Application for Rent-Geared-to-Income (RGI) Housing If you do not complete all sections of this application form or do not attach all the required documents, your application cannot be processed. Your completed application form and attached documents can be mailed or delivered to: Halton Access to Community Housing (HATCH) 690 Dorval Drive, 7th Floor Oakville, ON L6K 3X9 APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED BY FAX APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED BY FAX For more information, Dial 311 or visit or email [email protected]. V.4.0.01/16/2013 Page 1 of 22 Application for Rent Geared-to-Income (RGI) Housing Use this checklist to make sure you have attached and/or prepared copies of all the required documents to mail or deliver to HATCH for processing along with the completed Housing Application form for Rent-Geared-to-Income (RGI) Housing. Did you: Complete all 9 sections of this application? Sign page 22? Complete the appropriate Building Selection Form (those 60 years of age or older can select senior properties (Pages 15-20)? Provide copies of Canadian birth certificates, Canadian passport, permanent resident card or refugee claimant documents for ALL members of the household (front and back)? Provide a copy of the recent Notice of Assessment (NOA) for each household member? Attach confirmation that payments on arrears to a Social Housing Provider are in good standing (Repayment Schedule)? Are you requesting an additional bedroom for a member of your household where there is a legal custody agreement or visiting rights involving overnight stays? If yes, you must supply a copy of the agreement. Additional requests (forms related to these requests are available online) Are you requesting a wheelchair accessible unit? Are you requesting an additional bedroom due to an existing medical condition? Are you applying as a victim of domestic violence under the Provincial Special Priority Policy? Visit to print and complete the form(s) related to the additional request you have selected above and provide to HATCH with your RGI housing application. IMPORTANT: If you do not complete all sections of this application form or do not attach all the required documents your RGI Housing application cannot be processed. V.4.0.01/16/2013 Page 2 of 22 V.4.0.01/16/2013 Page 3 of 22 For Office Use Only Confirmation # • Please print clearly in black or blue ink. • All sections must be completed in full. • If your application is not completed in full, it will not be processed. PWD Yes □ No □ SECTION 1 – Your information Primary Applicant First name and middle initial Gender Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY) Last name Social Insurance Number Last name at birth Marital status Status in Canada Address to receive mail Apartment number City Street address Province Postal code Calls to offer housing are normally made during the day. Please provide us with a daytime number where you can be reached during the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday. Home telephone number Work telephone number / including extension Your email address Name Cell phone number Can we call you at work? Other person we can call if we cannot reach you This person’s relationship to you Phone Number (s) SECTION 1B – Second household member information Secondary Applicant First name and middle initial Gender Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY) Last name Social Insurance Number Last name at birth Marital status Status in Canada Apartment number Current address City Province V.4.0.01/16/2013 Postal Code Page 4 of 22 • Please print clearly in black or blue ink. • All sections must be completed in full. • If your application is not completed in full, it will not be processed. SECTION 2 – Who will live in the Rent Geared-to-Income (RGI) unit? Relationship to Primary Applicant Gender Date of Birth DD M F M F M F M F M F MM YYYY Applied for Permanent Resident status Last Name Refugee or Refugee Claimant First Name Canadian Citizen List any additional persons, who will be living in the RGI Unit. Only the persons listed as members of this household can live in the subsidized unit. Permanent Resident or Landed Immigrant Status in Canada Social Security Number (SIN) Do you share custody of the children listed on this application? If so, please provide a copy of the custody agreement or legal document outlining the details of your agreement (e.g., Affidavit). SECTION 3 – Household Accommodation Requirements Do you require a modified unit? Do you or anyone who plans to live with you require support