omo 1_7____ RI C HMOND HILL 0 •• 0 0 0 0 0 Agenda Item _ _ 0 ' • • . • • • IN CO RPORATEO 18 73 0 0 0 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING July 2, 2014 SRPRS.14.127 Planning and Regulatory Services Planning Division SUBJECT: A Request for Approval - Draft Plan of Condominium - JACQUARD DEVELOPMENTS INC. - Town File No. D05-13005 19CDM(R)-13005(SRPRS.14.127) Owner Agent Jacquard Developments Inc. 15 Sims Crescent, Unit 1 L4B 1C9 Richmond Hill, ON 1448774 Ontario Limited 81 Sunset Boulevard Alliston, ON L9R 1Y8 Location Lot 40, Plan 65M-2104 (Municipal Address: 15 Sims Crescent) PURPOSE A request for approval of a draft Plan of Condominium to facil itate condominium tenure for the existing two-storey industrial/commercial building located on the subject lands. RECOMMENDATION(S) a) That the proposed draft Plan of Condominium submitted by JACQUARD DEVELOPMENTS INC. for lands known as Lot 40, Plan 65M-21 04 (Municipal Address: 15 Sims Crescent), Town File No. DOS-13005 (19CDM(R)-13005), be draft approved, subject to the following conditions: i) that draft approval be subject to the conditions as set out in Appendix " A" to SRPRS.14.127; ii) that prior to draft approval being granted, the applicant pay the applicable processing fees in accordance with the Town 's Tariff of Fees By-law No. 115-13; and, JJI 225 East Beaver Creek Road, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3P4 T 905 771 8800 letlfl?oltdHj.!.!..._ ,..- TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL- COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING SRPRS.14.127 July 2, 201 4 Page 2 iii) that a by-law be enacted authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute the Condominium Agreement referred to in Appendix "A" to SRPRS.14.127. Contact: Shelly Cham , Planner II @ Extension 3438 and/or Gus Galanis , Manager of Development- Site Plans@ Extension 2465 Submitted by: Ana Bassios Commissioner of Planning and Regulatory Services M. oan Anderton ef Administrative Officer LOCATION MAP SI MS CRESCENT 0 ~ 1-- iff "' ""ww "' w >"' ~ "' <.> UJ ;:j {f] ~ -J CD ... "' ~ EAST WILMOT STREET - SUBJECT LANDS NOT TO SCALf ~ TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL- COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING SRPRS.1 4.127 July 2, 201 4 Page 3 BACKGROUND INFORMATION The subject draft Plan of Condominium was received and deemed complete on October 21, 2014. The application was subsequently circulated to relevant Town departments and external agencies for review and comment. The draft Plan of Condominium application is now being brought forward for consideration in conjunction with the related Zoning By-law Amendment application (Town File No. 002-13019) to amend the "General Industrial (M2) Zone" under By-law No. 150-80, as amended , applicable to the lands to permit the existing development to be used fully for office purposes. The purpose of this report is to seek Council's approval of the applicant's draft Plan of Condominium application. SUMMARY ANALYSIS Site Location and Adjacent Uses The subject lands are located at southeast corner of Sims Crescent and have a total lot area of approximately 0.49 hectares (1.21 acres). The lands presently support a twostorey industrial/commercial building and abuts Sims Crescent to the north and west, industrial uses to the south and east (refer to Map 1). Owner's Request The owner of the subject lands is requesting approval of a draft Plan of Condominium pursuant to Section 51 of the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, in order to permit the establishment of condominium tenure for the existing building located on its land hold ings (refer to Map 4). Official Plan and Zoning The lands are presently designated "Employment Area" under the prov1s1ons of the Town's Official Plan (July 201 0) which permits high performance industrial uses, warehousing and enclosed storage of goods associated with a high performance industrial use, major office and office uses, hotels, convention centres and banquet facilities, community uses, linear parks and urban squares, automotive service commercial uses and automotive repair and service types of uses subject to detailed policies. In addition, the designation would permit secondary uses including accessory retail , day nursery use and ancillary commercial uses. By-law No . 150-80, as amended, zones the subject lands "General Industrial (M -2) Zone " (refer to Map 3) which would permit public uses, industrial uses includ ing warehousing of goods and materials , assembly of manufactured goods and materials, manufacture of goods and materials, printing , research and development, and office uses accessory to the permitted uses , and commercial uses. As noted previously, the applicant has submitted a related Zoning By-law Amendment application to permit the entire building to be used for office purposes (Town File No . 