha 100 Page 15 Results Framework Document (RFD) – 2014-15 Section 4: Description and definition of success indicators Refer 1, Objective at 2:- It is not possible to measure implementation of reforms and policies as it deals with qualitative aspects of improving urban governance and service delivery. More importantly, implementation of reforms and policies facilitate good urban governance and better service delivery. Hence it has been measured in terms of time to be taken for preparing draft policies, bills, advisory notes etc. at the Department level. Refer 5.3 at Objective 2:- The targets presented under the BSUP, IHSDP, RAY and Night Shelter programmes are set taking into consideration the progress done so far under these programmes. Refer 2.2 at Objective 2:- The targets fixed is based on the action plan prepared and submitted to MoUD, GoI under the comprehensive Capacity Building Programme (2013-14 to 2017-18). Refer 6.1 at Objective 6:- The success indicator set is based on the actual number of professionals to be recruited as approved by the Department. Refer 7.2, 7.3, 7.4 and 7.5 at Objective 3:- The target for implementation of major water supply, solid waste management, sewerage, construction of boundary walls, development of parks and greenery projects are measured in terms of percentage of expenditure as the state government is allocating budget and releasing the same to ULBs for implementation of the projects wherever possible performance is also measured against physical targets. Refer 7.6.1, 7.6.2, 7.6.3 and 7.6.4 at Objective 7:- measurement of the success indicator is proposed in terms of the quarter as it is difficult to specify the exact date. Housing & Urban Development Department, Government of Odisha Page 16 Results Framework Document (RFD) – 2014-15 Section 5: Specific performance requirements from other departments Department Relevant success indicator What do you need? Why do you need it? How much you need? What happened if you don't get it? General Administration Department, Government of Odisha Timely completion of land alienation/acquisition in Bhubaneswar Govt./private land in Bhubaneswar city For implementation of affordable housing, drainage, sewerage& city bus service projects As per the DPR/revised DPR/ proposal of the respective projects Planning and Co-ordination department, Government of Odisha Finance Department, Government of Odisha Revenue & Disaster Management Department, Government of Odisha Department of Health & Family welfare Approval of plans/ proposals Approval of plans/ revised plans Recommended Finance Dept. for fund provision for various projects As estimated in DPR Sanction of funds Fund/ additional fund provision for projects To implement new schemes/ projects As per projections made in XII plan approach paper Timely completion of land alienation/acquisition in all areas other than Bhubaneswar city Convergent action for health services in urban areas, specially slums Convergent action in the field of nonformal, school & mass education in urban areas especially slums Implementation of UIG projects under JnNURM Land for implementation of schemes/ projects For implementation of affordable housing, drainage, sewerage& city bus service projects As per the DPR/revised DPR/ proposal of the respective projects Strengthening of health services in urban areas, specially slums Strengthening of non-formal, school & mass education in the urban areas, especially slums Timely release of funds Health services in the urban areas is handled by Health & Family Welfare Dept. Non-formal, school & mass education in urban areas is handled by School & Mass Education Department For successful implementation of UIG projects Fully Dependent Will effect health services in urban areas, especially slums Fully Dependent Will effect education services in urban areas, especially slums Sanction of funds as per the progress made Implementation of dwelling units under BSUP and RAY Timely release of funds For successful implementation of BSUP projects Sanction of funds as per the progress made Implementation of projects becomes difficult leading to time and cost escalations Implementation of projects becomes difficult leading to time and cost escalations Department of School & Mass Education Ministry of Urban Development Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation Housing & Urban Development Department, Government of Odisha Affordable housing, storm water drainage, sewerage & city bus service projects cannot be implemented in Bhubaneswar New projects cannot be implemented Implementation of new schemes/ projects shall be delayed for want of funds New projects cannot be implemented Page 17 Results Framework Document (RFD) – 2014-15 Section 6: Outcome / Impact of activities of department S l n o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Outcome/ Impact of Actions Taken by the Department Enabling policy environment for urban governance and development in the state Enhances capacity of the ULB personnel & elected representatives to deliver services & carry out regulatory functions Better managed & governed cities/ towns with effective enforcement of plans & rules Quality & timely services available to the citizens at competitive price with ample choice, simpler process for grievance redressal; and the service providing agencies are more accountable to the citizens Improved urban infrastructure with more PPP projects grounded for infrastructure development & citizen services including urban transport Adequate no. of housing stocks created for the EWS, LIG & MIG beneficiaries; available at affordable prices Water supply, sewerage, solid waste management, storm water drainage & other urban development projects in ULBs Departments/ Agencies jointly responsible for influencing this Outcome/ impact Success indicator H & UD Dept., State Urban Development Agency; & Urban Local Bodies H & UD Dept., State Urban Development Agency; & Urban Local Bodies Draft policies and bills prepared & placed before the OLA for approval H & UD Dept., I.T. Dept., G.A Dept., Development Authorities, Regional Improvement Trusts,; Special Planning Authorities & Urban Local Bodies Housing & Urban Development Department, PHEO, OWSSB & Urban Local Bodies No. of Das, RITs, SPAs implementing CrDPs/ CDPs/ MPs No. of e-Municipality modules implemented in 45 ULBs H & UD Dept., Das, OSHB, PHEO, OWSSB, & Urban Local Bodies H & UD Dept., G.A. Dept., Revenue Dept., Das, OSHB & Urban Local Bodies Housing & Urban Development Department, PHEO. OWSSB, & Urban Local Bodies Fy 13/14 Fy 14/15 Fy 15/16 Number 4 4 3 Number 500 600 1000 Number 11 6 21 Number 6 6 6 Percentag e 80 85 100 Number 75 103 108 Number 75 103 108 Number 6 10 12 Number 4 10 12 Number 4500 3000 6500 Number 27 76 103 Unit No. of ULB personnel & elected representatives imparted training Service level gaps in 4 key sectors in the respective ULBs reduced Citizen's charter prepared & notified by ULBs, Das, RITs, SPAs Number of ULBs implementing 'Public Service Delivery Act' Number of contracts awarded under PPP Number of PPP projects grounded No. of dwelling units constructed for urban poor No. of ULBs meeting benchmark Housing & Urban Development Department, Government of Odisha Page 18
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