services in order to live independently? If you answer “Yes” to the above questions V.4.0.01/16/2013 HATCH will mail you the appropriate forms to complete and you must return to HATCH for processing. Page 5 of 22 • Please print clearly in black or blue ink. • All sections must be completed in full. • If your application is not completed in full, it will not be processed. SECTION 3 – Previous landlord and housing information Current address Address (Apt., Street, City) Province Postal Code Rent Own Yes No Have you previously lived in a subsidized housing unit in Ontario? IMPORTANT: If you have arrears and owe money to a social housing provider you will not be eligible to be on the HATCH centralized wait list. You must provide documentation to HATCH that you are in a repayment program with the social housing provider you owe money to. The documentation must show that you are regularly making payments before HATCH can process your application. SECTION 4 – Additional Household Information IMPORTANT: Please read and answer the following questions carefully Are you pregnant? Provide verification i.e., a Doctor’s note; Due date (mm/dd/yyyy): ______________ Do you or anyone on this application own property in Canada or any other country? * Once you are in receipt of RGI assistance, owned property would have to be sold within 60 days of being housed Are you or any other person on this application form under an enforceable removal order? V.4.0.01/16/2013 __ Other country: ____________ Name of household member: ______________________ Page 6 of 22 • Please print clearly in black or blue ink. • All sections must be completed in full. • If your application is not completed in full, it will not be processed. SECTION 5 – Special household considerations Newcomer Status Are you and the other member(s) of your household newcomers to Canada who arrived less than one year ago? ● If you answer “Yes”, please include: A copy of Immigration Documents with the date of entry in Canada Please see SECTION 7: Status in Canada Documentation on page 8. Homeless Status Could any member of your household be considered homeless? Where are you currently living? (Please provide a brief description of your circumstances below) _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please use the back of this page if more space is required V.4.0.01/16/2013 Page 7 of 22 • Please print clearly in black or blue ink. • All sections must be completed in full. • If your application is not completed in full, it will not be processed. SECTION 6 – Special household considerations Special Priority Policy (SPP) Status Are you applying as a victim of domestic abuse under the Provincial Special Priority Policy (SPP)? ● If you answer “Yes”, HATCH will contact you about your application. For Office Use Only VoDV: Y □ N □ IMPORTANT: For your own safety it is important that we send the SPP Request Package to a safe mailing address. Please let us know what address we can send correspondence to by filling in Section 1 on Page 4 of this application form. SECTION 7 – Eligibility information required Status in Canada Documentation IMPORTANT: Please provide a copy of one of the following documents for each household member Birth Certificate (front and back) OR A copy of Immigration Documents (Please review the options below) Canadian Citizenship Documents (front and back) Permanent Resident Card (front and back) Refugee Claimant Documents (front and back) V.4.0.01/16/2013 Page 8 of 22 • Please print clearly in black or blue ink. • All sections must be completed in full. • If your application is not completed in full, it will not be processed. SECTION 8 : Eligibility information required (Continued) Notice Of Assessment (NOA) (provide a copy of ALL the pages of your most recent NOA) What is a Notice of Assessment (NOA)? Each year taxpayers complete a tax return based on their previous years income to send to Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). The CRA issue a Notice of Assessment (NOA) to taxpayers upon receipt of this tax return. The NOA is an annual statement sent by revenue authorities to taxpayers detailing the amount of income tax they owe, tax refund, tax credit, total income for previous year and income tax already paid. HATCH is requesting a copy of the NOA you received from your most recent tax return. Please send a copy of ALL the pages of your most recent NOA. V.4.0.01/16/2013 Page 9 of 22 SECTION 9 – BUILDING SELECTIONS: Rent-Geared-to-Income (RGI) for singles, couples and aged 65+ All-age buildings may be selected by any applicant no matter their age. If