Comparison and Contrast of Elemental Components Of Urban and Rural Honey Bees in Saskatchewan B. WOLKOWSKI, M. WENKOFF, T. JOHNSON, A. SIAOTONG, and T. MOLNAR R.I.R. BLYTH, D. MUIR, J. THOMPSON, J. MCBETH, and T. WALKER 2 1 University of Saskatchewan College of Education, Saskatoon, Canada 2 Canadian Light Source, Inc., Saskatoon, Canada III. METHODOLOGY Sample preparation Figure 1. Specimen and silicon drift detector (Vortex-EM®, Hitachi High-Technologies Science America, Northridge, CA, USA) of the X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy system The health of honey bees has been of concern lately because of the rapid decline of honey bee populations due to colony collapse disorder (Cox-Foster and . vanEngelsdorp 2009). Using X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy (Figure 1) at the IDEAS beamline of the Canadian Light Source synchrotron, concentrations of active elemental ingredients of common pesticides and other environmental stressors (pollens from genetically modified crops, the adult bee physiology and pathogen loads)(vanEngelsdorp et al. 2009) were investigated. Samples consisted of bee abdomen and bee legs from both an urban bee farm in Saskatoon, SK and a rural bee farm outside of the city. A few of these samples were placed in a vacuum to remove the presence of argon from the spectra. Additional samples of honey, comb, and wax from the rural bee hives were also analyzed using XRF. There was an expectation of a large concentration of said elemental components in most bees due to their low tolerance to many toxic chemicals, hence, providing a potentially sensitive indication of pollutant-induced harm (Bromenshenk 1985). X-ray fluorescence regular scans IV. RESULTS • Bee abdomen and legs were removed from both urban and rural bees. • Rural and urban bees were prepared separately to eliminate possible cross contamination. • Samples were prepared from three bees, put into sample holders, and held in place with Kapton tape and labelled with a letter starting from A. • A control sample of Kapton tape was prepared as well in a sample holder. • Regular scans were taken with an exposure time of 180s with photon energy level of 10 KeV at high resolution to improve peak definitions of: • 6 urban bee abdomens • 7 rural bee abdomens • 4 urban bee legs • 4 rural bee legs • 1 control sample (Kapton tape) X-ray fluorescence under-vacuum scans Analysis • Scans were taken at an exposure time of 30 minutes to reduce the presence of argon (Ar) peaks in scans caused by the air surrounding the following samples: • 1 urban bee abdomen • 1 rural bee abdomen • 1 control sample (Kapton tape) • The control scans were subtracted from the sample scans to remove background noise. • The scans of urban and rural bees’ abdomens and legs were then normalized (based on the iron peaks) to allow for heights of the peaks to be compared. • Average scans of urban and rural bees’ abdomens and legs were analyzed to find the elemental components corresponding to the peaks. • The two (urban and rural) under-vacuum scans were compared as well. a.To qualitatively investigate the elemental components of urban and rural honey bees using the X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy at the IDEAS beamline of the Canadian Light Source synchrotron a.To quantitatively compare and contrast the concentrations of the aforementioned chemical species found within the abdomen and legs of honey bees collected from urban and rural hives Figure 2. Preparation of bee abdomen and leg samples Figure 3. Bee abdomen samples in sample holders and Kapton tape. a. The elemental components of urban and rural honey bees are potassium (K), calcium (Ca), chromium (Cr), manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), nickel (Ni), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn). b. Urban bees have higher levels of K and Cu while rural bees have elevated concentrations of Cr, Ni, and Zn. However, Mn and Fe have the same amount for both urban and rural bees. c. Elevated concentrations of Cr, Ni and Zn in rural bees may be attributed to the differentiated elemental components of urban and rural pollens. In the study of Bermudez et al. (2011) the mean wheat grain concentrations of Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn surpassed the tolerance limits stated in the international legislation for wheat grain and foodstuffs. Rural Normalized, Background Removed Fe 0.9 Urban Normalized, Background Removed 0.8 0.7 Zn 0.6 0.5 0.4 K 0.3 Cr 0.2 Mn Ca VI. TEACHING IMPLICATIONS Fe Cu 0.1 II. OBJECTIVES b.To identify the possible sources of the differentiated levels of concentration of the elemental components of urban and rural honey bees V. CONCLUSIONS 1 Normalized Photon Count I. INTRODUCTION 1 Ni 0 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 Energy (eV) 10000 The experience and appreciation of the scientific method, research, and hands on learning, especially the use of the synchrotron, will instill in us a passion to share the same with our students through inquiry method, problem-based learning, scientific experimentation, and practical real world applications. Figure 4. X-ray fluorescence of urban and rural honey bees under vacuum Figure 4 depicts the x-ray fluorescence scans of urban and rural honey bees under vacuum. The significant peak at 3300 electron volts (eV) shows the presence of potassium in both samples. The peak at 3650 eV and 4000 eV can be attributed to calcium (Ca). Supporting this theory further is the peak being nearer to 3700 eV in the urban bee line because of its lower level of K. The peak at 5400 eV can be attributed to chromium (Cr) while that at 5890 eV to manganese (Mn). Peaks at 6380 eV and 7020 eV indicate the presence of iron (Fe) within the sample. The peak at 7460 eV shows the presence of nickel (Ni). This is further supported by the presence of a slight peak at 8260 eV. The peak at 8020 eV can be identified as copper (Cu) with a peak at 8900 eV supporting this. The peaks at 8630 eV and 9570 eV can be identified as zinc (Zn). For the urban bees, the concentration of K is higher than that of the rural bees. The Ca content is virtually identical due to the peak at 4000 eV and the overlapping peaks at 3650 eV could be why the urban peak is higher due to the potassium. Moreover, the Cu peak suggests a higher amount in urban bees. For the rural bees, the concentrations of Cr, Ni, and Zn are higher compared with the urban bees. The Mn concentration is the same for both and the reason for the rural line being higher at 5890 eV is due to Cr’s second peak at 5940 eV. This also accounts for the slight shift to the right with the rural peak. Fe is virtually identical in both rural and urban. Figure 5. Checking the sample of bee legs and beamline using webcam. REFERENCES Bermudez, G., R. Jasan, R. Pla, M.L. Pignata. 2011. Heavy metal and trace element concentrations in wheat grains: Assessment of potential noncarcinogenic health hazard through their consumption. Journal of Hazardous Materials 193: 264-271 Bromenshenk, J., S. Carlson, J. Simpson, J. Thomas. Pollution monitoring of Puget Sound with honey bees. Science 227. Cox-Foster, D. and D. vanEngelsdorp. 2009. Saving the honeybee. Scientific American 300:40-47. vanEngelsdorp, D. et al. 2009. Colony collapse disorder: A descriptive study. PLoS One 4(8). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Canadian Light Source, Inc. Saskatoon/Langham [email protected] (306)274-8880 Dr. Barry Brown, Professor Emeritus Bar 2 Bee Honey Ranch College of Education, University of Saskatchewan
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