Philadelphia PA Inquirer 1907

Sunny Sparks
Seven Boys' Names Rules and ConditionsWinners in Circus
—The woman who was carried away by her
Do not fall to Mad the rule* and obey
must necessarily have been a porsou
Parade Puzzleemotions
in the Puzzle them
to the letter, aa all coupon* which are
of strong feelings.
not in accordance with the rule* will posiThe names of seven boys arc to be found tively not be considered.
in the pictures comprising this week's puzzle
Carelessness in cutting the coupon and negwork
They look easy, the names, not the ligence in omitting addresses are two of the
boys, and, then again, they may prove hard. principal causes for failure to win price*.
The rales govern!** the »»Md of the
For I lie TKN BKHT solutions, The Inquirer prises MUST UK .aTOIXsT AND INTBIXloffers TKN r i t l / r . s . ,..n,uil,i< of whatever QBNTLT followed.
All answers must be uddressed, BOX 1"1»
the solver most denlres. the rout not lo exceed
1'OMTOt'KICB, Philadelphia.
%i each.
The coupon MUST BB CUT fv»iu the p**e
In addition to these ten prizes The Inquirer EXACTLY ON TMB LINK O* THB BOBDKB. 80ILBD AND BAOOBD COUFONH
will send one hundred very entertaining as Wtl.I. HK OIVBN NO 0ON8IDBBATION.
sell as useful souvenirs to the one hundred
Names and addresses must be plainly
hoys and girls whose coupons aie next best to written or typed In their respective place*.
The Information a* to nge, sex, etc., must be
the ten principal winners. In every ease neat- written In the blnnh place so marked.
C'OUrON8 ONLY may he enclosed la the
ness and spelling will count.
envelope. The pussle pictures, ether part*
Head (he KIT.KM AND CONDITIONS, and of the magaslae, letters, etc., will cause the
COMPLY WITH TIIKH TO TIIK LBTTBB coupon to be thrown aside without further
otherwise your answers will not be recogProper postage mast be placed upea the
envelope. Kvery week The Inquirer receive*
notices from peetmaeters at various point*
telling of mall matter, addressed to Box Ml*.
brlnx held for lack of the leant amount of
- > > postage.
••The given aamea of the solvers mast be
written. The editor cannot determine whether ) . Jones means John Jones or Jennie
Where articles of wear, shoes, elothlag, etc.,
JULY 28, 1907 are asked for. the correct slses must be given.
All article* desired by the winners will b ,
famished If It Is at all possible t* procure
BAINCOATS FOB OIRI.H caonot be had
for ••{. DO NOT ASK FOB T1IKM.
Firearms ef any description or weapons of
any character will net be given.
More than one answer may be seat la, bat
only one prise will be given to one person.
Spelling and general neatness will be faeter* In awarding the prises.
H.>lver* most give their addresses at such
places where delivery may be made, ether
thiiu the postofflce address.
Failure to promptly acknowledge the receipt of the prises will debar the recipient
No. 1
from any future awards.
The Inquirer
Boys and Girls Coupon
No. 2.
Exchanges ef prlaee will not be allowed,
except aa follows:
When the article la defective, er la net. aa
closely aa It la possible to obtain, ef the value of »;.«o.
When not of proper slse as aaked for, la
wearing apparel, etc.
All applications for exchange must be made
to the editor of the Beys' and Girls' Mngnslne.
not received within three days after publication of names, winners should notify the
Killtor of the Boys' and Olrls' Magaslne.
No. 3„
No. 4.
No. S_
No. 6_
No. 7.
If 1 am successful send me
M a l l Coupon by Tuesday
^ 1
i i
a i
Solvers Please Read
Those whose solutions were correct and to
whom no award was made, arc asked to not
write to the editor, claiming a price. There
J are but ten prices, and the awards are made
with absolute impartiality.
With all the whirl of the Klks' assembly,
the puzzle solvers could not be weaned from
their weekly pleasure and price seeking, in
The Inquirer's I toys and Girls Magicine. The
vast number of answers to the Circus Parade
Puzzle of July 14, kept our big corps of
young women very busy for several days,
opening and assorting the answers, preparatory to the final selection of the winners.
—It is an odd man who does not enjoy getting even.
•When an athlete has a good record it
seems a pity for him to go and break it.
—Stranger (seeking information)-"Well,
bub, do you know the lay of the land?"
