Curriculum Vitae, David W. Taylor Name David W. Taylor Address California Institute for Quantitative Biosciences HHMI/University of California, Berkeley 742 Stanley Hall Berkeley, CA 94720-3220 Lab Phone: (510) 666-3335 Fax: (510) 666-3336 Mobile Phone: (717) 856-9511 Email: [email protected] Page 1 of 7 Education 2013 Yale University Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry Advisor: Dr. Hong-Wei Wang Ph.D., with distinction 2010 Yale University Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry M.Phil. 2008 Syracuse University Biochemistry B.S., summa cum laude Post-doctoral Training 2013–present University of California, Berkeley California Institute for Quantitative Biosciences Title: “Structure and Function of CRISPR RNA-guided surveillance complexes in bacteria” Advisors: Dr. Jennifer A. Doudna and Dr. Eva Nogales Undergraduate and Graduate Research Experience 2009–2013 Yale University, Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry Dissertation research Title: “Structural basis for RNA processing by human Dicer” Advisor: Dr. Hong-Wei Wang 2012 Visiting Student Researcher at California Institute for Quantitative Biosciences, University of California, Berkeley Title: “Automated macromolecular imaging of Dicer and Dicer-RNA complexes” Advisors: Dr. Jennifer A. Doudna and Dr. Eva Nogales Curriculum Vitae, David W. Taylor Page 2 of 7 2011 NSF East Asia and Pacific Summer Institute Fellow at National Institute for Physiological Sciences, National Institutes of Natural Sciences, Okazaki, Japan Title: “Zernike phase-contrast cryo-EM of human Dicer and virus-like particles” Advisors: Dr. Kuniaki Nagayama and Dr. Kazuyoshi Murata 2009 Yale University, Department of Genetics Title: “Alternative miRNA biogenesis pathways in zebrafish” Advisor: Dr. Antonio J. Giraldez 2008 Yale University, Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry Title: “Structural basis for copper transport by eukaryotic chaperones” Advisor: Dr. Vinzenz M. Unger 2005–2008 Syracuse University, Department of Chemistry and Department of Biochemistry Title: “Development of nucleic acid sensors for pathogenic agents” Advisors: Dr. Bruce S. Hudson and Dr. Phillip N. Borer Summary of Thesis Research Dicer plays a central role in RNA interference pathways by cleaving double-stranded RNAs (dsRNAs) to produce small regulatory RNAs. Human Dicer can process long doublestranded and hairpin precursor RNAs to yield short interfering RNAs (siRNAs) or microRNAs (miRNAs), respectively. In humans, Argonaute2 (AGO2) assembles with the guide RNAgenerating enzyme Dicer and either the RNA-binding protein TRBP or PACT to form a RISCloading complex (RLC), which is necessary for efficient transfer of nascent siRNAs and miRNAs from Dicer to AGO2. Here, I have used electron microscopy and single particle analysis of human Dicer–RNA complexes and the RLC to gain insight into the structural basis for human Dicer’s substrate preference and RISC-loading, respectively. My studies show that Dicer traps pre-siRNAs in a non-productive conformation, while interactions of Dicer with premiRNAs and dsRNA binding proteins induce structural changes in the enzyme that enable productive substrate recognition in the central catalytic channel. The RLC Dicer's N-terminal DExH/D domain, located in a short base branch, interacts with TRBP, whereas its C-terminal catalytic domains in the main body are proximal to AGO2. A model generated by docking the available atomic structures of Dicer and Argonaute homologs into the RLC reconstruction suggests a mechanism for siRNA transfer from Dicer to AGO2. Awards and Honors 2012 2011 2011 2010 AAAS/Science Program for Excellence in Science, Science NSF East Asia and Pacific Summer Institute (EAPSI) Fellow, National Science Foundation Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry Excellence in Teaching Award, Yale University Yale Scientific Teaching Fellow, Yale University Curriculum Vitae, David W. Taylor 2010 2009 2008 2008 2007 2007 2004 Page 3 of 7 NSF Graduate Research Fellow, National Science Foundation Associate Faculty Member, Faculty of 1000 Research Achievement and Academic Excellence Award, Syracuse University Biology Department Named Who’s Who Among American Colleges and Universities Barry M. Goldwater Scholar, Barry M. Goldwater Foundation Remembrance Scholar Finalist, Syracuse University Syracuse University Academic Merit Scholar Publications 1. M.L. Hochstrasser*, D.W. Taylor*, P. Bhat, C.K. Guegler, S.H. Sternberg, E. Nogales, J.A. Doudna. (2014) CasA mediates Cas3-catalyzed target degradation during CRISPR RNAguided interference. