Northeast Frontier Railway Press Notification Tender Notice No.C/56/1/SC/RGJ. 1. Dated:-15/12/2014. Open tenders in sealed cover are invited by Divisional Railway Manager(Commercial), Northeast Frontier Railway, Katihar on behalf of the President of India to award License of “Pay & Use Toilet” contract for a period of 5(Five) years term only from bonafide/reputed contractor/Non government organization which have sound experience in the field of Sanitary work for manning and operating the following nos. of seats of Latrine, Urinals and Bathrooms in Waiting Room and on Platform of the following station over Katihar Division, Northeast Frontier Railway. SL No. Name of the Station/Location 1 2 1. RAIGANJ No. of Seats of Latrine/Bathrooms/ Urinals(Location wise) 3 On PF No.1- Upper Class waiting Room-Latrine-03 & Ladies Waiting Room on PF No.1-Bathroom-02. Cost of the each Tender Form ( in `) 4 ` 500/- Period/Tenure of the contract 5 05 Year Reserve Price (Annual in `) 6 ` 13,045/(Rupees Thirty teen thousand forty five)only Earnest Money (In `) 7 ` 10,000/(Rupees Ten thousand)only 2. Necessary Tender form along with terms and conditions of the contract may be obtained from Divisional Railway Manager(Commercial), DRM Building/Katihar’s office and Sr.Area Manager’s office, New Jalpaiguri,Northeast Frontier Railway from 10.00 hrs. to 17.00 hrs. on all working days with effect from 02/01/2015 to 05/02/2015 on production of Money receipt as mentioned above at the cost of each tender form(non-refundable) issued by Coaching Supervisor/Katihar or Coaching Supervisor /New Jalpaiguri, Northeast Frontier Railway. 3. Necessary tender form along with its terms and conditions will also be made available on Northeast Frontier Railway’s website during the above mentioned period and it can be downloaded and used as Tender form for submitting the offer. However, tender form /documents must be accompanied with the requisite cost of tender form in the shape of Bank/ Demand draft issued in favour of FA & CAO/Northeast Frontier Railway/Maligaon, Payable at Katihar. In case the offer is not accompanied by the valid draft for the cost of tender form as detailed above, the tender will be summarily rejected. Railway Administration will not be responsible for any delay/difficulties/inaccessibility of the down loading facility for any reason whatsoever. In case of any discrepancy between the Tender form downloaded from internet and the Master copy available in offices as mentioned above, the later shall prevail and will be binding on the tenderer(s). No claim/complaint on this account will be entertained. 4. Railway Administration will not be responsible for any delay/difficulties/inaccessibility of the down loading facility for any reason what- so- ever. 5. In case of any discrepancy between the tender Form down loaded from Internet and the Master copy available in offices as mentioned above, the later shall prevail and will be binding on the Tenderer(s). No. claim/complaint on this account will be entertained. 6. Sealed Tender may be dropped in the tender box kept in the chamber of Asstt. Commercial Manager/Katihar and Sr.Area Manager/New Jalpaiguri/Northeast Frontier Railway from 10.00 hrs. to 17.00 hrs. on all working days with effect from 02/01/2015 to 05/02/2015 and it will be opened at 15.00 hrs. on 06/02/2015 in the chamber of Assistant Commercial Manager/Northeast Frontier Railway/Katihar. Tender received after the date and time specified above shall not be accepted. In case the date of dropping and opening of tender falls Holiday/Closed day for unforeseen reason, the tender box will be kept/opened on the next working day. 7. Tender sent through registered post will be at the risk of tenderers only and the railway will not be responsible for any delay. Tender Form which will be received after 15.00hrs. of 05/02/2015 will not be entertained. 8. Demand/Bank draft for earnest money should be drawn in favour of FA & CAO/Northeast Frontier Railway/ Maligaon, Payable at Katihar and the Bank draft should be accompanied with the tender form. The tender received without documents and earnest money will summarily be rejected. Earnest Money will be refunded in full without any Interest to all unsuccessful tenderer. There will be no liability on the Railway Administration in case of any delay in refund. The successful tenderer will have to commence work within the stipulated time after finalization of tender at short notice. Tender sent through Registered Post will be on the risk of tenderers only. 1 9. Highest tenderer will be given the contract for a period of 5 years (Five) provided he is found suitable for the contract . 10. Tenderer have to sign. each page of the Tender form, Terms and conditions before submitting of tender. 