With only 5 days of school left in the school year, we are on the home straight, but it certainly doesn’t feel like it within the school. Activities are continuing at a frantic pace and students will be busy right up to the end. As you read this I will hopefully be soaking in the hot pools, up river from the Hurunui Hut in the Lake Sumner area, after walking through the Hope Kiwi Saddle from Windy Point, with a keen group of year 10 students. We hope the weather of the past week has left us behind and we can enjoy some early summer sunshine. I hope all has gone well for the students that headed away to Ashburton to represent the school at the Canterbury Primary Athletics Sports on Wednesday. We had a large contingent of very able athletes and we should feel confident of some strong results. Also this week we see the Year 7 and 8 classes head to Adrenalin Forest and Kowhai class away on their mystery trip to celebrate the end of the year. Next week sees Year 5-10 students go to Amuri for the annual end of year sports exchange and on Tuesday we all head to Hanmer for the bi-annual full school picnic. On Wednesday we will all take a deep breath and prepare for the full school prize giving on Thursday, starting at 10.30am. Last week we completed interviews for two positions in the primary school. We are pleased to announce that we have appointed Janet Tilson as the teacher in Kowhai class. Melanie Marryatt will be moving up into Kikorangi class and will remain with the majority of the students she has taught this year. With Denise leaving, Melanie has taken the opportunity to teach a little higher in the school and she will also take a leadership role in driving the teaching and learning in our Exploring, upper primary area of the school. Janet is an experienced teacher and will be a great asset and we look forward to what her experience can bring to build on and support the strengths of others in the school. We also welcome Jenny Jackson to the position of teacher in Kakariki class for next year. She will step into the huge boots being left behind with Maureen McKenzie leaving. Maureen will be sadly missed from within the school and we wish her and Michael all the best next year as they move closer to family. Jenny is relatively new to teaching but comes with a wealth of experience, as an Outward Bound instructor, and Kiwi Sport coach and coordinator in the mid Canterbury region. We look forward to having her on board and it will be an exciting and busy time next year, pulling the new look team together. With the end of year prize giving quickly approaching we will have an opportunity to farewell staff leaving from the school and it is a great opportunity for past students and parents to come along and wish those leaving all the best as they move onto their next adventures. It will be great to see you all there. Prize giving will be concluded with an afternoon tea and parents and community are invited to stay behind for a short catch up before the students all head away on their summer break. Nāku noa, nā Stephen Beck Principal Look who arrived at school today for an early visit to Whero and Kakariki Class. Thanks to the Fire Service and Santa for the fantastic surprise! Week ending 5th December 2014 This week’s newsletter sponsored by: KENNETH WILKINS FIREWOOD Enter to learn Leave to serve Whakauru Ki Te Ako, Wehe Atu Kia Manaakitia SCHOOL NOTICES The Amuri Exchange is Monday 8th December. All students from years 5-10 are involved. The School Picnic to Hanmer is on Tuesday 9th December. All students are involved. The End of Year School Prize giving is on Thursday 11th December starting at 10.30am. This should run through to about 1pm and will be followed by a short afternoon tea. It would be great to see as many family and community along to help celebrate the students achievements for the year. Coming Events Week 8 Term 4 5/12 Year 7-10 posted reports home; Junior Basketball final Week 9 Term 4 8/12 9/12 11/12 Amuri exchange School picnic to Hanmer Springs Prize giving at 10.30am, last day of school. 