GEO-X : Geospace X-ray imager Yuichiro Ezoe1, Yoshizumi Miyoshi2, Satoshi Kasahara3, Hiroshi Hasegawa3, Tomoki Kimura3, Takaya Ohashi1, Yoshitaka Ishisaki1, Ikuyuki Mitsuishi1,2, 4 1 4 4 Ryuichi Fujimoto , Kazuhisa Mitsuda , Atsushi Noda , Kunitoshi Nishijo , the GEO-X team 1 Tokyo Metropolitan Uni., 2 Nagoya Uni., 3 ISAS/JAXA, A12105 solar wind plasma close to Earth. Similar to modeled observations made by a hypothetical X-ray detector on IMAGE, the production rate is clearly at a maximum in the cusp region, with a secondary maximum in the subsolar region. In the flanks and tail region, where the solar wind density is much lower, the production rates are significantly lower too. [24] Integration along each of the 101 ! 101 lines of sight produces the image of SWCX soft X-ray emission (see Figure 4, left side). The largest X-ray intensities are for the cusps, followed by a secondary maximum in the subsolar region (40% less than in the cusps). Because the lines of sight intersect the flanks, the bowshock and the magnetopause are more diffuse, but can still be seen clearly. The maximum subsolar X-ray intensity is twice the intensity that would be seen from inside the magnetosheath due to the geometrical effects. [25] Robertson and Cravens [2003] showed images from ‘‘the outside’’ for a subsolar magnetopause distance of 9.5 RE (see right side of Figure 4). The upstream solar wind density for that paper was 7 cm"3 and the speed was 400 km/s. The maximum intensity obtained for those conditions was about 8 keV cm"2 s"1 sr"1, which was in the subsolar region. On the other hand the maximum predicted intensity for the subsolar region for the 31 March 2001 conditions is about 160 keV cm"2 s"1 sr"1, which is a factor of 20 greater than the maximum values Robertson and Cravens [2003] obtained for average solar wind conditions. This clearly shows the time variability of X-ray emissions produced by the SWCX mechanism as well as the highly nonlinear response of the intensity as the magnetopause moves closer to the Earth. This behavior is similar to that actually observed in the low-energy neutral atom data and simulations. [26] Charge transfer between solar wind alpha particles and neutral hydrogen produces He+ 30.4 nm emission [Gruntman, 2001]. This process is essentially the same as the soft X-ray process except that the He++ charge exchange cross sections are more velocity dependent and somewhat smaller than the heavier ion cross sections. The intensity maps in Figures 2 and 4 can easily be converted to Each XTU is composed of an X-ray telescope and a detector. We are currently developing a new X-ray telescope, called MEMS Xray optics for GEO-X as well as X-ray astronomy missions. We have constructed a Wolter type-I optic optimized for soft X-rays. (m-sphere) via Charge eXchange (CX) between solar wind and exospheric neutrals. Figure 3. X-ray production plot in the GSM x-z plane. Earth is at (0,0). Axes are in distance to the subsolar magnetopause (D). the subsolar region. Clearly, a suitably instrumented spacecraft should be able to detect the cusps in soft X rays. 3.2. X-Ray Observations From Outside the Magnetosheath [22] Robertson and Cravens [2003] created images of SWCX X-ray emission as would be seen from an observation point 50 RE removed from Earth. The observation point was along the y axis perpendicular to the x-z plane, where the x axis is directed from the Earth to the Sun. Average solar wind conditions were used. The cusps were not included in this earlier study. We have now created a similar image, but for the 31 March 2001 event and including the cusps. Figure 3 shows predicted X-ray production rates in the GSM x-z plane (y = 0). Earth is located at the center of the image. The axes are in units of D, which is the subsolar distance to the magnetopause (6 RE in our case). The resolution is 101 ! 101 pixels, which is sufficiently high for the cusps to be evident. [23] The cusps do not extend all the way to Earth because in our current simulations it is impossible to identify purely Magnetic Field Sun cusp sheath Solar Wind O6+ O7+ e- Earth X-ray H MDSG/JAXA, E-mail : [email protected] 3. Science Payload 1. GEO-X Recent observations with Earth-orbiting X-ray astronomy satellites mission revealed time-variable X-ray emission from Earth s magnetosphere ROBERTSON ET AL.: MAGNETOSHEATH X-RAY EMISSIONS A12105 4 The X-ray intensity is expected to be strong at m-spheric boundaries such as magnetosheath and cusps. 20 µm-width curvilinear pores Ezoe+12 A MEMS X-ray optic is made from a few hundreds µm thick Si wafers with metal coating. It is ultra light in weight (x >40 lighter than past X-ray telescopes). X-ray 100 mm <Expected performances> Diameter : 100 mm 2013 Oct Al Kα 1.49 keV Expected X-rays as seen at GSE Focal length : 250 mm Figure 2. Process flow of MEMS X-ray optics. Y = 60 RE (Robertson+06) Exosphere FOV : 4 in diameter Table 1. Development items reported in this paper and their correspondence to each process step shown in figure 2. 