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. Epub 18 Apr 2014. 2. M. Jinek*, F. Jiang*, D.W. Taylor*, S.H. Sternberg*, E. Kaya, S.H. Sternberg, E. Ma, C. Anders, M. Hauer, K. Zhou, S. Lin, M. Kaplan, A.T. Iavarone, E. Charpentier, E. Nogales, J.A. Doudna. (2014) Structures of Cas9 Endonucleases Reveal RNA-Mediated Conformational Activation. Science 343, 1247997. 3. R.H.J. Staals*, Y. Agari*, S. Maki-Yonekura*, Y. Zhu, D.W. Taylor, E. van Duijn, A. Barendregt, M. Vlot, J.J. Koehorst, K. Sakamoto, A. Masuda, N. Dohmae, P.J. Schaap, J.A. Doudna, A.J.R. Heck, K. Yonekura, J. van der Oost, A. Shinkai. (2013) Structure and activity of an RNA-targeting Type III-B CRISPR-Cas complex in Thermus thermophilus. Mol. Cell 52, 135-145. [Previewed by N. Heidrich and J. Vogel. (2013) Same Same but Different: New Structural Insight into CRISPR-Cas Complexes. Mol. Cell 52, 4-7.] [Recommended by F1000.] 4. S.L. Wolin, C. Belair, X. Chen, S. Sim, D.W. Taylor, H.W. Wang. (2013) Noncoding Y RNAs as Tethers and Gates: Insights from Bacteria. RNA Biol. 10, 1602-1608. 5. D.W. Taylor, E. Ma, H. Shigematsu, M.A. Cianfrocco, C.N. Noland, K. Nagayama, E. Nogales, J.A. Doudna, H.W. Wang. (2013) Substrate-specific structural rearrangements of human Dicer. Nat. Stuct. Mol. Biol. 20, 662-670. [Recommended by F1000.] 6. X. Chen, D.W. Taylor, C.C. Fowler, J.E. Galan, H.W. Wang, S.L. Wolin. (2013) An RNA degradation machine sculpted by Ro autoantigen and noncoding RNA. Cell 153, 166-177. [Previewed by B.J. Geiss and J. Wilusz. (2013) Ring around the Ro-sie: RNA-mediated alterations of PNPase activity. Cell 153, 12-14.] 7. K.R. Bower-Phipps, D.W. Taylor, H.W. Wang, S.J. Baserga. (2012) The box C/D sRNP dimeric architecture is conserved across domain Archaea. RNA 18, 1553-1562. 8. G.S. Hansman, D.W. Taylor, J.S. McLellan, T.J. Smith, I. Georgiev, J.R.H. Tame, S.Y. Park, M. Yamazaki, F. Gondaira, M. Miki, K. Katayama, K. Murata, P.D. Kwong. (2012) Curriculum Vitae, David W. Taylor Page 4 of 7 Structural basis for broad detection of genogroup II noroviruses by a monoclonal antibody that binds to a site occluded in the viral particle. J. Virol. 86, 3635-3646. [Cover of J. Virol. 86 December 2012] [Article of Significant Interest Selected from This Issue by the Editors.] 9. M.F. Roberts, D.W. Taylor, V.M. Unger. (2011) Two modes of interaction between the membrane-embedded TARP stargazin’s C-terminal domain and the bilayer visualized by electron crystallography. J. Struct. Biol. 174, 542-551. 10. D. Cifuentes, H. Xue, D.W. Taylor, H. Patnode, Y. Mishima, S. Cheloufi, E. Ma, S. Mane, G.J. Hannon, N.D. Lawson, S.A. Wolfe, A.J. Giraldez. (2010) A novel miRNA processing pathway independent of Dicer requires Argonaute2 catalytic activity. Science 328, 16941698. [Featured in Leading Edge: Molecular Biology Select. (2010) Ago2 Takes It from the Top. Cell 141, 1093-1095.] [Rated as “Exceptional” by F1000.] 11. H.W. Wang, C. Noland*, B. Siridechadilok*, D.W. Taylor*, E. Ma, K. Felderer, J.A. Doudna, E. Nogales. (2009) Structural insights into RNA processing by the human RISCloading complex. Nat. Stuct. Mol. Biol. 16, 1148-1153. [Featured in Leading Edge: Molecular Biology Select. (2009) Bringing a Dicey Handoff into Focus. Cell 139, 639-641.] *These authors contributed equally to this work. Patents “Structure-Guided Methods of Cas9-Mediated Genome Engineering,” BK-2014-078. Talks, Workshops, and Posters “RNA-induced structural activation of the RNA-guided endonuclease Cas9,” invited talk at Beijing area cryo-EM meeting at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China, January 2014 “Molecular architecture of the RNA-guided endonuclease Cas9,” talk at Structure Supergroup at California Institute for Quantitative Biosciences, December 2013. “Structures of Type-II and Type-III surveillance complexes from bacterial immune systems,” invited talk for Sackler Discussion Group at Yale University, September 2013 “Molecular architecture of the RNA-guided endonuclease Cas9,” poster presentation at Rewriting Genomes Symposium at University of California, Berkeley, August 2013 “Target recognition by RNA-guided surveillance complexes from a bacterial immune system,” poster presentation at CRISPR conference in St. Andrews, UK, June 2013 “Perspectives on research and life in Japan,” invited talk for Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), San Francisco Office, April 2013 Curriculum Vitae, David W. Taylor Page 5 of 7 “RNA structure confers substrate specific interaction and processing by human Dicer,” talk at National