2015 26/01 School office re opens 29/01 Teacher Only Day 30/01 Teacher Only Day Term 1, Week 1 2015 2/2 School opens 6/2 Waitangi Day, public holiday Term 1, Week 2 2015 12/2 Senior swimming sports Check our www.hurunuicollege.school.nz and follow the link to our school calendar for further school events. North Canterbury Junior Basketball competition: Draw for Friday 5th December: Last day of basketball, please return all tops to your coach this Friday night. Good luck to everyone for your last games and the finals. Hurunui Hoopsters v Amberley Raptors, 5.30pm at Woodend Hurunui Hustlers v Ashley All Stars, 4.45pm at Woodend Hurunui Hurricanes v Ashley Blue Bullets, 6.15pm at Ohoka (Senior 9 Final) Hurunui Hotshots v KNS Celtics, 7pm at Ohoka (Senior 5 final) Results from Friday 28th November as follows: Hurunui Hustlers won 20-10 Hurunui Hurricanes won 42-24 Hurunui Hot Shots won 33-6 Well done to the team of 22 students who participated at the Canterbury Primary School athletic championships in Ashburton on Wednesday. Congratulations to Caleb Beck for placing second in the 13years+ Boys high jump. Also to the 9 year old boys relay team for placing fourth. Thanks to the parents for your support with transport, Paul Kramer for your assistance on the day and Sam Wilson as acting Manager for Hurunui College. School Sports Photos We are currently printing all school sports photo’s that had been ordered. Please call in to the school office to collect and pay if you haven’t already done so. A reminder that each photo costs $5 per print. The Weet-Bix Kids TRYathlon is the biggest under 16s triathlon series in the world. It is coming to Christchurch on 15 th March 2015. Entry is open to anyone 7 to 15 years of age no matter what your level of fitness, and you can either sign up as an individual or as a team of two with a friend. Registrations are now open. We can register as a school if we have more than 15. (Please see Miss Banks regarding this before Friday 5th December) as it looks like we can enter as a school, and go in the draw for great prizes. Early bird registration entry price $35 per participant - enter by noon Friday 13th December 2014, or regular entry price $42-50 per participant. I have available in the school office further pamphlets and other information, information is also on the website: www.try.weetbix.co.nz. Employment at Hurunui College Hurunui College School and Community Librarian We are seeking an innovative and inspiring individual to lead within our school and community library. Hawarden Community and Hurunui College Library is a shared facility that services predominantly the school but also the wider community The person must be willing to work alongside students and teachers to support curriculum implementation and design. Please see TradeMe jobs for full details and job specifications: Listing #. 809786351 Applications close 12 noon, Monday 8th December 2014. Interviews will be conducted between 15th and 17th December. Please send a covering letter plus CV, including the names of at least three referees by email or mail to; The Principal, Hurunui College, Box 12, Hawarden, Hurunui 7348 Driver We are after a person next year willing to drive our Canterbury Trades College (CTC) students into Christchurch on a Friday. Once in town, the time is your own until the return trip in the afternoon. This is a paid position and may suit a semi-retired person or a Friday shopper. Full licence and police vetting required. Please contact Stephen Beck if interested. NEW ENTRANTS Introducing two of our latest batch of new entrants for 2014 Charlie Carthy My family are: My Dad Chris and my mum Jackie and me. My pets are: Mac and Moss and Monty, my dogs. My favourite food is: Weetbix and yoghurt. I don’t like to eat: beans and broccoli. At school I like: relay races and reading. When I grow up I want to be a: runner and a rugby player. Te Whero Baas Donohue My family are: Mum, Dad and Charlie. My pets are are: Max, Nanny’s dog. My favourite food is: Ice cream. I don’t like to eat: Vegetables. At school I like: playing with Bailee and Ben. When I grow up I want to be a: Fireman. Last School Newsletter 2014 The last newsletter for the year will be issued on Wednesday 10th December. The deadline will move forward to noon Tuesday 9thDecember. COMMUNITY NOTICES CHURCH SERVICES for 7th December 2014 Anglican 9am St James, Hawarden Presbyterian 9am St James, Hawarden Catholic Saturday 6th Dec 7pm Culverden Living Waters Hurunui 10am to 12 noon 47 Princes Street, Waikari. All welcome. Waikari Gospel Hall 