2 @ 0.6 keV On-axis area : 4 cm Figure 4. X-ray intensities for the 31 March 2001 event, as observed from the GSM y axis 50 R removed from Earth (left). Units are in D, distance to the subsolar magnetopause. The right side was process step 1 2 3 4 5 2 deg2 @ 0.6 keV √ √ √ modeled by Robertson and Cravens [2003] for average solar wind conditions. Note that the color scales Grasp (SΩ) : 16 cm of the two panels differ. To convert this map to 30.4 nm emission (photons/cm /s/sr), multiply the X-ray §3. single-stage We have begun concept study of a new mission GEO-X, aiming at Assembly of optics √ √ √ intensities by 2.5 (see text for details). §4. coating of a heavy metal √ Weight : 5 kg (mirrors are only 4 g) √ √ Wolter type-I §5. Wolter type-I optics imaging of Earth s m-sphere in X-rays for the first time. Our FWHM 4 arcmin optic Prototype Macropixel devices Ogawa+14 initial study confirms that such a mission is achievable in JAXA sThis method hold many advantages over the traditional mirrors and the other micro pore optics. The matured E 2 5 of 8 1501 tens 2402 2701 1801µm. 2100 photolithography technology allows accurately-arranged0micro299pores598with a900width1199of a few High aspect ratio more than 10 is possible. The stiffness of silicon and nickel micro structures enables a large open area ratio more than 10 %. Consequently, the mass area ratio shown in figure 1 can be extremely small, ∼1 kg for 1000 独toPNsensor, MPE が開発 Demonstrator cm2 . Also, a large, more than 4 inch in500diameter, single-piece optic can be fabricated by use of a commercially pixel x 500 µm² Calibration of the DEPFET Detectors for the MIXSdegradation Instrument on available large wafer. A short focal length of <1 m is possible without of BepiColombo angular resolution 9 format 64 x 64 optic pixels 3.2 x 3.2 cm² due to the negligible conical approximation. Assuming that the side walls of the micro pores are flat and the mirror arrangement is perfect, a theoretical on the angular resolution arises from X-ray diffraction within a frametime 450 seclimit (ASTEROID) narrow micro pore. If the pore width d-80is…20 and the X-ray wavelength λ is 1.24 nm (1 keV), the theoretical temperature -90 µm °C scalable results limit is represented as ∼ λ/d representative ∼13 arcsec. Our final goal is this X-ray diffraction limited micro pore X-ray optics. small scientific satellite program. DepFET sensors developed by MPE are low noise, high frame rate, and extremely radiation hard, ideal for astronomy and planetary missions. We plan to use this detector for GEO-X. SDS-4 Spacecraft Overview 50kg class zero momentum 3-axis stabilized Sun oriented SSO altitude approx. 677km Piggyback payload of H-IIA LV ( FY2011 ) Weight Size Power Orbit : two candidates (a) HEO, (b) Earth-Moon L1 approx. 48kg approx. 500 500 450 mm approx. 120 W Attitude Control Three-axis Sun-oriented Communication S-band 1 Mbps (mission downlink) 16 kbps (downlink) 4 kbps (uplink) Orbit SSO, altitude approx. 677km ② 2 9 1 Moon Lunar swingby Earth We started our development of this novel method with miniature optics (7.5×7.5 mm2 ) made of silicon and 500 µm pixel <Expected performances> 32 mm Pixel size:300 μm square Launch from USC Array:64 x 64 (Uchinoura Space Center) . . . . . . . . . Size:1.92 cm x 1.92 cm (a) (c) 17 Johannes Treis MPI Halbleiterlabor Perigee 1 770[m/sec] 200km×378,370km Frame time:1 ms Apogee Temperature :< -40 deg C Launch : JAXA s Epsilon rocket E reso.:<100 eV @ 0.6 keV 239,000km×378,370km Spacecraft : 330 kg (wet), 235 kg (dry) Perigee 2 3000 134[m/sec] 239,000[ O Kα 0.5 keV Global&distribu7on&of&So:;Xray ] Science payload : 40 kg, 40 W 4 Team GEO-X futureof observations Estimation X-ray emission Attitude : 3-axis stabilized (accuracy 1 arcmin/min) Several targets for Data rate : 30 kbps (mainly science data) Power & weight : 10 W & 3.5 kg Majewski+13 (incl. readout electronics) Team GEO-X Global&distribu7on&of&So:;Xray X-ray power density (b) Estimation of X-ray emission P = α nsw g n(d)H (eVcm−3s −1 ) 1: global imaging of magnetosphere r2 1 for all three detector modules Fig. Spectroscopic Performance. X-ray 2 power density P = α nsw (a) g nHSpectra (eVcm−3s −1 )−of 2 single −1 −1events B ( eVcm s str ) = Pxray dr visible. The energy r2 recorded at a beam energy of 3314 −eV. Peak and escape peak are clearly 1 4π r1 2 −1 −1 B(eVcm s str = single Pxray dr events and ∫ resolution is 103 eV ≤ FWHM ≤ 104 eV) for 107 eV ≤ FWHM ≤ 108 eV 4π r1 for all valid events. (b) Spectra of single events for all three detector modules recorded at a beam energy of 500 eV. The