FOCUS on Minor Home Modifications

C ontinuing P rofessional D e v elopment
FOCUS on Minor Home Modifications
Function, Occupation, Clinical reasoning, Universal, Skill development
Occupational therapists.
This workshop is suitable for all occupational therapists regardless of experience
in prescribing home modifications. The workshop will focus on:
Increasing knowledge and skills related to prescribing minor home
Experiential learning – translating theory into practical skill development
Developing/consolidating functional assessment and clinical reasoning skills
Interpreting and applying AS 1428, as appropriate
Increasing awareness/knowledge of innovations and new products within
the home modifications industry.
The FOCUS skills and strategies developed in this workshop may also be
applicable to other areas of occupational therapy practice such as:
Supervision of occupational therapists
Supervision of occupational therapy students
Prescribing assistive technology.
Time:8am to 4.30pm
(Registration table opens at 7:45am.)
Date: Friday 8 August 2014
Location: Daily Living Skills Laboratory
Level 8, Building B
Southern Cross University
Gold Coast campus
Southern Cross Drive†
Bilinga QLD 4225
( †Access via Terminal Drive, Gold Coast Airport.)
Registration Fees
Occupational Therapists:
Early Bird:* $297 (inc. GST)
Late Registration: $370 (inc. GST)
*Early Bird: registration form received and
payment made by Friday 27 June 2014, 5pm.
Limited places available.
EVENT information
A professional development workshop for occupational therapists
Margaret Neuss is an Associate Lecturer in the Bachelor of Occupational Therapy degree at Southern Cross
University. She has extensive experience in prescribing home modifications in a range of settings including
metropolitan, regional and rural NSW, as well as overseas in Northern Ireland.
Margaret was the specialist occupational therapist for the home modifications industry in NSW for nearly six
years until 2013. She has a Master of Education (UNSW) and has been designing and presenting workshops
on home modifications for occupational therapists and others, including builders, for the past 14 years.
WORKSHOP FACILITATORS – Loris Higgins and Yvonne Pennisi
Loris Higgins is a community occupational therapist with the Aged Care Service, Royal North Shore
Hospital, Sydney. A primary function of this position is undertaking home assessments throughout the Lower
North Shore of Sydney. Loris has extensive experience prescribing home modifications, both minor and
major. She has been involved in designing and presenting home modifications workshops for occupational
therapists for the past 14 years.
Contact Carla Robinson, Continuing
Professional Development (CPD) and
events coordinator, for the School of
Health and Human Sciences,
to register.
T: 07 5589 3231
F: 02 6620 3880
E: [email protected]
This event may be relevant to your
current scope of practice and be
useful to ensure on-going professional
development related to this scope of
Please find further information about
continuing professional development
on the AHPRA website.
CRICOS Provider: 01241G
School of Health & Human Sciences
C o n ta c t:
Yvonne Pennisi has more than 12 years of experience as an occupational therapist and runs her own private
practice, located within the Gold Coast and Northern Rivers areas, specialising in home modifications and
lymphoedema. Yvonne currently teaches in Southern Cross University’s Bachelor of Occupational Therapy
degree. She has developed and lectured in the undergraduate unit Home and Community Occupations – this
includes the co-development of the home modifications component.
C ontinuing P rofessional D e v elopment
Time: 8am to 4.30pm
(Registration table opens at 7.45am.)
Date: Friday 8 August 2014
Location:# SCU Gold Coast campus
#Refer to the front of the event flyer for additional location details.
Registration Details:
Payment options:
Early Bird* $297 (inc. GST) OR
Late Registration $370 (inc. GST)
My contact details are:
Title: .......... First Name: ..................................................... Surname: ..........................................................................................
(Name to be written as you would like it to appear on the Statement of Attendance.)
Organisation: ..................................................................................................................................................................................
Address (
work /
home): ...................................................................................................................................................... Town/suburb: .................................................................................. State: ........................... Postcode: .....................................
Phone — Home: ...............................................Work:.................................................... Mobile: .................................................. QLD
Email (required to confirm registration and payment): .....................................................................................................................
Please advise if you have any dietary requirements (e.g. dairy free, gluten free, vegetarian) ...........................................................
Would you like to be on the email list for future SCU health events?
/ No
*EARLY BIRD registration closes by Friday 27 June 2014, 5pm.
Registration and payment assumes acknowledgement of, and consent to, the ‘EVENT INFORMATION’ below.
Cheque or
money order (enclosed) — must accompany registration and be made payable to
Southern Cross University
Amount Paid: $
This payment includes refreshments and a light lunch on the event day.
Invoice — requested/approved by organisation. Please complete all the details below. The organisation’s manager/
authorising officer must indicate approval by signing below and/or sending an email request and Purchase Order
number to Carla Robinson ([email protected]) before the invoice is issued.
Invoice — requested/approved by an individual (personal payment). Please complete the invoice authorisation details below.
(Note: if you choose this personal payment option, please ensure you indicate your home address in the REGISTRATION
DETAILS above).
Invoice authorisation:
Issue invoice to the following organisation:
Full name:
Organisation’s name:
Organisation’s address:
Organisation’s ABN:
Purchase Order:
Send to
CONFIRMATION of registration and payment will be made via email.
Please fill out form with required electronic signatures and click SUBMIT FORM. Alternatively, just fill out, click PRINT FORM, sign and
forward the completed registration form by email, post or fax with full payment to:
Carla Robinson, CPD Events Coordinator, School of Health and Human Sciences, Southern Cross University
Gold Coast campus, Locked Bag 4, Coolangatta QLD 4225 T: 07 5589 3231 F: 02 6620 3880 E: [email protected]
E ve n t I n f o rm at i o n :
Disclaimer: Event organisers make
every effort to ensure that the educational
material presented at this workshop is
as advertised. However, content may be
altered at the discretion of the facilitator/
The running of this workshop is dependant
on sufficient participant numbers.
Cancellation and Refund Policy:
Southern Cross University reserves the
right to cancel or postpone any event. If
this occurs registration fees will be fully
refunded, however, the University bears no
responsibility for any loss incurred (such as
flights, accommodation, travel expenses or
loss of income).
In the event of a participant cancellation a
refund will be given, minus a 25 per cent
administration fee, up until five working
days prior to the event. We regret that
NO REFUNDS will be given if notification
occurs less than five working days prior to
the event.
Replacement Delegates: You may
send a replacement delegate, with no extra
charge, up until five working days prior to
the event.
Event Recording: This event may
be audio-visually recorded by the event
organiser for training and educational
purposes, with participants permission.
Print FORM
Registration and Payment Form
The E vent
Minor Home