11. Documents required. (a) Bank/Demand Draft/Money as earnest money. (b) Residential certificate as proof of Indian Residential ship(Tenderers should enclose(any one) self attested copy of Voter Identity Card/Adhar Card//Driving License or Residential Certificate issued by DM/ADM/SDO/ BDO. (c) The net worth of the bidder shall not be less than ` 10 lakhs . (d) The bidder should have minimum 3(three)years experience in Operation and maintenance in respect of Sanitary works. 12. In case the Tender Form is not accompanied with valid Bank Draft towards cost of the Tender Forms, Earnest Money and Credentials/requisite documents as detailed above, the tender/offer will be summarily rejected. 13. The Railway Administration reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason whatso-ever and no tenderers shall demand and explanation to the cause of rejecting his/her tender. For Divl.Railway Manager(Comml.) N.F.Railway,Katihar 2 TENDER DOCUMENT. SUBMITTING TENDER FOR_______RAILWAY STATION /LOCATION. Name of the Work:- PAY & USE TOILET CONTRACT AT RAIGANJ RAILWAY STATION/LOCATION FOR A PERIOD OF 05(FIVE) YEARS TERM ONLY. Ref:- NIT No.C/56/1/SC/RGJ. Dated:-15/12/2014. Name of Tenderers_________________________________________________________ Full Address______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Mobile No._______________________________________________________________. Divisional Railway Manager(Commercial) Northeast Frontier Railway,Katihar For and behalf of President of India. Dated:______________________ Full Signature of Tenderer/s. Place:Dated:- 3 TENDER FORM Affix recent pass port size photographs duly signed by the tenderer Ref:-NIT No. C/56/1/SC/RGJ. Dated:-15/12/2014. To The President of India Acting through the Chief Commercial Manager,Maligaon, Divisional Railway Manager/ Sr. Divisional Commercial Manager, Divisional Commercial Manager, Katihar, Northeast Frontier Railway. 1. I/we____________________________________________________have seen the various terms and conditions to tender attached herewith and agree to abide the same. I/we shall abide be the General and Special conditions of the contract and to carry out the work laid down by the Railway for the present contract. A sum of `________ (in words) ____________________________ only is herewith forwarded as Earnest Money vide Demand Draft No.___________ dated___________ issued by _________________the full value of the Earnest Money shall stand forfeited without prejudice to any other rights or remedies if, (a) I/we do not execute the contract documents within 7(Seven) days on receipt of the notice issued by the Railway and such documents are ready or (b) I/we do not commence the work within 10(Ten) days after receipt of the to that effect. 2. The cost of Tender form No._____________dt.______ `__________. deposited issued by order vide Railway receipt/Bank draft ________________amounting to __________________ Full Signature of Tenderer/s. 4 3. Once the acceptance of the tender is communicated to me/us and a legal and enforceable contract is comes into being, if in contractor with latter of acceptance, I/we fails to commence the work within the period stipulated in the acceptance letter and fails to execute the formal agreement. I/we shall be liable of breach of contract and the consequence of the breach of any of the conditions of the contract entities the Railway Administration to have worked/jobed executed at the risk and cost of the tender/tenderers and to claim the extra cost /expenditure sustained by the Railway Administration. List of the enclosures (a) Bank/Demand Draft/Money Receipt No.___________dated______issued by __________drawn in favour of FA & CAO/ Northeast Frontier Railway, Maligaon payable at Katihar Bank Branch________________________ for `____________in words Rupees ___________________________ only as earnest money. (b) Residential certificate as proof of Indian Residential (Tenderers should enclose(any one) self attested copy of Voter Identity Card/Adhar Card/ Driving License or Residential Certificate issued by DM/ADM/ SDO/BDO). (c) The net worth of the bidder shall not be less than ` 10 lakhs. (d) The bidder should have minimum 3(three)years experience in Operation and maintenance in respect of Sanitary works. N.B:-1) In case the Tender Form is not accompanied with valid Bank Draft towards cost of the Tender Forms, Earnest Money and Credentials/requisite documents as detailed above, the tender/offer will be summarily rejected. 2) Struck out the enclosure which will not be enclosed ___________________ (Signature of the Tenderer) Full name:Full Addressed:- 5 TENDER FORM Tender documents :1. The documents consists of :(a) Instruction of tenderers and conditions of tender, (b) Regulations for tenders and contractors general condition of contract (c) Special condition of contract, if any Instruction and conditions to the tenderers:1. The tenderers shall manage the use of Lavatories, Urinals and Bathrooms in waiting hall/room and on the Station Platform mentioned against each location wise under “Pay & Use Toilet system”. 