Ruta n and Science, Technology and Innovation Plan, Medellín ST+i 2011 – 2021 Elkin Echeverri Garcia Warning: This material is always in beta! Medellín 2021 From a traditional economy LOGISTIC PROBLEM Caribbean Sea Ports 18 hours Uraba Port 8 hours 20 hours Pacific Ocean Port According to IDB studies, up to 25% overrun cost for Colombia MEDELLIN: TO AN INNOVATION SERVICES ECONOMY Source: IBM Source: Open Services Innovation. Henry Chesbrough. INNOVATION, SERVICES, ECONOMY To an innovation and knowledge economy "No wind works for the man who has no port of destination" Michel de Montaigne Now the situation is very different Without .... Normative barriers Distribution monopolies Powerless customers The power or scale Protection toward Importations With.... Free commerce agreements The network power (very low costs of transactions) Two way customers Outsourcing Anti-monopoly laws Venture Capital Development Plan for the City Innovation: Schumpeter ideas. "Creative Destruction" Competitiveness: Porter ideas. "1+1=3+" Social-economical changes in Society BASIC IDEA Ruta N Promoting and developing world class successful knowledge businesses trough Science, Technology and Innovation, to enhance city and region competitiveness. A future city is only possible through Innovation INNOVATION AND PROMOTION OF NEW HIGH VALUE BUSINESS Innovation= Transformation of the Reality Innovation = New Idea & Value Generation Social Impact Escher "Knowing is not enough; we must apply. W illing is not enough; we must do.” Goethe What is Innovation? Innovation = New Idea & Billing Anything that won't sell, I don't want to invent. Its sale is proof of utility, and utility is success. Thomas Edison “The test of an innovation, after all, lies not its novelty, its scientific content, or its cleverness. It lies in its success in the marketplace.” Peter Drucker POSITIVE SPIRAL @ n N. n Social and economic change in our society D. Plan ST+i has n more resources for new cycle B. n New Start-ups, Spin-offs, etc. C. n New Companies have more R&D Budget and pay Taxes . A. n New Ideas with focus. ST+i Innovation has a disproportionately powerful impact on job creation Social Innovation? Direct Naive Approach Science& Technology Social Problem Wise Approach -Sustainable, Sixfold ImpactScience& Technology Innovation Tow ard Social Problem Sixfold Real Innovation Impact ❖ 1. Ow n solu tion for one of ou r m ost pressing social problem s, throu gh of the action of science and technology ❖ 2. Local solu tion available at low er prices ❖ 3. Solu tion alw ays available and possibility of fu tu re versions enhanced ❖ 4. Generating social valu e throu gh qu ality new jobs, su stainable over tim e and new revenu es to increase the cou ntry’s GDP. ❖ 5. Generation of new taxes for social im provem ent and investm ent in new projects in science and technology-oriented to innovation -. ❖ 6. Possibility to expand national and internationally, generate exports and new incom e for the cou ntry. Science, Technology Role in Innovation RESEARCH: MONEY => KNOWLEDGE INNOVATION: KNOWLEDGE => MONEY & WELL-BEING Invention, Innovation and Ruta n "....Invention is the first occurrence of an idea for a new product or process, while innovation is the first attempt to carry it out in practice. To be able to turn an invention into an innovation, the innovator normally needs to combine several different types of knowledge, capabilities, skills and resources. For instance, production knowledge, skills, facilities, market knowledge, a well-functioning distribution system, sufficient financial resources, and so on may be required. It follows that the role of the innovator, i.e., the person or organizational unit responsible for combining these required factors (what Schumpeter called the “entrepreneur”), may be quite different from that of the inventor" Attributed to the innovation-theorist Joseph Schumpeter. From "Innovation – a New Guide". Jan Fagerberg. ¿ How do we work towards a city of innovation? Ruta N: Corporation