Institute for Physiological Sciences in Japan, July 2011 “RNA structure confers substrate specific interaction and processing by human Dicer,” poster presentation at Smith Family Awards Program For Biomedical Excellence in Boston, April 2011 “RNA structure confers substrate specific interaction and processing by human Dicer,” talk at Yale University School of Medicine C-Wing Seminar Series, March 2011 “Structural basis for autoinhibition of human Dicer,” invited short highlight talk at Nucleic Acids conference in Mexico, November 2010 “Big structural rearrangements in small RNA processing,” talk at Yale University School of Medicine Structural Biology Seminar, April 2010 “Structural insights into RNA processing by the human RISC-loading complex,” poster presentation at National Resource for Automated Molecular Microscopy (NRAMM) EM Conference at Scripps Research Institute, November 2009 “Structural basis for RNA processing by the RISC-loading complex,” talk at Yale University School of Medicine C-Wing Seminar Series, October 2009 “RNA processing by the RISC-loading complex,” poster presentation at the Sackler Institute Inaugural Symposium at Yale University West Campus, August 2009 Teaching/Mentoring Experience and Career Development 2013–2014 Supervised Jack Kornfeld in the undergraduate research apprenticeship program in the laboratory of Dr. Eva Nogales 2013 Guest lecturer on “RNAi mechanisms” in MB&B 743b at Yale University Supervised and trained Vincent Yip (Dr. Susan J. Baserga’s graduate student) in collecting cryo-EM images of disRNPs using LEGINON 2012 Guest lecturer on “RNAi mechanisms” in MB&B 743b at Yale University 2010–2011 Guest lecturer on “RNAi mechanisms” in MB&B 743b at Yale University Teaching Assistant for graduate course Advanced Eukaryotic Molecular Biology 2009–2010 Theory and Practice of Scientific Teaching I and II (with Dr. Jo Handelsman) Student-Faculty Academic Advising Committee for incoming Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry graduate students Advanced Science Teaching Course Teaching Assistant for graduate course Advanced Eukaryotic Molecular Biology Supervised summer high school student in the laboratory of Dr. Hong-Wei Wang Curriculum Vitae, David W. Taylor 2008–2009 Page 6 of 7 Fundamentals of Teaching Science Course Student-Faculty Academic Advising Committee for incoming Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry graduate students Supervised two first year graduate students during their rotation projects in the laboratory of Dr. Hong-Wei Wang Teaching Statement I am a first generation college student. I have had the privilege of being part of a program as an undergraduate at Syracuse University that taught underrepresented and underprivileged high school students the basics of the undergraduate admissions procedure and application process. This also included consideration of topics such as how to study for college courses and adjust to living on their own. As an undergraduate, I presented a scientific poster on the development of nucleic acid switches labeled with a luminescent probe for sensing the capsid protein of HIV at the Syracuse University Mayfest. This event is for an audience of faculty, undergraduates, and high school students from central New York. The day is primarily intended to integrate education and research for non-science community members, especially the local high school students. It was an exceptional opportunity to communicate the scientific achievements in our lab in a general way to these younger students. I was able to effectively disseminate a basic introduction to molecular biology and research, while exciting many of them about discovery and the possibility of a career as a scientist. All of these experiences have placed me in a unique position to reach students from underrepresented minorities in science education and research training. I am highly motivated to do this because I am an underrepresented population in education and science, can easily relate to them, and can employ the same techniques that were effective in fostering my passion for science. Additionally, these programs have taught me that the obligation to educate young minds and invoke curiosity for the life sciences must be paralleled with a commitment to mentoring. I have had the opportunity to teach, converse with, and mentor other scientists and students from all backgrounds through the various stages of my educational career. My primary career goal is to be a professor of biochemistry and biophysics at a leading research university, where I can take