2. The tenderer will be required to deposit the sum of the Earnest Money as indicated against the station shown in the Tender Notice through Bank/Demand draft which should be drawn in favour of FA & CAO/N.F.Railway/Maligaon, Payable at Katihar with the receipt of the cost of Tender form and documents. Tenderer has to sign each page of the Tender form, Terms and conditions before submitting of tender. The tenderer must note the location of Waiting hall/room and platform where is to be given for the purpose of the Contract under “Pay & Use Toilet System” before submitting/dropping the tender. 3. The Earnest Money will be refunded to the un-successful tenderer within reasonable time. The Earnest Money deposited by the successful tenderer will be retained towards the Security Money for the due and faithful fulfillment of the contract but shall be forfeited if the contractor fails to execute the agreement as well as starts the work within the stipulated time after receipt of the offering letter. 4. (i) The successful tenderer will have to deposit the full tender amount offered by him against Reserve Price(yearly) as one year license fee(i.e. 1 st year). The license fee/rent of 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th year will be increased @10% of the previous year. In case of the highest tenderer fails to deposit the same, the subsequent highest bidder will be called to deposit the aforesaid money on approval of the competent authority. (ii) The successful tenderer will have to deposit the Security Money @10% of the total contract value. (iii) The successful tenderer will be required to pay the License fee in 3(three) months in advance every year, failing which the contract should be treated as cancelled/ terminated. 5. The period of license will be for 5(Five) years and on expiry of 5 years, the Railway reserve the Right either to grant extension of period subject to increase the last year license fee @12%(twelve percent) or any more percentage or to arrange a fresh tender. 6. For using Lavatories excluding Urinal a charge @ ` 2.00(Rupees two) only for Latrine for each/per trip use and @ ` 5.00(Rupees five) only or both Latrine and Bathroom(if provided)for bathroom for each/per trip use may be collected. No charge shall be levied for urinals. The charging of higher rate may lead to termination of contract after serving 15 days Notice. ________________ Full Signature of Tenderer/s. 6 7. The tenderer shall appoint reliable and honest staff in adequate number who will be responsible for the works related to maintenance etc. of the toilets. Their character must be verified by the Police at their own cost. They should be suitably clothed, clean and orderly while on duty at the location. These must be provided by the licensee/contractor at his own cost. 8. The Security deposit shall be refunded without any interest on satisfactory completion the work of the licensee and Earnest Money of the unsuccessful tenderer will also be refunded without any interest. 9. The successful tenderer will have to deposit each year License fee at a time in 3(three) month in advance with the concerned Station Manager. Failure to do so will debar him from operating the license and the Security Money will be forfeited along with other deposit without any claim against the Railway. 10. The licensee will keep his own staff at his own cost/expenses for serving and collecting the charging from the users’ and will not realize more than the rates as mentioned above for use per trip. The licensee will have no claim over the by-products. The Railway Reserve the right to utilize the toilets in any manner and from as when required. 11. The Railway Administration shall maintain the toilets and structure so far their working order is concerned the licensee will use his own disinfection, cleaners, Phenyle and other sanitary materials for the sanitation of the Latrine, Bathroom and Urinals and the entrance portions. The Railway shall supply electricity and other ancillary fitting etc. if provided but the licensee will be liable to pay cost determined by the Railway Administration for theft, misuse or damage caused to the toilets and toilets equipments and elect, Bulbs etc. and arrange their replacement and where warranted free. The water supply will also be free. The licensee will provide buckets and Mugs etc. at his own cost. 12. In the event of any damage or loss to the fittings and structure due to fault of the licensee of his workers the cost of the same will be payable by the licensee. 