11:15am Sunday School and Bible teaching, Denham Terrace HURUNUI COLLEGE PTA CHRISTMAS RAFFLE The PTA will be running a raffle at the Hurunui College prize giving. We require donations of none-perishable items. Please send any donations to the school office. Thank you. Our vision for Hurunui College is as an inspirational learning community where all students are empowered to stand tall and reach their full potential. HURUNUI VET TENNIS CHRISTMAS PARTY Glenmark on 11th December starting at 4.30pm. Please bring a plate for shared meal and a small gift. All welcome. Geraldine Hassall (Secretary) 314-4282. TWEED DECORATING We would like to thank all our clients from throughout the year for the support we received. Any enquiries please contact Phil, 0275 589-333 or a/h 314-4110. We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year JOHN CREAN GARDENING SERVICES John and staff wish everyone a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. FEELING TIRED, STRESSED, OUT OF SORTS or maybe you just need some quality time for yourself. By working together through Reflexology and or Energy work I can help return your body to its natural state of equilibrium. Feel balanced and nurtured. Please call Toni, 314-4696 or 027 242-4469. CHORE BOY 2001 LTD We would like to thank everyone for their continued support over the last year. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Belinda and Geoff Olorenshaw. LIVING WATERS HURUNUI OUTREACH will be in recess from 8th December to 2nd February 2015. Wishing everybody a Merry Christmas. Contact: Dennis Osgood 314-4399. TOY LIBRARY Christmas colouring in competition for ages 8 years and under. Pick your copy up from the Hawarden 4 Square and return it by 20th December for judging. Every entry gets a prize! MUSIC & MOVEMENT Christmas and last session on Dec 12th. Everyone welcome especially Grandparents and Dads. Due to low numbers this will be the last session for Music & Movement. I’ve enjoyed meeting all you lovely Mums, Dads and Grandparents and children, it has been a lovely learning time for me. Sue Trumper MUSIC & MOVEMENT A huge thank you to Sue Trumper for taking Music & Movement over the past 2 years. The sessions have been fantastic and have been enjoyed by all, Music and Movement will not continue next year as Sunflowers preschool will have music & movements sessions as part of their programme. OVER 65’S EXERCISE CLASS Next Friday 12th December, Starting 1 hour later than usual (11.am) so we finish at midday for our lunch. Classes start Monday 2nd February 2015. SARAH SIDEY PHYSIOTHERAPY Thank you to my clients and everybody who has supported the exercise class this year. You are a fantastic group and your motivation and energy has been inspirational! HURUNUI RUGBY - COLTS TEAM Expressions of interest in Colts - under 21 team for 2015 season. Come along to a BBQ 7pm Thursday 11th December, Culverden Club Rooms. Queries to Brian Anderson 027 567-3000 or e-mail hurunuirugbyatoutlook.co.nz HOW SHOULD THE HURUNUI DISTRICT BE PROMOTED TO OUR VISITORS? The time has come to review the current Hurunui District Tourism Strategy. We are proposing a new framework centred around three core propositions for the district. You can pick up a submission form or view the Draft Hurunui Tourism Strategy 2015-2020 at any council service centre or library, or online: www.hurunui.govt.nz We need your comments by 5pm 19th December 2014. For further information – Vanessa Nelmes phone 314-0057 or email vanessaatvisithurunui.co.nz TAWHAI SUFFOLK STUD We wish to thank our family, friends and local community for all their encouragement and support over the last few years. All our hard work has been rewarded with the achievement of winning the Supreme Meat breed Sheep and OVERALL BEST ANIMAL at Canterbury A&P Show 2014, with our Suffolk Ram. RAM SALES start in December, please contact me, Penni Loffhagen, 314-4551 or 021 149-4413 if you are in need of a TOP PRODUCING, EARLY MATURING SUFFOLK SIRE, BRED LOCALLY FOR OUR LOCAL CONDITIONS. 