Bio Imaging with X-ray FELs! ! ! ! ! ! ! Henry Chapman Center for Free-Electron Laser Science DESY and University of Hamburg! ! ! Workshop on Advanced X-Ray FEL Development, 21st May 2014 Last week the 100,000th structure was deposited in the protein databank ribosome Cumulative number of structures in the PDB FELs Structures virus myosin 12 nucleosome antibody transfer RNA actin hemoglobin myoglobin C. Zardecki - PDB! C. Abad-Zapatero - Acta Cryst D68 (2012) Year X-ray NMR Electron High radiation dose causes changes in molecular structure Crystal of Bovine enterovirus 2 (BEV2) after subsequent exposures of 0.5 s, 6 ⨉ 108 ph/μm2 300 kGy dose Room temperature ! Cryogenic cooling gives 30 MGy tolerance Axford et al. Acta Cryst. D68 592 (2012) Diamond Light Source (courtesy Robin Owen & Elspeth Garmen) 1 Gy = 1 J/kg! ! 1 MGy ! ≈ 1 eV / Da absorbed! ! ≈ 0.16 eV / atom! (about one ionization per ! 10 amino-acid residues)! ! ! ≈ 2 ⨉ 109 ph/μm2 (assuming we need 25 eV to ionize) X-ray free-electron lasers may enable atomicresolution imaging of biological macromolecules 2 fs 5 fs 10 fs 20 fs 50 fs R. Neutze, R. Wouts, D. van der Spoel, E. Weckert, J. Hajdu, Nature 406 (2000) X-ray FELs bring experimental innovations to protein structure determination 1. Ultrashort pulses: outrun radiation damage 2. High intensities: measurable diffraction from small samples 3. High repetition: Hundreds of independent measurements per second that can be averaged to increase the signal in proportion to the noise XFEL pulse Noisy diffraction pattern Hard X-ray experiments show high-resolution diffraction Photosystem)I) 9.3$keV$ Single$shot$pa8ern$$ ~1$mJ$(5$×$1011$photons)$ 40$fs$ 2$×$1017$W/cm2$ 25$GW$XJray$pulse 3.0$Å$resolu,on crystals$prepared$ by$Petra$Fromme Nanocrystallography is carried out in a flowing water microjet Boutet et al Science (2012) Chapman et al Nature (2011) Gas-focused liquid jet pump laser X-ray FEL Focusing optic Detector 0.2 - 2 µm crystals 4 µm jet 3 µm X-ray beam Recent hard X-ray experiments show high-resolution diffraction Each pattern is indexed Tom White (CFEL) Rick Kirian (ASU) c* b* a* We have merged indexed patterns into a 3D diffraction pattern CrystFEL software available: Tom White (CFEL) CrystFEL processes diffraction patterns to give merged intensities Free and open-source software (GNU GPLv3) Documentation including a full tutorial online T. White et al. J. Appl. Cryst. 45 (2012) Chapman et al.: Initial proof of concept Boutet et al.: High resolution proof of concept with lysozyme In-vivo IMPDH (Nass, Redecke et al) Photosystem II at 9.3 keV NEWSFOCUS THE DISCOVERY OF THE Higgs Boson Demirci et al.: Feasibility demonstration with 30S ribosomal subunit microcrystals Johansson et al.: B. viridis reaction center act by exchanging other particles that convey three forces: the electromagnetic force; the weak nuclear force, which spawns neutrinos; and the strong nuclear, which binds quarks. But there’s a catch. At first blush, the standard model appears to be a theory of massless particles. That’s because simply assigning masses to the particles makes the theory go haywire mathematically. So mass must somehow emerge from interactions of the otherwise massless particles themselves. That’s where the Higgs comes in. Physicists assume that empty space is filled with a “Higgs field,” which is a bit like an electric field. Particles