you are 60+ and wish to apply for building selections for seniors please go to page 15 of this application form. Seniors may wish to apply for all-age and Senior building selections. However, if you are younger than 60+ you are only eligible to select all-age buildings. Legend: All-Age Community Address Area Bldg Type # of RGI units ACTON apartment townhouse utilities excluded good amount of parking spaces one - two bedroom wheelchair accessible unit. unit sizes 1-BR 2-BR 3-BR Cobblehill Homes Co-op 53 Cook Street Apt. 15 √ √ Cobblehill Homes Co-op 53 Cook Street TH 10 √ √ Braeside 46 Holmesway Place Apt. 12 10 – 44 Holmesway Place TH 18 Holmesway Place V.4.0.01/16/2013 √ Incl. Good Excl. Good Incl. LTD Incl. Good 4-BR √ √ √ Parking = wheelchair accessible units (WCA) Apt. = TH = Excl. = Good = 1-2BR = Utilities Co-op = Cooperative Incl. = utilities included LTD = limited Parking spaces √ 1-2BR 1-3BR Page 10 of 22 Area MILTON unit sizes 1-BR Rotary Square 154 Bronte Street, S. Rotary Square 154 Bronte Street, S. Harmony Court 111 Ontario St. N South North Apt. 11 TH 9 Apt. 36 BURLINGTON 2-BR 3-BR √ √ 1-BR 2-BR 3-BR Incl. LTD 1-2BR Incl. Good 1-1BR 4-BR √ √ Parking Address Bldg Type Utilities All-Age Community # of RGI units Excl. 4-BR Walkers Fields 2300 Walkers Line North TH 32 √ √ Excl. Good 2-2BR The Manor 2039 Walkers Line North TH 84 √ √ Excl. Good 6-3BR Driftwood Drive 3030 Driftwood Drive North TH 44 √ √ Excl. Good 1-2BR 1-3BR Tansley Park 4090 Millcroft Park Dr North TH 12 √ √ Excl. Good 1-2BR Van Norman Place 1380 Guelph Line North TH 40 √ √ Hydro incl. Good Van Norman Place V.4.0.01/16/2013 1380 Guelph Line North Apt. 14 √ √ 4-1BR Page 11 of 22 Area BURLINGTON Cont… Victoria Village 2461 Whittaker Drive Don Quixote Co-op Parking Address Bldg Type Utilities All-Age Community # of RGI units Excl. Good √ Excl. Good 1-2BR 1-3BR √ Excl. Good 2-2BR Excl. Good 6-3BR √ Incl. LTD √ Incl. Good Incl. LTD Excl. Good Incl. Good unit sizes 1-BR 2-BR 3-BR √ North TH 24 1315 Maple Crossing Blvd. SW TH 41 √ √ Maple Crossing 1300 Maple Crossing Blvd. SW TH 60 √ √ Nelson Co-op 28A-1026 Glendor Avenue SW TH 90 √ √ Brant Court Apts. 708-710 Brant Street SW Apt. 16 STOA Co-op 456 Brock Ave. SW Apt. 49 Burloak Drive 254 – 360 Burloak Drive SE TH Walkers Landing 515 Walkers Line SE TH √ √ 54 √ √ 46 √ √ 2-BR 3-BR 4-BR √ √ √ OAKVILLE Elm Road V.4.0.01/16/2013 1-BR 1478 - 1494 Elm Road NE TH 4-BR 54 √ 3-1BR 3-2BR 2-3BR Page 12 of 22 Area OAKVILLE Cont… 1531 Sixth Line NE TH 27 Golden Briar Heights 2250 Golden Briar Trail NE TH 77 Interfaith Homes Rimmington Drive TH NW Apt. 29 Birch Glen Co-op 1160 Dorval Drive NW Apt. 101 Glen Oaks Co-op 1180 Dorval Drive NW Apt. 84 Brays Lane 2299 Bray's Lane NW TH 49 1220 Glen Valley Rd NW TH 45 V.4.0.01/16/2013 Good 2-3BR Excl. Good 1-3BR √ Incl. Good 2-2BR √ Incl. Good 6-1BR 6-2BR 1-3BR Incl. Good 5-1BR 7-2BR 1-3BR Excl. LTD 2-2BR Excl. Good 2-2BR Incl. Good 4-1BR 2-2BR 1-3BR Incl. LTD √ √ √ √ √ 1150 Dorval Drive Margaret Drive Excl. 4-BR 57 The Abbeyview The Oaklands 1-2BR 3-BR Various Units Glen Valley Place LTD 2-BR √ NW Excl. unit sizes 1-BR Donaghey Square Parking Address Bldg Type Utilities All-Age Community # of RGI units √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 2021 Merchants Gate NW 287 - 359 Margaret Drive SW Apt. √ 88 √ TH √ √ √ 48 √ √ √ Page 13 of 22 Area OAKVILLE Cont… Maurice Drive 1-BR 284 - 320 Maurice Drive SW 284 - 320 Maurice Drive SW Prince Charles Place 111 Prince Charles Dr. SW Sheridan Woods 2301 Sheridan Garden Dr. SE Mariposa Co-op 1150 Gable Drive SE TH 23 Jean & Howard Caine Apts. 259 Robinson Street SE Apt. 59 Maurice Drive unit sizes Apt. 2-BR 3-BR Parking Address Bldg Type Utilities All-Age Community # of RGI units Incl. LTD Incl. LTD Incl. Good 4-2BR Excl. Good 1-2BR Excl. Good Incl. Good 4-BR 16 √ TH 44 √ Apt. 43 √ TH √ √ 35 √ √ √ √ √ √ *All units * Priority will be given to applicants who require a modified unit due to a physical disability. Various rent supplement locations will be available to all applicants. Refusing a unit offer from the Rent Supplement Program will not count as a refusal on your HATCH application. V.4.0.01/16/2013 Page 14 of 22 Community You must be 60+ to select the building options below Address # of RGI units ACTON unit sizes 1-BR Applying for Supportive housing is possible Senior Parking space availability Place check mark to select SENIOR BUILDING SELECTIONS (pages 15-20) Other remarks 2-BR Lakeview Villa 17 Elizabeth Drive 52 GEORGETOWN Kin Court Cote Terrace Seniors Apts. V.4.0.01/16/2013 3 Hyde Park Drive 171 Main Street South 