Pikes Peak Regional Building Department 2880 International Circle Colorado Springs, Colorado 80910 REGIONAL BUILDING COMMISSION MINUTES August 27, 2014 3:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Val Snider, Colorado Springs City Council Dennis Hisey, El Paso County Commissioner Tyler Stevens, Green Mountain Falls Mayor Pro Tem MEMBERS ABSENT: None OTHERS PRESENT: Mr. Henry Yankowski, Regional Building Official Mr. Roger Lovell, Director of Building Operations Mr. Todd Welch, Regional Building Counsel Mr. Jay Eenhuis, Chief Plans Examiner Ms. Mindy Stuemke, Permit Counter Supervisor Ms. Linda Gardner, Executive Administrative Assistant PROCEEDINGS: Chairman Val Snider called the meeting to order at 3:04 p.m. 1. CONSIDERATION OF JUNE 25, 2014 MINUTES A motion was made by Dennis Hisey to APPROVE the June 25, 2014 Building Commission Minutes as written, seconded by Val Snider; the motion carried unanimously. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT a) Housing and Building Association Report Marla Novak, Housing and Building Association, appeared and gave a presentation regarding the Parade of Homes Show this month. 3. ADVISORY BOARD REPORT Roger Lovell stated Advisory Board Chairman Michael McShea was unable to attend the Building Commission Meeting today, but the August 20, 2014 Advisory Board Meeting consisted of the same reports that will be given during the Building Commission meeting today. Pikes Peak Regional Building Department Building Commission Meeting Minutes August 27, 2014 Page 2 4. BUILDING OFFICIAL REPORTS a) Financial Statement for July 2014 Henry Yankowski presented the financial statement for the month of July 2014. He said the current operating balance is $4,620,890.77, with a budget of $13,737,105.00. He said the cash balance is 33.64 as a percent of budget. Mr. Yankowski said the current month revenue was $1,335,129.73, and total year-to-date revenue was $8,075,995.75. He said the expenditures were $1,099,884.51, which resulted in a net gain of $235,245.22, for the month of July. Mr. Yankowski said the total year-to-date expenditures were $7,712,532.85, which resulted in a total year-to-date gain of $363,462.90. He stated RBD bought four fleet vehicles in July, in a continuing effort to use vehicles that are more economical and get better mileage. He stated RBD’s IT Department is currently programming the BDA system so RBD can collect use tax for Green Mountain Falls through the permitting process. b) Building Report for July 2014 Mindy Stuemke presented the Building Report for the month of July, 2014. She said there were 180 detached house permits issued in July, which is a decrease of 32.33 percent from last year. Ms. Stuemke said there were 9 townhouses permitted, which is a decrease of 40.00 percent from last year. She said there were 189 single-family houses permitted, which is a 32.74 percent decrease from this same time last year. She said there were 29 commercial building permits issued in July, which is an increase of 11.54 percent. Ms. Stuemke said the total valuation of permits issued in July was $8,620,443.00, which is a decrease of 87.46 percent; and the total valuation of permits issued to date in 2014 is $1,214,972,679.00, which is a decrease of 2.41 percent. She said there have been 168 single-family permits in August. She said RBD is averaging 550 phone calls and 120 walkthroughs per day at the Front Counter. c) Plan Review Report for July 2014 Jay Eenhuis presented the Plan Report for the month of July 2014. He said there were 185 single family plans, which is a decrease of 33.5 percent over this same time last year; 151 residential alteration plans, which is an increase of 15.3 percent; 25 new commercial plans, which is an increase of zero percent; 137 commercial alterations plans, which is an increase of 5.4 percent; and 64 all other plans, which is an increase of 326.7 percent, for a total of 562 plans, which is a decrease of 2.9 percent over this same time last year. He stated there were four permits in July with a valuation that exceeded $3 million, including two apartment buildings at LaBella Vita (Powers and Briargate), and a large church addition in Woodland Park. He said there were 132 electronic submittals in July 2014, including 8 new single family plans. Roger Lovell stated RBD has issued approximately 8,400 reroofing permits this year. Pikes Peak Regional Building Department Building Commission Meeting Minutes August 27, 2014 Page 3 Jack Arrington stated the mechanical/plumbing inspectors are doing approximately 250 to 300 inspections per day, or approximately 20 inspections per day per inspector. Henry Yankowski stated there have been some staff changes at RBD, and Terry Brunette has moved into the Community Relations Department to take advantage of his expertise in that area. He stated John Welton was a building inspector and has moved into the Chief Building Inspector position. John Welton gave a presentation regarding new procedures he is implementing as the Chief Building Inspector. He stated the building inspectors are doing approximately 23 building inspections per day per inspector, and he has 15 inspectors. He stated they are averaging 29 roofing inspections per day per roofing inspector. Mr. Yankowski suggested that the Building Commission and the HBA work together on a field trip for the Building Commissioners to go out with RBD staff to do inspections, which will give the Commission a better understanding of the inspection process. 5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS There was no Unfinished Business to discuss. 6. NEW BUSINESS a) Amended Budget Henry Yankowski gave a presentation regarding the 2014 Amended Budget for the Pikes Peak Regional Building Department. He said the Budget amounts to $14,109,380 which represents an increase of $372,274 from the Fiscal Year 2014 Budget of $13,737,105 but still represents a decrease from the Fiscal Year 2013 Budget of $391,201. Mr. Yankowski stated the increases are due to the following: 1. May hail storm that damaged as many as 14,000 homes and businesses, according to the local roofing contractors, producing 8415 reroof permits YTD. This increased both revenues and expenses for overtime and contract services associated with the timely performance of the necessary reroof inspections. 2. Replacement of worn atrium furniture and some office furniture that was brought from 101 Costilla when RBD moved to the RDC. 3. Replacement of computer hardware, with far more energy efficient equipment, continuing RBD’s demand side management in conjunction with renewable energy production. 4. Extremely cold winter delayed completion of the 101 Costilla renovation project and installation of the solar array on the west side of the RDC property. Payments for Pikes Peak Regional Building Department Building Commission Meeting Minutes August 27, 2014 Page 4 completion were pushed from 2013 into 2014 and the 2014 increases will be reflected as expenditure decreases in the 2013 final statement. 5. Higher activity than initially projected within the City of Woodland Park creating greater revenue and a higher in-progress inspection demand. Mr. Yankowski said the Amended Budget proposes no fee increases, no salary increases, and is anticipated to produce a $324,751 gain by year end. A motion was made by Dennis Hisey to APPROVE the Pikes Peak Regional Building Department 2014 Amended Budget, seconded by Tyler Stevens; the motion carried unanimously. 7. FUTURE AGENDA ITEM REQUESTS a) Proposed Work Session with the Building Commissioners Henry Yankowski stated RBD staff would like to schedule a time to have a work session with the Building Commissioners to see what they would like to see RBD do in the future. The Commission suggested doing the work session the same day as the September 24, 2014 Building Commission Meeting, and suggested that the work session be scheduled as a lunch meeting at 1:00 p.m. at RBD. Henry Yankowski stated he attended the City Council Meeting yesterday and the storm water issue was discussed. He stated he would like to thank our Building Commissioners for the way they work together with RBD for the greater good of the community. 8. EXECUTIVE SESSION There were no Executive Session requests. The meeting adjourned at 4:11 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Henry W. Yankowski Regional Building Official HWY/llg
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