13. The Licensee shall obey to all sanitary rules and take sanitary measures that may be prescribed from time to time by Medical Department, Surprise inspections will be conducted by the representatives of the Medical, Engineering and commercial department and in case the toilets/latrine are nor found having been maintained worked upon satisfactory according to the terms and conditions herein contained or in the case of any public complaint of any nature after having been investigated by Senior Divisional Commercial Manager/Divisional Commercial Manager/Assistant Commercial Manager, Northeast Frontier Railway, Katihar (whose decision will be final and binding) and found correct, the license may be terminated by giving 15 days notice without any claim against the Railway Administration and the Security Deposit shall stand forfeited, besides, Railway reserving the right to recover any extra cost through any other lawful sources. 14. The licensee will maintain the hygienic, cleanliness of the area and will keep the area in a tidy and neat fashion. Railways can impose a fine if the desired level of cleanliness is not maintained and for lack of proper upkeep, facilities, etc. Fine up to ` 500/-(Rupees Five hundred) at a time for unsatisfactory cleanliness and up to ` 1,000/-(Rupees one thousand) at a time for lack of proper up keep, facilities may be imposed. However, in no case the fine should be more than ` 2,000/-(Rupees Two thousand) at a time. Senior Divisional Commercial Manager/Divisional Commercial Manager/Assistant Commercial Manager, Northeast Frontier Railway,Katihar may at his sole discretion to impose a fine for each default and his decision will be final and binding. _ _______________ Full Signature of Tenderer/s. 7 15. The Railway Administration reserves the right to accept and reject the bid amount or all tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever, it may be. 16. The licensee shall be responsible for the acts and omission of his workers/agents in exercising rights granted under the license/contract. 17. In case of any dispute between the licensee and the Railway Administration the decision of Senior Divisional Commercial Manager/Divisional Commercial Manager, Northeast Frontier Railway,Katihar shall be final and binding on the party. The licensee shall have to execute an agreement and the cost of form and stamp paper will be born by the contractors. 18. 19. Without prejudice to what in contained in Clause 12 above the Railway reserve the rights to terminate the license without giving any reason by giving 15 days notice and the licensee shall have no claim whatsoever against the Railway. 20. Medical examination by the Railway Doctor will be compulsory for the persons who performed the work of sanitation of the toilets. This contract will confer no right of employment on Railway to the contractor or his servants or dependants in future. The licensee shall be responsible to comply with the provision of Employment of Children Act 1980 or any statutory modification thereof and the rules framed under the said act. 21. The contractor will have to abide all laws, rules and regulations in-vogue related to this contract/agreement. 22. Any form of recommendation from any sources will be considered disqualification and such tenders are liable to be rejected. 23. If the tenderer/bidder dies after submission of his/her tender or after the acceptance of his/her tender, the Railway shall deemed such tender as cancelled. 24. The tender form is not transferable and the amount once paid is non-refundable. 25. Addendum/corrigendum to the Agreement Form may however be issued as and when necessary and successful tender will have no objection to it. 26. All corrections and alteration in the tender documents must be attested by the full signature of the tenderers submitted the tender. No tender containing over writing will be considered. 27. The licensee shall not be subletted or assigned without the permission of the Senior Divisional Commercial Manager/Divisional Commercial Manager,Northeast Frontier Railway/Katihar. Railway will also have the right to inspect, visit and use the lavatory and other works etc. as and when required. The plan of the Railway could be changed. Licensee/s will have no objection to it/licensee shall have no claim what-so-ever thereto. 