002-13019) . TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL- COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING SRPRS.14.127 July 2, 2014 Page 4 Development Proposal The following is summary of the development statistics for the development: Site Area: Number of Units: Total Building Floor Area : Parking Spaces: Building Height: 0.49 hectares ( 1.21 acres) 7 units 2036.31 square metres (21 ,918.66 square feet) 48 spaces (including 2 disabled parking spaces) two-storeys Supporting Documentation/Reports The applicant has submitted the following documents and reports to the Town in support of the proposed development: • • • • • Draft Plan of Condominium Site Plan Elevations Building Sections Concept Site Plan PLANNING ANALYSIS Site Plan Approval The existing development on the lands was subject to a Site Plan Agreement dated December 7, 1998 and registered at the Land Registry Office in Newmarket on April 6, 1999, as amended on October 19, 1999. Staff notes that in conjunction with the related Zoning By-law Amendment application, the applicant has submitted a revised Site Plan to reflect the proposed site design changes, specifically the removal of one loading space and the addition of parking spaces. In this regard , should Council approve the applicant's Zoning By-law Amendment request, the existing Site Plan agreement must be amended to reflect the revised site design accordingly. Department Comments Development Engineering staff has reviewed the proposed Plan of Condominium and have provided standard conditions of approval. Engineeri ng staff has no further comments with respect to the site circulation but note that the remain ing loading space must be shared amongst all unit holders and that the space must identified as part of the common elements to be established through the condominium app roval. j f ...) ·,.) t TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL- COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING SRPRS.14.127 July 2, 2014 Page 5 Required Condominium Agreement As required with all condominium approvals, the owner of the subject lands, if deemed necessary, may be required to enter into a standard Condominium Agreement with the municipality. The agreement, if required, shall direct the applicant to agree that all of the Town 's cond itions of approval, financial and otherwise, are to be satisfied . A cond ition reflecting the preceding will form part of the draft approval for the subject draft Plan of Condominium. FINANCIAL/STAFFING/OTHER IMPLICATIONS The recommendation does not have any financial , staffing or other implications. RELATIONSHIP TO THE STRATEGIC PLAN The proposed draft Plan of Condominium application would align with Goal Two of the Town's Strategic Plan -Better Choice in Richmond Hill by providing better options for where to live. The proposed application would also align with Goal Four of the Strategic Plan - Wise Management of Resources in Richmond Hill by committing to use land responsibly . CONCLUSION The applicant is seeking Council's approval of a draft Plan of Condominium related to the existing two-storey industrial/commercial building located on its land holdings. Staff is recommend ing that the applicant's request be approved subject to the conditions set out in Appendix "A" to this report and the applicant paying the applicable processing fees in accordance with the Town's Tariff of Fees By-law No. 115-13. J :J :J TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL· COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING SRPRS.1 4.127 July 2, 2014 Page 6 APPENDIX CONTENTS "A" Schedule of Draft Cond itions 19T(R)-13005- ATTACHED Drawings Map 1 - Aerial Photograph Map 2 - Neighbourhood Context Map 3- Existing Zoning Map 4- Draft Plan of Condominium 19CDM(R)-13005 \I J .J o TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL- COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING SRPRS.14.127 July 2, 2014 Page 7 SCHEDULE "A" SCHEDULE OF CONDITIONS "Standard Condominium" DRAFT PLAN OF CONDOMINIUM JACQUARD DEVELOPMENTS INC. Lot 40, Plan 65M-2104 Town of Richmond Hill TOWN FILE NO.: D05-13005 19CDM(R)-13005 THE CONDITIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL TO BE SATISFIED PRIOR TO THE RELEASE FOR REGISTRATION OF PLAN OF CONDOMINIUM 19CDM(R)-13005, TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL, ARE AS FOLLOWS: TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL Planning and Regulatory Services (Development Planning Division) 1. Approval shall relate to a Draft Plan of Condominium prepared by Donald E. Roberts Ltd ., Ontario Land Surveyors, Reference No.: 86 .191 7.2, dated October 10, 2012 . 