for Innovation and New Business Innovation = New Idea + Billing “Just as energy is the basis of life itself, and ideas the source of innovation, so is the vital spark of all human change, improvement and progress” Ted Levittuu Fostering business through:: • Business creation • Business acceleration • Product development • Innovation management • Smart Financial Support Innovation Pipeline I Ing&Tech Enterprises INNOVATION MONEY RESEARCH KNOWLEDGE Idea Basic Education Entrepreneurship Science 1 2 3 Education Entrepreneurship Innovation Medellín Cluster City Energy, health, ICT, textiles and fashion, business tourism and construction Talents to the n: Adrián Pérez Z. City of innovation Innovation platforms Innovation culture (long, long term) (long,term) (medium term) Knowledge Business (short term) 3000 Students 25 Public Education Institutions of Medellin. 25 Research Groups Like Scientific Partners 3000 Students Nano-Tech Innovation culture (citizenship) EMTECH Colombia (emerging technologies event from MIT for the first time in Latin America) Innovation Week (20 innovation related events in a week) StartUp Weekend (ICT MVP/startup developed in 54 hours) Global Game Jam (video-games developed in 48 hours) Science Fair (+1000 school students) Solar challenge (solar energy cars race, +300 school teams) Innovation platforms (Universities, incubators, research centers) Technology surveillance Technology commercialization IP Protection Applied research Knowledge business (entrepreneurs, SMEs, big and international companies) Fostering innovative business through: Business acceleration Product development Innovation management Digital entertainment strategy Venture Capital The Dimension of Capital #ProductInnovation ENTREPRENEURIAL INNOVATION Global knowledge for new Enterprises Innovation culture Innovation platforms Knowledge business • Outliers School Education (Spain) • Modern Management Network (Sweden) • CTIC (Spain) • Y7 (Israel) • Corpovisionarios (Colombia) • Explora Park (Colombia) • Hebrew University (Israel) • IC2 – University of Texas at Austin (USA) • PILA (Latin American IP network) • Politecnica de Valencia University (Spain) • Opinno (Spain) • Colciencias (Colombia) • • • • • • • • PENZA (Israel) Founders Institute (USA) Cambridge Enterprise (UK) Idelaboratoriet (Swedem) MIT (USA) 22@ Distrit (Spain) ICT Ministry (Colombia) Innpulsa (Colombia) Urban Component Innovation: Virus that is spread by personal contact! Medellinnovation District 115 Ha – Structuring with MIT and 22@ District TEST?: from where? 32 New Business with focus in Innovation. 900+ New Employees, in the last 18 Months!!, from 10 Countries. Landing strategy 360 places for up to 60 international innovative companies • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Yuxi Pacific (USA) Lex Paradigm (USA) SproutLoud (USA) Staunch Robots (USA) Block wise (Argentina) Instiglio (USA) MSH (USA) Velocity Partners (USA) Tairo (Spain) Isoco (Spain) Globant (Argentina) Sensata (USA) Cluster Development (Spain) PitchBull (Irlanda) Algar (Brasil) Medellinnovation District Innovation is a Sport Contact! Medellinnovation District ST+i PLAN STi Plan - USD230 million between 2013-2021 Markets, Sectors, Clusters and Innovation Energy ICT market Cluster market Cluster Health market Cluster Each cluster is an important objective, but it is not the unique one. Market View Medellin ST+i Observatory International STi Networks Brasil USA World Demand UK TS&CI Israel Local DNA National and Regional STi Networks t Ruta N STi Observatory Fostering innovative STi and businesses through proactive actions: -Detect Trends -Find Tech Challenges -Identify Opportunities -Define Threats Local DNA Regional innovation System -Identify Gaps A Plan in continuous update: Technological Surveillance and Competitive Intelligence. Innovation in Services and Socio-economic Change +i Social Network Ruta n "Brainboo "As the contagion spreads": ScienceNOW&Wired Crear una cultura de Relaciones de Colaboración y