part in teaching students and training researchers at the interface of chemistry, biology, and physics. I would like to be a professor for two major reasons. The main incentive is the enjoyment I receive from asking questions about biological problems and designing experiments to determine their answers. Secondly, I believe that teaching others is a responsibility that should not be taken lightly. Passionate lecturing about science from a mentor and professor as an undergraduate is a major reason I decided to undertake an education in basic research. This professor would ask several word problems during class and ask us to hold up the correct answer. He would march through the isles of the lecture hall shouting remarks such as “good”, “excellent”, and “you’re on the right track” in response to our answers. I believe that I have an obligation to perform this function for the next generation of thinkers. I plan to be an inspiring teacher, scientist, and mentor by implementing scientific teaching into current undergraduate courses aimed at educating the science majors and courses geared toward the students fulfilling the basic science requirements. Scientific teaching involves bringing the same rigor of science research into the classroom, teaching students to think like scientists, and using active learning strategies that have been tried and tested. Curriculum Vitae, David W. Taylor Page 7 of 7 Any course that I lead would force students to focus on the details and reasoning behind science in practice, moving beyond the memorization of disconnected facts. This is really how the beauty of science becomes strikingly evident to young minds. The idea is simple: to prepare future scientists and future scientifically literate community members; consequently, emphasis will be placed on the logic, design, and analysis of experiments aimed at probing a specific phenomenon. This will be achieved through case studies related to each topic. Therefore, students who take my course will employ critical thinking skills to tackle challenging biological problems, understand how to design and interpret experiments, read and intelligently discuss primary research articles, ask insightful and relevant questions related to past and ongoing research, and master the fundamentals and selected details of the topic. These learning objectives will be evaluated based on a discussion section of primary literature articles, a term paper incorporating the design of a proposal to further probe a phenomenon discussed in class, and examinations that focus largely on applying the concepts of the course to a new question or in a new context. Science-major courses that I teach would emphasize the interconnections between the life sciences and the physical sciences. This would involve the coverage of molecular and cellular biology and the integration or presentation of all other associated concepts from other disciplines including chemistry, physics, and mathematics as material from these disciplines are needed. For example, a section devoted to the structure and function of membrane proteins would include a discussion of the physics of ion transport and the chemical mechanism of lipid biosynthesis. This avoids the situation of not understanding how material in one course relates to that in another and really provides the basic knowledge hierarchy needed to become an advanced student and independent scholar or expert. As for non-science major courses, I think it is important to teach the everyday relevance of biology to these students. This may be the only opportunity to reach these college students and the only exposure they receive to any topics in the life sciences. Therefore, I think that teaching the practical uses of science in their lives is of paramount importance. We need our citizens to be informed consumers, policy makers, and problem solvers. Additionally, we may be able to recruit a more diverse group of scientists using the scientific teaching paradigm outlined in this philosophy. For example, a section could be devoted to how caffeine intake leads to stimulatory effects on the body. This should invoke a great deal of curiosity because many of the students will probably be drinking coffee or energy drinks at that moment, especially if it is an early morning lecture. For teaching and evaluating this course, I would implement an active learning/assessment approach that involves the students researching a topic pertinent to their lives and presenting this information to the rest of the class.
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