36 Christians Rd, Hawarden. HAWARDEN TENNIS CLUB Junior Prize Giving, Thursday 11th December 2pm at the Domain. All welcome for games and a BBQ. PGG WRIGHTSON Christmas hours - Christmas Eve 9am - 4pm. Between Christmas and New Year 29th, 30th & 31st 10am - 4pm. HAWARDEN POOL The Hawarden pool is now open, but please remember if you have had ANY vomiting or diarrhoea we ask you to refrain from swimming for a period of at least two weeks as a consideration to others and to ensure you do not pass the bug on. OUR SUMMER READING PROGRAMME ―Summer Camping Reading‖ Begins soon at your local Hurunui District Libraries. Children from ages five to twelve will be part of The Summer Camping Reading with books and reading, library check -ins, fun, incentives and a Finale Party. This free programme will run through the summer from 8th December 2014 to 24th January 2015 at Cheviot, Hawarden, Hanmer, Amuri and Amberley Libraries. Children who register for the programme agree to: Read for at least 15 minutes each day Visit their local library four times to "check in" with a librarian. For more information contact: the Hurunui District Library, Amberley, 314-8980 or call into your local library at Hawarden, Amuri, Cheviot or Hanmer HAWARDEN-WAIKARI LIONS CLUB are collecting old reading glasses. If you have glasses excess to your requirements please leave with Gary and Lyndsay Millar at their garage in Waikari. Last day for th collection will be Friday 19 December 2014. ADVERTISING HOMEKILL SERVICE IN HAWARDEN Full home kill and small goods service. Any queries call Chris Carthy, 0274 887-401. BEAUTY THERAPY—XMAS APPOINTMENTS, BOOK NOW! Christchurch Beauty Therapist will be back on Tuesday 16th December 2014. Book now for all your Christmas treatments: waxing & tinting, manicure and pedicures, facials & massage. Gift vouchers also available. Phone Emily, 021 681-177 or Trish, 314-2414 for bookings/enquiries. FOR SALE Fibre Glass Dominator boat, with 115hp Johnson outboard motor. Fish finder and ski pole. $10,500. Phone Geoff 027 454-3203 2003 Suzuki LT 80 Quad Bike Good condition. Great for the kids $1600. Phone Geoff 027 454-3203 Enter to learn Leave to serve Whakauru Ki Te Ako, Wehe Atu Kia Manaakitia Firewood for Sale: Old Man Pine $180, Gum $240, Macro $240, Poplar $165, Macro or Gum & Pine mix $210. All loads 3.6m 3 and includes free delivery within the Hawarden-Waikari area. Phone Wade Bovey 314-4955. TO GIVE AWAY Girl’s Duchess Good condition, big round mirror, needs painting. Phone 314-4377. CONTACT DETAILS Beautiful Candles I have some non scented as well as scented, lovely for the Christmas table or gifts. I also have some lovely Merino comfort socks available in various colours and sizes. Call Toni Jolliffe, 314-4696 or 027 242-4469. Just a few ideas for Christmas gifts. 3 Handy Pups 1 male 2 females, 3 months old, ready to go. $75 phone Scott, 027 260-0668 Basketball Hoop with Net & Bolts – brand new $30 Phone 314-4377 School Uniforms S enior Girls, 1 winter, 1 summer skirt. Several white long sleeved shirts sizes 12, 14 and 16. Short sleeved shirt size 14. Senior Boys white long sleeved shirt size 37. PE Shirts sizes small and medium. Some hardly worn. Phone 314-4110 Eggs 1 dozen $ 4.50 and ½ dozen $3.50. Phone 314-4110 Christian Christmas Cards - Packet of 5 $2.50 contact Maureen Bamford 314-4262, please leave a message. Horse Manure $3 per bag. Phone John Crean 314-4311. Firewood Next seasons: Old man pine $175, Blue Gum $200 per cord. Phone Ken 027 733-4107. School Phone Fax Cancellation Email Web Principal 314-4430 314-4559 314-2320 [email protected] www.hurunuicollege.school.nz [email protected] Board of Trustees Chairperson Paul van der Meer Secretary Judith Topp Parent Elected Representatives Jacqui Carthy Bernie Dobbs Bronwyn Gunn Michelle McKinnel Whanau Representative: Dean Smith Student Representative: Jess Vernal Staff Representative Melissa Brown Principal Steve Beck Fi’s Flowers ‘n’ Art Brackenfields, Amberley Ph 314-8933 Stylish floral bouquets, gift baskets and table arrangements delivered daily Christmas gifts and jewellery in store now. Wedding Quotes. Don’t delay, order today TE ARA 2014, HURUNUI COLLEGE MAGAZINE Orders are now taken. Please return order with payment $15. Magazines will be distributed at Prize Giving, Thursday 11th December. Name:…………………………………………………………….. The magazine is a great collection of student’s work, photographs and 2014 recollections. Limited number, so order yours now! 314-4622 314-4420 314-2155 314-4014 314-4411 314-4155 314-4404 314-4155 314-2454 314-2551
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