2. The Owner shall fulfill Site Plan provisions pertaining to a related Site Plan Agreement between the Owner and the Town dated December 7, 1998 and reg istered in the Land Registry Office of the Land Titles Division of York Region as Instrument No. LT1348913, as amended, to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Planning and Regulatory Services. 3. The Owner shall enter into a Condominium Agreement, if required to do so by the Town which shall be registered on title and to the satisfaction of the Town Solicitor, in priority to all other claims or interest. 4. The Owner shall submit plans of Condominium pre-approved by the Land Registry Office, satisfactory to the Town , prior to final approval of the Plan of Condominium. 5. Prior to final approval , the Owner shall , if required to do so by the Town , submit to and obtain the approval of the Town for the form and content of the Condominium Description and Declaration and the Owner shall incorporate into the Plan and Declaration under Section 7 of the Condominium Act, 1998, all right(s)-of-way and easements for vehicular access, on-site traffic circulation , municipal servicing or utility servicing to the satisfaction of the Town . TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL- COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING SRPRS. 14.127 July 2, 2014 Page 8 Plann ing and Regulatory Services (Regulatory Services Division) 6. Prior to final approval of the Plan, the Owner shall provide the Town with evidence in the form of an Architect's Certificate or other certification, satisfactory to the Town , stating that all buildings are substantially completed to the extent that all boundaries of the units to be created have been constructed. 7. Prior to final approval of the Plan , the Owner shall provide the Town with evidence in the form of an Ontario Land Surveyor's Certificate stating that all buildings have been located on the ground in accordance with the Site Plan contained in the said Site Plan Agreement between the Owner and the Town dated December 7, 1998, as amended . 8. Prior to final approval of the Plan , the Owner shall have fully complied with all orders issued pursuant to the Building Code Act, 1992 and shall have completed all work necessary to correct any building deficiencies related to said order to the satisfaction of the Town. Plann ing and Regulatory Services (Development Engineering Division) 9. Prior to final approval of the Plan , the owner shall provide the Town with evidence in the form of Engineer's Certificate stating that all grading , drainage, above and below ground services, asphalt paving , concrete works and demarcation of parking spaces have been substantially completed in accordance with the plans and conditions in the said Site Plan Agreement. 10. The Owner shall file with the Town , if required to do so by the Town , certification from a Professional Engineer or Ontario Land Surveyor that all necessary easements required to service the lands within the Plan and any adjoining lands (if such adjoining lands were, at any time, a single parcel of land with the lands within the Plan) for access, parking , water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer purposes, have been lawfully created or will be lawfully created upon the registration of the Declaration referred to in Condition 5. Finance 11. Prior to final approval, the Owner shall pay the applicable Release Fees to the satisfaction of the Town. 12. The Owner shall pay any outstanding taxes owing to the Town . 13 . The Owner shall pay any outstanding Local Improvement charges owing against the subject lands. Power Stream Inc. 14. Prior to final approval, the Owner shall enter into a Licence Agreement with Power Stream Inc. I . ...,~ JJ TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL- COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING SRPRS.14.127 July 2, 2014 Page 9 Bell Canada 15. Prior to final approval , the Owner shall satisfy the requirements of Bell Canada . Canada Post 16. Prior to final approval, the Owner shall satisfy the requirements of Canada Post. En bridge 17. Prior to final approval, the Owner shall satisfy the requirements of En bridge. Clearance Conditions 18. Planning and Regulatory Services (Development Planning Division) shall advise that Conditions 1 to 5 have been satisfied . The clearance letter shall include a brief statement detailing how each condition has been met. 19. Planning