interact with the Higgs field to acquire energy Redecke, Nass et al.: High Online resolution structure of TbCatB Higgs, researchers at the European particle physics laboratory, CERN, near Geneva, built the $5.5 billion, 27-kilometer-long LHC. To spot the Higgs, they built gargantuan particle detectors—ATLAS, which is 25 meters tall and 45 meters long, and CMS, which weighs 12,500 tonnes. The ATLAS and CMS teams boast 3000 members each. More than 100 nations have a hand in the LHC. Perhaps most impressive is the fact that theorists predicted the existence of the new particle and laid out its properties, right down to the rates at which it should decay into various combinations of other particles. (To test whether the particle really is the Higgs, researchers are measuring those rates now.) Physicists have made Barends et al.: Anomalous signal from sulphur (at SACLA) cember 21, 2012 NO RECENT SCIENTIFIC ADVANCE HAS generated more hoopla than this one. On 4 July, researchers working with the world’s biggest atom smasher—the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Switzerland—announced that they had spotted a particle that appears to be the long-sought Higgs boson, the last missing piece in physicists’ standard model of fundamental particles and forces. The seminar at which the results were presented turned into a media circus, and the news captured the imagination of people around the world. “[H]appy ‘god particle’ day,” tweeted, the singer for pop group The Black Eyed Peas, to his 4 million Twitter followers. Yet, for all the hype, the discovery of the Higgs boson ily merits recognition For an expanded as the breakthrough version of this sec- of the year. Hypoth- Microcrystals are often measured with the attenuated LCLS beam Human$serotonin$5JHT2B$receptor$bound$to$the$agonist$ergotamine$ Crystals$for$ Synchrotron Maximum$dose:$25$MGy,$30$fs$pulse$ (detector$limited) X,ray)FEL)(RT) Synchrotron 100$μm Side)chain Crystals$for$XJray$ FEL H,bonds Salt)bridge Liu,...,$Cherezov,$Science$(2013) Averaging improves the signal to noise ratio SNR in 2.06 Å shell 1.4 1.2 SNR 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 25,000 50,000 Number of patterns Cornelius Gati 75,000 100,000 Larger samples are inertially confined 0$fs 90$fs 30$fs 60$fs Simulation by C. Caleman, using Cretin (H. Scott, LLNL) 100 fs 6 GGy (60 MGy/fs) Atomic cross sections of neutral Carbon atoms Photon energy (eV) Cross section (µm2/atom) 10-8 10-10 10 -12 10 -14 102 103 Photoabsorption 104 105 106 At 6 keV: 6 keV 2Å σA = 2 ×10-14 µm2 σS = 6 × 10-16 µm2 30 photoionisation events for every scattered photon 1/(Enough photons to photoionise every atom) Dose = Coherent Compton A I0 : photons × 10-16 10-18 103 NA I0 mA (energy/photon)/ area 102 101 100 Photon wavelength (A) 10-1 10-2 NA 6keV · = 50 GGy mA Henke (1993) and Hubbell (1975) The chances for hitting heavier elements is higher C N 100$GGy O S Fe Mn 29$GGy 2$GGy 3$GGy 350$MGy 5$fs 1$fs 0.5$fs 0.6$fs 55$GGy 10$fs 7$fs Satura,on$dose$to$a$protein$(one$coreJshell$ photoionisa,on$for$every$atom$of$this$species) Auger$decay$,me The principal result after photoionisation is the generation of a cascade of electrons Incident X-rays (6 keV) Ejected KShell electron 5.7 keV 500 Å/fs Emitted Auger electron (280 eV) The principal result after photoionisation is the generation of a cascade of electrons Ejected KShell electron 5.7 keV 500 Å/fs 350 300 Nelectrons Incident X-rays (6 keV) Cascade thermalises in about 10 fs Produces 200 ionisations (~10 core) Over a radius of 500 Å Range 400 8.5 keV 5.0 keV 1.5 keV 0.5 keV 1000 Å 250 200 500 Å 150 100 150 Å 50 0 1 Emitted Auger electron (280 eV) 100 Å/fs 10 Time (fs) 100 MD simulations by Carl Caleman and Nic Timneanu see ACS Nano 5, 139 (2011) A crystal only gives Bragg diffraction when it is a crystal! Selecting Bragg peaks filters the data )0)fs 25)fs 50)fs ! 