KE EY to Innternatioonal Maarket. • • Materials: Forgin ngs, Pipes, Fittting, ners, Plaates, Tubes, Caastings, Fasten Baars, Welding co onsumables ettc. ems : Valves, SStrainers, Filterrs, Ite Au utoclaves etc. • quipments : Pre essure Vesselss/ Eq Taank, Heat Exchangers, Reacto ors, Co olumns, Bulletss etc. • ersonnel's :We elders, NDE Pe pe ersonnel's etc. PED 9 97/23/EC & A AD 2000 Merkblatt WO/ H HP0 Approvaal & ISO 3834 4 Welding wo ork shop appro ovals As you u are aware th he AD 2000 Merkblatt W0 ceertification is vvery importantt for exports to Germany, th he largest Economy in EEurope. The ceertification as p per Pressure EEquipment Direective (PED) 93/23/EC Annex‐ uring of materiials has becom me an essential requirement ffor exports to other Europeaan 1, 4.3 for manufactu he quality man nagement systeem is similar ffor the both th he countrries. However the scope of tthe Audit & th certificcations. TUV India is a glob bal leader at providing tech hnical system certification under AD W0 0 and HP0. W0 W t castinggs, etc used in approvvals cover manufacture off basic materrials like plates, forging, tubes, constrruction of pressure equipmen nt and HP0 app provals concerrn manufactureers of pressuree equipment. Certification according to ISO 3834 4, the basic standard that reggulates the quaality of fusion w welding of nd welding‐relaated operation ns, is an authorritative statem ment of commeercial relevancee metalllic materials an to you ur business. Expertts from TUV In ndia have certified over 300 companies in India for shop p approvals und der the Germaan rules for pressure vessels v AD 20 000 Merkblatt W0 & PED 93/23/EC Ann nex‐1, 4.3 with nuing Audits sin nce last 20 yeaars. contin Bene efits to custo omers: 9 Allowed to export the pro oducts to Euro ope (EU) 9 Quality Sysstem as per Intternational staandard 9 Regular Surrveillances of Q Quality System m 9 Internation nal Recognition n & product Im mage 9 Listing in to o VdTUV list off approved Mffrs. / Helps to ge enerate exportt enquiries Notified Body No. 0045 Cerrtificatio on Procedure Pre‐visit : Guidancee and gap Analysis e I: Review of Audit form Sheets Phase Phase e II: Onsite Audit Phase e III: Preparatiion of Audit Reeport : Review & Submission of Technical FFile to German ny mendation Letter : Recomm : Issue off Certificate of Conformity. Phase e IV: Annual Surveillances Listt of Seleccted cusstomers AD 2000 W0 0 & PED 97/23 3/EC, Annex x I, 4.3 M/s. Arvind Pipes & Fittiings Pvt. Ltd d., , M/s. Ambica a Steel Ltd., M/s. Chanda an Steel Ltd, M/s. Echjay Forgings Pv vt. Ltd., M/s. Facor Steel S Ltd. M/s. ISMT Lttd, A’nagar, Bosari, B Jejurri. M/s. India Stteel Works Ltd, L Khopoli, Turbhe M/s. Inova Cast C Pvt. Ltd,, M/s. Mahind dra Ugine & Steel S Co. Ltd. M/s. SAIL, Bhilai B (Plate Mill) M M/s. Viraj Prrofiles Ltd., Flanges, F Forg ging, Bars AD 20 000 HP0/ ISO 3834-2 M/s. AE A &E Chenn nai Works Lttd., Chennai M/s. Godrej G & Boy yce Mfg. Co. Ltd.,Mumbai, M/s. GMM G Pfaudle er Ltd., Gujra at M/s. Larsen L & Tou ubro Ltd., Mu umbai, M/s. Larsen L & Tou ubro Ltd. Pow wai M/s. Larsen L & Tou ubro Ltd. K’b bahal M/s. TIL T Limited, Kolkata K We have 15 no os. of PED in nspectors/ Auditors A in India and Services S can n be provideed ndia. throough >24 Offices locateed across In TU UV INDIA A PVT LTD D. ( TUV NOR RD Group) Contact: Sandeeep Deshpaande D & ASME E Servicess (India), Head PED GM M (Operatioons) Mumbbai Tel: +91 22 664777000 , 678824103 Cell: 93233141322 Emaill: sandeep@
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