Bub (aged ten) -"Yes, sir; the 'Star Spangled Banner,' sir."
-Teacher "Who ran tell me what useful
THE CORRECT ANSWERS ARK: 1 - article we get from the whale? Johnny?"
Johnny- -Whalebone."
Teacher--"Right! Now, what little boy or
0 - girl knows what we get from the seal? Tommy?
ZEBRA; 7 - B A N D 8 .
Tommy—"Sealing wax."
—"Gracious! that was an awful clap of thunTHE TKN VALUABLE PRIZES WERE der;
it frightened me terribly."
"Pooh! thunder can't hurt you."
"Can't, eh? Didn't you ever hoar of a perARK REQUESTED TO PROMPTLY ACKson being thunderstruck?"
--Castles in the air do not bring in any
BERTHA ANDRE, 2101 Seybeit street, rent.
Phila.; 8H0ES.
-Would-be facetious teacher—"Boys, there
MARTHA PABEL, 22 North Tenth street, is an old saying that if you give a man an
Stroudsburg, Pa.; UMBRELLA.
inch he will take an ell. Now, can you tell
1510 North
Fifty- me what would he the result if you were to
give a man a foot?"
fourth street. Phila.; SHOES.
Small but bright boy-"He would kick."
* *
HERBERT W. HOLT.. SOU Chestnut street.
—Mr. Figg—"What was the text at church
West Reading, Pa.; CATCHER'S MITT.
today, Robert?"
ELLA M. HYATT, 125 North Fremont
Robert—Consider the lilies of the field;
street, Baltimore, Md.; FOUNTAIN PEN. they toil not, neither do they swim."
GEORGE M. MORRIS. JR.; 388 Walnut
-Sunday school teacher—"Now, Arthur,
street, Camden, N. J.; BASE BALL SUIT. tell me what took all the snap out of SamJEANNETTK ROBINSON. 067 Main street, son?"
Arthur—"A home-made hair-cut, ma'am."
s e a
- Teacher—"Who was Atlaa?"
HELEN WELLS, 2724 Montgomery avenue,
Albert-"A road ageut."
Teacher—"How, do you make that out?"
CLARENCE WILUAMSON, 3214 ChestAlbert—"A road agent is a stage-robber,
isn't he?"
nut street, Phila.; FOUNTAIN PEN.
Teacher---" Yea, that's what he's called someZELLA M. WOLF, 404 South Main street, times."
Albert- "Shakesiieare says, 'All the world's
Chambersburg, Pa.; HAMMOCK.
a stage.'"
The one hundred pretty souvenir prises
Albert—"Atlas supported the world, didn't
have been sent to that number of solvers, he?"
Teacher—"Mythology says so."
whose coupons were considered as next best,
Albert—"Well, then." (triumphantly) "Atafter the winners of the ten principal prises
las held up the stage. ',
had been selected.
• • P
—"Is this Mr. Mize?"
Special Warning
"Yes, madam."
"ihe painter of miniature*?"
Solvers who aak for wearing apparel must . "Yes, madam."
put full particulars as to sice, color, shape,
"What'U you charge to paint a life-size minstyle, etc. Articles are sent just as asked for iature of my daughter?"
» •
when possible to get them. No exchange will
--Teacher—"Bobby, what does lazy mean?"
be permitted unless on account of error on
Bobby—"Lazy means always to want your
our part. •
little sister to get it for you."
Solvers must he careful in naming the
- T h e boy is by the fanner seen
prices wanted, that the articles do not cost
To seize upon the apples green,
more than $2.00.
The fanner laughs, "Ha! ha! ho! ho!
"That theft my boy, will bring you woe!"
Too true, alas! at midnight's nour
The boy is in the apples power.
Writes a mother of a witty son: My fouryear-old boy remarked confidentially to the
—Benevolent party—"My man, don't you
cook, the other day, that he "would hate to think fishing is cruel sport?"
be a chicken."
Fisherman—"Cruel? Well, I should say so.
"Why, Bob?" she asked.
I have sat here six hours and have not had u
" 'Cause f would have to lay eggs, and I bite, been nearly eaten up by mosquitoes and
don't know how," was the response. •
the sun has parboiled the back of my neck."
- v
Untitled Document
Thomas M. Tryniski
309 South 4th Street
Fulton New York