and Regulatory Services (Regulatory Services Division) shall advise that Conditions 6 to 8 have been satisfied. The clearance letter shall include a brief statement detailing how each condition has been met. 20. Planning and Regulatory Services (Development Engineering Division) shall advise that Conditions 9 to 10 have been satisfied . The clearance letter shall include a brief statement detailing how each condition has been met. 21 . Finance shall advise that Conditions 11 to 13 have been satisfied . The clearance letter shall include a brief statement detailing how each condition has been met. 22. Power Stream Inc. shall advise that Condition 14 has been satisfied . The clearance letter shall include a brief statement detailing how each condition has been met. 23. Bell Canada shall advise that Condition 15 has been satisfied . The clearance letter shall include a brief statement detailing how each condition has been met. 24. Canada Post shall advise that Condition 16 has been satisfied . The clearance letter shall include a brief statement detailing how each condition has been met. 25 . Enbridge shall advise that Condition 17 has been satisfied . The clearance letter shall include a brief statement detailing how each condition has been met. TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL - COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING SRPRS.14.127 July 2, 2014 Page 10 DATED at Richmond Hill this***** day of*****, 20**. Ana Bassios Commissioner of Planning and Regulatory Services NOTE: ' WHERE FINAL APPROVAL FOR REGISTRATION HAS NOT BEEN GIVEN W ITHIN THREE (3) YEARS AFTER THE DATE UPON WHICH APPROVAL TO THE PROPOSED PLAN OF CONDOMIN IUM WAS GIVEN , THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL MAY, IN ITS DISCRETION AND PURSUANT TO THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, WITHDRAW ITS APPROVAL TO THIS PROPOSED PLAN OF CONDOMINIUM , UNLESS APPROVAL HAS BEEN SOONER W ITHDRAWN, BUT THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL MAY, FROM TIME TO T IME , EXTEND THE DURATION OF THE APPROVAL. I j J ...JIU Copyright J _D.Barnes Limited 2013 Orthophotography AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH L; ~ BLOCK28 N Legend =:fs uBJECT LANDS 5C/55 5RPR5.14.127 MAP \ j File No. 0 05-13005 TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL PLANNING AND REGULA TORY SERVICES DEPARTMENT g9133 St.oclf 7 ~ INDUSfRIALI 0 ..... COMM8RCIA~ Ill I ~ ~ l _. :.:: (.) I §10 so sf I SSM-2202 ;JI t '-... -- l 5 OMMERCI 9094 - - - -H I 11 0- BLOCKS 9078 ~ ~ETW1~~~~~~3 t ,I . "' I I I 10 I !( I 25 0:; I I I I - 20 iI . I . I , I I n SC/SS SRPRS 14. 127 MAP. d ~i I 45 36 I C!) 3s I 88 ~ 1 -----+-. I 30 1 h - I I DU~TRIAL C MMERCIA SUBJECT LANDS S513005A.DGN 3 }' I I 42 1S I 70 ~ 30 EAS T WI LMOT STREET !· ~ kJ kJ 751 COMMERC~AL 38 INDUST I L COMME c L 1 0:; INDtlJSTRIAL 10 NEIGHBOURHOOD CONTEXT ~ I I I I Bi.oclf7., fR~s~RII~) d 33 I I~ I I 32 37 SIMS CR E SCEN T ~..~~~~~~-§~~~~r-----~------~--:-~ ~~ 26 Ifi. . I I 3o 28 l~r---r---_J 24 ., '-3 l "- 1 m1 jL m f 65M-21 "'"' I 1 29 "- 1 INDUSTRIAL~ S 28 27 I - Elt.oclfs !:? BLOCKS 95 50 /I ~I BLOCK28 100 110 FILE NO.D05-1 3005 TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL PLANNING AND REGULATORY SERVICES DEPARTMENT I I BLOCK6 I "'· · ·- MC-2 l.r~ 'H j, ; I I 8( 8 MC-21(' \\~ l.oclr s 84-00 ,_; 60 292-90 138-98 70 166-91 (13.15) M-1 88 9094 I ,j 11 MC-2 43 I ., I 4$ I I 4:2 16 20 ~-1 +II ·- ZONING_S513005A.DGN SC/SS SRPRS 14.127 MAP. 0 95 100 r I I v-. 1 47' l__50 30 I ~ ~UBJECT LANDS ~C-1 ~~~----t I t 110 BLOCK 28 FILE NO.D05-1 3005 TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL PLANNING AND REGULATORY SERVICES DEPARTMENT .I E. Hvtl:. "t iS O . L. S.. ___,. ... ~. " 1- _,., ... · - y· ; · - · -- Kt · t3 r ~ -·•& g 0 ~ / / /! l j I u·n , . I i c·••r J Utt J ~- I }. wHI''f .: -~; .-r---1-- - :1 ' "':: ~ .... - -,' < " < ~ ~ I •J< 'r~ - ---, I l .... L;..J ~ / I- tU ~ - ]~ ~--.-" - I / :o ·-- 1 I z- II) .... ,...... U:.\i~.. .; ,, ..... .----------- -i> I ~-•?;,; ------- z-"' ~$....~ (.__.. SIMS CRESCENT • ., .. • •· · -- -· ="""' ? :!'2 1- .. ··: ./, _ / ·r . ._. ~ -~ J " I ~ j .. ·:a~·w r: ····- - -- - - •-..<Q ~•· • ~- ,( T •" ~ot.'t't'V f71.~ I ~ ,o;_ < ..... - =-.. -'!'~ //-----~ ---~ U'~'O -___Jn / DETAIL St-IO'hlNG UNIT BOUNDARIES ANO CROSS- SE:CllONS ~ - // I~/ ! ' •---L...:,.- -~ - •.'! j lJ . .,._. __ ··- -- -. lJtU _ ...::J.!....LWL._ ~'~\', · .1 ' __,._ C1' C-'56.- s.«;.T~ " '- -- DRAFT PLAN OF CONDOMINIUM 19CDM(R)-13005 SC/SS SRPRS.14. 127 MAP. Block 28 4 File No.DOS-13005 Town of Richmond Hill Planning and Regulatory Services Department
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