1.5 $"# Diffraction intensity relative to 12344&5+36&7+(3)&'2389:0 “40 fs” Ratio of Bragg decay ! 40 100 150 200 250 300 $"! 1 1.0 ;!&<, $!!&<, $#!&<, =!!&<, =#!&<, >!!&<, 40 fs 100 fs !"# 0.5 0.5 150 fs Photosystem)I,)2)keV,)6)GGy 0.0 !"! 0 !"! 0.0 0 !"# 0.5 0.5 Barty et al. Nature Photon 6, 35–40 (2012)q %&'()(*+,-./0 q (nm-1) (cycles/nm) 300 fs $"! 1.0 1 $"# 1.5 1.5 The explosion accelerates during the pulse RMS displacement (nm) I(q) = 2 I0 re |F0 (q)| T 2 e q2 2 (t) dt 1020 W/cm2 0 60 GGy/fs 1.000 6 GGy 6000 MGy/fs 600 MGy/fs 0.100 60 MGy/fs 6 GGy 0.010 6 GGy 0.001 1 Carl Caleman & Nic Timneanu 30 MGy 10 time (fs) 1016 W/cm2 6 MGy/fs Diffraction at d=3Å resolution turns off at RMSD = d/2π = 0.5Å 100 Bragg diffraction will also stop when there’s no more electrons bound to atoms (transparent sample) Average ionization per C atom 10 1020 W/cm2 = 1 TW/µm2 60 GGy/fs 6 GGy/fs 1 0.1 600 MGy/fs 60 MGy/fs 6 MGy/fs 0.1 1 10 Time (fs) 1016 W/cm2 = 0.1 GW/µm2 100 Higher dose rates (i.e. higher X-ray intensities) should give larger Bragg signals Intensity at 6 keV(GW/µm2) 20 200 2000 20,000 200,000 1014 1013 1012 1011 1010 Maximum effective dose Hollow S Hollow C atoms atoms 300 GGy 30 GGy 100 fs 100 fs 3 GGy 10 fs 300 MGy 1 fs pristine atoms 30 MGy 1 fs Turn off time (for 3Å resolution) Effective fluence at 6 keV (ph/µm2) 0.2 0.1 fs 0.6 6 60 600 6,000 Dose rate (MGy/fs) 60,000 600,000 Son, Young, Santra PRA 2011 We propose to use the fluence dependence of heavier element scattering factors for phasing Dose (MGy) 1.2 20 200 2,000 Average ionisation of 1 20,000 S saturation 200,000 O saturation H 1.0 C N MAD ã 0.8 O 0.6 S “Low” intensity 0.4 @6 keV 0.2 0.0 1010 “High” intensity 1011 1012 2 Fluence (photons/µm ) 1013 1014 S.K. Son, R. Santra CFEL Scattering signals increase with increasing wavelength Relative signal 1000.0 6 3 2 1.5 1 wavelength (Å) 100.0 Selenium edge 10.0 1.0 0.1 2 Sulfur edge 4 6 8 10 12 Photon energy (keV) 14 Work at the longest wavelength that supports the achievable or desirable resolution Atomic-resolution diffraction from single 2 particles should be possible with 1014 ph/μm Laser polarisation (E) 28 nm 25 3 Å resolution 1014 ph/μm2 60 GGy 6000 MGy/fs ⨉ 10 fs ! RMS displacement: 0.5Å half electrons ionized The resolution limit is determined by the ability to average diffraction patterns Anthrax lethal factor protein Simulated diffraction patterns with 1012 photons in (0.1 μm)2 Average of 100 patterns Average of 10000 patterns (50Å radius) Atomic resolution can be achieved for relatively small particles and fluences achievable at LCLS (1012 photons/(0.1 μm)2) The highest resolution is limited by the ability to group patterns of similar orientation Averaging improves signal to background (a) Single frame, 1000 photons (b) (c) 9 Total photons in dataset: 1.5x10 (a) Photographs the target object, a plastic toy figure about 50 