Comunicación abierta con Generación de Confianza. Funding and Modern Program Management for $140 Million USD of Projects in ST+i “No estamos muy acostumbrados, pero la PMO nos ha hecho pensar y reflexionar, que es muy importante tener un control más cercano del avance del proyecto, sobre todo cuando los proyectos son con tanta gente y hay tantas áreas involucradas como es nuestro caso, por ende la PMO ha agregado demasiado valor, poco a poco vamos entendiendo la metodología y el valor de la misma.” "La cosa esta muy bien. Es un aprendizaje para muchos. Puede ser muy harto que sea mensual, pero eso es la ley. Cuando uno tiene algo que lo presiona, uno hace las cosas; es bueno." “Nosotros estábamos atrasados con la PMO, por lo tanto les solicitamos trabajar toda la parte de planeación y reportes con un equipo encargado y no directamente conmigo, la PMO me colaboro muchísimo, eso me permitió que el proyecto pudiera adelantarse, y hoy establecimos la línea base gracias a ustedes, las respuestas han sido muy acertadas y muy oportunas, y nos brindan siempre correcciones con mucho sentido, su apoyo nos ayuda a dar sentido a la parte administrativa y a la parte técnica y a saber por dónde coger, estoy realmente agradecido con ustedes, nos han dado un alivio.” "Me parece que todo ha estado muy bien organizado, nos ha servido mucho para nuestro proyecto y hemos aprendido a manejar muy bien la herramienta, me parece que todo ha sido muy positivo.” Network of Open Innovation Innovation Country Partners titive Innovation: Open Internatio Ruta n-SUNN: POWERFUL RADAR AGENDA Personalized for each type of Actor Sub headline 12 Ruta n-SUNN: AGENDA MODERN INTERFACE Sub headline 10 Business Roundtable Tecnnova SUNN Ruta n will be the digital venue for the preevent and post-event Ruta n-SUNN: ECOSYSTEM DASHBOARD. Each city AGENDA online KNOWS what is happening in innovation! Sub headline 11 Ruta n, Focus on Networks ✤ We have to build communities, like fractal netw orks in multiple “dimensions” attempting to fill up all available “space”. We have to inspire them, guide them and keep them moving, but in the end, they are w ho define their path and their w ay of operation. (Elkin Echeverri) International, Personal & Institutional Networks by Ruta n Methodology Development IRIs: "Iniciativas Regionales de Innovación" Plan CT+i IRIs y KETs Plan ST+i Scientific Computing Electronic Devices Innovation in Services Meta HR Repository Bio&Pharm. Scaling Compute- Adv. Manufacturing Photonics Nanotechnology FabLab- KETs: Key Enabling Technologies ElectronServices- MetaRScale- PhotonNano- Launching community nano-n. by Ruta n "Nano-n a KET already Activated in MDE" by Ruta n 1. Nano-technology Regional Policy, final version defined 2. All legal representatives of institutions and the community signed the current form of the Policy Document. 3. Launching of portal for networks and cooperation, in Brainbook-n 4. Business Model completed by Tecnalia & Purdue. 5. Creation of new nano-tech incubator enterpreises. 6. Pre-design of National Nano-technology Center Cloud Meta Repository EHR Alliance between DNDi and Ruta N to establish a DNDi node in Colombia (Medellin) for Research, Development and Production of new drugs or Biocomponents for rare or “forgotten” deseases….among them tropical deseases. NDA Signed Clinical trials FFAA until 2015 Lesmania. International certification: Humax farmaceutical Clinical trials under international standards This alliance will be a very important achievement for the city and the country. Trade Mark of the City: Medellinnovation Wear your Shirt! We Need You! Great Concrete Results! Digital Factory in Ruta N! Talents to the n:Ideatech Talents to the n:Vanesa Restrepo 3D printer (Bayley Group) in synthetic cells, electronic chip, micromilling roughing, blue pH. 1.1mm From Brain Drain to Brain Circulation Annalee Saxenian More information: Elkin Echeverri Garcia THANK YOU [email protected] twitter: eecheverri
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