energy resolution is 64 eV ≤ FWHM ≤ 67 eV for single events high-charge state andabundance 66 eV of≤ FWHM ≤population 69state eV population for all valid events. (c) Energy resolution FWHM (single abundance of high-charge Assumption: O7+ is 0.1 % of H+ events) vs. photon energy for all three Assumption: modules over the full%energy O7+ is 0.1 of H+ range. As a reference thesolar theoretical as a dashed line. For completeness, also the result from nsw wind densityFano limit is shown the reference measurement with an 55 Fen source From which was recorded during the spectroscopic solar wind density sw MHD model 2 2 measurements before the transfer BESSY is indicated. (d) Energy resolution FWHM for total relative speed < g >= uto sw + vthermal single events and all valid events vs. photon energy for module From DPA F10. A ∫typical X-ray flux in large CME and geomagnetic storm events (Dst < -100 nT) is 30 and 10 ph/cm2/s/str @ 0.6 keV for cusp and sheath. With one Our science goal is visualization of m-spheric boundaries (cusp, MHD model total relative speed XTU, this promises S/N = 10 in 1 ks < g >= u + v sheath, LLBL etc..) in soft X-rays (< 1.5 keV). Requirements to the theoretical Fano limit, which is shown in the graph At an andas a dashed 3 ksline. exposure times, satisfying energy of 1820 eV, just below the silicon absorption From edge (1839 eV), a dip in geocoronal hydrogen density ! 10 ( Re ) " X (GSM) = 25 # energy meet this science goal are defined as follows. $ geocoronal model the data is visible. As photons ofn this have a significantly larger time penthe required cadence (<1 hr). % r & spherically symmetric etration Miyoshi+13 depth to photons at an energy of 1860 eV, just above the - Observations for understanding solar compared wind – magnetosphere interactions. Si-K absorption edge, signal charge produced by these photons is2020 significantly In early s, we expect that such - Field of view: 20 Re x 20 Re less affected by effects of charge recombination in the vicinity of the dead layer Requirements (at 60 RE) Comment - View points:at the entrance window region, hence the FWHM isevents narrower. For the occur module will 5-10 per year. Z (GSM) 2. Science goals & requirements geocoronal hydrogen density ! 10 ( Re ) " nH = 25 # $ % r & 2 sw 3 2 thermal From geocoronal model spherically symmetric 3 H Item fromDPA side:F09 visualization themeasurements cusp additional flatof field were done to study the properties fromclose topto : the visualization of KHI thetheflank Al-K edge (1560 eV)atand same effect - but to a much lower ex- ・C, N, O, Fe, Ne, Mg emission lines (< 1.5 keV) Energy band 0.3 - 2 keV ・Estimate NXB by impacts of ions using X-ray photons above 1 keV Spatial reso. Energy reso. Time cadence FOV <0.1 RE (<6 arcmin) • tend -platform was shown. is caused by thedistributions. thin Al layer on the entrance window - Lunar orbit should be a good toThis observe global Resolve fine structures of cusp and sheath <100 eV @ OVII Kα 0.6 keV • <1 hr (> 20 cm2 deg2 @ OVII ・Detect changes of m-sphere in size and shape Kα 0.6 keV) > 5 RE x 5 RE (5 x 5 ) 4. Future prospects side of the detector chip, which serves as an intrinsic light filter. In addition to the data points derived from the calibration measurements at BESSY-II, the energy resolution measured with an 55 Fe source (Mn-Kα: 5.9 keV) sev- We plan to propose GEO-X for a future call of JAXA s small science satellites. The earliest opportunity will be early 2020 s, corresponding to the next solar maximum phase. We envision that the XTU will be used in various future exploration missions. Resolve C, N, O, Fe, Ne Mg emission lines ・Expected X-ray flux for a large magnetic storm event 0.1 cps @ OVII Kα mid 2010 s early 2020 s Figure 1 – Science objectives of the JUXTA ・Grasp cusp and sheath at same(see timeEzoe et al., 2013, Adv. Space Res., 51, 1605 and references therein). late 2020 s To this end, we plan to have a Technology development 2x2 array of compact X-ray telescope units (XTUs). Spacecraft Overview Prototype Macropixel SDS-4 devices Demonstrator <Resources per XTU> Mass : 10 kg Power : 10 W Size : 30 cm cubic FOV : 4 x 4 pixel 500 x 500 µm² format 64 x 64 pixels 3.2 x 3.2 cm² frametime 450 sec (ASTEROID) temperature -80 … -90 °C representative scalable results Jupiter, Mars, Moon Earth s m-sphere JMO GEO-X 50kg class zero momentum 3-axis stabilized Sun oriented SSO altitude approx. 677km Piggyback payload of H-IIA LV ( FY2011 ) Weight Size Power approx. 48kg approx. 500 500 450 mm approx. 120 W Attitude Control Three-axis Sun-oriented Communication S-band 1 Mbps (mission downlink) 16 kbps (downlink) 4 kbps (uplink) Orbit SSO, altitude approx. 677km 9 Johannes Treis MPI Halbleiterlabor > 17 Solar Sail
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