Contents - OakLabs

Guidelines for Sample Submission to OakLabs GmbH
Gene expression profiling on Agilent microarrays
Version 4, May 2014
For further information, please contact:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +49 33 02 2 89 79 69
1 Recommendations for RNA Samples
2 RNA Sample Requirements
3 RNA Sample Shipping
4 Your RNA Samples at OakLabs
Agilent expression profiling, May 2014
Before submitting RNA samples to OakLabs GmbH for labelling and hybridisation, please
carefully read through the guidelines below.
1 Recommendations for RNA Samples
The most important component of an expression profiling experiment is the RNA template.
We have compiled recommendations to assure high quality results.
ˆ We generally recommend a column-based method for isolation of total RNA (e.g.
Qiagen or Macherey&Nagel).
ˆ If you use phenol for isolation, we highly recommmend a column-based purification of
these samples prior to microarray analysis.
ˆ We recommend a DNase digestion if considerable amounts of genomic DNA are present.
DNA can be either digested on column or in solution. The latter requires an additional
column based purification.
ˆ RNA should be eluted in RNase-free water or in a low-salt buffer; drying down RNA
completely should be avoided.
ˆ Avoid DEPC treated water for resuspension of RNA since DEPC can inhibit enzymatic
ˆ Check each RNA sample by running an agarose gel containing formaldehyd or by using
the Bioanalyzer (Agilent Technologies). The 28S RNA/18S RNA ratio for eukaryotes
and the 23S RNA/16S RNA ratio for prokaryotes should be >1. The software of the
Bioanalyzer allows the generation of an RNA Integrity Number (RIN) to check integrity
and overall quality of total RNA samples. The RIN value is calculated by a proprietary
algorithm which analyses the entire electrophoretic trace of a sample enabeling an
universal and unbiased comparison of samples. A RIN number of 10 indicates high
RNA quality, and a RIN number of 1 indicates low RNA quality. RNA quality for gene
expression profiling experiments should be as high as possible and samples that are to
be compared should have similar RINs (delta-RIN <1). According to published data
and our own experience we recommend a RIN ≥ 6 to proceed with gene expression
analysis (see also Fleige, S. et al. (2006) Mol Aspects Med. 27:126-139).
ˆ Measure the OD 260/280 and OD 260/230 ratios which indicate contaminations with
protein, salt and solvents; both ratios should be greater than or equal to 1.8.
ˆ Store RNA at −20 ◦ C for short-term or −80 ◦ C for long-term.
2 RNA Sample Requirements
ˆ At least 500ng total RNA
microarray analysis.
per sample is required for RNA quality control and
Agilent expression profiling, May 2014
ˆ Ideally, total RNA samples have a concentration of 20 - 200 ng/µl.
If required, smaller amounts of starting material can also be processed for microarray analysis.
Please inquire prior to sample submission.
3 RNA Sample Shipping
ˆ Complete the sample submission form (.xls) and send an electronic copy to [email protected].
ˆ Make sure your reaction tubes are properly labelled and sample IDs on the tubes match
sample IDs in the sample submission form; consider that labels and ink might come
off at low temperature.
ˆ Put your samples in a suitable box to make sure the tubes do not break and caps do
not open during shipping.
ˆ Ship RNA on a sufficent amount of dry ice (prefered), consider weekends and holidays
that might cause delays in shipping. Alternatively, RNA can also be shipped preserved
in RNAstable (Biomatrica) at ambient temperatures.
ˆ Ship to the following address:
OakLabs GmbH
Agilent Service
Neuendorfstr. 20b
16761 Hennigsdorf
4 Your RNA Samples at OakLabs
Once we have received your RNA samples we complete the RNA quality control within
one week. By default RNA quality check is performed using the Bioanalyzer and quantity
is measured using the Nanodrop photometer. If your samples pass our quality control we
proceed with labelling. If one or more of your samples fails our quality control, we consult
with you how to proceed.
After succesful quality control, we usually perform labelling and hybridisation within two
weeks. Data are delivered via FTP o r on a USB stick by mail, depending on your preference.