24 40 YES YES 1-BR 2-BR YES NO YES NO LTD YES 3-1BR Good NO - Good NO 12 units are supportive housing. Eligible age for supportive housing is 60+. The available 2-1BR 2-BR units and are for 2-2BR wheelchair users only. Page 15 of 22 Community You must be 60+ to select the building options below Sargent Court Address 11 Sargent Road # of RGI units 38 GEORGETOWN Cont… unit sizes YES NO 1-BR 2-BR LTD Applying for Supportive housing is possible Senior Parking space availability Place check mark to select SENIOR BUILDING SELECTIONS (pages 15-20) NO Other remarks - John Armstrong Terrace 8 Durham Street 89 MILTON YES NO 1-BR 2-BR LTD YES - The Bruce Apts. V.4.0.01/16/2013 40 Ontario Street S. 88 YES YES LTD YES 1-2BR 39 units are supportive housing. Eligible age for supportive housing is 60+. 15-20 units are supportive housing. Eligible age for supportive housing is 60+ Page 16 of 22 Community You must be 60+ to select the building options below Martin House Seniors Residence Address 189 Ontario Street South # of RGI units 80 BURLINGTON – SOUTH WEST unit sizes YES YES 1-BR 2-BR Applying for Supportive housing is possible Senior Parking space availability Place check mark to select SENIOR BUILDING SELECTIONS (pages 15-20) Good NO 8-1BR NO 3-1BR St. Luke’s Close 1421 Elgin Street 36 YES NO LTD Woodward Park 2424 Woodward Avenue 93 YES NO LTD NO Aldershot Village 540 Plains Road East Residence V.4.0.01/16/2013 55 YES YES Other remarks LTD The project includes 10 wheelchair accessible 1-BR units with support services. To apply for those units contact Cheshire Independent Living Services at 905-634-6677. Eligible age is 65+. Page 17 of 22 Community You must be 60+ to select the building options below Address # of RGI units unit sizes Applying for Supportive housing is possible Senior Parking space availability Place check mark to select SENIOR BUILDING SELECTIONS (pages 15-20) Other remarks Wellington Terrace 410 John Street 75 YES YES Good YES 221BR 7-2BR BURLINGTON – NORTH of the QEW Palmer Place 3097 Palmer Drive 1-BR 39 BURLINGTON – SOUTH EAST 2-BR YES NO 1-BR 2-BR Good YES All-Age Supportive 3-1BR Housing units - 12 Walkers Landing (seniors) 513 Walkers Line 41 YES NO Good NO 3-1BR Longmoor Drive 4100 Longmoor Dr 109 YES NO LTD NO - V.4.0.01/16/2013 40 units are supportive housing. Eligible age for supportive housing is 60+. Page 18 of 22 Community You must be 60+ to select the building options below Pinedale Avenue Address 5250 Pinedale Ave # of RGI units 141 OAKVILLE – SOUTH WEST Oakville Senior Citizens Residence Oakville Senior Citizens Residence unit sizes YES NO 1-BR 2-BR LTD Applying for Supportive housing is possible Senior Parking space availability Place check mark to select SENIOR BUILDING SELECTIONS (pages 15-20) Other remarks NO 2220 Lakeshore Road West (Apartment Tower) 164 YES NO LTD YES 2222 Lakeshore Road West (Residential Tower) 172 Bed-sitting rooms LTD YES - 10 units are supportive housing. Eligible age for supportive housing is 65+. All units are supportive housing. Eligible age is 65+. John R. Rhodes Residence V.4.0.01/16/2013 271 Kerr Street 241 YES YES LTD YES 7-1BR 20 units are supportive housing Eligible age for supportive housing is 60+. Page 19 of 22 Community You must be 60+ to select the building options below Address # of RGI units OAKVILLE – NORTH EAST Knox Heritage Place 2191 Sixth Line 22 unit sizes 1-BR 2-BR YES NO Good Applying for Supportive housing is possible Senior Parking space availability Place check mark to select SENIOR BUILDING SELECTIONS (pages 15-20) NO Other remarks - Various Rent Supplement locations will be available to all applicants: Refusing a unit offer from the Rent Supplement Program will not count as a refusal on your HATCH application. V.4.0.01/16/2013 Page 20 of 22 SECTION 9 – Release and consent Please do not send this form to Halton Region without all required signatures Please read this release and content section carefully, and sign in the spaces below. All people 16 years of age, and older (who are not full-time students) and who are going to live with you must sign this. 1. I understand that Halton Region and the housing providers to whom I will be applying are authorized to collect personal information on this form in accordance with sections 65 or 71 of the Housing Services Act, 2011 S.O. 2011, c.6 and that the information will be used to determine eligibility for rent-geared-to income (RGI) and/or Special Needs Housing. Any questions about the collection of my personal information should be directed to the Manager, Housing Services, 690 Dorval Drive, 7th Floor, Oakville ON L6K 3X9, 905 825-6000, or toll free 1-866-442-5866, TTY 905 827-9833. 