mm tall. (b) TypEMC ofalgorithm: ame of data containing 96 photons in a 396x266 pixel detector. This translates to 10 4 photons/pixel. (c) Data frame with 1025 photons obtained by combining 10 • utive frames from the previous data set. The sizes of the pixels recording photons een enlarged to improve visibility. Pixels with two photons are shown in red. • Start with random 3D model Distribute frames in angle, weighted by how they fit to neration model omographic reconstructions using the EMC algorithm were tested using a plastic ly matching the size of the detector, as the object of study. A 50 watt molybdenum • Repeat tube was used to generate x-rays (Tru-Focus TCM-5000M). The applied high volt- kV and the current was set to 0.05 mA. A 400 micron zirconium filter was used to the K line of molybdenum (17.5 keV) from the x-ray tube emission spectrum by y attenuating lower energies and higher energies (beyond the K-edge of zirconium, he distance between the x-ray source and the sample was 1.3 meters. The detector directly after the sample. Detector pixels measured 150 µm ⇥ 150 µm. The perure time was chosen to be 4 ms with an average signal of 100 photons per frame ns/pixel/frame). c figure (Fig. 1(a)) was mounted on a post and attached to a rotation stage (Newport K. Ayyer et al Opt. Express 22 (2014) The assembly and orientation problem can be solved by accumulation of self correlation functions Number of patterns required is proportional to SNR2 This method can utilize all 30,000 pulses per second, even if the detector can only store 3,000. (Incoherent addition) Dmitri Starodub Summary “Diffraction before destruction” holds to <1.9 Å resolution. Hundreds of thousands of 2D diffraction measurements can be combined into a dataset of average 3D structure factors Global (isotropic) damage is dose rate dependent. The faster you go the more you can outrun Atomic motion: 10 – 100 fs 1 GW/μm2 Electron cascades: 1 – 10 fs 1 TW/μm2 Auger decay: 0.1 – 1 fs 1 PW/μm2 Bragg diffraction is self gating (choosing the Bragg peaks filters out disorder), setting the exposure time for the measurement Anomalous phasing works over a wide range of doses High intensities may provide a way for de novo phasing LCLS experiments and analyses are carried out as a large collaboration ! CFEL-DESY A. Barty, M. Liang, T. White, D. Deponte, S. Stern, A. Martin, C. Caleman, K. Beyerlein, R. Bean, R. Kirian, K. Nass, F. Stellato, C. Yoon, F. Wang, H. Fleckenstein, L. Gumprecht, L. Galli, S. Bajt, M. Barthelmess, O. Yefanov, D. Oberthür, C. Gati ASU J. Spence, P. Fromme, U. Weierstall, B. Doak, X. Wang, I. Grotjohann, R. Fromme, N. Zatsepin, D. Wang, D. James, S. Basu MPG Med. Res. I. Schlichting, R. Shoeman, L. Lomb, S. Kassemeyer, S. Bari, T. Barends, J. Steinbrener, S. Botha SLAC-PULSE M. Bogan, D. Starodub, R. Sierra, C. Hampton, D. Loh SLAC-LCLS S. Boutet, G. Williams, M. Seibert, C. Bostedt, M. Messerschmidt, and many others Uppsala J. Hajdu, N. Timneanu, J. Andreasson, M. Seibert, F. Maia, M. Svenda, T. Ekeberg, J. Andreasson, A. Rocker, O. Jonsson, D. Westphal Euro XFEL A. Aquila LLNL M. Frank, M. Hunter, S. Hau-Riege LBNL S. Marchesini, J. Holton Gotheburg R. Neutze, L. Johansson, D. Arnlund U. Hamburg! L. Redecke, C. Betzel U. Auckland P. Metcalf U. Melbourne A. Martin CFEL DESY Theory R. Santra, S.-K. Son
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