28. The contract must be terminated by either party giving to the either one month previous notice in writing to determine the same provided always that in the event of any breach of condition herein contain by the contractor or in the event of any misconduct on the part of the contractor or any office works men it shall be lawful for the Divisional Railway Manager(Commercial)/Northeast Frontier Railway, Katihar to terminate the agreement forthwith without giving to the contractor say NOTICE whatsoever for being liable of any looser, damage, whatsoever, and forfeit the whole or any part of the Security deposit where after refers to as liquidate damages. _______________ Full Signature of Tenderer/s. 8 29. Sealed tenders on the enclosed Tender Form addressed to the Divisional Railway Manager(Commercial), Northeast Frontier Railway, Katihar(Bihar), PIN code- 854105 should be dropped in the tender box which will be kept in both the places in the Chamber of Assistant Commercial Manager/Katihar and Sr.Area Manager/New Jalpaiguri, Northeast Frontier Railway from 10.00 hrs. to 17.00 hrs. on all working days with effect from 02/01/2015 to 05/02/2015 and it will be opened at 15.00 hrs. on 06/02/2015 in the chamber of Assistant Commercial Manager/ Katihar, Northeast Frontier Railway. The sealed cover should be marked “TENDER FOR “PAY & USE TOILET CONTRACT” at __________________ Railway station. The tenders, which are received after the date and time specified above will not be accepted/entertained. 30. Tender sent through registered post will be at the risk of tenderers only and the railway will not be responsible for any delay. Tender Form which will be received after 15.00hrs. of 05/02/2015 will not be entertained. 31. The tenderer shall hold the offer for a period of One hundred twenty(120)days from the date of opening of the tender. The tender documents have been sold to the tenderer and the tenderer is being permitted to tender in consideration on the stipulation on his part that after submitting his tender, he will not refuse from his offer or modify the terms and conditions thereof in manner not acceptable to the Divisional Railway Manager(Commercial),Northeast Frontier Railway,Katihar, should the tender fail to observe or comply with the foregoing stipulation, the Security Money deposited shall be forfeited. 32. Subject as other wise provided in this contract all notices to be given on behalf of the President of India and all other actions to be taken on his behalf, may be given or taken on his behalf by the Divisional Railway Manager(Commercial ) or Divisional Railway Manager, Northeast Frontier Railway, Katihar. 33. The licensee/s shall pay not less than fare wages to the workers engaged by him/them, the fare wages being the wages paid for a similar works in the neighborhood and shall other wise comply with the provision of the payment under “payment of Wages Act- 1936 “ or any statutory modification or re-enhancement thereof or rules framed there under. 34. After the expiry of the contract period, the successful tenderer shall forthwith remove his belonging from the specified Waiting room/hall as allotted to him and vacant position of the railway premises must be handed over to the Railway Administration and in no case and under no circumstances he will keep the premises in his possession which will be unlawful. 35. Any encroachment by the Successful tenderer of any Railway premises other than the Waiting hall/room allotted to him for Safai Contract under “Pay & Use System” will constitute a breach of the terms of the agreement, entitling the Railway Administration to terminate the license forthwith and forfeit the Security deposit of the Successful tenderer. ________________ Full Signature of Tenderer/s. 9 TENDER FORM Ref:- NIT No. C/56/1/SC/RGJ. Dated:-15/12/2014. Name of the Work:- PAY & USE TOILET CONTRACT AT RAIGANJ RAILWAY STATION/ LOCATION FOR A PERIOD OF 05(FIVE)YEARS TERM ONLY. Schedule of works Amount offered as Year L/Fee against yearly Reserve Price for the Pay & Use toilet contract. (In `) 6 st SL Name of the No. Station/Location 1 1. No. of Seats of Latrine/Bathrooms/ Urinals(Location wise) 2 3 RAIGANJ On PF No.1- Upper Class waiting Room-Latrine-03 & Ladies Waiting Room on PF No.1Bathroom-02. Reserve Price Earnest Money (Annual in `) (In `) 4 5 1 ` 13,045/10,000/(Rupees Thirty (Rupees Ten teen thousand thousand)only forty five)only The number of seats shown above schedule are approximate and are as a guide to give tenderers(s) and idea of number of seats of Latrine, Urinals and Bathrooms. The Railway reserve the right to increase/decrease and or delete or include any of the number given above and no extra rate/ amount will allow on this account. I/we undertake to do the work as per schedule of the works which will be applicable and framed by the Railway Administration. NOTE : 1) The amount offered by the tenderers should be legibly written in FIGURES and in WORDS in Column No.6. 2) Rate should be quoted both in figure and words. In the case of discrepant rate i.e. rate quoted in figure and words are found different, the higher rate quoted by the Tenderer will be deemed as offer of the Tenderer and it will be taken into account for finalizing the Tender. ____________________ Full Signature of Tenderer/s Date :Place :- 10
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