2. I understand and agree that Halton Region will use the information I give them for the following specific purposes: to find out if I qualify for the housing I have applied for to find out if I continue to qualify for rent-geared-to-income assistance and/or special needs housing, to find out how much assistance I am eligible for for statistical reporting and policy research 3. I consent to the release of any information to Halton Region about any bank account, safety deposit box, assets of any nature or kind held by me, or on my behalf, or by or on behalf of any of my dependants or children temporarily in my care, alone or jointly with any other person in any financial institution. 4. For the purpose of eligibility assessment I allow Halton Region and the housing providers to whom I will be applying to obtain any credit information about me from any credit agency or any other source. 5. I allow Halton Region and the housing providers to whom I will be applying to share my personal information, without further notice to me, with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Social Housing Services Corporation, other municipal service managers or district social services administration boards or lead agencies as defined under the Housing Services Act (HSA), 2011 and each person or organization providing services by contract to any of them, if it is needed to make decisions or verify my eligibility for assistance under the HSA, the Ontario Works Act, 1997, the Ontario Disability Support Program Act, 1997 or the Day Nurseries Act, 1990. 6. I consent to Halton Region giving my personal information to the government of enforcing the Income Tax Act (Canada), 1985 or the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA), 2002. 7. I understand that any of my personal information given by Halton Region to a government or body mentioned above in paragraph 5 and 6 will only be given in accordance with the Housing Services Act, 2011 and its regulations. V.4.0.01/16/2013 Page 21 of 22 8. I understand and agree that Halton Region may cross-reference my personal information related to this housing application with other municipal data pertaining to my household. 9. I understand that any inquiries with respect to my personal information may take the form of electronic data exchanges. 10. I understand that all information I give to Halton Region will belong to them and that they will give my information to the housing providers I will apply to. 11. I understand that only the people I have listed on this application form may live with me in Rent Geared-to-Income (RGI) housing. 12. I understand that Halton Region and/or the housing provider I will apply to will use my personal information to determine if I am eligible or continue to be eligible for RGI assistance and/or Special Needs housing; the size and type of unit I may be eligible to receive; my placement on waiting lists; and the amount of geared-to-income-rent payable by me. 13. I declare that I am in Canada legally. 14. I understand that I must pay back or arrange to pay any money I may owe to any subsidized housing project before I can be offered a subsidized unit. 15. I understand that it is an offence, under the Housing Services Act, 2011 for an applicant or any individual to knowingly obtain or assist a household member to obtain rent geared to income assistance for which they are not entitled. Such and offence carries up to a $5,000 fine or to up to six months imprisonment as well as a prohibition from re-applying for assistance for a minimum period of two years. If something on this application is missing, incorrect or false, Halton Region or the housing providers I have applied to may request additional information or may cancel my application. 16. I understand that if Halton Region and/or the Housing Providers representing Halton Region request a household to reimburse Halton Region, the members of the household who are parties to the lease or the occupancy agreement for the unit are jointly and severally liable to pay the amount owing to Halton Region. All people on this application who are 16 years of age and older who are not full-time students must sign below to indicate they have read and accept all terms and conditions of SECTION 9 – Release and consent. Please do not send this form to Halton Region without all required signatures Household member (Please print name) Signature Date signed 1 2 3 4 V.4.0.01/16/2013 Page 22 of 22
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